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Jackson's Rise

Page 5

by Tielle St Clare

  “Now, a visual like that would almost be worth letting another man fuck you.”

  She mentally gasped but did her best to contain the sound. Jackson would watch her having sex with someone else? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. And what did he mean “let” her? He didn’t “let” her do anything. She opened her mouth to explain that in clear precise terms but the screeching of the teakettle interrupted her.

  The piercing sound wailed above them but neither moved.

  “I should get that,” she said when it was clear Jackson wasn’t going to release her on his own. He stared into her eyes—the strength of his embrace sending shivers over her skin, a subtle warning that he wasn’t a mild-mannered accountant she could control. She was about to ask again—the screaming kettle grating her nerves—when he stepped back, his hand sliding away, fingers trailing off her waist in a slow caress.

  Confused as hell she stumbled into the kitchen. This had gone from being a friendly evening—though if she were honest it was never quite that—to some strange sexual game. And she wasn’t sure who was playing who. Or who was winning.

  She took a deep breath, trying to regain her center before she went back to the living room. Jackson was alternately sweet and sexual and she wasn’t quite sure how to deal with that.

  She poured the water in the carafe and carried the tray into the living room. He came forward and took the tray, placing it on the coffee table. The material of his trousers pulled across his ass adding definition she hadn’t expected. The heated sexual discussion from moments before seemed forgotten. It was all very civilized and elegant…if Dani could get over how good his ass looked and that with one good shove she could have him on his back and be on top of him.

  She flexed her fingers, keeping them busy so they didn’t reach out and touch.

  Touching is bad.

  Jackson stepped to the side, giving Dani space to sit. The faint scent of his aftershave teased her nose and she wanted to snuggle close, breathe him in deep. God he smelled good. Her nipples tightened and she knew they were pressed against her top. She could have chosen something a little more modest but the devil in her won. She had a good body. She worked damn hard to keep this body.

  But that doesn’t mean you have to behave like a slut. The mental reprimand seemed to help and she lowered herself to the couch in her most ladylike fashion, knees closed, the hem of her skirt down. Not that it helped much. The skirt only reached mid-thigh when she was standing.

  Maybe this wasn’t the best outfit to sit and talk in. She had a whole closet full of clothes upstairs. Something would be appropriate. She’d just pull the old “slip into something more comfortable” routine. Except she needed to slip into something that covered more flesh.

  She lifted her head to say she was going to change. She expected to meet Jackson’s gaze. Every time she had looked at him tonight, he’d met her eyes. He didn’t have to stare at her chest before finding her face either. Another reason she liked him so much.

  But this time, he wasn’t staring at her eyes. He wasn’t even staring at her breasts. He was looking at her legs and the line of her skirt stretched across her thighs. His eyes glowed with an unnatural light, looking almost red in the soft illumination of her living room. The heat from his stare warmed her pussy, making her already wet sex ache. His chest expanded and contracted in quick succession, as if he fought to control his breathing, to control himself.

  Part of her recognized the danger.

  Feeling strangely like a mouse being hunted by an eagle, Dani’s first instinct was to freeze but she shook off the sensation. She shifted, leaned more on one hip and turned toward him. The subtle movement seemed to jolt Jackson and he straightened, looked away and blinked before finally turning back. The weird light she thought she’d seen in his eyes was gone as was the sensation of being hunted.

  A heavy tension hung between them that hadn’t been there before.

  “Have a seat,” she said, tipping her head toward cushion beside her. He nodded but didn’t sit. Though she knew she’d regret it later, the flirt in her wouldn’t let her ignore the opportunity. She leaned forward, knowing what it did to the top of her dress. She pressed her breasts against the silky material so they were clearly defined. Jackson followed the direction of her body and looked down. She lifted her right shoulder and draped her arm across the back of the couch. The movement raised her top and revealed a few inches of skin at her waist. It was a wicked sensation—to feel like the seducer.

  For a minute she thought he’d back away but then the corner of his mouth kicked up. “Tempting.”

  She waited for the rest of his statement but nothing followed.

  Instead, he sat down beside her, leaving mere inches between their bodies. He moved with a vibrant energy, as if danger had become a force inside him. The contradiction fascinated her. The polite gentleman who’d given her his coat when she was cold was as real as the wild animal that seemed just below the surface.

  Another shiver raced down her spine. The delightful tingle settled into her pussy and she pressed her knees together, trying to keep the sensation under control.

  Jackson’s gaze wandered down her body, pausing at her pussy and then moving on, lingering at her knees. The edge of his mouth pulled up into a half smile.

  “That won’t help, baby,” he said, his voice low, compelling.

  She swallowed. “What?”

  “Squeezing your legs together.” His fingers wiggled into the tight space between her knees. Dani shifted, willing her legs not to open but knowing she’d just made it easier for him. “All that’s going to do is make the hunger worse.” The smile grew a little deeper. Every nerve in her body came alive. She gasped. All he’d done was touch her knee and her skin was humming. She didn’t look down, didn’t dare. The sight of his hand on her skin would be too much. Instead she stared into his eyes. Not much better. The beautiful green darkened, almost to black.

  She gulped. “Hunger?” she asked trying focus on his words, not on the heat radiating from his touch. Subtle but the intensity made her shiver. He didn’t try to grab up under her dress, wasn’t even trying to seduce her into opening her thighs. He just stroked the inside of her knee, as if warning her that she would be spreading her legs soon.

  The center of her stomach fell away. Damn. She was seducing herself.

  Jackson nodded, leaning a little closer. “Hunger. So strong, you can’t resist it.”

  As if a string pulled her forward, she leaned into him. Jackson bent toward her, their lips meeting in a light kiss, the delicate contact drawing out a moan. The warm addictive flavor of his lips drew her closer. He didn’t pull away, nor did he deepen the kiss. She tried to hold back but every sexual thought she’d suppressed throughout the evening came flooding back. She needed to taste him. She opened her lips and flicked her tongue out, teasing the peak of his upper lip. He brushed their lips together and then pulled back. Quick samples that made her crave more.

  She dug her fingers into the couch cushion, holding her body in place. Her head spun as she tried to understand what was happening. A few simple kisses and her body was vibrating. His fingers lingered on her knee, delicately stroking the soft skin. He didn’t touch her anywhere else. Her nipples scrunched to peaks so tight she was tempted to grab her own breasts and squeeze just to get some relief. She tightened her knees but Jackson was right—that only made the ache in her pussy worse. She needed to open her legs and have him between them.

  Fighting for each breath, she squirmed in her seat but each time she moved closer, he subtly retreated, not taking away the magical kisses but keeping his body out of reach.

  He pulled back, leaving her lips wanting more. Her cry was more whimper than moan. His lips bent into a slow smile. He skimmed his mouth along her jaw, fire kisses that left a heated trail. Her pussy warmed with hot liquid. His teeth nipped her earlobe, a bite just a little too hard to be pleasure. She gasped but the sound turned to a sigh as he sucked gently on the site, tea
sing it with his tongue.

  “Where’s your phone?”

  The question was followed by hot kiss beneath her ear.


  “Your phone, baby. Where is it?”

  Clarity inserted itself for one moment. She tingled from head to toe, her brain spun with the need to fuck. He had his hand on the inside of her thigh, his lips on her neck and he wanted to use the frickin’ phone?

  “You need to call someone now?”

  Chapter Four

  Her sex-drugged brain struggled to process his question. Admittedly, neither of them was naked and they’d barely kissed but who could he possibly need to call now?

  “You need to make a call now?” She drew back and stared into Jackson’s eyes, assuming he was kidding, that this was a joke she didn’t get.

  No laughter stared back at her.

  “I don’t. You do.”

  “Who am I calling at two in the morning? When we’re about to…” She let the words trail because maybe she’d mistaken about what was going to happen and they weren’t actually going to bed. Desire flared in Jackson’s stare. No, she couldn’t have been mistaken. They were certainly headed to bed and he thought she needed to call someone?


  Dani’s stomach dropped.

  Jackson reached up, stroking one finger down her cheek. “If we’re going to take this any further, you need to break up with him.” Dani nodded. Jackson was right. She couldn’t sleep with Jackson without making a clean break from Max but was she prepared to do that?

  “Is that what you want?” she asked, not sure which part of Jackson’s statement she was addressing.

  He nodded and that strange light glowed in his eyes once again. He leaned forward, cupping her cheek in his palm as he kissed her lips. “Once isn’t going to be enough.” He breathed the words into her mouth, calling her lips to move with his until she felt herself speaking them back. “I’m going to need you again and again.”

  “Yes.” Her whispered reply echoed through the room, growing in strength until it was almost a scream by the time it returned to her.

  “Call Max.”

  Her stomach flip-flopped again. She wanted Jackson, wanted what he was offering and truly if she was this into him, then it was obviously over with Max, but still, it was frightening to give up a man who offered to marry her. Even if that engagement was on hold.

  “It’s late,” she offered in weak protest.

  “It’s Max.”

  Jackson had a point. Taking a deep breath, she turned away and stood. Her cell phone was in her purse. Jackson followed. Taking a deep breath, she touched the screen on her phone. Here I go. I’m going to do it. Hesitating just a moment longer, she turned and looked at Jackson. He stood one step away from her, calm and strong. No pressure. It was her choice.

  She tipped the phone over in her hand.

  “Am I doing this for a one-night fuck?” She didn’t doubt that it would be a great night of sex.

  The corner of Jackson’s mouth kicked up but his eyes remained serious. “Doesn’t feel like one night to me.”

  Dani nodded, appreciating his honesty. He didn’t vow eternal love. That she wouldn’t have believed. And if she was honest, she knew it wasn’t going to work with Max. Might as well get out now. Grabbing her courage one more time, she turned away from Jackson as she touched Max’s name on the screen, tensing at the first ring. Max always answered his phone. Unless he was fucking, he answered.

  It rang a second time.

  Jackson’s arm slid around her waist, easing her back against his chest. Heat flowed into her body, shoring up her strength. The ring repeated in her ear.

  Max wasn’t answering. That made her feel better. Max was taking their “break” seriously.

  His voice rumbled through the phone instructing her to leave a message.

  Hot lips pressed against her neck and grabbed her attention. She tipped her head, inviting more. Jackson’s lips curved on her skin but he accepted her invitation, trailing kisses up to just below her ear.

  “Talk, baby,” he whispered, the words painted with lust and teasing.

  “Huh?” She’d missed the beep. “Oh, Max, it’s Dani.” That was inane. He knew her voice. Or he should.

  Jackson nipped at her earlobe. She jumped but the arm around her held her in place, easing his erection against her backside. She squirmed, pressing her ass back, needing more. Again he responded, giving her what she craved. He shifted his hold, placing both hands on her hips and pulling her back, snugging her tight against his body.

  His right hand slid forward, moving below her waist, fingers teasing the crease between her thigh and hip. Breath caught in her throat and she held herself still, not wanting to miss a single touch.

  “Talk, baby.”

  Damn. “Uh, Max, it’s Dani. Oh wait, I already said that.” The hand moved farther south, fingers tripping across her pussy, light brushes that sent delicious sparkles into her sex. Heat rushed through her body, weakening her knees. “Listen, I think we should—” Jackson rocked his hips forward, grinding his cock against her ass. “Oh God, uhm, sorry, Max, right.” Jackson eased away. Cool air rushed across her bare back. Moments later his fingers stroked her skin, lingering caresses that moved up to her neck. “I think it might be better if we—” He fiddled with the strap around her neck. Her mind figured out what was happening moments before gravity took over. Tiny trickles raced across her nipples. Her uncoordinated fingers reached for the material but it was already gone. Dani gasped and her top slipped away, flowing into a glittering pile at her feet.

  Leaving her topless. With one hundred degree heat outside, she’d left the air on as they’d gone to dinner, giving the room a nice chill. She shivered as the cold swirled across her skin.

  “What the—?” Before she could get the question out, Jackson cupped one breast, his other hand continuing the delicate strokes to her pussy, muted through the material of her skirt. The hand holding her breast gave a quick squeeze then the fingers slipped down gripping her nipple in an almost painful pinch. Almost painful. The shock raced into her core. She wasn’t overly fond of having her breasts played with—her nipples had never been sensitive—and if she was going to get any pleasure from it, she needed a firm touch. And Jackson had found it. With one caress. He reached across her body and tweaked her other nipple.

  She anticipated this one but it only made it worse. Or better. “Oh fuck.” Her knees wobbled and she placed her hand on the wall to keep from falling. The rush of air on her skin battled with Jackson’s hot touch and left her feverish.

  Jackson reached down and grabbed the hem of her skirt. “Yes.” She arched her back, pushing her ass toward him, subtly helping him raise her skirt. He trailed kisses along her neck, laving the hot skin with his tongue.

  “The phone, baby.”

  Phone? She looked at the phone. Why did she have it in her hand? Oh, right. Damn. “Oh, right, Max.” Jackson’s evil chuckle jerked her from the sensual fog he’d created. She jabbed her elbow back and was rewarded with a grunt as she connected. “Listen, I think we should just consider this break permanent.”

  Jackson turned her, facing her into the wall, using both hands to pull her skirt the rest of the way up. Heat washed over her ass as he pressed against her, the hard line of his cock snuggling into the split between her cheeks. He trailed one finger down the front of her pussy, teasing the silk of her panties. The isolated caress created an intense streak, stopping at her clit. He didn’t rub hard, just a little touch that made her move, wanting more.

  Oh yeah.

  “It’s definitely permanent.” She blinked and stared at the wall, her body already moving beyond the phone call but innate politeness made her finish in some normal way. “Well, have a good night.” The forced perkiness to her voice made her cringe. “Bye.”

  She killed the call and slapped the phone onto the table.

  Then she felt it. The pulsing of Jackson’s chest as he laughed. No sound
came out but she felt every chuckle.

  “It’s not funny,” she snapped, jerking her elbow backward again. This time he was ready. He grabbed her arm and trapped it against her body, holding her in place. Irritation put a huge damper on her lust and she stared at the wall thinking she might have made a huge mistake.

  “You break up with a guy then tell him to have a good night?” The laughter tainted his voice but affection lingered behind the sound. He tightened his hold around her waist and whispered. “I think you pretty much screwed up his whole week.”

  She looked over her shoulder, trying not to smile though she could see the humor in it. Jackson’s eyes met hers.


  The serious glint returned to his gaze and with that the mood in the room shifted. “Yes.”

  The lust and hunger that had vibrated between them all night returned, slamming into her chest, making it hard to breathe. Every nerve in her body fluttered but it was beyond the physical. She believed him.

  “How do you do that?” she asked, trying to focus on her question even as she succumbed to the slight pressure from Jackson’s chest to lean forward. Following his silent guidance, she put her other hand on the wall.

  “Do what?” Curiosity laced his question but she could tell his attention was focused elsewhere. Like maybe on her ass. She pushed her hips back, rubbing against his erection. The low grunt-groan combination made her smile. Gave her a little power. He wasn’t as in charge as he appeared.

  She swirled her hips again, loving the heat against her ass. It sank through her skin, warming her core. “Somehow when you talk, I believe you.”

  “You can believe me.”

  She giggled, repeating the slow swirl against his groin. “Right. Nothing personal, Jackson, but no woman in her right mind believes everything a man says. Especially when they’re fucking.”

  She felt the silence. Then the world spun as he whipped her around. Her back hit the wall, a subtle shock to her already strained system. His hand cupped her head, making sure it didn’t bounce against the wall.


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