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Jackson's Rise

Page 27

by Tielle St Clare

  That thought kept him amused long enough to fill the time until Reign placed the thick head of his cock to Jackson’s ass. He’d been stretched and had done this before but still Reign’s cock was thick. He pushed the first few inches in and waited, giving Jackson time to adjust before pressing deeper.

  The burning returned, straining his muscles to hold still as Reign filled him.

  Jackson lifted his head, gasping for breath, fighting the pain-pleasure that assaulted his ass. It felt good, so good. There was a corner of his mind that felt like he should rebel, that he shouldn’t want this so much but damn he couldn’t resist the need to feel Reign inside him. His body was primed to fuck.

  “Oh, fuck you feel good,” Reign groaned, sinking in. He kept his penetrations slow, almost tormenting.

  “So do you,” Jackson felt compelled to admit. He looked up. Dani watched, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of sexual pleasure and laughter. “And you, baby, taste delicious.” Deciding he’d been too long from her cunt, he lowered his head and licked a long single stroke up the center of her slit. Breath caught in her throat and Reign’s cock twitched deep inside Jackson.

  “Oh, yeah, lick her, man. God, she is so sweet.”

  Agreeing silently with the male buried balls-deep in his ass, Jackson buried his face in her cunt and sank his tongue into her passage, stretching deep before drawing back and licking the sensitive opening.

  Distant noises tried to penetrate Jackson’s mind but he brushed the intrusions aside. All that mattered was Dani and Reign.

  Reign lifted off his back and grabbed Jackson’s hips.

  Jackson braced himself, digging his elbows into the mattress, knowing that Reign’s slow thrusts were going to change. A cautious fuck wasn’t on the agenda. Reign pulled back. A wicked retreat before the hard penetration. The shock made Jackson tense but Reign’s hands and soothing words eased him and he relaxed, letting Reign sink into him. Reign’s cock pressed against that sweet spot inside Jackson’s ass and he cried out.

  Dani squirmed beneath him and Jackson smiled. He didn’t want to neglect her. He dipped down and lapped at her pussy, teasing, tasting strokes, using her seductive scent to calm his pounding heart.

  Reign retreated and drove in, harder, deeper.

  Jackson fought back the moan, his body easing to take the thick cock. It felt so good.

  “Oh fuck, that’s—”

  The door popped open.

  Jackson snapped his head to the right. Breath locked in his lungs.

  Max filled the doorway, his mouth open, his eyes so wide he looked like a cartoon character.

  “Uh…uh…” His head twitched back and forth as he seemed to be taking it all in. “Damn. Uhm, I’ll be back. Later. Much later. Think I’ll go for a walk.”

  Before Jackson could protest, Max had backed out of the room and pulled the door shut.

  For a moment, no one moved.

  Then Dani draped her arm across her eyes and sighed. Red washed over her cheeks.

  Jackson took a deep breath and tried to contain the exploding neurons in his brain. Max. Had seen him. With Dani and Reign. “I need to go talk to him.”

  He squirmed, trying to break the hold his lovers had on his body. Reign’s cock shifted inside him and both men groaned. Even with his brother’s arrival, his need hadn’t subsided.

  Dani looked at him then her gaze shifted and she stared over his head to Reign. Some sort of silent communication passed between them.

  “I should go,” Jackson protested again, but he heard the wavering conviction in his voice.

  Reign’s hands tightened on his hips. And Dani’s fingers slid through his hair, subtly guiding him back to her cunt. The captivating perfume of her sex lured him closer and he couldn’t resist. He flicked out his tongue. The flavor exploded in his mouth.

  Even as he groaned, Reign sank back into his ass, filling him.

  “Wait. No. I need to go—” Hot teeth bit into his shoulder, followed by a slow stroke of Reign’s tongue.

  “Let me fuck you,” Reign whispered. His voice compelling in its power. “Let me have you.” He pumped his cock again into Jackson’s ass. “And you can’t leave Dani desperate. Needing your mouth.”


  “Later. Now you belong to us.”

  Jackson couldn’t resist—the pleasure of Reign’s cock and the sweet taste of Dani’s cunt. Blocking his brother from his mind, he let his lovers captivate his senses, pressing back as Reign fucked him, driving his tongue into Dani’s pussy, savoring her taste as she cried out, coming against his lips.

  He groaned as Reign’s large hand closed around his cock, pumping in time to his thrusts, until Jackson couldn’t hold back. He cried out, coming on the bed sheet. Reign moaned moments later, his cock buried deep inside Jackson, hot spurts filling his ass.

  * * * * *

  Jackson scraped his wet hair back from his face, using his fingers to comb through the longish strands. His body was buzzing—alive with good sex and emotion. He needed to find his brother. Needed to explain. It wasn’t going to be a fun conversation but it needed to be done. And the sooner the better.

  He picked up the phone and hit Max’s number. His twin answered almost immediately.

  “Where you at?” Jackson asked.

  “Downstairs. By the pool.”

  “I’ll be down.” He clicked the phone off and took a deep breath. It was time to face his brother.

  But first he had to face his lovers.

  He walked out of the bathroom, stopping when he saw Dani and Reign still lying on the bed, the scent of their loving filling the room.

  “I need to go talk to Max.”

  Dani nodded but she snagged her lower lip with her teeth.

  Instead of turning toward the door, he knelt beside the bed and kissed her, sinking his tongue into her mouth, needing her taste with him.

  “It’ll be okay, baby.”

  Again she nodded but he could tell she didn’t believe him.

  Reign watched as well, his eyes shuttered and dark.

  Jackson pushed himself up and headed for the door. “I’ll be back.” His foot had landed on the top stair when Reign’s voice stopped him.

  “Jackson.” The Cat approached cautiously. “Tell your brother whatever you need to.”

  “What?” Jackson turned and shook his head, not sure what Reign meant.

  “You know, tell him you were drunk or that I coerced you or that it was a one time shot. Sexual exploration. Tell him whatever you need to.” He grimaced and in the light, it almost looked like he blushed. “It won’t hurt my feelings or anything, I guess, is what I’m trying to say. Just tell him it was a one-off.”

  Jackson pushed back up onto the landing, crowding Reign with his body.

  “That would work.” He leaned in and kissed the other male, driving his tongue deep into his mouth, commanding a response before he pulled back. “But what will I tell him the next time he recognizes your scent on me? And the time after that.” He placed another fast, hard kiss on Reign’s mouth then ran down the stairs, strangely lighthearted. As if Reign’s reluctance to reveal their relationship made Jackson’s desire to do just that much stronger. Cats had a tendency to be very casual about their relationships but if Reign thought he was getting away without a fight, he was in for a surprise. Jackson’s wolf growled his agreement. The Cat had been claimed, marked. He belonged to Jackson now. And Jackson planned on keeping him.

  Jackson walked out the front door and down the zigzagging paths. It was early—damn early for Max—so Jackson didn’t run into anyone on his way.

  The pool area was quiet. Max reclined on one of the deck chairs, his face tilted up to the sun. Jackson remembered the night before and Dani spread out on one of those chairs, her skirt kicked up, her breasts bared and tight. His cock twitched inside his jeans and he hoped this conversation didn’t last long. He wanted to get back to his lovers. The desperate need to fuck would ease a bit, but now, so recently after he’d mark
ed them both, his body, his wolf needed to reinforce the claims.

  Max’s eyes popped open as Jackson approached.



  A strange distance appeared between them that Jackson hadn’t ever experienced.

  He sat down, taking the chair next to this twin but not reclining back.

  “You okay?” Max asked.

  Jackson smiled. Max was always trying to take care of him.

  “I’m good. You?”


  Silence filled the space and Jackson knew it was up to him to fill it. His brother wasn’t going to cross the abyss.

  “Listen, about upstairs—”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, I want to explain.”

  But Max interrupted again. “You and Dani?”

  Of that whole scene upstairs, the part he notices is Dani and me? He must be avoiding the other third of the situation.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  Max nodded. “I guess I can see that.” He laughed. “God, now that I think about it, I’m not sure why I didn’t see it before. You’re what she needs. She’s what you need. Damn, I bet you guys’ll be great together.”

  “Thanks.” It was good to have his brother’s blessing. But that was only part of the equation. “About Reign—”

  “No need to explain.”

  “No, I have to—”

  “Really you don’t.”

  Jackson crushed his wolf’s growl. He was the sane, calm twin. He had to remember that. Max sat up, swinging his legs to the side so their knees bumped into each other.

  “Listen, it’s—”

  Max’s hand covered Jackson’s mouth.

  “You don’t have to explain. Trust me. I understand.”

  Jackson tried to pull away but Max only followed him, his palm clamping down on Jackson’s mouth, inhibiting any sound.

  Max grimaced. “While I was in Alaska I met Mandy and Gideon.” Jackson nodded—because he sure as hell couldn’t speak. “And I’m sleeping with both of them.”

  “Mmm?” The answer came out muffled.

  “Yeah. Both of them. Not really sure how it happened but it did so I completely understand you and Reign. Though it’s going to take awhile to get that picture out of my head.” As if both men had forgotten that Max had his hand slapped across Jackson’s mouth, Max kept talking. “I mean, it must be something that runs in our family, with Mik and Taylor and Zach.”

  “Mmm?” Damn, he sounded like Scooby-Doo.

  “Oh yeah, you haven’t talked to Mikhel?”

  Jackson shook his head.

  “Well, that’s what he’s going to warn you about. I guess their wedding is going to be a three-way affair.” Max sighed and offered a self-defeated smile. “Well, I guess we all came by it honestly.”

  Jackson’s mind churned but it took a moment to catch up with Max’s last comment. Came by it honestly?

  He yanked Max’s hand away. “What?! Wait. You mean Mom and Dad and…” He thought about all those years, growing up in his father’s house. Who…? “Byron?”

  “Oh, yeah. Guess you haven’t talked to Dad either.”

  “No, I’ve been dodging his calls.”

  “I was too. He caught me just as I was leaving Alaska. I guess with Mik’s wedding they’ve decided to come out.”

  Jackson sank down, not sure how he felt about that. This was his parents after all and while he knew they had sex—obviously since they had five children—the idea of them having a sex life was a little too freaky for his mind to handle. And the fact that another male had entered in that relationship. Wow. It was going to take a bit of time before he could adjust to that reality.

  He looked over at Max. There was a foreign serenity—for lack of a better word—that hung about his brother.

  “You’re happy.” It wasn’t a question.


  “Mandy and Gideon, huh?” He didn’t know why the idea should shock him. After all, he was mating with a human female and a Cat. “Mates?”

  He nodded. “If they’ll have me. I haven’t quite broached that subject yet.”

  Jackson laughed. Max was the impulsive twin yet he was the one waiting to claim his mates. Jackson had just plowed forward.

  “What about you? Dani and Reign?”


  Max’s eyes squinted down. “He’s a Cat. How’s he dealing with the fact that you’re his mate?”

  “He’s having issues but he’ll come around.”

  “You sure?”

  Jackson shrugged. “He’d better or I’m pretty sure Dani will kill him.”


  “I’m going to kill him,” she muttered under her breath, watching Reign move through the crowd.

  Dani tapped her foot and swung her knees to the music. The crowd on the dance floor was an interesting mix of bodies. Or maybe an interesting concentration. The bride was dancing with both her grooms and her best friend was out there with her two lovers as well. Dani and Jackson had danced to the last song while Reign prowled the outside of the room. She glanced over, her eyes tracking his path. The feral heat to his stare made her heart flutter. He looked like a caged animal, searching for a weakness in the bars, ready to make his escape.

  “It will be all right,” Jackson whispered. He leaned close and put his hand on her leg. The tension in her body eased. His touch smoothed the rough edges of her nerves. And there had been a lot of them lately. She’d gotten vacation from the show so she could attend the wedding with Jackson. It hadn’t been strictly necessary but he’d wanted her to meet his family. The stress of that was bad enough—the stage manager wasn’t inclined to let dancers leave, not three weeks after the show had just opened.

  Then there had been the weirdness of meeting Jackson’s parents. Just three weeks after being engaged to their other son. The first meeting had been a mixture of tight smiles and confused looks.

  And on top of all of that, Reign looked like he was ready to bolt. He’d flirted with every female in the room. Jackson’s assurances helped a bit but she was going to rip Reign a new one once they got back to the hotel.

  If he even came back to them. What if he chose one of the cute female werewolves to go home with? The little bitches seemed more than eager.

  “Trust me, baby,” Jackson said, his voice calm and almost amused. “He’s fine.”

  She looked at Jackson, trying to take strength from his steady gaze.

  “If he puts his hand on one more woman…”

  She let the threat linger in the air.

  “Make him shower before he touches you. That will get him.”

  The twinkle in Jackson’s eyes made her smile. “And what will you be doing while he showers?” She leaned down and placed her lips against Jackson’s ear. “Fucking me?”


  “Licking me?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  She felt his answer deep inside her cunt, making it clench and shiver. God, she needed him. Wanted him. He was solid and strong. A man she could rely on. Someone to hold onto.

  “Loving me?” she asked again, pushing just a little, needing his strength to keep her steady.


  His soft, serious voice drilled through the sexual teasing, straight to her heart. She snapped her head back and she stared down. Lovers had told her before that they loved her but it was usually during or right before sex. Never just while they were playing.


  The right edge of Jackson’s mouth pulled up into an arrogant, confused smile.

  “Of course, baby. I love you.”

  The center of her chest fell away, leaving for a brief moment the empty hollow with purely sexual need, then the emptiness was filled—with love.

  “I love you too.”

  Their smiles matched as Jackson nodded.


  “What are we going to do about Reign?” she asked, tipping her head toward their wayw
ard lover.

  Jackson shook his head. “Don’t worry. He’s just freaking out because he’s a Cat but he’ll be back. They always return.”

  About midnight, Dani realized that Jackson had been right. Reign had scouted the crowd, scanning, sniffing, sampling the available females. But even when he’d disappeared, he’d returned, moments later, his face set in a disgruntled visage, like he hadn’t found what he was looking for.

  Dani tried to keep her nerves under control, she really did, but seeing Reign flirt and seduce all those women…

  Strong arms surrounded her pulling her back against a solid, hard chest.

  “Don’t worry,” Jackson assured her again.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “He’s disappeared with three different women and I’d really hate to have to rip their lips off at your brother’s wedding.”

  Jackson chuckled and cuddled her closer, easing her against his cock. “Yes, he left the room with three different women but did you notice how fast he returned? And without the woman?”

  She shook her head. She’d been too annoyed to see Reign leaving with a strange woman. She wasn’t about to watch the return, to see the flustered, flushed, satisfied look on the woman’s face. She’d seen the look on her own face too many times in the past three weeks. She didn’t want to see it on another female.

  “We both know Reign isn’t that fast of a fuck—not even for a quickie.”

  “Really?” She hated the hopeful sound in her voice.

  “Really.” Jackson tightened his arms around her. “I’ve seen him ride your slick cunt for hours, filling you, fucking you. He takes his time.”

  Every word was like a thousand tongues on her clit. She grabbed his hands and gripped them, using his strength to keep herself upright.

  “That’s it, baby. I’m going to take you home and fuck you, have you. Fill that sweet cunt, ride between your thighs, spilling my seed into you.”

  Unable to resist, she dropped her head back, not caring who might see. “Yes.” She rubbed her ass against his cock. “Fuck me.”

  “Soon. Soon, baby. I’m going to have you.”

  A low growl rumbled from behind them. It was familiar and Jackson chuckled when he heard it.

  “I think we finally got the kitty cat’s attention.”


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