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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Linzvonc


  I will never forget my mother’s screams as my father had her sedated, unable to bear her cries of anguish. Lucia had been savagely beaten, raped and left for dead, yet somehow, she survived. She was a Salvatore, made of intense strength, but no one expected her to live.

  My father made sure Lucia had the best round-the-clock care, whilst ordering the bastards to be brought to our home. My father, my elder brothers, and I all stood around the deep mahogany table as we wept, our anger demanding revenge.

  She was fifteen.

  None of us were home.

  Yet he was here.

  The intense anger raged through me as I remembered finding out he was her boyfriend, yet he had run like a bitch whilst she was being used by the perverted bastards inside her room, her screams following him through the gardens I’m sure—yet still he ran.

  It made no sense to me.

  When I found out, I was sixteen, a mere boy. But I made it clear I wanted in on the revenge. I smiled as I remembered hearing the pleading, the apologising. How this dirty bastard didn’t know she was my sister. I remember wondering how that made any difference.

  She would have been someone’s sister. Someone’s daughter. Maybe, one day, someone’s mother.

  That would never happen now. The doctor could not salvage her insides enough to let her carry a child, if by any miracle she conceived.

  I took great joy in peeling the skin from his eyelids, so he could never close his eyes. I made him swallow his own cock, piece by piece. Finally, I hung him from a meat hook by the rectum, until his heart gave way.

  I was there for his last breath as I told him it was for Lucia.

  When he meets the Devil, I hope he passes on my condolences. Even the Devil doesn’t deserve such scum for company.

  I blinked, realizing I was ice cold. I had been standing outside for longer than I realized, the sun having left long ago.

  Even though Leonardo didn’t hurt her, he didn’t stop them either.

  My father may have forgiven him by the fact he had killed Andre, but I hadn’t.

  He ran away, and for that I feel he deserved more than a one-night abduction of his girlfriend.

  My mind moved to her then, as I recalled seeing her for the first time in Lucia’s room. I couldn’t deny the attraction between us, but I don’t make a habit of stealing wives or girlfriends from other men, even ones as low as Leonardo Cape.

  I’m used to women falling at my feet, wanting to marry me, and get accustomed to the mob lifestyle. Yet she’d wanted to leave. Her fear was attractive, in a sadistic way. I would never hurt a woman, but when she walked down my staircase, it took everything I had not to call for Leo to be killed so I could make her mine, if only for an hour.

  But I was a man of my word. I owed her a favor after Lucia’s little prank.

  I would have to hope she would come to collect it.

  Part Two: Chapter Thirteen


  Summer break arrived perfectly on time, and I was looking forward to landing back in Winterburg with my delicious boyfriend in tow. His hand gripped mine as the plane descended, and I was reminded by how much he hated flying.

  “Yet again, I’m glad to be out of New York. I wish you could study somewhere else,” he grumbled as he tightened his grip on my hand.

  I decided it was best to bite my tongue here; this argument knew no end.

  He knew I had decided where I was studying when he had just upped and left me during my last year of high school. I didn’t expect him to return, and by then I was ready to move. But it was such a great program, taught by the finest in therapy.

  The plane distracted me by touching down, a good landing as far as they go. I glanced at Cal, who had his eyes closed, his face a deathly white.

  “Cal, we’ve landed, babe. Breathe.”

  He smiled faintly, his grip relaxing ever so slightly on my hand.

  We finally left the plane, the warm summer air greeting us like an old friend. I was giddy with excitement at seeing everyone, as my eyes scanned the airport crowds eagerly.

  “You’re like a kid on Christmas morning,” he laughed as he tugged our suitcases along easily beside him, his sleeves rolled up to reveal those muscular forearms I loved so much.

  “Cal, you get to see your parents!” I exclaimed, sad that he didn’t have the bond I had with my parents. He shrugged as his cool gaze fell on someone behind me, a smile creeping onto his face as I followed his eyes to see my parents striding towards us, my mother’s arms outstretched as she pulled me close, her sweet perfume instantly comforting me.

  My eyes pricked with tears as she whispered, “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too, Mom.”

  She released me so I could hug my dad, who kissed the top of my head as he wrapped his arms around me. I rested against his chest as my mom hugged Cal, commenting on how much of a man he was now becoming.

  This made my dad chuckle as he shook Cal’s hand firmly.

  I slid my arm back around Cal’s waist as my dad grabbed a suitcase from him, feeling stupidly content.

  This is my world, right here.

  As we walked to the car, I felt something inside of me relax, and the mindless chatter flowed between us as we drove home.

  “How was the flight?” my father asked, his eyes twinkling as they met mine in the rear-view.

  Cal shuddered beside me as I stifled a giggle, which suddenly escaped.

  “Contrary to anything Cal tells you, it was perfectly fine.”

  “We nearly died,” he pointed out, and laughter filled the car.

  “Oh, Cal. You just aren’t a flyer, that’s okay I’m not good on boats, so I empathize,” my mother’s eyes fell on him as she smiled kindly.

  My father snorted then, earning him a sharp look from my mother.

  “Not good is probably an understatement. The last time you went on a boat, you passed out. Took a good while for you to get your color back, that’s for sure.”

  She rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. He glanced at her, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiled. Her hand covered his, and he pulled it to his lips, kissing it softly before placing his hand back on the wheel.

  They were still so very much in love, even after many years together.

  I sighed contentedly as I gazed out of the window, the familiar sights warming my soul.

  I love Winterburg.

  “I love your smile,” the voice broke into my thoughts as he kissed my shoulder softly, his green eyes meeting mine as I turned to him. I noticed sadness pass over his face briefly, but before I could study it further it was gone, replaced by the lazy smile I adored.

  “I love you,” I whispered, closing my eyes as I leaned against him, tiredness sweeping over me as I yawned.

  “Home, sweet home,” my mother sang as we pulled into the drive of my childhood home.

  The house was simple, but it would always be my favorite.

  I knew every nook and cranny here, and every corner held a distinct memory. As the door swung open, I suddenly remembered opening the door to Cal years ago, standing before him in just a towel as he had said—

  “Do you always open the door dressed like that?” he whispered in my ear as he passed me, pulling our suitcases into the hall.

  I gaped at him as he laughed, running a hand through his hair.

  How did he know I was thinking about that memory?

  His eyes danced with amusement as he walked over to me, his mouth suddenly close to my ear.

  “I know you, well enough to know when you are fantasizing about me,” he grinned smugly, as I arched an eyebrow playfully.

  “I wasn’t fantasizing about you; I was just remembering something.”

  His eyes trailed down my body as he bit his lip. “Mm. Me too.”

  “Is that all I am to you, a sex toy?” I smirked as he frowned, his hands gripping my hips as he pulled me towards him.

  “Is that a serious question
, Raven?” his voice was low and dangerous, and I chewed on my bottom lip. “I can go without sex, if only to prove a point to you. You’d be begging me for it before long.”

  There was no way in the world I could sleep beside this man and not have him in the most intimate way a woman could have a man.

  I kissed his lips as he looked at me with a smug expression on his handsome face.

  “Just as I thought. Right, let’s get these up to your old room,” he effortlessly picked up the cases as my mother watched with approval, her eyes misting over.

  “The way you look at him is the way I look at your father. It’s beautiful to see. He adores you, Gretchen.”

  Her voice was soft as my dad walked in, swinging the keys around his finger.

  We both looked at him and smiled knowingly as Cal jogged back down the stairs, aware of the awkward silence.

  He laughed, shooting me a curious look as my dad said,“I have a feeling they were talking about us, Cal.”

  He raised his eyebrows as my mother let out a girlish giggle.

  Maybe me moving out had allowed them to rekindle their marriage in ways they probably didn’t realize they needed.

  “Ah, good things, I hope.”

  Our eyes met, and he walked over to me, his fingers lacing with mine. His very touch made me weak, and I leaned against him as my dad cleared his throat.

  “There’s an event downtown tonight, if you feel up to it,” he furrowed his brow as he rifled through the drawer in the dresser by the door. He let out a triumphant sound as he found a leaflet, which he thrust in my direction.

  I cast my eyes over it and saw it was some sort of mini festival, with food stands and live music. I shrugged as I handed it to Cal, who nodded.

  “Sounds good, but as always, it’s up to you.”

  My father grinned as I nodded, causing him to clap his hands together. “Okay, well, we have some time to freshen up before it starts, so shall we be ready around seven?”

  “Okay,” I yawned as Cal kissed the top of my head, whispering in my ear.

  “Let’s go lie down for a bit. Don’t get any funny ideas, I need a nap.”

  I swatted his chest as he caught my hand, pulling it up to his lips.

  “I said no, I’m tired.”

  I laughed as I walked past him, pulling him up the stairs behind me.

  “Stop begging, Gretchen, I said no,” he teased as we made it to my old bedroom, sinking onto the bed as I buried my face in his neck.

  “Shut up, you absolute perv.”

  He held his hands up, and his top rose slightly, showing the tanned skin beneath it. I caught my breath slightly as a smirk played on his lips.

  “Now who’s the perv?”

  I leaned down and kissed his stomach, trailing kisses down to his waistband.

  “That would be me.”

  Part Two: Chapter Fourteen


  “What are you planning for your birthday, lovely?” Mom asked as we got into the car.

  I scrunch my nose up as I shrugged. “I haven’t thought about it, to be honest.”

  “Well, you’ll be back in New York, maybe we could come and see you?” her voice was excited as I glanced at Cal who was gazing out of the window, his fingers rubbing his chin.

  “Yeah, maybe.” I smiled at my mom, wondering why Cal looked so lost in thought.

  My eyes still watered with how handsome he was, especially with what he was wearing tonight. He had a crisp white shirt on with the sleeves rolled up, dark jeans, and boots with his dirty blond hair slicked back roughly.

  I remembered him in my bedroom earlier, not a scrap of clothing between us as we explored one another as though for the first time. He was the only man I’d been with sexually, so I know I had nothing to compare it to, but it was truly out of this world the way he made me feel.

  The way he always makes me feel.

  He must’ve noticed me staring, because a smug grin played at his mouth as our eyes met, my stomach filling with butterflies as he turned away.

  “We should book the flights soon, otherwise the prices will hike up,” my mom said.

  “I know someone who can sort your flights. Remind me later?” Cal piped up, winking at me as I frowned.

  I still felt like there was so much about him I didn’t know.

  My mother nodded as he shot her a winning smile.

  I squeezed his hand as my father parked the car into one of the last spaces in the parking lot. It must be busy; this town was never short of spaces.

  We climbed out and I straightened my outfit up, a black dress teamed with a denim jacket and my Converse high-tops. I glanced at Cal and realized we didn’t match our outfits up at all tonight, but I didn’t care.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured as he slid his arm around me. I laced my fingers with his and we walked after my parents, who were also hand-in-hand.

  “It’s so strange being back here,” I said, noticing some familiar faces milling around.

  It had been a long time since I’d been back, considering the last time I had just spent with my family and not gone out much.

  Cal pulled me over to a little stall that was selling bottles of wine, handwritten labels with unintelligible scrawl written on them. He peered at them as the woman smiled at us broadly.

  “Red, white or rose?” she asked sweetly as her eyes flickered over Cal a little too long for my liking.

  He turned to me and held his hand out for me to answer.

  “Oh, I like rose,” I smiled sweetly as Cal’s eyes crinkled up in the corners.

  “We have fourteen different bottles of rose, each one with a unique taste. If you like it sweet, I recommend this one,” she slid out a pink bottle as she poured some into a tiny plastic cup for me to try.

  I glanced at Cal as he watched me crinkle my nose up at the smell and he bit back a smile. I sipped it, the delicious taste of crushed lemons mixed with what tasted like vanilla and melon.

  “Wow! That’s amazing,” I declared as the woman flushed with pride.

  Cal ordered two bottles, and we waited as she wrapped them for us. He paid, and we continued our tour of the festival, stopping to sample cheeses and meats.

  Fairy lights hung from the trees, making the town appear almost magical under the night sky; I huddled closer to Cal, finding his warmth comforting.

  My parents were deep in conversation with some neighbors of ours when I heard my name being called excitedly from behind us.

  “Oh, my God, it is! It’s Gretchen and Cal!” The voice trilled as we turned to see my friend Rosie squealing as she hurried towards us, running into my arms.

  She held me at arm’s length as she studied me, her eyes widening.

  “Wow, New York suits you, you look amazing. Hey Cal...”

  She offered him a small smile as he nodded in acknowledgement, before whispering to me he would leave us for a moment to catch up. He disappeared into the throng of people and I looked after him wistfully before turning back as Sienna bounded up to us, gripping me tightly.

  “Oh, my God! Why didn’t you tell us you were coming back?!” She demanded, an accusatory tone in her voice.

  “Surprise?!” I grinned as we fell into a group hug.

  We had been close in school, but it had become difficult towards the end when I got with Cal, after my relationship with Luke ended. They didn’t want to choose sides.

  Ultimately, me moving to New York was a good thing;it created distance and people could move on.

  “Tell me about New York! When can we come see you?” Rosie exclaimed as Sienna nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yes, totally, shopping trip!”

  We giggled as we walked together, our arms linked like old times.

  “How’re things with you two?” I asked, looking from one to the other.

  Sienna nudged Rosie as she blushed, mumbling that she had moved in with Finn, her last-minute high school sweetheart.

  I clapped my hands together, elat
ed for her.

  Finn had been the biggest player in school, always sleeping with a different girl until the night of Prom when he got with Rosie. None of us saw it coming, but they were good for each other.

  “Speaking of lover boy,” declared Sienna nodding toward Finn who was striding over to us, his eyes glued to Rosie. He did a double take when he saw me before shooting me a dazzling smile.

  “Hey there, city girl. Fancy seeing you here.”

  I smiled as I scanned the crowds for Cal, my eyes seeking his. I felt a pang of disappointment, but then I knew he wouldn’t want to be involved in my current social circle.

  “Ah, here’s Luke and Ethan,” beamed Sienna as two guys joined our group, and my eyes met those of my ex.

  Luke’s eyes bulged with shock when he saw me, but he soon recovered. He was still devastatingly handsome, and my heart hurt a little seeing him again, but I knew I had done the right thing.

  We all stood awkwardly as Finn suggested we go get some drinks, when I felt a hand on my arm, tugging me back. I yanked my arm back in alarm before I realized it was Luke, and my mouth dried as his eyes narrowed at my reaction.

  “Whoa, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to speak to you alone. Are you okay?”

  His dark hair contrasted with his tight white t-shirt, which now showed rippling muscles and a broad chest.

  He’s filled out...

  “I’m fine, how are you? Sorry, I’m just a little jumpy I guess,” I babbled, as he looked on with interest.

  We walked together, stopping in between two stalls.

  “Yeah, I’m good. You here with your parents?” he asked, his eyes scanning the crowd.

  I gulped, still somewhat nervous about admitting I was still with Cal.

  He ran his hand down my arm, causing a shiver to run through my body.

  “Are you still with him?” he asked, leaning close to me. I could smell beer on his breath as I moved back, becoming more uncomfortable.

  “I’m still with Cal, yes,” I stammered as he put a hand either side of me, pinning me to the wall.

  “You’re still as beautiful as you were then,” he murmured, bringing his face close to mine.

  I froze, my hands on his shoulders as I pushed him away.


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