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Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2)

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by Young, Alexa


  Alexa Young

  Copyright © 2016 Alexa Young

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  All characters in this publication are fictional and any resemblance to real persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Editor – Hot Tree Editing

  Cover – CM Designs


  To L, I miss you x


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter One


  I guess I’ve forgotten what one really feels like. It’s been hard living at home with the old man since my two older brothers Zack and Kyle left. He’s usually drunk out of his skull the majority of the time. It’s no wonder my mother up and deserted him. It’s just a shame she never thought to take me along with her. I’ll never forget those words she said to me: ‘You have to fend for yourself now, you’re more than old enough.’ Shame she didn’t apply that logic with herself. We all know Richard, the guy she left us for, is bankrolling her.

  So, I was deserted with only the old man for company. It didn’t last long, though; after gambling some of his secret stash, I was promptly thrown out like rubbish on the street. It was a stupid move, but I thought my gambling skills would have paid off. Turns out, I don’t have any. Then having a loan shark like Weighman on your back, you soon become desperate. When Dad mumbled about Dray, I knew he was my only option. Now, as I sit here in his flashy Porsche, I can’t help but wonder how our lives are so very different.

  I look over at my older brother and he’s everything I’m not: successful, driven, with a cute little family of his own. And I’m like a street rat, begging for scraps.

  I hate myself right now.

  “We’re almost there,” Dray says, pulling into the long driveway.

  Fuck me, it’s a mansion.

  I stare on in wonder as Dray chuckles at the expression on my face. I guess having money, you’re not easily impressed. I don’t think I could ever get used to his lifestyle, since we’ve always lived hand to mouth. Some days, I’ve barely eaten, and my body is a testament to that.

  “This is home,” Dray cuts in, snapping me from my thoughts.


  I’m speechless.

  “We moved here not long after Gracie was born. The penthouse… well, I was sad to leave, but I wanted a home with a garden for her to play.”


  “It has eight bedrooms, so there’s more than enough room. Gracie is going to love you, just wait. She’s something else, an old soul who brings me so much happiness every day.”

  My eyes meet his and I can’t believe this huge, ripped, tattooed guy beside me is gushing over his daughter. It makes me smile to see him so family orientated. He isn’t tainted by our dad.

  Dray cuts the engine and opens his door, but I sit there frozen. I can’t move. He opens my door moments later, waiting for me to get out, but I’m scared. He says it will be fine, but right now, I can’t deal with another family member rejecting me. What if this Luce takes one look at me and tells me to go? I’m hardly a walking, talking advertisement for the ideal new brother, already bringing trouble to their door. I’m ashamed Dray had to bail me out, but I’ll make it my mission to pay him back.

  I have my pride, at least.

  “Come on, it’ll be fine. If anything, expect to be hugged to death and overfed within the next half hour. You need a few good meals inside you. Trust me, once you taste Luce’s cooking, you’ll be ruined forever. You wouldn’t believe the amount of training I have to do to keep my abs. That woman is intent on making me fat.”

  Looking at Dray, with muscles in places I’ve never seen muscles, I can barely believe it, but home cooking sounds good. It’s been a while since I tasted a decent cooked meal; tinned or microwave meals have been the only thing on the menu for a long time.

  I smile and nod then unclip the seat belt. Here goes nothing, I suppose. The gravel crunches beneath my feet as Dray opens the magnificent oak front door. The house is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I knew my brother was doing okay, but from the car and the size of the house, I underestimated just how rich he actually is.

  Oh, how the other half live.

  I trudge in behind him with eyes down, my usual stance. I learned that move around my dad; when he’s intoxicated, he can be a little handy with his fists. I’ve had quite a few black eyes to attest to that.


  My eyes shoot up to lock with an excited little girl hurtling our way. She stumbles a little, only to correct herself before hurling herself into my brother’s arms. Her huge sapphire-blue eyes are shining with delight. I guess she inherited those from our side of the family.

  “I miss you,” she says while frowning, pressing her hand against his cheek as he showers her face in kisses.

  “I missed you, too, angel, but Daddy’s back now and he’s got a visitor.”

  Her eyes leave Dray and widen when she notices me just standing there, looking awkward.

  “This is Lex, Daddy’s brother. He’s your uncle. Can you say Uncle Lex?”

  She stares at me for a few moments. “Unca.” She frowns, almost in annoyance. My heart melts at the look of concentration on her face. She really is completely adorable.

  “Lex is fine,” I tell her.

  “Lex!” she shouts then points at me, smiling.

  “Good girl.” Dray showers her with more kisses as she giggles in his arms. It’s amazing to watch, especially after what I witnessed earlier in the alley with Glen. He has a tough demeanour, for sure, but the love he has for his little girl is so breathtaking it completely floors me.

  “Hey, I thought I heard voices.”

  I watch as a small, pretty brunette walks our way. She looks a little flustered, apron on like we’ve caught her in the middle of baking.

  “Firecracker, you are never going to guess what happened today.”

  She pushes her hair back from her face and walks over to greet Dray, kissing him softly on the lips before she notices me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” She smiles, but it’s not forced; it’s the kind which meets her eyes, and I can’t help but smile back. Then she frowns a little and her eyes narrow, almost like she’s observing me more.


  “Luce, this is my brother,” he announces, grinning.

  “Brother?” she asks, confusion written across her face

  “Yeah, the old man started another family, unbeknown to us all. I never knew anything about it until Lex turned up on my doorstep this morning.”

  “I can see by your eyes.” She walks forward, her gaze locking on mine.

  “Ahh, the eyes. They were once something I hated because I inherited them from him, but seeing my daughter’s and now my brother’s, it’s all I see.” He turns to me and our eyes meet. It feels weird to hear him using the term ‘brother’, but a part of me likes it.

  “So, what have you been doing today, Gracie?” Dray asks. Her little face lights up, bringing the attention back to her.


  “Ohh, we’ve made everything, haven’t we, Gracie? Wait till Daddy sees your biscuits.”

  She nods with pride, her face eager for him to go see.

  “See, I told you Luce is trying to fatten me up. I think she’s got a thing against my six-pack.” He winks as Luce bats him playfully.

  “Come on through, we have lots of delicious things waiting.” She motions to me and my stomach growls at the prospect of food.

  “I think Lex might need seconds. We need to fatten him up.” Dray chuckles behind me.

  I blush at his remark, but the mere hint of some good home-cooking is far too tempting. The smell already has my mouth watering, and I find myself walking into what I can only describe as Heaven. It’s a beautiful kitchen, highly modern with stylish white cupboards, covered with a rich, black marble. But it’s the food spread out along the surface that I’m more interested in. My eyes widen and my mouth actually drools.

  “Come, sit down. The pie is not long out the oven.” Luce motions to one of the chairs. Dray is busy helping Gracie into her high chair as I sit down. She’s all happy, but then she frowns when she looks over at me.

  “Lex.” She points to the seat beside her, and Luce and Dray start laughing.

  “I think you’ve got yourself an instant friend. She wants you to sit beside her.” Dray shakes his head in amusement.

  I rise from my chair and sit in the one next to Gracie. Dray sits beside me as Luce places down the pie, and we all smile in appreciation.

  “You’ll love Luce’s chicken pie,” Dray adds, smiling.

  “Licken. I lub licken!” Gracie yells.

  I stare at her, confused, until Dray fills me in.

  “She loves chicken.” He chuckles, grinning over at Gracie. “I lub licken, too.”

  Gracie claps when Luce sets the small plate down in front of her. She looks more than ready for it. The moment the heaped-up plate is put in front of me, I waste no time in grabbing my fork and devouring the delicious pie and gravy. It’s packed with chicken, potato and a host of other different vegetables, and the flavour is exquisite. I’m having to stop myself from moaning with every bite.

  “So, I know I should have discussed it with you first, but I said Lex could stay with us, Luce. The old guy kicked him out, and he’s bedding down anywhere he can. I swear if I could get my hands on him, I would wring his neck.”

  Luce frowns at the prospect of a lodger.


  Well, at least I got to have pie before I’m sent on my merry way.

  “I see Len hasn’t changed his ways. He did you a favour leaving when he did, else he’d have screwed you up even more.” She reaches for Dray’s hand as I bow my head, concentrating on the empty plate in front of me. “And of course, our home is your home, Lex. Family means the world to us. For Dray to have a brother is just amazing. I’ll fix one of the spare rooms for you.”

  My head snaps up to meet her eyes, and I feel tears welling in mine.

  Fucking hell, stop acting like a wuss.

  “Here, I think you deserve this more than Dray. He’ll only whine about losing his definition anyway. Like a bloody girl at times.” Luce winks at me then squeals when Dray pinches her. Gracie giggles, and even with a gravy-splattered face, she looks adorable. I dig into the next slice Luce set onto my plate. I feel like I can’t get full, but this will push me towards being stuffed. Luce starts to collect the plates as Dray wipes Gracie clean.

  “Did you enjoy your chicken, angel?” She nods, taking a long draw on her sippy cup.

  It only takes a few minutes to hoover up the pie. I sit back and rub my stomach; it’s an alien feeling being full.

  “I hope you have room for dessert.” Luce smiles, clearing away my plate. My eyes meet with Dray’s amused ones.

  “I told you, she will try and fatten you up.”

  He’s not wrong there; after a month here, I’m going to resemble Augustus Gloop. I’ve never been fat in my life but looking over at Dray, I can’t help but crave a body like his. Especially if I’m going to be eating this amazing food while I’m here.

  “Do you think I could start working out at your gym? I could try and put together some money for a few sessions,” I offer. Though right now, my bank account is pretty much zero.

  “I own the gym, so work out whenever you want. I’ll get one of the guys to show you around. If you want to beef up a little then start using weights. I can write up an eating plan for you to use, too. Though at the moment, you’re skin and bones, so enjoy the next week of Luce’s cooking. I think you’ve earned it. After that, we’ll talk.”

  I nod; sounds like a plan to me. My eyes widen when Luce walks in with a chocolate pudding desert.

  This next week, I’m in for a treat.

  * * *

  “Here’s your room,” Dray says, opening the door. It’s huge, and I stare at the king-sized bed in wonder. I’m used to an old single bed, which has seen better days. The gigantic sixty-inch TV on the wall is like a freaking cinema. He proceeds to open the fancy white doors which lead into one hell of a walk-in wardrobe. I stare down at the threadbare T-shirt and jeans I’m wearing. Apart from a small bag of clothes, they’re all I own in the world. Dray stares at me and I see sadness in his eyes, but I don’t need his pity.

  “I’ll take you clothes shopping tomorrow,” Dray adds as I frown.

  “It’s fine. You’ve given me enough already.” I shrug, feeling like a charity case.

  “Listen here, Lex. I’m your fucking big brother and I’m taking care of you, something the old man should have done. I’ve been far better off without him, and you will be too. You’re family, so get all this ‘charity’ bullshit out of your head. I’ll sort you out a job, but I want nothing from you. Lodge, paying back for the debt? Fuck all, you got me? I have more money than I’ll ever spend. Family is more important. I want my Gracie to have an uncle who’s around to see her grow up. Trust me when I say no money in the world buys the kind of happiness my wife and daughter give me. Gracie’s intuitive, sees the good in people, and she already likes you. I can see it in her eyes.”

  My eyes glaze over; I can’t even remember the last time I received any kind of praise.

  Shit, I’m acting like a fucking girl.

  “Hey, I’ve been there, like you, down and out when my mother died. If it wasn’t for Luce’s parents, I would’ve been screwed. Now it’s my turn to save you, but no more fucking gambling, okay? You need anything, you come to me.”

  I nod; he’s kind of scary in a nice way.

  “Daddee ducks.” Gracie comes running in, smiling. Dray pats me on the arm and smiles before bending down to pick up his daughter.

  “Are you ready for your bath time, beautiful?”

  Gracie nods and smiles. “Ducks.”

  “Yes, all the ducks will be in the bath, plus most of bloody Noah’s ark.”

  “Buddy ark.”

  “Awww shiiii—Daddy said a bad word and Mummy might kill him. Don’t repeat it, angel, you hear me?” he pleads to an amused-looking Gracie.

  “Buddy ark,” she repeats again. Dray closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh. I’m guessing his little slip-up is a common occurrence. He gives me a look, and I can’t help but grin.

  Yep, he’s well and truly screwed.

  Chapter Two

  I’m watching TV, fea
sting on a plateful of cakes and biscuits Luce has just forced on me. Well, I say forced, but I’m more than eager to devour. How the hell does she make everything taste so amazing? I think my taste buds are in shock. I’ve barely been here hours and I already never want to leave. I try and push that thought away.

  I smile, hearing Gracie’s voice in the distance. She soon rushes in, dressed in Peppa Pig pyjamas, carrying her rabbit. When she walks over and holds up her arms, I set the plate down and look at her, confused.

  “She wants up on your knee,” Dray explains.

  I lift her carefully and set her down. She soon falls back into lying mode as I chuckle lightly to myself.

  Luce walks through with a bottle of warm milk. “Here you are, angel.” She bends down, kissing her soft, brown curls.

  “Tank ooh,” Gracie replies before beginning to drink, her eyes now focused on Peppa on the TV. Seconds later, she lifts her foot and I look at her curiously.

  “She wants you to tickle her feet.” Dray chuckles, returning to his paper to continue reading the sports section. He probably knows Peppa word for word; he’ll have become desensitized to it all. I zone out when my fingers softly tickle the soles of her tiny feet. It’s soothing, and I hear Gracie sigh in contentment. She continues on with her bottle but, after a few minutes, her eyes droop. I motion over to Dray who smiles, folds his paper and walks over.

  “Come on, Gracie bear, bed time for you.”

  “I tired,” she mumbles sleepily.

  I feel the loss of her body the moment Dray lifts her from me. She nestles her head into the crook of his neck as Dray takes the bottle, placing it down on the table.

  Luce walks over and kisses her cheek. “Night, my beautiful girl.”

  “Night, Mamma,” she slurs, barely awake.

  She’s just too cute.

  Dray walks her upstairs and Luce comes to sit beside me with her coffee. “Are you settling in okay? Do you need anything more to eat?”

  I chuckle before answering. “No, I’m stuffed. It’s been a long time since I’ve known that feeling.”


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