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Addictive Collision

Page 11

by Sierra Rose

  He motioned me to the kitchen. “I made you something,” He said, handing me a glass of some sort of green slime.

  I made a face. “You want me to drink this? All of it?”

  “Every single drop. It’s the perfect hangover cure.”

  “What is it? Please don’t tell me there are raw eggs in here.”

  He touched my back. “Just trust me. This antidote works on all my hung-over friends.”

  “You’re right. Maybe it’s best if I don’t know what’s in this nasty witch’s brew. If it’s a miracle cure, I’m all over it. My head feels like hippos are dancing the lambada in it.”

  He laughed. “It looks like hell, but the important thing is that it works.”

  Following his advice, I chugged it down like a frat boy, mostly because I couldn’t bear the thought of sipping on the gross concoction.

  “You’ll feel much better soon,” he insisted.


  “Let me get my keys, and I’ll drive you home.”


  After Foster dropped me off, I went straight to bed and didn’t get up until after dinner. When I awoke and walked into the kitchen, my sister smiled.

  “How was it?” she asked.

  “Nothing happened. I passed out.”

  “Really? After coming on to him so strong? Poor guy.”

  “Yes. I made a complete fool out of myself. I’m such an idiot.”

  “Who knew he was even going to be there?”

  “He was at a friend’s birthday party. Why’d you let me drink so much?” I asked.

  “Because I was trying to get your mind off of Tom. I thought if you let go of your inhibitions, you might get lucky.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Boy, did that make my head throb.

  “Come in!” Alexis yelled.

  I wasn’t ready to let our conversation die so easily. “What if I had let some serial killer take my drunk butt home?” I continued.

  “I know most of those guys there, and your mailman’s a nice guy. The bartender knows him, grew up with him. I was sure you were in good hands.”

  “It doesn’t matter now. He’s never gonna call me again. I think I scared him off. I told him I was a hot mink or something like that, totally lame.”

  “Oh my gosh. Minx, you mean? You used Lori’s crappy line?”

  “Yeah. It seemed to fit at the moment. I mean, he seemed okay about it, but I just don’t know. I’m an idiot. I said some seriously dirty stuff to him last night.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No it isn’t. Gosh, why can’t life be easy? This sucks. It sucked being married to Tom, too, but at least that was simple.”

  “Life isn’t meant to be easy. Trust me,” she said. “He won’t hold it against you. Guys love that kind of stuff. Besides, it isn’t like you’re a lush or something. You never drink.”

  “He doesn’t know that. I told him that, but he doesn’t have to believe me.” Slapping my head in embarrassment, I plopped down at the kitchen table. “I don’t need a man to make me happy. I’ll be spared all those awkward dates, having to worry about what to wear or what to say. I can be happy just raising my children.”

  “Hi, guys,” Juliet said as she breezed in.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “You might not need a man,” she said, obviously having overheard our conversation, “but I do. Help me get back together with Kyle.”

  My sister laughed as she walked out of the kitchen. “Good luck with that one.”

  Juliet placed her hands on her hips. “Is it hopeless?”

  “He’s your best friend and one of the biggest players on campus. Why do you even wanna mess with him?”

  “Because I can’t stop thinking about him.”

  “It’d be like dating Kyle. He’s a womanizer, and we all know to stay away from him.”

  “Kyle is not a dog, Morgan. Yes, he goes through girls quickly, but that’s only because he hasn’t found what he’s looking for.”

  “Why? Because, deep down, he’s waiting for you?”

  “Yeah. Why not?”

  “Dating your best friend is a bad idea.”

  “We dated for a little while in high school, and it wasn’t so bad. Sure, it was short-lived, but I’ll never forget that kiss.”

  “You’re heading down a slippery slope, girlfriend. You guys are at a good place. You talk about everything, and he trusts you more than anyone. If you date and break up, all that will go to hell. You’ll lose that special relationship you have now. You won’t be able to go back, especially if it ends badly.”

  “What if I stay friends with him and years pass by? I’ll always wonder what might have been. I’ll always regret not trying.”

  “It’s a gamble, no doubt.”

  She grinned. “So, anyway, tell me about your night with Mr. Wonderful.”

  I went on to tell her the whole embarrassing story, and she assured me that everything would be okay.

  “Hey, your dreamboat’s here,” Alexis announced to Juliet as she walk back into the kitchen.

  Kyle walked in and smiled at me. “I heard you got trashed last night and were talking up some guy. Tom’s on the war path.”

  “So? I’m his soon-to-be ex-wife, and I’ll talk to whomever I want.”

  “You’d better tell him that. He’s blowing his stack over you dating one of the college guys.”

  “He’s got it all wrong. I would never date any guy from campus, especially since my ex is a professor. I was talking to the mailman, and we were engaged in, uh...a very serious debate.”

  “A debate about what?”

  I cleared my throat. “He asked me why women care about penis size, when about 75 percent can only get off from clitoral stimulation anyway. He wanted to know if he should rub it or if I would.”

  He laughed. “You are so full of it.”

  “I provided him with all sorts of valuable information on suitable techniques.”

  “Are you kidding me?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Hell, Kyle, I was so drunk last night, I coulda been talking about anything.”

  “Yeah, I know how that is. Anyway, you wanna grab a bite with me and Juliet?”

  “No, I’m just going to chill out here,” I said.

  “You feelin’ okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I drank this nasty hangover cure, and it totally worked. The headache and nausea are completely gone, but I am a little tired. I just want to watch some movies with my sis. You guys are more than welcome to hang out here if you want.”

  They looked at each other and smiled.

  “No offense, but we’ve got...grander plans,” Juliet said, winking.

  Kyle rolled his eyes. “C’mon,” he said, then led her out the door.

  Chapter 20

  “Hey,” Foster said when he delivered yet another package to me the next day at work.

  My gaze locked on his. “Hey.”

  “You looked beautiful all dressed up the other night.”

  “I’m sorry you saw my drunk side. It doesn’t happen very often.”

  “It’s okay. You didn’t leak out any deep, dark secrets or anything—nothing I didn’t already know.”

  I laughed nervously. “Well, that’s good.”

  “Would you like to go to dinner tonight?”

  “I’d love to, but I have a PTA meeting.”

  “We can meet up afterward.”

  I couldn’t resist. “Would you mind waiting till my girls are asleep?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  I grinned.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Foster said, then walked out.

  A few minutes later, a knock sounded at the office door, and my dad stepped inside.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Hi, honey.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I can’t stay long.” He handed me an envelope. “Your mom and I bought you two tickets to the Caribbean. I want you to take your sister and have a good time. She’s been
studying her butt off, and you deserve it. The girls can stay with us.”

  Completely surprised, I couldn’t help jumping up and down in my chair. Alexis had wanted to go on a tropical paradise vacation, but I had been much too proud to spend my severance check from Tom on it. “Dad, this is way too generous. I can’t let you do this.”

  “It’s a done deal. It’s a gift, so please don’t say no. Call the travel agent and make your arrangements, and let me know if there are any problems!”

  “Oh, Daddy, I don’t know how to thank you,” I said, hopping up to give him a hug.

  “Just promise me you girls will have fun.”

  “I promise.”

  Next, my excited sister burst through the door, wearing a huge smile on her face. “Mom told me earlier. I can’t wait. Thanks so much, Daddy!”

  My dad looked at her. “Take this girl snorkeling and show her all the white beaches.”

  “I will!” Alexis said. “We’ll have the time of our lives!”

  “I’m counting on it,” our father said.

  Chapter 21

  We drove to a popular spot that overlooked the city. The landscape and night lights were breathtaking.

  Foster laid down a blanket, and I plopped down. “I’m so glad Mom could watch the girls tonight. I’m sure she’s spoiling them rotten, filling them with all the sugary things I usually try to keep out of their reach.”

  “That’s what grandmas are for,” I said. “So...I know about your girls, your wife, your love of sports and camping,” I said. “Tell me something I don’t know about you. I mean, I’m not even sure how old you are.”

  He smiled. “Well, I’m twenty four. I work as an aspiring author on the side.”

  “No way! I’m a writer too.”


  “I write fantasy romances in different genres.”

  “Do you have a publisher?” he asked.

  “It’s so hard to get one. I could wallpaper my house with rejection letters.”

  “I know. I’m still trying to get an agent myself. I’m writing an action adventure, and I just finished the first draft.”

  “Really? I’d love to be a beta reader,” I said. “I promise to give you a fair, honest opinion.”

  “Awesome. I’d love that, and I’d love to read yours as well. Maybe we can critique each other.”

  “That’d be wonderful. It’s hard to find other authors around here.”

  “Do you write anything else?”

  “Well, it’s a little embarrassing, kind of an emo, high school thing, but I do write a little poetry now and then.”

  “I’d love to read that too.”

  We spent the next hour talking, until I finally gazed up at the black, velvety sky. “Wow. Don’t the stars look brighter tonight?” I asked.

  “They’re beautiful,” he said. “Is that a shooting star?” he asked, pointing.

  I nodded, smiling. “So we get to make a wish, right?”

  “As long as it’s out loud.”

  I playfully nudged him. “You’re so bad. It’s supposed to be a secret.”

  “Well, what do you wish?” he asked.

  “I wish...for somebody to hold my hand.” As the words came out, I felt a deep ache coming from the bottom of my soul. I longed to be touched, if only for a moment. My loneliness had left me feeling hollow; it had consumed my soul like a demon, and I wished I could cast it out.

  He grinned. “What kind of wish is that?”

  “A crazy request, huh?”

  “From one friend to another, your wish is my command.”

  I smiled.

  He reached out and gripped my hand, and an electrifying feeling, that small gesture that conveyed more affection than could ever be spoken with mere words. It provided that same wonderful feeling I always got when I felt someone’s breath on my neck or when someone whispered sweet nothings in my ear. The tingle went all the way into my fingertips, all the way down to my toes. With his touch, with him there next to me, I felt like my problems just melted away. It was just me and him, beneath that diamond-speckled sky, and I knew the power of his touch would linger long after he pulled his hand away. I couldn’t believe he was lying next to me, holding my hand, and even the slightest touch from him caused my entire body to shiver.

  My heart pounded like I was walking along the rim of a 500-foot-high cliff. It was nerve-racking, yet exciting. I feared I was becoming addicted to Foster. My stomach fluttered, and I felt a deep, emotional connection that sent adrenaline rushing through me. Many people would have taken something so subtle for granted, but I couldn’t. I’d yearned for affection for so long. I squeezed his hand ever so gently, and he squeezed back. It was the sweetest feeling in the world, and it took everything in me to stop myself from crying.

  “You’re trembling,” he whispered.

  “For the first time in a long time, I feel alive,” I said.

  My dead heart was beating once again. I wasn’t sure if it was just nerves or butterflies, but I wondered if he could feel the power he held over me. His touch made me feel so good, and I fantasized about what it would feel like to be held in his strong arms all night long. I imagined the warmth of his lips, the taste of his tongue on mine.

  He turned his head toward me, and our eyes locked. In that magical moment, the world seemed to freeze around us.

  “I know we shouldn’t, but can you give me...just a peck?” I said.

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”

  He slowly leaned his head forward and rested it on my forehead, keeping his intense gaze locked on mine. Closing his eyes, he moved in for the kiss, softly brushing my lips. It was slow and erotic, not at all hard and fast. Next, his lips brushed across my cheek. He slowly moved back to my lips and closed his eyes again. “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  “I never want you to stop kissing me,” I whispered.

  Slowly and tenderly, he brushed his lips across mine once again. Foster was such a sensual, sexy kisser. There was a real art to his slow, gentle kisses, and I enjoyed every blissful moment. It was spine-tinglingly magical and serene, sending shivers from my neck all the way down to my toes. I felt butterflies, chills, and fireworks all at the same time. I wondered if he could really take away my deep pain, that gaping hole that Tom had left. Or is this nothing more than a fling, two lonely people connecting for one night of passion?

  He pulled back, stared at me lovingly, then kissed me again. Even if he never called me again, I wouldn’t regret that night. He glanced down to look at my lips, his shoulder-length hair tickling my face. He softly lifted my chin, and my heartbeat spiked again. He covered my mouth with light, fluttery kisses: the corners, above my top lip, below my bottom one, and all around it, not missing one single inch. The erotic lip-locks turned me on, and it took every ounce of willpower not to rip his shirt off. Facial intercourse with full tongue will be next, followed by roaming hands and... It was too hot to think about.

  I had never slept with any man but my husband, and that had been so long ago. I wondered if I’d have the nerve to go all the way with another man, right there under the stars. Will I stop it in the middle of an atomic explosion? Is this just harmless fun for him, no strings attached? Is it...purely physical? Do I really care? Even if I had him only that one night, I would have been the happiest woman in town. I wanted, needed, craved a night of unforgettable sex, rough and hard, yet passionate and romantic, all the lovemaking Tom had deprived me of for so long.

  I didn’t have to make that decision, though, because things didn’t progress that far. When he pulled away, and I glanced back up at the stars, they seemed even brighter than they had just moments before.

  Foster cupped my face with his hands and left a few more sweet kisses on my lips. I could sense his loneliness, his heartbreak, and I wanted to tell him that I could take it all away, but I knew he wasn’t ready to let me in. Fully pressed against his body, I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. He stroked my back and ran his fi
ngers through my hair.

  Few words were spoken, but he had kissed my soul, touching me in a way that had bound our souls together, and I knew there was far more there than two friends on the rebound.

  Chapter 22

  The next day, I met Lori, Juliet, and Sophie on my lunch break. Unlike me, all of them had gone on to college to follow their dreams, while I opted for marriage and kids. At first, I was convinced that marrying my childhood sweetheart was the best decision, but only a teenager, I really hadn’t thought it through. My parents were against it from the get-go, but when I got pregnant, they supported me. They had warned me about the high divorce rates for people who married too young, and I wanted to prove them wrong. That was yet another reason I’d tried for so long to make it work with Tom.

  As I thought back on it, I could still remember my mom’s words: “I hope your prince treats you like a princess and makes you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.” I swallowed hard. The words still stung, because Tom had only treated me that way for two years, tops. I sure wasn’t his princess anymore; by the time it all ended, I was lucky to be a servant in his castle. I had had a small taste of my happily-ever-after, my fairytale ending, and I didn’t regret it, but I had come to realize what a horrible mistake it was to marry at age sixteen.

  Some beautiful things had come out of our marriage though. I had two beautiful children, and I wanted to give them the best life I could. I was determined to move on with my life and to make the transition as smooth as possible. My heart still ached for my children, and I hated tearing our family apart, but living a lie wasn’t an option either.

  The good thing was that I was never truly alone. Most of my friends had enrolled at Belmont, and I was excited to have a job there. Life was busy and hectic for me, but I always managed to get together with my girlfriends on my lunch breaks or after work. It was nice spending time with them.

  We sat at a picnic table, nestled between a few oaks, enjoying hot steak sandwiches we’d bought from a food cart. When I told them about Foster they about flipped.


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