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Christmas Riches (Riches to Rags book 4)

Page 7

by Mairsile Leabhair

  I was carrying the last two dishes from the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Who on earth would that be?

  “Melinda, help, my hands are full.”

  “Sure, let me help you with that.” She took the bowls from my hands and carried them into the dining room.

  I guess she didn’t hear the doorbell ring. I went to answer it myself and swore that whoever it was had better be hungry because I’m not letting the food get cold dealing with them. I opened the door and my mouth fell open.

  “You’re here!”

  Meg and Frankie walked in, and I jumped into their arms.

  “Didn’t Melinda tell you we were coming?” Meg asked.

  “The last I heard,” Melinda said, “You weren’t coming, so this is a surprise to me, too.”

  “And I’m surprised that you were so easily fooled.” Meg retorted.

  Melinda’s face flushed and I was sure there was about to be a squabble, so I changed the subject.

  “Did you have any trouble getting here?” I asked.

  “We almost didn’t,” Frankie said.

  “That’s why we’re late, we had to walk part way, because the truck hit a patch of ice and slid off the road two blocks down from here,” Meg explained.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Are you both all right?” I asked.

  “Sure, we’re fine. I’m going to need some help getting the damn thing out of the ditch though.”

  “There’s plenty of people here who will help you, but we were just sitting down to dinner, so hang your coats on the rack and follow me to the dining room.”

  “Where shall I put your gifts?” Frankie asked.

  “Oh, that’s so sweet. For now why not put them in the living room.”

  I helped them carry the gifts into the living room, and then led them to the dining room. “Everyone, look who’s here! Meg and Frankie Bonner-Bumgartner. Meg was my best friend’s sister, I’ve known her all my life.”

  Melinda and George jumped up and brought two more chairs to the table. I heard Meg tell Melinda that if she calls her Meggles, she didn’t care who was watching, she would kick her ass. I couldn’t help but laugh. I asked everyone to go around the table and introduce themselves, and even the ones who already knew them joined in.

  Surrounded by my family and friends, everyone laughing and enjoying themselves, tears welled up in my eyes. I picked up the King James Bible that I kept in the drawer and looked at everyone. “I’d like to read to you the real story of Christmas. It’s from the annunciation to the shepherds from the Gospel of Luke, chapter two, verses ten through fourteen.”

  “And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill towards men.”

  I looked around the table at my family and friends. “We are so blessed today, and I pray that those blessing continue throughout the year with peace on earth and good will toward all.” I picked up my glass and held it in the air. “A toast to our loved ones so near,” I looked at Melinda and smiled empathically, “and to those so far away.”

  “Here, here,” everyone said at once.

  Just as everyone began passing the food around the table, the doorbell rang and continued to ring, as if someone were leaning on the bell. There’s only one man who could be that impatient.

  I opened the door and the Blackstones walked in carrying gifts.

  Yes, now it is perfect.

  “Oh, thank you so much for coming,” I said as I took their coats and hung them on the coat rack.

  “Thank you for inviting us,” Elizabeth said.

  “It was more like she blackmailed us,” Robert retorted.

  “Hush,” Elizabeth admonished.

  Ignoring his remark, I looked him in the eye and said, “Melinda will be so happy to see you. Follow me to the dining room, you’re just in time for dinner.”

  He smiled at me. “Smart, bribing me with food, too. I could use a shark like you on my team.”

  I laughed, wondering if he were serious, not that it would matter.

  “Melinda, you have guests,” I said, walking into the dining room.

  “Huh?” She turned around and then jumped up. “Mother, Father.” She walked over and shook her father’s hand and hugged her mother. “Thank you for coming.”

  I had seen them greet each other before and this time seemed even more stiff and dispassionate than before. They were probably not sure how to act in front of all those people, so I took it upon myself to break the ice. I walked over and hugged both of them, and they returned the hug. Then Melinda followed my example and hugged them and they genuinely hugged her back.

  “I’m so glad you both could come,” I said.

  Elizabeth smiled. “Thank you for inviting us.”

  Melinda looked at me and grinned. She took my hand and kissed it and we shared a moment when we both knew the love of the other.

  Robert whispered, “Melinda, we didn’t know all these people would be here. We don’t have presents for everyone.”

  “Father, they have more than enough presents. Don’t worry, they’re not expecting gifts from you. I’m just so glad that you’re here.”

  “Really?” he asked. “Uh, I mean, we’re glad to be here, too.”

  Melinda introduced her parents to the other guests.

  “Melinda, would you bring in some more chairs, please?” I asked.

  “Sure, George, lend a hand?” Melinda said, walking out of the room.

  George jumped up and in a minute there were two more chairs at the table, and the Blackstones sat down beside Melinda.


  That night, after Robert and Elizabeth went to their hotel, and Meg and Frankie also left, in spite of my pleas not to, Melinda and I walked hand in hand up the stairs.

  “This was the best day ever!” I exclaimed as I sat at my makeup table and brushed my hair.

  “You know, it was the best Christmas I ever had,” Melinda said.

  I could see in the mirror’s reflection that she was holding something behind her back.

  “But it’s not over with yet,” she added.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know we agreed not to buy each other presents, so—”

  “That’s right, and my parents being with us today was all the present I needed.”

  “Well, I sort of made you a present.”

  “You made me a present? That’s so sweet, darling. When did you find time to do that?”

  “Do you remember this afternoon when I told you I was sneaking up here for a nap?” she asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, and I was so jealous.”

  “Well, I wasn’t napping. I was printing out the pictures that we took today and I put them all in this jar.”

  She handed me a large jar full of photographs. I dipped my hand in and pulled out a photo of Norma snoozing on the couch. My heart filled with warmth and love.

  “Whenever you get down, or worried, or sad, just come up here and pull a picture from the jar. It will remind you of this happy day.”

  “Oh, honey,” I gushed. “What a wonderful idea. I love it.”

  “I hoped you would,” she said, kissing my hair and making her way down behind my ear.

  I reached up and put my hand on her cheek. “I made a gift for you, too.”

  “You did?”

  “Well, yes, sort of. Actually it’s a video that George helped me put together.”

  “Oh là là,” she teased.

  “No, not that kind of video, silly. Would you like to watch it now? It’s about ten minutes long.”

  “Sure, I’d like to see it.”

  “Good. The DVD is already in the player so l
et’s lie in bed and watch it.”

  We arranged the pillows and then climbed in bed, snuggling close. I turned the bedside light down low and hit play on the remote control. The video title came up.

  My Gift to You, My Love.

  Off camera: “Chris Blackstone-Livingston, take one.”

  On camera: “Melinda’s favorite word is bleep. Oh, can I say that word on camera?”

  Off camera: “Norma Shelby, take one.”

  On camera: “Dear, sweet, Melinda. I admire your strength, your courage, your sense of humor. I admire the woman that you’ve become and love the woman that you are. Never lose hope, dear, and never lose your passion.”

  Off camera: “Pluto and Blackie, take one.”

  On camera: “Meow. Meow. Meow.”

  “That was cute. Did you do the voice for the kittens?” Melinda asked.

  “Yes, and held them up to the camera too,” I replied.

  Off camera: “Chris Blackstone-Livingston, take two.”

  On camera: “Melinda likes to do this thing with her hand that has me screaming— what? What do you mean, cut?”

  Melinda laughed and goosed me in the ribs.

  Off camera: “Charlotte Riggins, take one.”

  On camera: “I don’t think it’s professional to talk about my boss.”

  Off camera: “Konani Kalani, take one.”

  On camera: “Aloha. What else do you want me to say?”

  Off camera: “George Kirk, take one.”

  On camera: “Blackie, you’ve come a long way since you met Chris. Why, I’ll bet you even eat your eggs sunny side up now, snot and all. Am I right?”

  “Hell, no!” Melinda shouted at the screen, and this time I goosed her. She wrapped her arm around me as the next scene came up.

  Off camera: “Chris Blackstone-Livingston, take three.”

  On camera: “My darling, all joking aside, I love you more than I can ever explain. I look at you and my heart skips a beat, my toes curl up, and my brain turns to mush. Remember this video when you lose your way or forget who you are. You are my wife, my lover, my friend. You are a good person who cares about much more than yourself, and I am so proud of you. I love you, sweetheart.”

  The words I love you came on the screen.

  “Oh, baby. That was so cool,” Melinda said, pulling me close, but before we could kiss, another scene came on the screen.

  Off camera: “Robert Blackstone, take one.”

  “What? My father? When did he have time to do that?”

  “Today, while you were up here printing out the photos, George and I pushed him in front of the camera, and George filled in for the director.”

  “You did that for me?”

  “Quiet,” I said and pointed at the television.

  On camera: “Melinda, you know I’m not good at expressing my emotions, but I am good at feeling them. When Chris said that her parents would fill in for your mother and me, I admit that I was jealous. I know now that it was just a ploy on her part, but it worked. She’s a very smart cookie, that one. Anyway, I hope the fact that your mother and I canceled our plans just to be with you today shows you how much we really do love you, but even more importantly, we are glad that we did. I love you, Melinda, no matter what.”

  I looked at the tears in Melinda’s eyes and my own tears floated up.

  “That was so great, Chris,” she said, wiping her eyes with her hand. “Thank you for that.”

  I handed her a tissue and took one myself, and we both wiped our eyes and blew our noses. Then we looked at each other and laughed.

  “Remember your gift that I gave you early this morning?”

  Smiling at the memory, I said, “Do I ever.”

  She took the remote control from my hand and turned the television off, then tossed it to the side. “Well, it’s the gift that keeps on giving, and as you said, I like to do this thing with my hand…”

  She held up her hand as if it were a puppet with all the fingers touching the thumb, and the hand puppet kissed me on my cheek, on my breasts, my stomach, and finally, after the hand puppet looked back at me, it disappeared under the sheet, and suddenly I jerked when I felt her fingers kiss the throbbing sweet spot between my cleft.

  “Oh, yes. That’s my favorite Christmas gift ever,” I gasped, already surging toward climax.

  “Merry Christmas, baby,” she said, increasing the rhythm of her fingers.

  The pressure was so intense that I saw a kaleidoscopic of colors, as if I were looking at the blinking lights on a Christmas tree. I shouted, “Jingle bells!” just as Melinda unwrapped my gift. I thought I heard her singing through the blood rushing in my ears and the shuddering in my thighs, as I rode the waves of ecstasy.

  “Jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride…”

  Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a very good night.

  Other books by Mairsile:

  Riches to Rags series:

  From Riches to Rags

  A bad-girl billionaire, accepts the ultimate challenge from a waitress, and gives up all her money, expensive toys, liquor, and women, to live in a run-down building, working at a barbeque restaurant. She only has to last thirty days, and suppress her growing feelings for the waitress. Just thirty days, but to a billionaire, that's a lifetime. This is a multi-first-person point of view novel. (Riches to Rags Book 1) Buy it now!

  Combining Riches

  Blackie and Chris set up house together in a romantic mansion by the river, where the paddlewheeler greets them in the morning, and the golden rays of the setting sun, dance on the river for them in the evening. They work on their first pay it forward case, which is more of a favor for a close friend. And Chris meets the man she hit when she was drunk. Her guilt becomes so great that Blackie is afraid that the very special Valentine’s Day she has planned for them may not happen. Book two of the Riches to Rags series. This book is a multiple person point of view. (Riches to Rags Book 2) Buy it now!

  Separating Riches

  When Blackie and Chris initiate their scholarship program, an unexpected call-in sends them to San Francisco to revisit Blackie's past and presents an opportunity for her first pay-it-forward case. Once they have settled into their temporary home, the City by the Bay opens itself up for a wonderful experience that is celebrated by all. But not everything is as it appears to be as the investigations progress and Blackie finds herself in a compromising situation that threatens to separate the soul mates forever. This book is a multiple person point of view. (Riches to Rags Book 3) Buy it now!

  Aidan & Vicky series:

  I Remember You

  Aidan is tough, self-assured and suffering from amnesia. The only person who knows her heart, Vicky, can’t tell her that they were childhood lovers, even when Vicky is asked to hire her.

  Vicky is the CEO of a multi-million dollar health system, being targeted by terrorists. Will Aidan get her memories back in time to stop the bombs before they destroy Vicky’s hospital? Will Vicky choose the hospital over Aidan? (Book 1 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember, It’s You I Love

  Aidan & Vicky are on a mission called, Operation Pink Knight, where they must enter a war zone in order to rescue Aidan’s second love, and first fiancée. It comes down to a volatile standoff between them and the enemy, and Aidan must choose which woman to save. (Book 2 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember, You Love Me

  Planning a wedding with her fiancée, losing herself to the sexual advances of her ex-fiancée, Aidan is torn between love and duty. Through no fault of her own, Aidan is caught up in a love triangle, and must choose which woman she will marry. But that's not Aidan's only problem. She must save her fiancée, Vicky, from a particularly nasty stalker, who as it turns out, is Aidan's own father. But how can she concentrate on just her, when she is also engaged to Samantha, who Aidan believes she left behind, during an insurgent attack in Iraq. Samantha spent a year in captivity, and the only way she could survive the horrific treatment, was to
think of Aidan. (Book 3 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember This Day

  Life together had never been easy for Aidan and Vicky, but it just got worse as their wedding day approaches. Tornadoes threaten their magical roof top wedding, Aidan gets in a drunken fist fight behind a bar, and Vicky performs open heart surgery on a city street as buildings collapse all around her. And then if that weren’t bad enough, after a horrific experience while making love, one of them calls the wedding off. This time, their love may not be enough to see them through these disasters. (Book 4 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Remember, It's Our Honeymoon

  Their honeymoon postponed by a tornado, a crazed mad man, and a building collapsing on top of them, Aidan and Vicky are finally on their way to Ireland. Exploring the emerald island led to a lot of shopping, love making in some provocative places, and of course espionage. But life for Vicky's best friend, Joyce, wasn’t nearly as bright, when she suddenly couldn’t see the patient’s heart beating in his chest cavity. (Book 5 of the A&V series) Buy it now!

  Generations of Women Warriors:

  Generations of Women Warriors: Battle of Pea Ridge, American Civil War

  First in a series chronicling the life and times of women in a family, who fought in historic battles and loved in historic times, though both could get them killed. Temi, at age 17, finds herself pregnant, in love with a girl, and staring down a cannon, in this epic tale of growing up during the Civil War. Buy it now! (Book 1 of the Warrior series)

  Generations of Women Warriors: Battle of Amiens, The Great War

  The next generation in the second book of the series, finds the daughter of Temi and Robin, in France during WWI, fighting for her life, as German tanks rumble toward her. Buy it now! (Book 2 of the Warrior series)


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