Book Read Free

One Night

Page 3

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Babies?!” We all ask in unison.

  Brianne rolls her eyes at her friend before answering; “Yeah, I’m having twins,” She sighs. “And I’ll tell him when I have the chance Livie,” this time she glares at her best friend like she did something to piss her off.

  Holy mother fucker, she’s expecting two babies?

  “I didn’t beat Ethan enough!” Carson says between clenched teeth. Bri doesn’t say anything but roll her eyes at her brother. Shit, does her silence mean that the babies are really Ethan’s?

  “Don’t go making trouble Carson,” his mom says pointing at him in warning. “Brianne honey, I know you probably don’t want to talk about this on your first day back, but you need to go talk to that Ethan boy and tell him to man up because he’s about to be a father,” she continues. I can feel the blood boiling in my veins right this instant.

  How the hell is this fair? I’ve loved Bri for so many years, but that fucker Ethan has always been in the damn way, it didn’t help my case that he was Bri’s first everything. And now, when I thought that I might finally get a chance to be with her, Ethan is yet again preventing that. He never fucking deserved her or loved her for that matter, yet he gets to stay in her life?

  This is bullshit!

  I down the beer in my hand, I can’t handle hearing about Bri and Ethan’s babies anymore. I need to get the hell out of here. The thought of heading to the bar like Carson and I originally planned is getting more enticing by the minute.

  “I’ve got to go,” I say as I jump to my feet, ready to get the hell out of this place before I say something I’ll regret.

  “What, why are you leaving?” This from Carson as he studies me. We have been best friends long enough for him to see how pissed off I am right now.

  “Just need to go get some stuff done,” my vague answer brings a frown to Carson’s face. He might be my best friend, but I never told him that I’m in love with his little sister - I think he might castrate me if he knew how I felt about her and feed my balls to wolves if he ever found out I slept with her too. “Bye, everyone,” I say as I start to leave, ignoring any more eye contact with Brianne, I can’t risk looking at her with my emotions going haywire.

  Seeing that I drove my motorbike tonight, the trip to the bar wasn’t long. I hop off the bike and make my way inside. “I’ll have a whisky on the rocks!” I tell the female bartender dressed in shorts that barely cover her ass and the skimpiest shirt I’ve ever seen.

  “Coming up handsome,” she winks.

  “Hey, baby!” A woman says as she wraps her arms around me from behind. What the hell?

  I turn around to be met by a familiar face, It’s Sabrina and damn does she look fucking hot in that blouse that shows her firm tits, those tight white jeans completed with silver fuck me heels. The sight of her in front of me should have me hard as a rock, but my dick doesn’t move. Damn you Brianne Bentley for being the only woman my dick responds to. The only way to get hard is to imagine whoever I’m with is her.

  “Hey, babe.” I smile at Sabrina who lights up like a Christmas tree at my seductive voice.

  “So, are you up for some company?” She asks, her hand brushing my chest.

  “Sure baby,” I smile.

  “And then maybe later we can…” she leans in and whispers in my ear; “Go to my place and fuck the night away.” She licks my ear before slowly pulling away.

  “Fuck yeah!” I say pulling her closer so that she is standing between my legs and then I kiss her savagely, taking all this anger out on her lips. My dick should be painfully hard right now, but the damn appendage won’t cooperate. Shit.

  I break the kiss when I hear throat clearing. I’m ready to tell whoever it is to fuck off when my eyes widen in shock. Olivia and Bri are looking at me disapprovingly. Olivia looks pissed off but Bri, at first, she looks just as angry as her friend but then that anger changes to hurt. A single tear rolls down her face before she bolts out of the bar.

  What the hell is her problem and what is she even doing here?

  “Brianne, wait!” I hear Olivia threatening Sabrina to stay put as I rush after Bri. “Brianne!” I call again when I catch up to her outside.

  “What?!” she shouts, breathing heavy like she’s out of breath.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “So, you left earlier so that you can stick your tongue down Sabrina’s throat?!” She says instead of answering my question.

  “What? Why the hell do you care? You are the one that got knocked up by another man Bri, one that doesn’t even deserve you!” I say through clenched teeth. I’m so pissed right now I just wish I can punch something, preferably Ethan’s face. “Now you get angry because I’m with another woman?” I continue.

  “What the hell makes you think these babies are Ethan’s?” What the fuck? They’re not Ethan’s? Did she meet someone else while she’s been away and that’s the fucker that got her pregnant? My whole body starts to vibrate with anger and hurt.

  “Well, I hope you and whoever the father is live happily ever after,” I say sarcastically before turning to leave.

  “It’s you!” She shouts, causing me to look back at her, confusion making me a bit lightheaded.

  “What’s me, Brianne?”

  “The babies, they’re yours,” she says softly as tears start running down her face.

  For the second time in one day, I feel all the color draining from my face.

  Holy fucking shit!

  Chapter Four


  I could kill Livie, when am I going to tell the father? I’m hardly going to drop the bomb on Jaxon when we’re around everyone. But of course, Livie’s question starts mom telling me that I should really tell Ethan. If only she knew the truth, I think she’d start planning a wedding for us instantly. She loves Jaxon; she’s always saying that when he finally settles down that the woman’s going to be one special lady.

  “I’ve got to go,” Jaxon says pulling me from listening to mom talk about Ethan. Jaxon jumps to his feet looking angry, what the hell is his problem anyway?

  “What, why are you leaving?” Carson asks him looking confused, and he’s not the only one, both mom and dad are looking at him too.

  “Just need to go get some stuff done,” His answer only causes

  Carson to frown, ‘Bye, everyone,” He says as he starts to walk out of the house, god, he’s leaving. I was hoping to talk to him. Damn.

  Carson, mom and dad start speculating as to what’s wrong with Jaxon. Carson reckons he’s got a woman, which both mom and dad want to meet. I get up and walk into the kitchen. I can’t hear about him and another woman anymore. I place my hand on my stomach, feeling the babies move, if he is seeing someone, the news could potentially ruin what they have. God, this is such a mess.

  “So, Jaxon’s the dad?” I hear Livie say behind me, jeez, can she not leave things alone?

  Turning to face her, I see that she’s smiling from ear to ear. “How the hell did you figure that out?” I narrow my eyes at her; I bet she was watching me the whole time we’ve been here.

  “Come on Bri; this is me you’re talking to. I know everything about you; you tell me everything, well you used to. Like when you told me about the night you slept with Jaxon, that you and Ethan hadn’t had sex in at least six weeks, so that could only mean that Jax is the dad unless you’re further along than they’ve said.” She tells me with a shrug, what the hell, she’s worse than a flipping elephant with that memory of hers.

  “YOU SLEPT WITH JAX?” I hear a shout and watch as Carson comes into the kitchen.

  “You were eavesdropping?” I can’t keep the horror out of my voice; I didn’t want everyone to know that Jax is the dad, before Jax himself knows.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay? You left the room in a hurry, and don’t turn this around on me! You slept with my best friend, and you’re pregnant with his children. How would you feel if I slept with you
r best friend?” He says, and I’m trying my hardest not to laugh at him. I mean, he’s acting like a girl, but I do get where he’s coming from. I take a few deep breaths before I can answer him.

  I, however, don’t get a chance, “Who said that I’d sleep with you? Hmm?” Livie says full of sass; she’s got both her hands on her hips and a perfectly arched brow.

  “Please, you’re begging to be with me, and we both know it,” Carson says with a straight face, and I can’t help it, I succumb to the laughter, tears rolling down my face. I have to cross my legs, so I don’t pee myself. “Hey, I’m not that bad,” Carson says as Livie scoffs at him. “So, what are you going to do about Jaxon? You’re going to have to tell him and soon.”

  That gets the laughter to stop, “I know, I was planning on telling him tonight, but he left,” I sigh, God, how am I meant to tell someone that they’re going to be a father? Carson grabs a hold of my hand and starts to pull me down the hall toward the front door. “Hey! I can walk myself. Why the hell are you dragging me out of the house?”

  “Let go of her, you moron. She’s pregnant!” Livie shouts coming up behind us.

  “I know she’s pregnant; I’m not blind, no one’s going to miss that!” He tells her.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask as he actually lifts me off the ground and barks at Livie to open the door to his truck. “Put me down, you moron! MOM!” I scream and watch as both mom and dad rush out of the house.

  “Carson, be careful with her.” Mom says while my dad looks on laughing. I’m disowning them; I’m disowning all of them.

  “Bri, you need to tell him. He probably thinks Ethan’s the dad and he’s mad as hell. You need to set him straight.” He puts me into the Jeep as Livie jumps into the back.

  “I know, and who’s fault is that? Oh yeah, that would be yours! You and that big fat mouth of yours all you kept saying were that the babies are Ethan’s.” Hmm, stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

  No-one says anything as Carson starts driving, fifteen minutes later he’s pulling up outside the bar. I spot Jaxon’s motorbike, and my heart almost leaps out of my chest, it starts beating erratically.

  “How did you know that he’ll be here?” I ask my brother because I don’t remember Jax telling us where he’ll be headed.

  Carson just rolls his eyes, “I know Jax like I know myself,” he tells me.

  “Come on Bri; I’ll come in with you,” Livie says, and I’m so grateful that she’s here, she’s been so supportive throughout all my pregnancy.

  She helps me down from the Jeep and holds my hand as we walk toward the bar’s entrance. My hands start to feel clammy as my heart is still racing and my breathing is starting to become labored. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and count to six before slowly releasing. It’s calming me down. Livie’s looking at me with worry in her eyes, she thinks this is going to stress me out too much. It needs to be done, and the longer I wait, the worse it’s going to be.

  Walking into the bar, my eyes are drawn straight to Jaxon who’s sitting at the bar and has a woman whose hand is brushing his chest. I take a close look and see that it’s Sabrina who’s all over him. Great the town bike, just what I need. She looks amazing, and Jaxon’s obviously enjoying the company as he has a smile on his face.

  I can’t hear what they are saying but I watch in disgust as Sabrina leans into him, I can see her lips moving, but I don’t hear what she’s saying. I almost gag when I see her lick his ear, before pulling away. “That’s fucking gross,” Livie says, and I agree with her, she still has a hold of my hand and starts to drag me toward them. What is it with people dragging me?

  Jaxon pulls Sabrina closer to him, so she’s standing in between his legs and then to my horror they start kissing. Fuck! I didn’t want to see this. Livie starts to cough, along with tapping her foot. She lets go of my hand and crosses her arms over her chest; she’s pissed whereas I’m distraught. Even though mom, dad and Carson we’re talking about Jaxon having a girlfriend I thought I was prepared. But seeing and hearing about it are two different things.

  Jaxon pulls away from Sabrina and faces us. His eyes widening as he takes us in, my anger disappears, and sadness creeps in. A lone tear falls from my eye, and I must get out of here.

  “Brianne, wait!” I hear Jaxon shout, but I don’t stop, I need to go, I want to go home and crawl into bed and forget what I’ve just seen. I make it out of the bar, my breathing is heavy, and I’ve awoken the babies with my running, they’re kicking hard.

  “Brianne!” I hear him, and I know that he’s followed me outside.

  I stop and whirl around and face him “What?!” I shout, so out of breath, who’d have thought running while pregnant with twins would make you sound so unfit?

  “What are you doing here?” Jaxon asks, looking perplexed.

  “So, you left earlier so that you can stick your tongue down Sabrina’s throat?!” I say almost defensively, why did he bother coming to see me if he was just going to leave and come here and be with her?

  “What? Why the hell do you care? You are the one that got knocked up by another man Bri, one that doesn’t even deserve you!” He says, and it sounds as though he said it through gritted teeth. “Now you get angry because I’m with another woman?” He continues, and he’s making me angry with his bullshit.

  “What the hell makes you think these babies are Ethan’s?”

  “Well, I hope you and whoever the father is live happily ever after,” He says sarcastically, the fucking bastard, thinks I’m a whore?

  “It’s you!” I shout, and I can’t believe I just shouted it. I never intended to tell him like that.

  “What’s me, Brianne?” His voice is softer he looks confused.

  “The babies, they’re yours,” tears streaming down my face, this isn’t how this was meant to go.

  I watch as the color leaves his face and he starts to sway where he stands, I start to move towards him, but I’m too late. He’s on the floor; he’s fainted.

  “Did he just faint?” I hear the humor in Livie’s voice as she comes out of the bar.

  I’m on my knees, making sure he’s okay. I can see that his head is bleeding, “You could help you know.” I give her a look that says to hurry the hell up.

  She runs toward Carson’s Jeep, but even I can see that he’s already on his way toward us. “Holy shit, that was epic. He actually fainted.” Carson shouts, and that sends Livie into a fit of laughter. Great these two are no help whatsoever.

  “We need to get him to a hospital,” I tell them as I get to my feet. “His heads bleeding. I don’t know what he hit it off, but there’s a lot of blood.”

  They must hear the worry in my voice as they rush over to us and Carson looks over him. “Okay, Bri, you get my Jeep and bring it over to us. Olivia, you help me lift him when she comes.” The urgency of his voice has me running again. I run as fast as I can to his Jeep, lifting myself into the driver’s side, I bring the car toward them, and Carson and Livie put Jaxon inside, he hasn’t woken up yet, and I’m really starting to panic.

  Finally, we get to see him, we’ve been in the emergency department for more than two hours. The doctor told us that he’s got a concussion and had to be stitched, he landed on a stone at an awkward angle and will need monitoring for the next twenty-four hours, which Carson happily volunteered me to do. We’ve just got to wait for him to be allowed to go home, the doctor’s just writing up his prescription.

  “So, that will be something to tell your kids won’t it,” Carson says, and I try my hardest not to laugh, the look on Jaxon’s face doesn't help, he looks like he wants to kill Carson.

  “So, who do you think the Satan’s will take after?” Livie asks, and I give her a look that has her taking a step backwards away from me.

  “Satan’s?” Carson, of course, finds it hilarious.

  “Why is she calling the babies Satan’s?” Jaxon sounds so confused and groggy. He must still be reeling.

  “Because they do that!” Livie shrieks as she points to my bump where you can see movement through my tank top.

  “What the fuck is that?” Both Jaxon and Carson shout in unison.

  “That’s them. Told you they’re Satan’s.” Livie says, and she’s not fucking helping.

  “The babies are moving. Do...Umm...Do you want to feel?” I ask Jax, feeling a little unsure of myself.

  He starts to get up, and I walk over to him. He looks at my stomach and down to his hands. I reach out and grab his hand, placing it on my bump. Instantly, the babies move and kick. “Whoa... Did they... Was that... God.” He can’t seem to get out what he wants to say.

  Carson comes up beside me, and he places his hand on my bump and nothing, “How come they won’t move for me?” He asks, and I feel bad for him, he looked excited when he first touched my bump.

  “Because they know you’re a weirdo,” Livie says with a smirk, and Carson walks over to her and whispers something in her ear, and I really want to know what it was as it wipes the smirk off her face.

  The door opens, and the doctor walks in, “Okay, Mr Carter you are free to leave.” he walks over to me, handing me Jax’s prescription. “Make sure to keep checking on him throughout the night, although it was a mild concussion and I don’t foresee any complications arising, we still need to err on the side of caution.”

  “Thanks, Doc, I’ll be fine,” Jax says resigned, he hates being looked after, probably because his parents never did, and he grew up without any love and support.

  “Come back if you need to.” With that, the doctor leaves the room and Carson goes to help Jaxon off the bed but steps back when he sees the pissed off look Jax is sporting.

  “We’ll stop at a pharmacy and get the painkillers on the way home,” I tell him as he may have one hell of a headache when he wakes up. As we leave the hospital, Jaxon and Carson walk ahead of me, I’m tired, and I can’t keep up with their long strides as we walk back to Carson’s Jeep parked in the parking lot.


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