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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 88

by Latrivia Nelson

  “Hey,” Dylan said, jumping up. He ran to him quickly and gave him a hug. Wrapping his small arms around his legs, he looked up at him and smiled. “Are you ready for our dinner?”

  Vasily rubbed through his hair and tried to smile. “Yeah, about that…”

  Dylan might have been a child, but he knew when someone was about to cancel on him. He cut Vasily off quickly. “Mom has been getting ready for hours. I haven’t seen her since before Anya and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean, but she must be getting awfully pretty for you.”

  “Is she in there now?” Vasily asked.

  “Think so,” he said innocently.

  “Hey, do me a favor. Why don’t you go and hang out in my room until I speak with your mother? Can you do that for me? I’ll come and get you when I’m done.”

  Dylan looked confused again. “Why, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong, buddy. I just need to talk to you mother…alone.” Vasily tried to lighten his voice. “I promise that I’ll get ready right after. And I stick by my word. If I tell you that I’m going to do something, I do it.”

  Reluctantly, Dylan agreed. “Alright but don’t be long,” he said, twisting up his lip.

  “Promise,” Vasily said, winking at him. He walked him to his room, unlocked the door and let him in. “I’ll just be a little minute,” he said, urging the boy inside.

  Knocking on Lilly’s door, he waited for her to answer. When she didn’t come directly, he knocked again. This time a little more impatiently. “Lilly,” he said, suddenly suspicious.

  Twisting the knob, he found it be locked. “Lilly,” he said, knocking harder on the door now. “Open up. It’s Vasily.”

  Still no answer.

  He took the key out of his pocket and unlocked it on his own. As he entered, he noticed the television was off and only a lamp was on in the far corner of the room by the window. There on the end table was a note.

  If you’ve found this letter, then I’ve found a way to get off the property. I’ve been looking every day just in case, and it’s a pretty secure place, locked down like Fort Knox. You won’t understand this, but I have to go. I got an email from Ms. Clemmons because it was the only way that she could find me. She told me that a man named Leo showed up tonight asking a lot of questions and threating her. She told him everything that she knew to keep the other babies there safe. This won’t end until he finds me. And now that he knows about Dylan, he won’t stop until he finds him. Take care of my son for me. I’m going to finish this once and for all. I can’t have him going after my baby, and I can’t risk getting your wonderful family involved. I nearly cost you your life once. I won’t do it again. I love you, and for all that you don’t know, I’m truly sorry. Love, Lilly.”

  Setting down the letter with shaking hands, Vasily picked up his cell and called down to Boris.

  “Yes, boss,” Boris answered quickly.

  “Did Lilly leave the property?” Vasily asked, voice still calm.

  “Haven’t seen her,” he answered. “Not that I’m aware of.”

  Vasily’s heart dropped. “Pull the video from all the cameras and find out how she got off the property,” he said, gritting his teeth. “Lock this place down now and send a team off site to the bus terminals and airport. Find her tonight and do it now.”

  “Yes, boss,” Boris said, hanging up.

  Sitting down in the chair beside the table, Vasily took a deep breath. He had to get a hold of himself. There was too much to figure out and not enough time. Why did she think that she could do this alone? What did she plan to do? What had she not told him? Why did she call Dylan her son?

  Tired of waiting, Dylan walked into their bedroom, holding his toys. “Vasily, where’s Mom?” he asked. “Are we going to have dinner? I’m starving.”

  He looked at the boy, helpless and alone and knew that he had to be there for him like he’d never been before. Straightening his suit, he stood. “We’re going to have dinner alone tonight, buddy. Just the two of us. Mom…” he paused. “Mom had to go and take care of something.” He had just made a promise to the boy and he planned to keep it.

  “Are we still going to have that talk?” Dylan asked.

  “We can have a talk, but the talk should wait for your mother,” Vasily said. “How about we grab a bite and then I’ll put you to bed. I have to go and take care of something.”

  “Like what?” Dylan asked.

  “Grown up stuff,” Vasily said, leading him out of the room.

  Vasily knew that he had to find Lilly and keep her safe. He also knew that all those years of waiting to get even with Leo had finally come to head. Whatever Lilly had done or had not done, didn’t matter. What did matter was that he loved her. And no one was going to mess with his family.

  To be Continued in Part II of Vasily’s Revenge

  Coming November 2014

  Other Works by the Author

  The Agosto Series

  Ivy’s Twisted Vine (2008)

  The World in Reverse (2013)

  The Medlov Crime Family Series

  Dmitry’s Closet (2010)

  Dmitry’s Royal Flush: Rise of the Queen (2010)

  Anatoly Medlov: Complete Reign (2011)

  Saving Anya (2012)

  The Lonely Heart Series

  The Ugly Girlfriend (2010)

  Finding Opa! (2011)

  The Grunt (2011)

  The Contingency Plan (2012)

  The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov Short Stories Series

  The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov: Volume 1 (2011)

  The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov: Volume 2 (2011)

  The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov: Volume 3 (2012)

  The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov: Volume 4 (2012)

  The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov: Volume 5 (2012)

  The Chronicles of Young Dmitry Medlov: Volume 6 (2013)

  The Medlov Men: Short Stories Series

  Vasily’s Revenge: Part 1 (2014)

  About the Author:

  National bestselling author Latrivia S. Nelson is the author of 17 interracial romance novels including the popular Medlov Crime Family Series, The Lonely Heart Series and The Agosto Series. In her short four-year career, she has developed a base of over 50,000 readers in 120 countries. She is also the President and CEO of RiverHouse Publishing, LLC and the mother of two beautiful children. When she’s not busy working, she enjoys a strong jack and coke, a good cigar and the company of her future husband, Bruce Welch.

  Double Trouble

  Men of 3X CONStruction - Book Seven

  Erosa Knowles

  Copyright 2014 by Erosa Knowles

  ISBN: 978-1-937334-40-6

  First Edition Electronic July 2014

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author‘s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, businesses, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Erosa Knowles.

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  This book was written for those of you who sent questions regarding Red’s brothers - the twins, Donald and Blaine from Ready for Love. Those two guys were edgy in that book and tell their story in Double Trouble.

  This story is also for those of you wondering how Ross, Smoke, Red, Roark, Frank, Julio and yes, Tex – those hot sexy men from the Men of 3X CONStruction series – were doing. Sit back relax and catch up with old friends in this story. Hope your fond memories are rekindled as they all meet up again in Michigan.

  A great big thank you to Tasha and Vicki for having my back on this one. Whew, you ladies rock, couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks for all the talented authors in the Scandalous Heroes collection, I am truly honored.

  A special thanks to all the readers who have accompanied the Men of 3X CONStruction through their ups and downs, love and heartaches. The men and the women that love them appreciate you, and so do I.


  Twins Blaine and Donald had no idea they have not one, but two sons from Belinda, the one woman who ever came between them. Seeing her again test family ties as they fight to rescue their son and reclaim the only woman they ever loved.

  Chapter 1

  Belinda Moore pulled into the parking area of the police station and exhaled. Closing her eyes for a moment, she allowed herself a second to relish the idea of at least one day where there were no fires to put out, no problems to fix, and no fake smiles to wear. Hell, she needed more than a moment to conjure that elusive vision. Opening her car door, she trudged up the stairs, through the thick doors, and headed to the high wooden partition where an officer sat behind really thick glass.

  “I’m here to see L. Channing about my son,” she spoke into the round metal device embedded in the glass.

  “Name?” the woman asked without looking up.

  “Belinda Moore.” She paused and inhaled deeply as a shard of pain split her chest. “My son, Adam, was brought here earlier and I was called to pick him up, but I need to speak with Channing first.”

  “I’ll let ’em know you’re here. Have a seat over there.” Her chin tipped up toward a space on the other side of the area.

  Belinda gazed in the direction the woman pointed, looked back at the female behind the glass and realized she had been dismissed. Running her hand over her shoulder length hair, she headed in the direction of the uncomfortable hard plastic chairs. Before sitting, she pulled out her cell and called Abraham, her son and Adam’s twin, to check on things at home.

  “I’m here, but I have to wait to speak to Channing. How’s your granddaddy?” She sat and crossed her legs while checking out the small waiting area. After snagging the last empty chair in the crowded space, she avoided looking directly in the eyes of any of the beleaguered faces nearby. No one enjoyed sitting in the police station.

  “The CNA arrived right after you left. I told her you had an emergency come up with Adam and that you’d be back when you were done. I said it in front of him just in case…well, in case he can hear me beneath all the medication. She’s turning and cleaning him now.”

  Belinda pressed her fingers to her forehead and lowered her eyes. Her father’s last surgery seemed to have made him worse. Right now all they could do was hope, pray, and wait. When she first arrived in Michigan, her dad had been bed-ridden and was in a great deal of pain. Seeing her and his grandsons went a long way in encouraging him to agree to this last surgery that would improve his quality of life. Watching her daddy struggle to survive his illness kept her on an emotional tilt-o-wheel. There were moments of pain, anger, and most of all, regret.

  “Okay, thanks. I don’t know how long this will take. This isn’t Adam’s first time, so I just don’t know.... We’ll be home as soon as we can. Dinner’s on the stove, make sure you eat before it gets too late.”

  “Will do.” He paused. “It’ll be okay. You know how Adam is, he’s having a hard time adjusting to Michigan. He didn’t want to leave Florida, especially the church and his friends.”

  “He hadn’t wanted to leave Georgia either. And that was more like a prison camp.”

  Abe snorted. “Yeah, but living with Ms. Trinity and going to her church after we moved to Florida wasn’t much of an improvement. That pastor went to prison for rape and Ms. Trinity got mad at you for leaving the church. Brainwashed people running around in those groups.”

  Thinking of Trinity Jacobs and the hateful words spoken between them five years ago soured her stomach. They had been best friends in Georgia, but once Belinda stopped attending church after the pastor was convicted, Trinity showed another side of her personality. The name calling and snide remarks were bad enough. But when Trinity disrespected Belinda in front of her sons and friends, she moved out of the rental house and terminated their friendship.

  Belinda looked up at a stylishly dressed, dark-complexioned woman who stood in the open doorway glancing around. There was a tug of recognition, but Belinda couldn’t place where she knew the woman from.

  “Ms. Moore?” the woman called out in a soft, cultured voice that had everyone in the room gazing in her direction.

  Belinda raised her hand as if she were in school. “Gotta go, I’m up.” She clicked off her cell and stood.

  “I’m Belinda Moore.”

  A smile crossed the pretty woman’s features. “I’m Lorie Channing, please follow me.” She turned and Belinda wished she had taken a moment to put on something other than her jogging suit and old tennis shoes. She ran a hand over her hair again, praying it wasn’t sticking up all over her head.

  “You made good time,” Ms. Channing said, glancing over her shoulder when they stopped at a thick metal door.

  “I came as soon as I got the call,” she said nervously, watching the woman slide her card through the security reader. They hadn't told her what Adam had done, only that he was being detained. Since this was her second trip to juvie in three months, she had no idea what to expect. Adam had been warned the first time after a janitor at the large Baptist church not far from their home accused him of loitering. He'd assumed this church was open to the public during the day just like their churches had been in Georgia and Florida.

  It wasn't.

  The door opened and Ms. Channing stood to the side. Heart racing, Belinda stepped through the doorway. Butterflies filled her belly as she wiped her damp palm down her leg. With each step down the hall, she knew today marked a new chapter in the lives of her and her sons, she just wasn’t sure how she would feel about it.

  “This way.” Ms. Channing pointed to a hall leading in the opposite direction before walking ahead. Belinda fondly eyed the rust-colored dress and matching heels the younger woman wore. There had been a time when she'd dressed that way every day. Once the call came regarding her father's illness and his needs, she had given up everything to manage his care.

  “Here we are.” The woman opened the door and Belinda stepped inside. Adam sat at a table with his eyes down and shoulders slumped. Being the product of a black mom and white dad, his fair complexion held a tinge of red, which concerned her. She waited for him to look in her direction. His eyes widened hopefully when he saw her.

  “Mom!” The relief she heard in that one word held a wealth of meaning. She was mom, dad, coach, protector and provider to him. Belinda had worn all those hats since her sons were born. Once again, she had come to save him, even if it was from himself.

  “Adam,” she said, moving in his direction. That’s when she noticed he was chained, like a criminal, to his seat. Frowning, she glanced at Ms. Channing and then back at him. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded while licking his lips. A sure sign he was nervous. She wondered what exactly had happen
ed this time.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He ducked his head as she took the seat across from him. She looked him over, searching for anything to explain why he was in a police station.

  “Why am I here, Adam?” No need to accuse him of anything, they’d get to that in a moment or two. First, she needed him to tell her what he thought he had done wrong; she would gauge her actions from his statement.

  His head lifted slowly. Their gazes connected. He swallowed hard before speaking. After releasing his breath, he spoke. “I was at the pawn shop with Greg, you remember I met him the other day at the Boys Club.”

  Pawn shop?

  She nodded slowly, recalling the young kid who seemed just as alone as her son. When she noticed Adam talking to the smaller boy, she thought he was making more of an effort to make friends. Had she been wrong? Was something else going on?

  “I stood outside, he went inside. The cops came and brought me here. Greg told them we were together.” He paused and dropped his gaze. “He tried to rob the place, had a gun.”

  Her heart dropped at the implications. A gun changed everything. “Greg?”

  “I don’t know him, not really. I just met him the other day, he was friendly, took time to ask me questions and listened, claimed we’d be going to the same high school in the fall. I saw him at the Boys Club this afternoon, he asked me to walk with him after we played a round of basketball. I said sure. Then we reached the pawn shop and he went inside. I didn’t know he had a gun, why would I? We were hanging out and he told me he’d be right back, for me to wait for him. So I did.” His eyes pleaded with her to believe him.


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