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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 114

by Latrivia Nelson

  Kendra took a long sip of water. It felt good going down her parched throat. What the hell? Her mouth felt like sandpaper.

  “Explain,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “What? No, what did you do to me, Michael?’” he inquired with a smirk.

  “Please. From the little that I know of you, you wouldn’t have to force a woman to have sex with you. Piero holds you in high regard. He wouldn’t if you were some crazy psychopath who preyed on women. So again, explain.” She moaned. “I feel out of it, and my head is pounding something awful.”

  “Thank you for that. Make no mistake, Kendra. I am no psychopath, however, I can be crazy as hell when it comes to my family and true friends,” Michael said, eyeing her intently.

  Kendra stared at him for a few seconds. Yes, she could see it in his eyes. He would kill for his family. Michael just had an aura about him that screamed I will eat at your table and kill you at that very same table if you fuck with me.

  “I believe you,” she said “Now, explain how I got here. The last thing I remember I was sitting at the bar.” She stopped and looked into his eyes. He didn’t have to say anything. She could tell her worst fears had come true from the look in his eyes. She’d been slipped something.

  “Marcello,” he said finally. “I was there on a date when I saw you walk in with Nicco. He left you at the bar. I wondered what was taking Nicco so long to return when I noticed Marcello chatting you up. You were not having it. Smart girl. Then he had the bartender chat you up while he slipped something into your drink. Unfortunately, I was too far across the room to get to you in time, and you’d already taken a healthy swallow of the liquid. By the time I got to you, whatever it was that he slipped you had already started to work.” Michael was getting angry all over again, just thinking about what had happened.

  “Ohmygoodness! Why would he do something like that? Isn’t he supposed to be Nicco’s friend?” Kendra cried. “Did he really think Nicco was going to let him walk out of there with me in a coma or something?”

  “Kendra, he probably thought, Nicco would do what he always does, leave and not come back. He has been known to do that. I don’t know what Marcello thought. However, his intentions were apparent. For that, he will pay dearly,” Michael barked.

  The look he gave her sent chills down her spine. Michael was serious. Very serious.

  Kendra let out a deep sigh. “Lord, please tell me you didn’t tell my sister and brother-in-law?” She groaned.

  “Piero knows. Adanna does not. Piero and I thought it best not to tell her. No need to worry her. Piero knew that you were safe with me,” Michael said nonchalantly.

  “Thank you. Adanna would have flipped out. Damn it almost happened again,” she whispered.

  “What do you mean again?” Michael snapped.

  “What are you talking about?” Kendra asked.

  “You said again. Explain,” Michael snarled.

  “You must be hearing things. I never said that. So why do I have a bandage on my arm?” Kendra asked, changing the subject. Apparently, she had spoken her private thoughts out loud. Didn’t matter. Her business was her business, and she didn’t know Michael well enough to tell him anything about herself.

  “I know what I heard, Kendra,” Michael said, eyeing her intensely.

  “Why does my arm have gauze and a band aid on it, Michael?” Kendra asked sharply. “Did someone shoot me up with a needle?”

  “I had a doctor friend of mine come over to take a look at you. He took some blood samples. We needed to know exactly what you were given. He’s having the blood tested and will call me back with the results. Apparently, whatever Marcello slipped you gave you an allergic reaction. I had to give you Benadryl. That is probably why you are still feeling groggy,” Michael explained.

  “It was a good thing you and I were in the same place at the same time. No telling what would have happened to me. Marcello didn’t seem like the caring kind. Nicco should really choose his friends more carefully. If he tried to do it to me, no doubt he’s done it before. He needs to be stopped,” Kendra said angrily.

  “He will be. However subtly. Our families are very close. It would kill his father to learn what his son is doing. It is a delicate situation, no?” Michael explained.

  “Maybe your family should choose your friends a little more carefully. Marcello reeks of scumbag. He thinks he can get by on looks alone. Don’t get me wrong. He’s handsome, but once he opens his mouth, you immediately forget about his looks. He’s freaking dumb as a doorknob. Wait, let me change that. Doorknobs have a purpose; he doesn’t,” Kendra sniffed.

  Michael laughed. “You’re different,” he said, giving her a once over. “Spunky and intelligent. I like that.”

  “Whatever,” Kendra grunted. She really didn’t feel up to compliments at the moment. “What time is it?”

  She watched him walk over to the other side of the bed and pick up a gold watch off the night table.

  “It is exactly 9:15 a.m.,” he said.

  “Oh my. I have to get home before Adanna gets up. If she doesn’t see me, she will surely worry. Oh, hell, my head still hurts,” Kendra moaned.

  “Relax. It is taken care of. Piero will tell her that you got an early start. She will not worry, trust me. Piero has a way with Adanna,” Michael snickered.

  “You mean, he sexes her up all day and night. His business must have suffered some. They are always in bed,” Kendra said.

  “His business is fine. A man can love his woman, or, as you say, ‘sex’ his woman up, and still run a lucrative business. Piero is an Alesi. He can handle it,” Michael said smartly.

  “If you say so. I’ll never know,” she murmured beneath her breath. “I need a shower and some clothes. You and Piero seem to have thought of everything, but my clothing, or lack thereof.”

  From the frown on his face, she’d guessed right.

  “Oh, this is just great. I don’t have any clothing. I refuse to put on the ones I wore last night. Do you have any sweats around here?” she asked.

  “Of course. I work out every day. I have a full exercise facility in the basement,” Michael said. “I know my clothes will not fit you, though.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I can roll them up. Or, I can just wear a pair of those silk boxers you have on and a tee,” she said.

  “That can be arranged. I don’t have any women undergarments here, though. I will have to go and pick some up for you from your sister’s or go to the mall.” He cringed.

  “If you have a washer and dryer, I will just wash the things I had on,” she said.

  “I have a washer and dryer.”

  “Great! I need a shower,” she said, and flinched from the pain in her head.

  “Maybe the shower should wait,” Michael said. His concern was evident in his eyes.

  “Yeah. Maybe. Maybe I’ll just nap a few minutes more. I’m suddenly sleepy, and I really need to get rid of this headache. I suffer from migraines, so this is not helping one bit,” she whimpered.

  “Lie back and relax. Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “I am, but I don’t feel like eating anything. I feel as if I’d regurgitate anything I take in. This is not a good feeling at all,” she grumbled, sinking down under the covers.

  “Okay, get some rest. I’ll shower and dress and then grab a cup of coffee,” he said.

  “Can you lie with me for a bit?” she asked wide-eyed. She really didn’t want to be alone. Kendra was extremely happy that Michael had been at the pub last night and that he had brought her to his home, where he appeared to have taken very good care of her.

  With a lift of his brow he asked. “You want me to get in that bed with you?”

  “Why not? I trust you. Hell, if you were going to take advantage of me, you would have while I was unconscious. You didn’t. I just feel really weird,” she said, her voice slurred. “Michael, you were in bed with me when I woke up, remember?”

  “You weren’t unconscious. Out of it, but not unconsciou
s,” he said, studying her intently.

  “Will you just be quiet and get in this bed?” she asked.

  “Kendra, I’m a man. I would have to be dead not to have a reaction to you. You’re a beautiful woman with a fantastic body. Trust me, I am not as noble as you think,” he grunted. “It took will power to lie next to you and not touch you.”

  “Please,” she choked out. Her voice sounded shaky, even to her own ears. She began to tremble with fear. Kendra really didn’t think she could handle being alone now. Michael must have noticed her fear. He didn’t ask any more questions. He just walked around to the other side of the bed and stretched out on top of the covers.

  Kendra let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “You know you’re safe anywhere in my home. No one will harm you here,” he said, his voiced strained.

  “Hmm,” she murmured, turning in a fetal position on her side. “Don’t leave,” she said, closing her eyes and falling back asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Michael waited until he was sure that Kendra was soundly asleep before tiptoeing across the room, taking out a pair of well-worn dark jeans, silk boxers, and a black V-neck t-shirt. He speedily showered and dressed. He needed to speak with Sal and Piero first, and then his brother. Making sure as to not disturb Kendra, he walked over to the night table, grabbed his cell, and quietly left the room.

  Once out of the bedroom, he continued on to the kitchen, where he went about making himself an espresso. He took a hefty sip to steel himself before placing the cup on the countertop and ringing Piero’s cell.

  “Michael, talk to me.”

  “Hello to you, too, Piero,” Michael snorted.

  “Michael, no time for small talk, no? Is Kendra okay?”

  “Yes, she’s fine. She is sleeping,” Michael responded.

  “Still? It is late,” Piero said, concern in his voice.

  “She had a rough night,” he responded. Michael would keep the bit about her wanting him to stay in bed with her to himself. Besides, he was figuring out that Ms. Kendra was not as tough and brave as she led others to believe. He knew that she kept secrets and not just secrets about an ex-lover running off with her money. No, there was definitely something else going on, and he fully intended to find out just what it was.

  “Michael…Michael are you still there?” He winced as he heard Piero’s voice piercing through the phone.

  “Yes…yes I am here,” he said, clearing his throat.

  “Is there something else going on that you’re not telling me?” Piero asked.

  “No, Piero, everything is fine. Kendra is sleeping, and I am in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, waiting for her to awaken. Is Adanna looking for her?” Michael asked.

  “She asked. I told her that she was with you. However, I gave no details as to why. Cara Mia trusts you. She had no more questions. How long are you planning on keeping Kendra there?”

  “As long as it takes. She has to have a chance to process what happened first. When she feels up to going back to your house, then I will bring her. If not, she will stay here until she feels like leaving,” Michael said.

  “Why are you sounding so possessive, Michael?”

  “That’s because I am, Piero. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Yes, I do. But,” he stressed. “I trust you to do the right thing. Do not hurt her, Michael.”

  “How can you say you trust me and in the same breath, tell me not to hurt her? Either you trust me, or you don’t. Make up your mind,” Michael fired back.

  “She has scars, Michael. Do not add to them,” Piero said.

  Michael was quiet for a moment. “So, you picked up on that, too?” he asked.

  “Yes, and the fact that you did, as well, has eased some of my concerns,” Piero said.

  “Only some, Piero? What still has you concerned?” he asked in a straightforward manner. “If you are referring to Carmella, then you can ease your concerns. You and I both know that situation. Carmella is of no concern to me.

  “Milano,” Piero said in hushed tones.

  “What about it?” Michael asked, all the while wondering how the hell Piero knew. Just in case Piero was guessing, he kept his voice calm and indifferent.

  “Do not play games, Michael. That is not like you, no? My concern is valid. If it is not, then say so,” Piero demanded.

  “Do no worry yourself, Piero. There is no cause for that,” Michael replied firmly. “The subject is dropped.”

  “For now, it is,” Piero responded.

  “Kendra will need her things. Make it happen,” Michael barked, annoyed that his cousin presumed that he knew what he was talking about. “And remember this, cousin: everything is not always at it seems. There is not just black and white all the time, no? There are some shades of gray.”

  “Have Kendra call Cara Mia as soon as she feels up to it. She will want to hear from her big sister. After all, they had planned to spend time together along with Kendra’s friend, Sharon,” Piero said.

  “Shit! Isn’t she due to arrive today?” Michael asked.

  “Yes. I will handle it. You take care of Kendra. Goodbye,” Piero said.

  Michael didn’t have a chance to say anything before Piero had hung up on him. He looked at the phone for a second. “Arrogant son-of-a-bitch,” Michael laughed.

  “Was that my brother-in-law?”

  Michael startled and whipped his head around. “You’re up,” he smiled.

  “Yes. Was that Piero?” Kendra asked again.

  “Yes. How’d you guess that?” he asked sarcastically.

  Kendra gave a light-hearted chuckle. “I can remember you saying that he was calling you every 15 minutes. I know my brother-in-law very well, and let me tell you, he’s bossy as hell.” She smiled.

  “Hmm, what else do you remember?” he asked.

  “You want to know if I remember trying to jump your bones?” she asked.

  Michael blushed, something he hadn’t done since his early years in high school. He ran his hands through his long, silky hair. “You remember that,” he coughed.

  “Yes, among other things. Do you happen to have a spare toothbrush?” she asked.

  Michael could see that, although a smile was on her face, her eyes told a different story. Hence the sudden change of subject.

  “I do. Everything that you need is in the vanity chest of drawers in the bathroom,” he said. “Are you hungry yet? I can make you a sandwich, soup, or macaroni.”

  “Macaroni?” she asked. “Really?”

  “No, macaroni per se. Pasta. My mamma makes it from scratch as well as the sauce. She gives all of us some, and we freeze it for when we need it. It will only take a few minutes to boil it. I usually only put butter and garlic on mine, but I can heat a container of sauce if you’d like,” he finished.

  “Sounds lovely. However, I will try just a little soup and maybe a small salad if you have it,” she said.

  “I do,” he said.

  “Good. I will be back in a second. I just need to brush my teeth. By the way, thanks for the clothes,” she tossed over her head.

  “You’re welcome. They look better on you than they do on me anyway,” he called after her as he watched her disappear around the corner. Yes, she had on a pair of his boxers and his t-shirt. The t-shirt was long enough that it covered most of her luscious ass. Okay, Michael, wrong thinking pattern. She’s here to get well, not for you to pounce on. At least not yet, anyway. There would be plenty of time for that.

  Michael went about taking out two containers of homemade soup—one tortellini, and one pasta and meat, both very light. He then took out two soup pots and put them on the stove to heat. He removed the ingredients from the freezer bags with the pasta and placed them on the kitchen countertop. He then took out a pot, filled it with water, and placed it on the burner to boil.

  Michael had set the table and was mixing the salad when he heard Kendra re-enter the room. He stared at her for a minute. When he’d seen her at the
wedding, she’d had a short pixie-cut. Now, her hair was longer, yet still stylish. Her face was free of makeup and she appeared to be comfortable just the way she was. The women he dated wouldn’t leave the bedroom without first putting on makeup.

  “Wow, that was quick,” she said, coming to stand next to him. “Can I help with anything?”

  “Everything is ready. I’ll just take the soup off of the stove and we can eat. What would you like to drink? I’m having a glass of wine,” he said.

  “I think I’ll stay away from the drinks for a while,” she snickered. “A glass of water will be fine, and some lemon, if you have any.”

  “I should. Honestly, I don’t buy my groceries. My mom or sister makes sure the fridge is fully stocked. I have a cleaning lady who comes in once a week. If I run out of something, I ask her to pick it up for me, which is rarely since I am barely here and eat out a lot. Sundays are family time, so I’m usually at my parents’ home. They are still very old school. Sit-down family meals are very important to them,” he said.

  “I understand. My family used to be like that. My parents retired and are now traveling the world. They travel more than Adanna and I put together,” she chuckled. “They are visiting relatives in Texas now, and from there, they’re off to Vegas.”

  “Good for them. My parents only take a trip once a year to Italy. That’s it. They usually stay from one month to a few months. I think it gives my mamma and aunts an excuse not to speak English,” he laughed. “I am sure you noticed the few times you were in their presence.”

  “Oh, yeah. Adanna has told me about her mother-in-law and the aunts. They want their boys to marry good Italian women. I think Piero’s mom is warming up to Adanna. Your mom has never expressed a problem with her since she and Carina have been friends since forever.”

  “Aunt Sophia will get better just as soon as Piero and Adanna produce their first child,” Michael said, rummaging through his fridge. “Ah, here we go. Lemons.”

  “Great,” she said, watching him cut the lemon into four slices.

  Michael watched as Kendra began to pour soup into her bowl and put salad on her plate. He noticed that her hand shook a little as she was doing so.


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