Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 119

by Latrivia Nelson

  “Just how far away is this mall?” Kendra asked.

  “About another mile or so. Why?”

  “I need coffee,” she said.

  “I’ll stop at the donut shop just before the mall. We can grab a coffee and a pastry. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes, that’s fine.”

  “Good. It’s just up ahead,” Michael said, maneuvering the vehicle into the turning lane.

  “This is a nice area. Where are we?”

  “Shady Forks. It’s almost like a Fire Island on land. Like a private community,” he said.

  “You all like ‘private,’ huh? Everything is private this, private that, yet your relatives are very loud,” Kendra snickered.

  “True some of us are ‘robust,’” he laughed. “However, most of us are quiet. The side of my family that loves action are the ones who live in New York in the Brooklyn and Bronx areas. We have our share of problems just like everyone else.”

  “I’m sure you do. Who doesn’t?” she said.

  “Yes, but some more than others,” he said, swinging his car into a vacant parking spot at the donut shop. “Ah, here we go.”

  “True,” she said, opening the door and jumping out of the truck.

  “You know you should have waited for me to help you down,” He said wryly.

  “I could have, but I’m not helpless. Next time,” she smiled.

  “Yeah, right. You have to get used to people helping you, Kendra. Especially me. I’m not asking you to give up your independence, but let go a little. I met your parents at the wedding. I’ve seen your mother on several occasions because of Adanna and Carina’s friendship, and your parents appear to be very loving. In fact, your father threatened Piero so much about not hurting his baby girl that I was beginning to think he’d hired a hit man to follow him or something,” Michael said dryly.

  “Daddy is special,” Kendra laughed. “He loves his ‘girls’ as he calls us.”

  “That’s because you are. My dad is the same with Carina. At least he tries to be. She has enough brothers and cousins to step in at any given moment. I tell you she hates us sometimes. She and Nicco are really close. That’s when he’s not getting on her nerves,” Michael chuckled.

  “Word has it that he broke Tony’s arm. Of course, no one’s talking,” Kendra snickered.

  “Really? I hadn’t heard,” Michael whispered.

  “Liar,” she giggled. “Nothing gets past you.”

  “You almost did,” he said. “Let’s sit. I don’t relish walking and eating at the same time.”

  Michael guided Kendra over to a booth-seat and waited for her to sit before he did. “What would you like?”

  “A plain bagel with cream cheese and a large coffee, very little milk, and no sugar.”

  Michael gave her a nod and went over to buy the food and drink. They sat in the donut shop talking for about a half hour before they left for the mall.

  “That was good,” Kendra said, letting him help her back into the car.

  “It was.”

  “Both the food and the conversation.”

  “Glad you liked. I favor the mom and pop stores more than the bigger chains.”

  “So do I. Only where I live we don’t have too many left,” she sighed.

  “I think I heard you moved. Where are you living now?” he asked.

  “I have an apartment in Douglaston,” she said. “A house wasn’t feasible. I’m hardly ever home.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Actually, I love it!” she smiled. “Granted it’s not my dream home, but I love it all the same.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” he grinned. “Now to the famous mall.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Hush. I do not shop all day. I know what I want, I find it, and I buy it. As long as it is within reason,” she said.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Michael and Kendra walked through the mall hand in hand. So far, they were only window shopping as Kendra hadn’t found anything to her liking yet.

  “You know you have to pick something sometime today,” Michael said.

  “I know, but for now, I am happy just cruising the mall. Strange, I’ve never walked through the mall before. In fact, I hate malls,” she chuckled.

  “You should have said something. I’m sure you don’t hate them as much as I do. I have to say, I am surprised. Every woman I know loves to shop, no?”

  “I never said I didn’t like to shop. What I said was ‘I don’t like malls.’ There’s a difference,” she pointed out.

  “True. I pray this is not your day of ‘mall’ discovery,” he joked.

  “No, silly. I will find something sooner or later.” She sighed her contentment.

  “I hope it’s sooner rather than later,” he whispered to himself.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I was just admiring the scenery.”

  “Sure you were. Oh look, there’s a lingerie shop. Let’s check it out,” she said, pointing toward the shop.

  “Now this I can do,” he said, his eyes lighting up.

  “You’re nasty just like Piero,” she grinned.

  “I’m not nasty, Kendra. I just want to do nasty things to you,” he mimicked.

  “Whatever. Come on. I hope they have something that can fit,” she murmured, leading him to the lingerie store.

  “Kendra, why would you think they wouldn’t have anything to fit you? You act as if you’re like 500 pounds or something, and even then this store would probably have something that fits. You have a beautiful body. Enjoy it. I know I’m enjoying it,” he grinned.

  “I just bet you are,” she laughed. “Just so you know, I am enjoying yours too.”

  “If we leave here now, I bet I can make you not want to leave my bed for the rest of the week,” he said, in all seriousness.

  Kendra moved closer to him and whispered in is ear. “I guarantee you, I can make you beg for it.”

  “Let’s go,” he said, taking her by the hand and leading her out of the shop.

  Kendra doubled over in laughter. “Michael, please, I came to shop, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. Stop dishing it out, if you know you can’t handle it.”

  “I can handle anything you bring my way, and I intend to show you just as soon as we get home. And, don’t be trying to feign a headache, because I have plenty of aspirin,” he said.

  “Ha! You’re on, Mikey.”

  “Mikey?” he asked, with a lift of his brow and then smiled. “Buy your things, Kendra, so we can get out of here.”

  “Stop rushing me. What do you think of this?” she asked, picking up a black, lace teddy with the crotch out. “I think this makes for easier access. Don’t you?”

  “It’s nice,” he said, in a hoarse whisper.

  “Speak up, Michael. I can’t hear you. Oh look, the one over there has an opening so that the nipples won’t be covered. I think you’d like this one. You always say, you hate my restricting bras.” Her eyes twinkled in humor.

  By this time, all of the other patrons in the shop had turned to look at them. Michael’s face was beet red.

  “Honey, why are you so quiet? You know I hate shopping for our special gifts without you. You know I like to please my man. So what say you? Are we getting these or what?” she asked.

  “I’m rather fond of the one with all the ass out. Makes for an easier ride,” Michael said folding his arms across his chest.

  Kendra could have sunk into the floor when everyone turned to look at her behind. “Uh, Uh.”

  “What? Nothing to say, love?” he asked with a challenging smile.

  “I think I’ll just buy a few bras and panties,” she whispered for his ears only, and then turned and rushed over to where they were located.

  “Well hurry, love. Remind me to pick up the case of condoms. Remember, we agreed not to try for the triplets until next week,” he said dryly, following her across the store.

  “I am going to kill you, Michael.” She said in hush
ed tones.

  “I know, babe. My back still hurts from last night. You think you can rub it and make it feel better?” he asked turning his back to her.

  “I’ll make you feel better all right. You toad,” she said.

  “Aww, sweetie, don’t be like that. I promise to make it up to you when we get home.”

  “I am buying my purchase now, Michael,” she said, snatching up a handful of underwear that looked like they would fit. She did the same with the bras and briskly walked to the checkout counter.

  “Did you find everything to your liking, Ms.?” The checkout woman asked.

  “Yes, I did. Thank you,” Kendra said, pasting a smile on her face, and then turned to the smiling Michael who was making his way over towards her.

  “Good,” the clerk said, scanning her items.

  Kendra pretended to be focused on what the sales clerk was doing, when Michael walked up behind her, and pulled her back against him.

  “I’m angry with you,” she mumbled.

  “No, you’re not,” he chuckled against her neck.

  “You two are so cute,” the clerk said, smiling at Kendra. “Your total is $605.49. Will that be cash or charge?”

  “For some underwear?” Kendra cried in shock.

  “Well, yes,” the clerk stuttered.

  Kendra elbowed Michael in his gut when he continued to laugh at her.

  “I’ll pay for it sweetheart,” he said, reaching into his pocket for his wallet.

  “No, you won’t,” Kendra said.

  “Yes, I will. Since I’m the cause of you buying all this stuff,” he laughed.

  “Michael, you are not buying my underwear,” she said sternly.

  “Sweetheart, you’re not buying your underwear. Seriously, do you see what you have here?” he laughed. “Nothing for nothing, but this little thing can’t cover one of your breast, let alone two,” he said holding up the lace concoction with one finger.

  Kendra could only laugh. He was right. She’d picked up a bunch of things that she knew weren’t going to fit.

  Refusing to admit her mistake, she said, “Most of the items fit. Just a few need to go back.”

  “Here, take this,” Michael said, handing the store clerk his black card. “We’ll fight over who pays for what when we get home,” he told the clerk.”

  “Michael,” Kendra started.

  “Not now, Kendra,” Michael said firmly.

  “Well it’s your money,” she fussed.

  “Exactly, and I want to spend it on you. So let me,” Michael said, kissing her full on the lips.

  “Well since you put it that way. Okay.”

  “I thought so,” he smirked, turning back to the clerk and signing the charge slip.

  Kendra took the shopping bag from the clerk and walked with Michael out of the store.

  “See that wasn’t so bad, now was it?” he asked.

  “I could have punched you when you went on about riding me. I was so embarrassed,” she said covering her face with her hands.

  “You started it.”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “What else is on the list?” he asked.

  “I just need to pick up a few pairs of jeans, shirts, and some workout clothes. I might as well make use of your gym while I’m here,” she said.

  “Okay. We’ll go to the boutique before we go home. My parents’ anniversary dinner is next weekend, and I want you to come with me. It’s a surprise and black tie,” Michael said.

  “I have to go home soon, Michael,” Kendra said.

  “Not yet. You said, you’re a consultant. Can’t you work from my home until after the party next weekend?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, Michael. I have to work,” she said.

  “I know. If you have to go back before next weekend, then fine. However, you can still go to the anniversary party with me,” he said.

  “Yes, I can,” she smiled.

  By the time they left the mall, Kendra had purchased four pairs of jeans and shirts, two sets of workout gear, a pair of flats, and sneakers. They were now in the car and on the way to the boutique.

  Michael pulled up in front of the exclusive boutique. The place looked as if the owners frowned upon anyone not of a certain social caliber.

  “Oh brother, this is going to be interesting,” she murmured.

  “What?” Michael asked.

  “Oh, nothing.” She smiled to herself.

  “Come on,” he said, getting out of the truck and walking around to her side of the car. Kendra had already opened the door. Michael helped her down.

  “Boy, neither one of us look like we belong in a place like this, Michael,” she whispered.

  “We’ll be okay,” he said, opening the gold handled doors.

  Kendra spotted the gown she wanted as soon as she walked through the doors. She rushed over to it to see if it was in her size.

  “Can I help you Ms.?” A well-made-up clerk asked.

  “Do you have this in a size 10?” Kendra asked.

  “Hmm, I don’t think that comes in larger sizes. Usually, people that buy this style of dress are much smaller,” she said snidely.

  “Oh, got you. You mean flat chested, flat assed people? I see,” Kendra said smoothly.

  “Not at all,” the clerk said clearing her throat. “It’s just that we usually don’t get large…I mean fuller women looking at our evening gowns.”

  “And you’re not getting one now. I suggest you go get your manager,” Michael said. “Now!”

  The young lady’s eyes bulged, and she went scurrying off in a hurry.

  “Well, you scared the heck out of her,” Kendra chuckled.

  A middle-aged, woman with a beautiful smile came hurrying over to them.

  “Hello, my name is Marsha. I am the store’s manager. Is there a problem, sir, madam?” she asked.

  “Yes, there is,” Michael said coldly. “Your sales clerk was being very rude to my wife.”

  “I do apologize. What happened?”

  “I wanted to know if you had this dress in my size, a size 10, and your sales person went on to tell me that you didn’t sell evening wear in my size,” Kendra explained.

  “Well, we surely have this in a size 10. In fact, I believe the size that is hanging here is a 10. This dress was made especially for a particular client, who, unfortunately, left the country before she could pick it up,” she said, taking the dress down. “We have a dressing room if you wish to try it on. It may be a little long, as the woman was definitely taller than you, but it can be altered, if you find it to your liking.”

  “I want it,” Kendra said excitedly, eyeing the ankle-length, Malibu-blue, gown with a knee-length side slit and a very generous bust-line. She absolutely loved it.

  Kendra rushed into the dressing room, where she carefully tried on the gown. “Oh my,” she breathed.

  “What?” Michael asked, outside of the door.

  “It’s beautiful, Michael,” she cried.

  “Well, come out and let me see,” he said.

  “No. I don’t want you to see until the night of the party,” she said.

  “But Marsha said the gown might need altering. She will have to see you in order to know what to do,” he said.

  “Send her in. I really want you to be surprised the night of the party, Michael,” Kendra said.

  “Women!” Michael threw up his hands. “Whatever you say.”

  Kendra waited for Marsha to knock on the dressing room door before opening it.

  “Oh yes,” she cooed. “This is gorgeous on you. The coloring is perfect. It just needs a little hem, and that’s it. It’s perfect,” she smiled.

  “I know. I love it. I’ll take it,” Kendra said.

  “Great! Let me help you out of it, and I’ll ring it up for you,” Marsha said. “I have the perfect pair of shoes for you, too. What size is your foot? About 7, right?” she asked.

  “A seven and a half,” Kendra responded.

  “Get dressed. I will meet
you out front. You are going to love these shoes.”

  Kendra dressed quickly and met Marsha at the counter, where she had placed a pair of simply gorgeous silver stilettos.

  “Oh my! These are awesome! Yes, I’ll take these too,” she cried.

  “Wow, that was easy.” Michael grinned in relief.

  Michael took out his credit card and paid for her purchases. They’d agreed on the way to the boutique that since she’d paid for her other clothes that he would buy the gown. Especially, since he’d asked her to go at the last minute.

  Her eyes stretched wide at the amount he’d paid for the gown and shoes.

  “Don’t fret over the price, Kendra. I won’t go broke anytime soon, no?” he said.

  “Thank you, Michael,” she said. “For everything.”

  “You’re welcome, beautiful lady. Now, I’m hungry. Let’s go home. I’m ready to eat,” he said.

  “What will you be eating today?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what you will be eating. I will be eating you. Now, let’s go,” he said guiding her out of the shop.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Michael and Kendra were in the car and on their way to Michael’s house when his cell phone rang.

  “Can you answer that for me, Kendra?” he asked.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Kendra, I asked you to answer it, why wouldn’t I be sure?”

  “Okay,” she said, grabbing the phone and pressing the answer button.

  “Hello,” she said


  “Yes. Sal?”

  “Yes. Where’s Michael?”

  “He’s driving and asked me to answer the phone for him. Do you need to speak with him?”

  “No. Tell him to meet me at Piero’s. It’s urgent.”

  “Is everything okay, Sal?” she asked.

  “Yes, love. I’m sorry to have frightened you. It is just some family restaurant business, no? Michael will understand. Put me on speaker.”

  “Michael, Sal wants me to put you on speaker.”

  “Go ahead,” Michael said, his voice sounding strained.

  Kendra placed the call on speaker.


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