Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 120

by Latrivia Nelson

  “Sal, what’s wrong?” Michael asked.

  Sal began speaking in rapid Italian.

  “Fuck!” Michael said, banging his hand on the steering wheel.

  “Michael, what’s wrong?” Kendra asked, really concerned now.

  “I’ll meet you at Piero’s in about 45 minutes to an hour,” Michael barked at the phone.

  “We’ll be waiting,” Sal said. The next thing they heard was the dial tone.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Old man Perini is making noise. A lot of nonsense if you ask me,” Michael said through clenched teeth.

  “Old man Perini? Marcello’s father?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “What kind of noise could he be making that has to do with you and your family?” Kendra asked.

  “Every kind. The worst kind. It will come together well enough, I suppose. Old man, Perini will have to be told that his boy was an asshole of the worst kind,” Michael said venomously.

  “Michael, you aren’t in any trouble are you?” Kendra asked suspiciously.

  “No,” he responded.

  “Good. I just found you. I don’t want to lose you now,” she murmured.

  Michael whipped the car over to the far lane and pulled off on the side of the road.

  “What the hell! Michael, are you crazy? What happened?” she asked.

  “Nothing happened. I just wanted to do this,” he said, bringing his mouth down on hers and kissing her soundly.

  When he finally released her lips, Kendra could do nothing but stare. “What was that for?”

  “You’ll figure it out soon,” Michael smiled.

  “You almost killed us just to kiss me?” she whispered. “You almost killed us so that you could get a kiss,” she said louder. “Ohmygod! You almost killed us.”

  “I did not ‘almost kill us,’ Kendra. You exaggerate.” He smirked.

  “I just want to know, what is so funny about us almost getting killed?” Kendra demanded.

  “Nothing. I repeat, we were in no danger of being killed, Kendra. Now let’s see what’s going on at Piero’s,” Michael said, weaving his truck back onto the roadway.

  “Yeah, let’s,” she said. “I can’t wait to tell Adanna that you tried to kill her big sister for a kiss.”

  “Sal said Adanna’s not feeling well. That’s why we’re meeting at Piero’s. He doesn’t want to leave her alone,” Michael said.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Kendra asked, concern wrinkling her brow.

  “Kendra, I’m with you. I don’t know.”

  “Sal didn’t say?”

  “No, Kendra, he didn’t. We will be there shortly. You can check on her for yourself. I know when she has these deadlines, or whatever, Piero says she locks herself up in her office for hours, without eating, barely sleeping. Most times he has to make her go to bed. She gives him a hard time, but she knows he loves her and is just looking out for her best interests.”

  “Yeah, she does go into seclusion. I’ve witnessed it. She’s better now that she has Piero. She used to scare me with the up and down weight. She really didn’t take care of herself much. I would bring her back things from my trips. Otherwise, Adanna would fall by the wayside,” Kendra whispered. Then, abruptly, she changed the subject. “You know, I know that you, Sal, and Piero know about my last boyfriend stealing from me. Piero’s always offering to buy me things, including a car.”

  “He cares for you and is worried about you. For that matter, so am I.”

  “He doesn’t have to be. I have money, just not as much as I had before, but I still have money. I don’t buy what I don’t need, because, well, that’s just me. I have always been that way. I go on trips and enjoy life. I’ve had some hard times, but I’ve survived.” She smiled.

  “I like that about you. You have a lot of character.”

  “I like you, too, but, don’t make me out to be some kind of saint. I’m not. Far from it. I’ve done things that I’m not proud of. But, like you said, who hasn’t?” She shrugged.

  “The day I told you what Marcello did, you said, not again. What was that all about? And don’t you dare insult my intelligence by telling me I heard wrong. I have perfect hearing. If you don’t want to tell me, fine, but, don’t tell me I didn’t hear what I heard,” Michael said softly.

  Kendra looked away. “In college a guy slipped something in my drink. He almost accomplished what he set out to do, but he was interrupted by my friend, Sharon. At the time she was only an acquaintance of mine. I went to high school with her, but we never hung out like that really. Anyway, she saw what was going on and stopped it.”

  “What happened to the guy?” Michael demanded.

  “Last I heard, he couldn’t play ball, because one of his arms was so severely injured that it had to be amputated,” she whispered. “The same arm that he had pressed against my neck to hold me down.”

  “I wish I could find him now. I’d amputate the rest of his sorry ass.”

  “I guess I have a guardian angel or something because you guys were there to save me.”

  “What’s the guy’s name that stole your money?” Michael asked.

  “Oh, no. I am not giving you that information,” she said. “Too much stuff is going on as it is. I’m beginning to think I have some kind of curse.”

  “No. You just need a strong man to handle your strong personality. And, sweetheart, I am your man,” he smiled.

  “Really, now?” she smiled back.

  “You know it, and so do I. We’re good for one another. You said I looked dark. Why did you say that?”

  “Dark, like you don’t take shit from anyone,” she said. “I also called you sexy, remember?”

  “Ah, you want my body.” He grinned over at her.

  “Damn, straight,” she teased.”

  “You know, Perini thinks I had something to do with his son’s death, right?”

  “I figured as much. Good luck to him trying to prove it wasn’t a suicide,” Kendra murmured.

  “Why do you say that?” Michael asked.

  “Please, Michael. As Martin says, ‘I was born at night, not last night,’” she snickered.

  “Dammit, I love you!” he laughed. “Most women would have…well, I don’t know. You are one in a million, sweetheart. One in a million.”

  “Hmm, we’ll see,” she grumbled.

  They pulled up into Piero and Adanna’s driveway.

  “What are all of these cars doing here? I thought Adanna was sick? Is this some kind of a party?” Kendra asked with a frown.

  “No. Those cars belong to Piero’s brothers, Franco and Gino. The other to my brother Samuel. Like you, I’m wondering what everyone’s doing here. Do me a favor and stay close to your sister. Keep your cell phone on at all times,” he whispered.

  “Got it,” she said.

  “That’s it?” he asked. “You’re not going to protest.”

  “Michael, I may joke around about some stuff, but the one thing I’ve learned is knowing when to speak and when not to. It’s kept me alive,” she said, opening the truck’s door, and climbing out.

  “That’s very cryptic. We will have to talk more when we’re alone. I say we spend our time getting to know each other and leave the rest of the world outside,” he said, walking around, and catching her hand in his.

  “We wish. I do look forward to getting to know more about you,” she said.


  They walked in sync to Piero’s front door. Before either of them could knock, the door was opened by Piero’s brother, Gino.

  “Gino,” Michael acknowledged.

  “Welcome to the party, cousin.” Gino smiled, slapping Michael on the back. “Hello, again, Kendra.”

  “Hello, Gino. Fancy seeing you here,” she joked, going up on tip toe to kiss both his cheeks.

  “I know. My wife keeps me busy.”

  “I just bet she does.”

  “Still have that sassy mouth,” he laughed. “Adanna’s ups
tairs sleeping. She hasn’t been feeling well.”

  “I heard. I won’t disturb her yet. I’ll go in the kitchen and find something to make while you all do what it is that you have to do,” she said walking past Gino. “Just pray I don’t get lost in this damn house again.”

  “I’ll walk with you,” Gino said. “Michael, they’re waiting for you in the library.”

  Kendra noticed his hesitation.

  “Go on, Michael, I’ll be fine. I’m going to see what Adanna has in this kitchen to eat,” she said shooing him away with her hands.

  “She’s in good hands, Michael. Go. I’ll be in in a moment,” Gino said.

  “All right. Let me see what the damage is,” Michael said.

  * * *

  “What are we going to do?” Piero asked.

  “I say nothing,” Michael said. “Let this thing play out.”

  “Michael, I will not have you in the crossfire of Perini’s goons,” Piero barked.

  “I agree,” Michael’s older brother Samuel said.

  “Besides, Perini is fishing. He’d just better make sure he doesn’t get snared in his own net, no? Our hands are clean. His, however, I am not so sure about. I know what he tells the parents, but you know they are old school. They wouldn’t tell us, anyway,” Sal said.

  “I disagree, Sal. Papa, would surely tell us. He takes pride in what he has built up, and so do the uncles,” Piero said. “Perini is older. I think he has someone blowing in his ear.”

  “I don’t care who does what, as long as Kendra isn’t hurt. I couldn’t give a damn about the Perinis, and before anyone asks, no, I did not off that piece of shit. I would have, but unfortunately someone beat me to it,” Michael barked.

  “You didn’t do it?” Piero and Sal asked simultaneously.

  “No, I didn’t,” Michael answered.

  “Then who did?” Samuel asked.

  The room went quiet for a minute before it seemed as if a light bulb went off in all of their heads.

  “Nicco.” They all said at once.

  Michael’s cell phone rang. “Hello.”

  “Hey, brother, why wasn’t I invited to the party?”

  “Nicco? Where are you?” Michael asked.

  “I’m where I’m supposed to be. Why?”

  “I can’t say I’m sorry for what happened to your friend, Nicco,” Michael said.

  “I know. Neither am I. Hey, things happen, no?”

  “You sound funny. What’s wrong?” Michael said with growing concern. “Meet me at my house, Nick.”

  “Can’t meet you there. I need a doctor, Mikey.”

  “Nicco, what’s wrong?” Michael yelled.

  “I’ve been shot. I’m bleeding like a son-of-a-bitch,” he laughed.

  “Where are you?”

  “At my restaurant.”

  “I’m on my way,” Michael said, jumping up from his seat. “Hang on.”

  “Michael. What’s wrong?” Piero asked.

  “Nicco’s been shot. That stupid fuck went to his restaurant instead of the hospital,” Michael said. “Sal, call, Kyle and have him meet us there. He’s closer.”

  “I’m calling an ambulance,” Samuel said.

  “Hold off, Sam,” Michael said.

  “Michael, we can’t. We don’t know how bad it is,” Samuel said.

  “Yeah, I do. Nicco’s not that stupid. If he were dying, he’d have gone to the hospital himself,” Michael said.

  “Well, you couldn’t prove that by the way, he’s been acting,” Sal said.

  “You all argue. I’m going to check on my brother,” Michael said.

  “We’re all going,” Sal said.

  Piero, I’ll be back for Kendra,” Michael tossed over his shoulder as he walked out of the library.

  “Go. Keep me posted.”

  Kendra met Michael the second he stepped out of the library.

  “Michael, what’s happened?” she asked.

  “It’s Nicco. I’ll explain later. For right now, stay here with Piero and Adanna,” Michael said, giving her a quick kiss.

  “Be careful. Call me,” she said.

  “Will do,” he said and left with Sal, Samuel, Franco, and Gino right behind him.

  * * *

  It was way past midnight by the time Michael picked Kendra up. Kendra was curled up on a sofa in the family-room, with a throw over her.

  “She refused to go to bed,” Piero said.

  “Figures. She’s as stubborn as they come,” Michael snorted.

  “Stubborn, no. Strong, yes. A good woman, Michael, no?”

  “Yes, she is, Piero. I hate to wake her,” he whispered. “I need sleep. I’m tired as hell.”

  “You can stay here tonight,” Piero said.

  “Thanks for the offer, cousin, but I want to be in my own bed,” Michael said.

  “How’s Nicco?”

  “He’ll live. He swears he doesn’t know who shot him. We had a time convincing him to go to hospital. He’ll stay for a few days. The police questioned him. Nicco was being so pigheaded, I believe they’ll think the fool shot himself,” Michael said.

  Piero laughed wholeheartedly.

  “I’m serious. I had to try to keep Samuel from shooting our little brother himself. Between his cursing Nicco out and Carina’s wailing, I am tired.”

  “Take Kendra and get some rest. Are you sure you’re up to driving?”

  “I’ll be fine,” he said, bending down to shake Kendra. “Kendra, love, wake up.”

  “Michael?” she murmured.

  “Yes. It’s time to go.”

  “Okay,” she said, getting up from the sofa like a sleepwalker. She put her shoes on and walked directly pass Piero and Michael to the front door.

  “It’s amazing. Wide awake, she can’t find one room in this house. Asleep, she can get around better than you,” Michael said, shaking his head. “Call you in the morning, Piero.”

  “Drive safe.”

  “Yeah. Yeah.”

  Michael helped Kendra in the truck and drove home.


  The party was in full swing. Kendra was dressed in the Malibu gown, silver stilettos. She had accessorized with diamond studs and a tennis bracelet. In the place of a choker, she had sprinkled a little bit of silver body sparkle on her. It glistened under the light, and brought out the color of the dress. Her hair was pinned up in a French twist with bangs. She looked fabulous.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, you did. Several times, in fact. Thank you, Michael. I am having the time of my life.”

  “I’m glad. My father loves you. What did you say to him?” Michael grinned.

  “Nothing, really. He did most of the talking. I just listened,” she said.

  “Did you reach Sharon?”

  “Yes. She’s fine.”

  “Good. What exactly is it that Sharon does? I know that she freelances, but I don’t know what she does or for whom,” he said.

  “Sharon is…Sharon. She’s a jack of all trades. She’s legal, Michael,” Kendra giggled.

  “Just making sure. I don’t want her to get my woman into any trouble,” he said, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Please, you do enough of that yourself,” she said.

  “Admit it. You love it,” he said.

  “Of course. Did I tell you how debonair you look tonight? Nice tux. Your tie matches my gown,” she smiled.

  “I have to say, we are one fine couple,” he joked.

  “Yes we are.”

  “I can’t wait to get you home and take that bun out of your hair,” he said.

  “You’re always messing up my hair,” she complained. “I think, I’m going to cut it short again. That way I won’t have to worry about it.”

  “Do what you please. It’s your hair; however, I am still going to mess it up,” he smirked.

  “You are something else,” she said shaking her head.

  “I’ll be glad when this is over.
I want you alone.”

  “You’re just horny.”

  “Of course, I am. Aren’t you?”


  “Let’s sneak out,” he whispered.

  “Michael you can’t sneak out of your parents’ party.”

  “The hell I can’t.”

  “Oh my, look who just came in,” Kendra whispered, tensing in his arms.

  “Who?” he asked, turning his head in the direction she was looking. Then he scowled. “What’s Perini doing here? Didn’t they just bury his son a few days ago?”

  “Wow, you really don’t like him, do you?” Kendra ran a soft finger along his jaw.

  “I used to tolerate him. Now I simply don’t know what I feel for hm. He’s been trying to make trouble.”

  “He looks tired, Michael. I think the death of his son is really taking its toll on him.”

  “That’s his problem,” Michael snapped. “He’s spent so much time on that fool Marcello, that he’s clearly forgotten he has another son. A son, who, in my opinion, is a much better man than Marcello could have ever been. Makes you wonder what makes him tick,” Michael whispered. “Anyway, he’s up to something. I don’t trust him.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you to your thoughts. I have to make a run to the facilities,” Kendra said.

  “Hurry back. I’m ready to leave.”

  “I will,” she said, leaving him standing in their little private corner, they’d claimed for themselves.

  Kendra made her way to the washroom and pulled out her cell and made a call. “Hey, it’s me. I just wanted to say thank you for all you’ve done. Stay safe. Talk to you soon,” she said and disconnected the call. She then freshened up her lipstick.

  Kendra left the bathroom and walked smack dead into Perini. “Excuse me. Sorry about that,” she murmured, backing away.

  “No problem, young lady. You are Mikey’s girl, no?”

  “Yes,” she said, stepping around him to walk past.

  “You knew my boy?” he asked.

  “Not really.”

  The two men with him started speaking to Perini in rapid Italian.

  It was time to get out of there. And fast. “Excuse, me, but Michael is waiting for my return. Enjoy the rest of the party,” she said. Then, before she could lose her nerve, she turned back to them and spoke in Italian as well.

  “I did not know your son personally. I do know that he tried to assault me. For future reference, I am nobody’s whore. I won’t tell the Alesis of this conversation. They think so highly of you. For the record, I’ve told no one but a few close family members. Michael’s parents don’t even know. Enjoy the good memories you have of your son, Senor Perini. Have a great evening,” she said in Italian.


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