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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 148

by Latrivia Nelson

  Even though the entrance was obscure, inside was wide, high and spacious. When Rymingten added his beam to it, all of the various corridors were revealed.

  “What is this place?” Krysteena moved around the open area.

  “This is first home to all Kitcy cats. The pride lived within this mountain from the beginning until things changed.”

  Before he could ask his father to clarify, the king was headed forwarded through one of the hollowed ways.

  They journeyed down into the depth of the mountain, following the path around one twist and turn to another. They passed various large coves along the way that his father explained were areas where mates and families slept.

  Primitive. That was the thought that went through Rymingten’s mind. Knowing the sophistication in which Kitcy people lived now, even more advanced in technology than Argona.

  “Here.” His father brought them to an area with a bubbling spring, it was warmer as he promised.

  “You wanted to show us a water well?” His brow drew tight as he stared at his father.

  Krysteena’s expression appeared just as distorted as his own felt as he attempted to comprehend this journey they had taken.

  “Not the water…” His father shifted so that his light shined along the wall.

  That’s when Rymingten beheld the carvings on the wall causing him to become speechless.

  “Oh, my,” Krysteena whispered.

  “This is the story of us.” His father moved closer to the action depictions on the wall and brushed his fingers along the various scenes almost reverently.

  “Of the Kitcy people?” Krysteena drew near.

  Following suit, Rymingten started trying to understand the schematic before his eyes. It seemed to be showing an event. There were groups of cats and groups of people. “What does it all mean?”

  “The Kitcy as well as the Argona people.”

  His father’s words drew both their attention away from the wall to him.

  “What say you?”

  “Father, how can we and the Argona’s have history together? We are so vastly different.”

  His father directed them to a circle of boulders that sat by the wall. Placing his light on the floor he sat on a rock on the other side of Krysteena, all of them facing toward the side.

  “A long time ago. There were a group of people who had to depart their own planet. They had been invaded by a savage group of rogue galaxy mercenaries. They enslaved, brutalized and left them no other option but to flee their home or be wiped out completely.” His father tapped the rock below a sketched group that look like females as he turned and eyed Krysteena. “This was the Argonians.”

  Krysteena slowly shook her head from left to right. “This cannot be. We are not only majji but we are warriors. More than enough power to fight and defend ourselves.”

  “Not at that time. Your numbers were few. And even the greatest can be overtaken if done right.”

  Rising, she traced the images with the tips of her finger. “So, we came here?”

  “Yes. Your queen at that time, Isa, believed the planet was only inhabited by docile, unintelligent creatures. Our King wasted no time in leading us down from the mountain to show the Argona that our world wasn’t up for the taking.”

  “Was there a war?” Rymingten didn’t want to discover that he and his mate’s people were mortal enemies.

  “No. Tension, but no war. Both sets of leaders came to an agreement once we understood the situation on their planet. We aided them in building structures. Both people lived in relative harmony.” His father pointed to the scene of cats and people and habitats. “However, the Argona struggled during the colder season and yearned to return home.”

  “What did we do?” Pulling her gaze away from the wall, she looked at his father expectantly.

  “Knowing that there would be a long and arduous battle to secure their world, they requested our aid. They offered to use their sorcery to give the Kitcy a second form. One that could wield a sword while fighting by their side.”

  Getting up, Rymingten went to the drawing on the wall showing male Kitcy and Argona females sparring against each other…training for war. “You all worked together.”

  “For long into the next season. Ensuring everyone had skills and was equipped. Especially since the Kitcy had to adjust to the new form. Soon we boarded the Argona vessels and journeyed to take back their home.”

  “You all were successful. No one on my planet even whispers about a time we didn’t inhabit it. And as far back as I can remember we have had the shield up around our skies.” Krysteena stood beside him now. “Anyone that is on our planet we bring there.”

  And imprisoned in a forced marriage and their powers restrained by a ring. His neck still felt the burning pressure of the object. However, he was starting to understand the Argonian way more now.

  “Well once everything was secured the Kitcy returned home. With our second form we left the mountains permanently and began to restructure our way of living. Built on and around the facilities left by the Argona females. A few seasons after the change, the current king began to take note that more males were being born and the female offspring were dwindling. The gift to shift was both a blessing and perhaps a curse.”

  “The Argona are having a simil—”

  “Ah!” Krysteena grabbed her head and her legs appeared to give out as she dropped to her knees.

  Rushing to aid her, Rymingten wrapped his arms around her before she descended any further. “Krys, what’s wrong?”

  For a moment she appeared to be in some sort of trance. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were blank, locked on to something she could only see in her mind.

  He could feel the pain and anguish of the emotions rocking through her.

  “Krys!” He rubbed her face gently, attempting to bring her consciously back to him.

  “Is she going to be all right?” His father kneeled down beside him, concern filling his voice.

  “Yes,” he told his father, but truthfully he wasn’t sure. He had never seen her like this before. “Krys…come on my mate…return to me.”

  Finally, she gasped, sucked in a deep breath as if she had been kept from gaining air. Her lids shut and she sat there in his arms for a moment as waves of tremors shook her body.

  “Are you cold, again?” He didn’t see how that was possible being in the center of the mountain with a hot bubbling pool behind him.

  “I must return home.” Slowly opening her eyes she gazed up at him, piercing his heart with the intensity in them. “I am sorry you will have to leave your family so soon.”

  His heart sank. They had barely been there even half of a Kitcy day. “What is going on?”

  Krysteena sat up then stood to her feet quickly. “There is trouble on Argona…we have been invaded.”

  “How is that possible? You said there was a shield around your planet now,” his father stood as well, his features tight with concern.

  “I don’t know. All I can see is more and more vessels landing on the planet. I must go now!” In her haste she moved out of the light’s arc and headed toward the path that led to the hot spring.

  She stumbled in the dark and would have fallen in if it wasn’t for Rym’s swift cat reflexes and strong night vision. He pulled her back toward him with an arm around her waist. Holding her close whether she wanted his support or not.

  “It’s going to be all right,” he whispered, his lips pressed against her ear. His chest ached with the depth of the pain she was feeling. Even though they were mated in all senses of the word now, with them being from two different planets he should not experience her emotions—but he did.

  “I need to get there.” Her body shook as a cry broke from her.

  “I know. And we will. With clear heads we will think of the best way to assist. Together.” He stroked the side along her ribs.

  As she glanced back at him over her shoulder, he could see the skepticism swimming in the watery pools. “How
can you desire to help after…after all that I have done to you? Taking you from your people, the collar,” her voice broke. “Making you subservient to me.”

  “You followed the law of your people…how can I lay fault at your door for that?” Kissing her softly on the lips, he continued, “You also allowed me my own honor among my people.”

  She leaned her forehead against his. “I feel helpless. What if we are too late? And that wall becomes the truth for Argona again.” She gestured toward the pictures.

  “We will not allow that to happen.” It was the Kitcy King that spoke up.

  His father had been standing so silent, giving them space, that Rymingten had forgotten about him.

  Taking her hand, he moved back into the ring of light to his father. “You will help her people?”

  “Yes.” One word and a sharp nod and the King had set a decree. “Let’s go. There are many warriors and ships that need to be gathered swiftly.”

  The three of them made haste out of the mountain. He and his father shifted so that they could climb the rocky surface with more speed and ease. Rymingten proudly rode his mate on his back. He loved the feel of her circling his thick neck and enjoyed the press of her face below one of his ears as she leaned into him. He followed his father whose sure paws knew every twist and turn that would lead them out.

  Dashing out of the cave they were quick to the secondary form and soon they were in the heli vessel and lifting off.


  “What can you see now?” Rymingten spoke over her shoulder, his chest pressed to her back and his arms secured around her in the center of her pod.

  It amazed her how rapidly the Kitcy King had gathered a large army of warriors eager and ready to take up arms for Argona. Even now as they crossed the galaxy at warp speed toward her planet there were numerous large space vessels trailing close behind her. King Dylin treated her as if she were part of his family…his people. The thought of his support after what she had done caused thick painful emotions to tighten her throat. Even though she knew she had no choice in her actions to procure a mate, it still bothered her.

  “The invaders have surrounded the palace where the queen has most of the citizens gathered so they can stand together and fight. However, it is taking all of their energy and sorcery to hold the structure solid.” She squeezed Rymingten’s arms that were around her. “Soon they will weaken if they can’t replenish their strength.”

  “Have faith. We will get there before that happens.”

  Almost as if her mate’s words became truth, they were in her planet’s atmosphere. The shield of protection was down allowing the entire fleet to enter without her clearing the way.

  The Kitcy warrior-laden ships breezed past her small pod and set down where ever they found a space large enough.

  By the time she and Rymingten raced down the pod ramp they stepped into the battle his people were waging against the raiders. Some of them were in cat form and others were swinging large sharp weaponry.

  “Ahhhh!” With a battle cry, she quickly joined the fray. Tossing her braid over her shoulder she began to swing it. Allowing it to arc around her while she centered her power. One vicious mongrel of a male charged at her and was the first to fall to the deadly strike of her hair whip.

  Her core filled with pride as she saw her mate in his true form ripping and tearing into those foolish enough to attempt to fight against him. The blade-like claws at the end of his large paws showed no mercy.

  “Weee must get tooo your palace.” He called out to her. “Talk tooo Queen Eyleen.”

  Unsure of why talk was what her mate had in mind, instead of demolishing the males tearing at the wall, she still gave him her trust. “There are a few secret passages.”

  Rymingten followed her as they rushed toward the forest away from the palace, having to fight off three invaders that dared get in their way. When they reached the thick foliage, she located the door to the entrance.

  “Help me lift this.” She took hold of the heavy rope handle.

  Shifting in an instant, he stepped up beside her and grabbed on with her. The two of them managed to lift it away from the opening.

  “It is already lit. Evidently the queen had the exit ready in case they could no longer defend the land.” Through the passage they went, securing the door behind them.

  They passed several female guards who stood along the tunnel ensuring it was secure.

  “Welcome home, Krysteena.” Her sisters Rema and Karyn spotted them first when they entered the main assembly room of the palace.

  “Where is our queen?” she asked looking around and attempting to locate her mother.

  “Where do you think? In first position at the main door.” Karyn her youngest sister called out.

  Of course Queen of the Argona people would be front and center to stand and fight to protect her charges. Moving through the press of inhabitants dressed and armed for war, she and Rymingten finally reached the front.

  “Mother.” Krysteena rushed to her and received the fierce embrace. When she turned to greet her father, who stood with her two brothers both holding swords, she was stopped.

  “Are you injured my daughter?” Her father clutched her shoulders and took in all the blood saturating her clothing.

  “No. It is not my blood but that of our enemies.” She lifted her chin.

  Her father’s smile was full of pride as he pulled her in.

  The banging on the door drew them apart.

  “How did this happen? How were these space mercenaries able to breach our shield?” Krysteena stood before her mother.

  “They captured two of the warriors out on their scouting voyage for a mate. They surrounded and overtook them quickly before they could evade. Using their majji energy they held the shield open for their ships to pass through.”

  “Well they will all pay!” Krysteena declared. “My Queen, the Kitcy warriors have come again to fight with us.”

  “Truly?” The queen’s voice was filled with awe.

  “Yes.” Rymingten spoke up.

  She saw her mother begin to lift her hand as if prepared to give the charge order.

  “However, Queen Eyleen,” Rymingten’s voice halted her movements. “Before you all join the Kitcy warriors in the fight there’s something I think you should do.”

  Frowning, the queen observed him. “That is?”

  “Release your mated males to fight with you.”

  “Do you not see my mate as well as all others laden with weapons to battle with us?” The queen gestured around her.

  “I do. But, they can truly help you strike a swift victory if like me they were able to stand beside their mates as their true selves and use their own abilities.”

  Krysteena saw her mother’s gaze lower to Rymingten’s neck, realizing for the first time that he was no longer adorned. There was heat and confusion in her eyes when she turned them on her. “Explain yourself, Krysteena.”

  “With all due honor, Queen Eyleen, there’s no time for that. Your males must be released,” Rymingten countered.

  Stepping toward him, the queen lowered her voice, “You come to my planet and attempt to challenge our laws and order me about? Me the Queen of Argona.”

  “Not order. Never that.” He bowed his head, showing her respect. “Only advise. My people stand and battle in their true form as well as the secondary form that your ancestors gifted us with. We do this with freedom and devotion. I beg of you to trust your mates to be just as devoted to their families as well as this planet that has become their home too.”

  Krysteena watched the exchange with nerves filling her stomach. One day she was set to be queen, walk in her mother’s footprints and she could understand the weight of indecision that crushed her mother’s mind. On Kitcy she had felt the same way before Rymingten’s pleas.

  “How do I know that after the battle is won the males will not turn and use their powers and abilities on us?” The queen countered.

  More banging ensue
d and the sound of something being crashed through.

  “Trust and have faith. Argona females have not been cruel to their mates but showed them kindness and love,” Rymingten continued.

  There was silence around the room as everyone within hearing awaited the queen’s decision.

  Finally the queen took a step back from Rymingten. “You have been a thorn in my gut ever since Krysteena brought you home. You better not be wrong.” Moving to her mate, the queen cupped his cheek, kissed him passionately before all and lifted her hands and removed his ring of adornment.

  There was a loud gasp around the chamber.

  “Wait. This must be brought before the council.” Megyn one of the eldest of the council members called out from the center of the room.

  Only giving the female a moment of her time, the queen addressed her. “I am queen. I determine when I need advisement.” Facing her people she called out. “Follow me!”

  The Argonians understood. Those with mates mimicked the actions of their queen and soon they were all charging through the door, males freed to fight in their true nature beside their mates.

  Chapter Seven

  “We have victory! We have victory! We have victory!” The war waged long past the setting of the third sun, but Rymingten recognized the joy and pride of the Argona Queen as she stood with her husband beside her, his sonic boom hands now clasped at his back.

  The mixed throng that had fought the fight with her, both of Argona and from other planets, chanted too.

  Rymingten accepted the kiss from his mate, pulling her in and holding her close for a long moment. The elation he felt that she was safe and unharmed overwhelmed him. This strong, majji warrior female had managed to fill him with pride and rob him of his heart at the same time.

  “Your people will wish to leave soon and return to their home. Will you request a boon from the queen and ask to be released and depart with them?”

  Krysteena’s features were a mask, void of emotion. He couldn’t tell what she was feeling about him by analyzing her eyes, but she couldn’t hide what was going on inside of her—not from her mate.


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