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Clue and the Sea Dragon (The Clue Taylor Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Why are you meeting with Lord Tanaka tonight?” I asked as we followed Winks into our multi-directional lift.

  “There’s a big meeting tonight about how to deal with Umibozu.”

  Tadashi said, “I will attend with you.”

  Winks snorted. “I don’t know what the heck can be done other than staying off of the ocean.”

  “All of Cassini depend on the oceans for food, transportation, trade, and employment. Something must be done or our way of life is threatened.” Tadashi carried my beautiful shell matching game up to my room for me. Then, he sniffed the little jasmine plant beside my bed. Recently, I had planted it in a hand-painted flower pot I had purchased at the Community Center. I pushed the button to turn on the special lamp I had bought for it since there were no windows at 888 Honjo Street. “Clue, where are your emergency exits?”

  “Closet, hidden door in living room, front door, and kitchen lift,” I rattled off.

  “What if you must escape quickly? An Umibozu can create a tsunami.” Tadashi’s face was full of worry.

  Stepping to him, I pressed myself tightly against his front, splayed my fingers out across his butt cheeks, and squeezed. With Tadashi in my arms, I slipped and teleported us into an alley a few blocks away. Retaining my hold on the spirit realm, I pushed him against the brick, reached up to hug his neck, and knowing my Okami could hear me, said, “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll save you.”

  Tadashi’s eyes sparkled and glowed. He closed his eyes to kiss me. I transported us back to my bedroom. My soreness was forgotten in my desperation to touch him. I pulled his shirt from his chest and moved my hands against the warm skin of his chest. Tadashi picked me up with his hands under my thighs. I flinched. He lowered my back to my bed pinning me there. He looked into my eyes and then kissed me.

  “Ugh! Both of you need to go shower. What’d you do, sleep in an alley?” Winks shouted as footsteps and male laughter came upstairs.

  “Hey! Get off of her!” Cosmo grumbled.

  Tadashi gave me a wicked grin as he lifted himself from between my legs and pulled the hem of my skirt down. I scooted up to a seated position. Cosmo and Gregory scowled at us from inside of my bedroom. Examining them, I noticed the familiar signs of amorous activity. “What’s that on your neck?” I asked. Cosmo and Gregory both looked guilty. I walked from the bed over to my two suitors. “The both of you smell like vodka, perfume, and sex. Don’t tell me I’m wrong. I grew up around the pleasure business.”

  “Clue, I can explain,” Gregory said.

  “I’m not mad. I’m not judging you. Just don’t judge us. I’ve told you both that I’m marrying Tadashi. I don’t want to lead either of you into believing anything else.”

  “Well, you haven’t married him yet,” Cosmo said. “There’s still time for you to change your mind.” Cosmo scowled at Tadashi, blew me a kiss, and walked down the hall to his room.

  “You can use my bathroom, Gregory.”


  “Toss your clothes out, and I’ll put them into the cleaning unit for you.” Gregory smiled at me, but it didn’t hide the hurt and disappointment in his eyes. “I told you I was marrying Tadashi before you had even gotten permission to court me.”

  “I know. I regret letting you get away. Tadashi, you’re a lucky man.” Gregory entered the bathroom. Then, he placed a tidy pile of dirty clothes outside of the door.

  I picked them up and took them downstairs. While I waited for the cleaning unit to finish, I made two cups of tea. I held Gregory’s clean clothes under my arm and carefully carried the cups up to my room. I handed one to Tadashi.

  “Thank you.”

  I put my cup on my nightstand, knocked at the bathroom, and put the clean clothes into Gregory’s hands as he opened the door. Removing my boots and skirt, I changed into a pair of shorts so I could sit on my bed and play with my shell game. Tadashi sat beside me and toyed with my hair.

  “What’s that?” a clean Cosmo asked as he sat on the foot of the bed.

  “A matching game. Lord Tanaka gave it to me. Isn’t it pretty?”

  “Not as pretty as you.”

  “Oh, Cosmo.”

  Cosmo grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him. Gregory came out of the bathroom drying his hair.

  “Having been out of town, there are matters to which I must attend. Cosmo, Gregory, if you have no other plans, your assistance would be welcome,” Tadashi said.

  I couldn’t see Tadashi’s face, but Cosmo had a look about him that told me some silent communication had occurred. “Will you be alright, darling?”

  “Yeah. Why can’t I go?”

  “You would be bored,” Tadashi said as he kissed my nose.

  Gregory was pulling on his boots. “I’d be happy to help,” he said.

  The macho shit going on in my room was pissing me off. They mistook the smile on my face as accepting complaisance. However, I had decided to follow them. I had a notion that Tadashi wanted to find the crew of the Black Bounty. If Tadashi was planning to pay Fergus back for the humiliating spanking he had given me, I wanted to watch.

  Tadashi kissed me. “I will see you this evening.”

  “Okay.” I smiled and searched through my shells for a match.

  After the house grew quiet, I put on a pair of jeans, my new boots, and grabbed a brown jacket. Winks was snoring on the couch. I covered him with a blanket. My hover board and helmet were near the door. I debated whether or not to use them. It was so cold outside. I left them there and walked outside. Taking the sidewalk toward Willow Street, I waived at a transport driver who was down the street.

  “Where to, Miss?”

  “Take me to the Marina.” I heard all of the doors lock. The driver turned to the right and away from the ocean. “The Marina,” I said slowly and loudly. The driver accelerated. The transport was moving so quickly that slipping to escape could cause me some serious injuries. “Hey, dickhead. Where the fuck are you taking me?”

  “Look, lady. I’ve been watching for you for days, and I’m not the only one. Word on the streets is it’s worth two thousand credits to give you a nice safe ride to the Lady Kiyohime in Dorado.”

  “How about I double the credits, and you take me to the Marina?”

  “Look, lady. It’s important for guys like me to be on the boss’ good side if you know what I mean.”

  I could hear the fear in his voice and felt responsible. I had unleashed Kiyohime on Dorado. I tried to push down the sense of dread that filled me when the driver pulled into the parking garage. As if he had sensed my presence, Liam was revealed by the opening lift doors. Nausea rose up to my collarbones, and I forced myself to calm down. The driver got out and opened my door for me. Liam strode forward and stared at the driver committing him to memory. Then, Liam withdrew a stack of credit chips from an inner jacket pocket. The driver and I let out relieved breaths at the same time and made eye contact with each other. I had feared Liam had been reaching for a weapon. The driver held out his palm for the credits and then hurried into his transport and away leaving me all alone in an empty parking garage with Liam.

  Chills traveled from my spine up into my hair. Even though it was so cold that I could see my breath, it wasn’t the cold causing the chills. Liam took a step closer to me. I backed up terrified his jaws would expand, and he’d eat me. Liam looked me up and down. His eyes turned a darker shade of death as he focused on my crotch, and his long forked tongue darted out. Cringing as he rushed closer, I flinched when his tongue tapped my left shoulder. Liam issued forth a long angry hiss. I thought about slipping, but Liam would be able to see me. I didn’t want to bring trouble in the form of Liam coming after me. Mr. Julian didn’t need Liam in his jewelry store, and they sure as hell didn’t want him back in the Two Moons. Gregory’s parents were too far away. Besides, I’d only been there once.

  Unable to suppress my terror, some of it escaped as sound. The tone of Liam’s hiss changed. His hands shot out to my waist, and he quickly dragged me against
him. He squeezed me to his chest and touched my face and hair with his forked tongue. My body began to shake with a stuttering fear. Between us, I could feel Liam’s erection as it lengthened and hardened. I began to struggle, and he simply let me go. Liam gestured with his outstretched hand to the lift.

  On shaking legs, I managed to stumble my way into it. Liam stood so that our arms touched. When I moved closer to the side of the lift, he moved with me. I was almost relieved when the door opened, and I saw Kiyohime. Her long black hair was in an elaborate up do. She wore a rather demure red dress, and her feet were bare. The Yokai who had scorned her sat at her feet. Kiyohime held the end of a red silk cord that led to a choker around his neck. He wore red silk pajama bottoms and claw marks. Through his host’s eyes, the ghost stared out at me with hate.

  “My Little Mouse, I have been so worried. Liam allowed you to be stolen, and for that I am deeply apologetic. Were you hurt?” She gestured for me to sit.

  “A little, but I’m okay.”

  “You needn’t return to that bar, Little Mouse. I’ve told the owner that you are not allowed to visit such a dangerous place. I realize you went there to ask questions because the piece of shit at my feet tried to manipulate you.”

  Anger made me stupid. “You’ve got no right to tell me where I can and can’t go.”

  Kiyohime’s eyes began to glow red. “Tell me what you learned, Little Mouse.” Kiyohime ran her nails down her prisoner’s back leaving blood in their wake.

  “A huge sea monster named Umibozu is destroying ships. We barely got away.”

  An evil smile lifted the corners of her lips. “Excellent news for my business ventures. I hear a meeting is planned for this evening. They can talk all they want. It will change nothing. People will be forced from the seas. They will crawl to me by the hundreds to beg for employment.”

  I looked upon Kiyohime and the man at her feet. Having recently given myself to the man I love, I imagined how horrified I would be if he were to treat me as Kiyohime had been treated. Now, she wanted to control everything. Kiyohime craved power because she never again wanted to feel weak and afraid. At the moment, I could relate. However, her glee about so many people losing their livelihoods rankled.

  “Can anything be done about Umibozu, Lady Kiyohime?” I feared entities like Palena and her Sirens would fade from the mortal realm without the adoration they received from sailors. Palena sent rain and protected the wanderers of the waves. That was why Palena needed Snappy. She needed a champion to battle and dispel Umibozu to save herself along with everyone else who depended on the ocean.

  Kiyohime laughed. “No, nothing can be done. No little wolf or dragon can destroy Umibozu. The only thing to do is avoid it.”

  Not believing her, I asked, “Can anything be done to lessen its strength?”

  Kiyohime actually appeared to be pondering my question. “Fear makes demons stronger. Admiration makes spirit entities stronger. Both gain strength from spirit energy. Umibozu is a sea monster, an actual creature who manifested from I don’t know what. Before you broke my curse, I never ventured far from my rocks.” My brow furrowed in frustration. “Don’t worry, Little Mouse. You and that delicious father of yours will be fine. Liam, take her home.”

  Dismissed, I stood and walked to the lift. Even though I was trapped in a transport with Liam on the way back to Scorpius, since he was incapable of verbal communication, I had time to think. Unfortunately, it was getting late. Liam dropped me of at my door.

  Chapter Ten

  “Where have you been?” Winks asked. He appeared recovered from the night’s festivities. Bags from the diner covered the kitchen counter. I told him. “Well, shit. Kiyohime and her goons have got the piss scared out of everyone in Dorado.”

  Nodding, I said, “It will get worse if nothing is done about Umibozu, but what can be done?”

  Winks hugged me. “Maybe someone will think of something tonight.” We looked in the direction of the front door as Cosmo opened it. Gregory and Tadashi followed him. “Where have you been?” Winks asked.

  It was obvious they had been fighting but had cleaned up at the hotel. Winks had it all figured out before I did and with a huge smile on his face began filling dinner plates. Cosmo handed out bottles of juice. During dinner, I sat on the kitchen counter so there would be enough room. Winks looked at the table and frowned. Then, he shrugged and cheerfully told everyone about my day. Cosmo turned red in the face, Gregory looked like his jaw might break, and a soft growl and glowing eyes emanated from Tadashi.

  “Had you stayed here with your father as you led me to believe you would, none of it would have occurred,” Tadashi said angrily.

  “What? You think I’m just gonna sit around like an empty-headed little doll and not try to find out what’s really going on?” I asked just as angrily.

  “Oh, come on. You boys had to know she was gonna follow you. In the future, consider she might be safer if you just go ahead and take her with you. My daughter came to Cassini from Eris Space Station by herself. Don’t forget that,” Winks said in a placating tone.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  He winked at me. “Now, it’s time for the meeting. Clue, clean the kitchen while we’re gone.”

  Shocked, I asked, “What?”

  Cosmo groaned.

  “You can’t come. It’s a closed meeting. Only property owners of legal age can attend,” Winks explained.

  With my mouth open, I looked at Cosmo. “Sea Harpy,” he said.

  I turned my frown to Gregory. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief. With a grin he said, “You’ve woken up in my bed.” I felt my face turn bright red at the memory especially knowing what I knew now. Tadashi gave him a look that would have frightened a lesser man.

  “Will you actually remain here in your father’s home while we are gone, or should we bring you with us to the Wisteria?” Tadashi asked.

  His long suffering and sarcastic tone annoyed me. “I’ll be right here cleaning the stupid kitchen. I wouldn’t want Dad to take my hover board away again.” I started clearing the table. Winks picked me up in his arms and twirled me around. “Daddy! Stop!” I laughed.

  He stopped spinning but didn’t put me down. “I promise to tell you anything interesting. I just fear there’s nothing to be done.”

  Tadashi said, “It may be necessary to plan for emergencies such as flooding. We have no way of knowing what may spur an attack.”

  Frightened, I asked, “That thing can’t come onto land. Can it?”

  “I believe it must remain in water. However, large powerful waves can cause considerable destruction. We must consider the safety of those living within range and establish emergency protocols,” Tadashi said.

  “It’ll be okay, baby girl. Please, stay put while we’re gone. If you have any ideas, wait for me. I’ll go with you anywhere at any time. Together, the two of us can investigate whatever you want. You aren’t alone anymore. Start thinking like you’re on a team.” He kissed my forehead.

  “Your dad’s right, Clue. I’m right here for you anytime,” Cosmo said with his arms open.

  I went to Cosmo and hugged him around his waist. Looking up into his eyes, I said, “I do love you, Cosmo, just not in the way you want me to.” Cosmo squeezed me tighter.

  “I will go with you anywhere,” Gregory said with serious blue eyes and a voice full of conviction.

  I lowered my eyes, stepped away from Cosmo, and mumbled, “I’ll stay put.” Tadashi’s silence on the subject of supporting me in my endeavors had not gone unnoticed.

  They put on their jackets and went to the lift. The night had grown cold enough for walking to the hotel to be uncomfortable. Gregory took his time. He reached out for my wrist as he walked past and said in his soft deep voice, “I would never expect you to change into a meek and obedient facsimile of your true self. I would worship your curiosity and all of your chaos.” Gregory kissed my cheek before entering the laundry room.

  Cosmo was yelling for him to hurry up. Was
Tadashi dissatisfied with me? After we married, would he expect for me to act all aristocratic and snooty? How could I do that? Would he change his mind about wanting to marry me? Thoroughly depressed, I cleaned the kitchen. Upstairs, I soaked in my big bathtub. Afterwards, I sat with Daisy in my lap and thought. I loved Cosmo, but more like family. Sure, his kisses stirred me up. Why wouldn’t they? Cosmo was good-looking and dangerous. Cosmo was more of my equal. I could be myself with him. Gregory was gorgeous. His voice alone could make any girl melt. I had thought myself in love with him. While I knew I could trust Gregory with my life, I could never fully trust him with my heart. Gregory was a comrade in the fight against spirit realm injustice. We shared a moral compass, but there were things, like those in the basement, that had to remain hidden from him.

  Tadashi was wrapped around my soul. When I looked into his eyes, it felt as though he were moving through my soul healing it and improving it with each glance. I’d never loved anyone the way I loved Tadashi. It was powerful and true. I didn’t want to lose the way he looked at me. I decided I’d rather sacrifice my freedom than risk losing Tadashi. I’d already sacrificed my dream of becoming a Protect and Serve to please Winks.

  Someone buzzing for entry took me from my reverie. I shrunk into myself on the way down the stairs worried trouble might be on the other side. I palmed the door to see who it was. Then, I flung it open.

  “Snappy! I’ve been so worried about you!” Snappy wore an old tattered fisherman’s coat and nothing else. “You must be freezing! Come get in the tub!” I helped an exhausted Snappy into a hot tub of water. He closed his eyes in bliss. “I’ll get you some food.”

  Since Winks had shopped, there was plenty for Snappy. I covered a tray with fish fillets and put it in the oven. Then, I heated up a batch of broccoli soup. It surprised me when Snappy appeared at my elbow. He sniffed at what I was making, got three drinks from the cold storage, and sat in his usual seat at the table. He was wearing jogging pants and a shirt I had bought him. I was glad he hadn’t forgotten how to dress. His flex-cast was a thing of the past. It hadn’t survived his massive transformation. He downed a bottle of juice. I put a big bowl of soup in front of him, and he drank it from the bowl. After placing a large plate piled high with fish in front of him, I went to the living room and added two logs to the fire. Then, I made up the couch. He found me there and promptly went to sleep.


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