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Paranormal Academy Book 1: Magic 101

Page 4

by Jody Morse

  “I’m so freaking excited for Magical Animals and Creatures,” Ambur said. “It’s with Professor Frye, who’s just really freaking awesome, and that’s not even to mention that I absolutely love animals—all animals. Both the human kind and the paranormal kind.”

  “What type of animals are there in the paranormal world?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Oh, you know. Unicorns, phoenixes, and so many other awesome creatures.” She glanced over at me. “I’m planning to become a paranormal veterinarian one day.”

  “That’s a… thing?” I asked, wide-eyed.

  “Of course it’s a thing! Who else is going to take care of all the Pegasus babies?” Ambur looked appalled that I had even asked such a question.

  “So, after we get done here, we go into paranormal careers?” I hadn’t even given any thought to how being a paranormal being could potentially change what I would do with the rest of my life.

  “We can go into paranormal careers, if we choose to. But a lot of Paranormal Academy’s alumni end up going back to the human world where they try to blend in once they’ve finished their education here,” Draia explained.

  “I don’t know why anyone would want to do that,” Ambur commented, wrinkling her nose. “The human world is so boring.”

  Well, things did seem more interesting in this realm. That was for sure. But I couldn’t imagine never going back to the human world, though I supposed that I could always just go back to visit, if I wanted.

  “We need to get ready,” Draia said. “Has anyone told you about our uniforms yet?”

  “Uniforms?” I just stared back at her.

  “Yeah, we have to wear uniforms to all of our classes,” she informed me.

  “It’s so annoying.” Ambur groaned. “They don’t allow us to be individuals here. We are allowed to wear our hair and makeup however we want, though. That’s why I’m always changing my hair so much. I have to find some way to let my creativity shine through.”

  “We’re also allowed to wear whatever we want during our free time,” Draia explained. “So, after school or on weekends, anything is fair game.”

  “Your uniforms are already in your dresser,” Ambur informed me, motioning to the wooden dresser next to my bed.

  Opening the drawer, I pulled out one of the uniforms. It was a short, teal plaid skirt with a white button-down shirt and thigh highs. There were also black shoes with a small heel on the floor alongside the dresser.

  “These might not even be my size,” I commented.

  “Oh, trust me. They’re your size. They’re everyone’s size. It’s magic,” Draia explained. “The uniforms conform to fit our bodies.”

  “Basically, our uniforms are like if Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants happened in real-life,” Ambur explained.

  I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I glanced around for Max, sort of relieved that Draia’s familiar wasn’t in here. I didn’t really feel like dealing with the talking cat today.

  I pulled off my pajamas and changed into the uniform. As I pulled it on, I tried to ignore the overwhelming feeling that I belonged in a Britney Spears music video. I wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about having to wear uniforms. I liked my individuality, but there was already going to be so much to navigate here at this new school in this new realm that I figured uniforms would make life a little bit easier. At least I didn’t have to worry about what to wear every day, on top of learning magic and what type of paranormal being I might be.

  When I went back into the bedroom, I found that Ambur and Draia had both changed into their own uniforms.

  “Your makeup is on point,” I noted. Ambur was wearing winged eyeliner with vibrant coral and blue shimmery eye shadow, while Draia had gone for a smoky-eyed look and a light brown lipstick that popped against her dark skin.

  “Do you want me to do your hair and makeup for you?” Ambur asked.

  “If you don’t mind.” I wasn’t going to lie. Makeup had never been my biggest talent. Whenever I tried to do my makeup, it looked like it had been done by a child who can’t color inside the lines.

  Ambur pointed her finger at my eyes and stared at my face for a long moment. Then she said, “Now look in the mirror.”

  I glanced at myself in the mirror. My auburn hair fell in perfect loose waves over my shoulders, and I now had on purple shimmery eye shadow and black eyeliner that made my cat green eyes pop. My eyelashes were coated in mascara that made me look like I actually had eyelashes for once, as well as a light pink lip gloss that popped against my fair skin. This was, by far, the best I had ever looked in my entire life.

  “Wow,” I said, turning to her. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Also, the benefit to magical makeup is it lasts for twenty-four hours,” Ambur informed me. “So, you can eat, drink, and make out with whoever you want without it wearing off.”

  I snorted. “I don’t think I need to worry about that last one. I don’t see myself making out with anyone any time soon.”

  “You never know,” she replied. “Brett Summers and the vampires aren’t the only hot ones on this campus. One of the things that you might not know about paranormal beings is that almost all of us are pretty irresistible.”

  “Except for the Mermen,” Draia chimed in. “Something about men with fish tails just isn’t my thing. They’re just too pretty for me.”

  “Ondraia prefers shifters,” Ambur informed me. “Especially cat shifters.”

  “Are you ready to head to the Dining Hall?” Draia asked abruptly. I got the feeling that whatever had gone on between her and a cat shifter, she didn’t want to talk about it.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  Following them out of the dorm room, I completely collided with someone.

  Stepping back, I took her in. The girl, who had creamy ivory skin and long, straight raven-black hair that fell over her shoulders, reminded me of Snow White. She was wearing a uniform just like the rest of us, but her skirt was obviously hiked up, showing off her long legs.

  I was totally into guys, but I couldn’t help but notice that she was inhumanly beautiful.

  “Sorry,” I apologized.

  Her gray eyes locked on mine. Anger flashed through them. “Watch where you’re going, New Girl.” She stared at me for a moment longer, her eyes seeming to study my face for something, and then, in a huff, she hurried on past me.

  Once she was out of earshot, Ambur glanced over at me. “Well, you just survived your first run-in with Everly Carmichael.”

  “That was Everly Carmichael?” I just stared back at her, surprised.

  “Yup. I told you she was a bitch.”

  “Wow.” It was hard to imagine her being with Brett Summers. Don’t get me wrong. She was pretty—gorgeous, even. But Brett was so… well, nice. Why would he want to be with her? What could the two of them have even possibly had in common?

  How had Everly known I was new, anyway? Sure, she’d never seen me before, but was this school really so small that she was able to recognize who was new just by running into them once?

  I was still wondering about it as we entered the tower that I had met with Headmaster Crane in the night before and they led me to the Dining Hall. It turned out to be a large room that was lined with rows upon rows of long, rectangular wooden tables. There were literally hundreds of students inside. Actually, there may have been even more than that. There was a large buffet station at the center of the room.

  As I followed my roommates to the buffet, I noticed that nearly everyone stared at me as I walked past them.

  I chalked it up to the fact that I was the new girl. Maybe they were all wondering what House I was a part of.

  But when I got to the buffet, I heard someone whisper my name from across the room. It was at that moment that I thought that maybe there was something more to their stares, that they were all looking at me for reasons other than my being the New Girl.

  I decided not to question it. If there was some
other reason everyone was looking at me, I didn’t even want to know about it—not right now, anyway. So, I just ignored them all.

  As I followed Ambur in line at the buffet, I loaded up my tray with scrambled eggs, pancakes with butter and maple syrup, bacon, and fresh fruit. The Dorito’s really hadn’t cut it the night before. I was still pretty hungry. It was the first time in the history of, well, ever that I was pretty sure I would be able to eat my breakfast, in spite of the nerves inside my stomach about starting at a new school.

  Following Ambur and Draia to a table alongside the windows, a guy who was sitting a few tables behind us caught my attention.

  He had short dark hair that he slicked back with gel in the front and, quite possibly, the fairest skin I had ever seen. He looked strong but not exactly muscular.

  He was absolutely gorgeous.

  His steel blue eyes locked on mine then, and I felt… something. I wasn’t sure how to explain it. It wasn’t quite butterflies but this strange jumpy feeling in the back of my chest.

  It felt like his eyes were piercing straight into my soul.

  I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. This guy just had this incredible pull over me. It was completely captivating.

  After a few long moments, he rose to his feet and headed towards the trash can, where he dumped the rest of his food. Then, glancing over his shoulder at me one last time, he headed out of the Dining Hall.

  Watching his back as he walked away, I couldn’t help but wonder what he was. My guess was on vampire. But was that even possible? Would a vampire even be in the Dining Hall?

  I turned to my roommates. “Do vampires eat?” As soon as that came out, I knew they would probably think I was talking about blood when I wasn’t. “Food, I mean. Do they eat real food?”

  Draia let out a little laugh. “They actually do eat food. They don’t need to eat it, but they do it for fun, I guess.”

  “For fun?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Oh, don’t act like that’s unheard of. I eat donuts and ice cream. Do I need those? No, but I still eat them for fun.” Ambur shrugged. “Food doesn’t keep them alive the way that blood does, but they’re actually encouraged to eat it. That way, if they ever go back to the human world, they’ll blend in better. Eating is such a social activity that people would think they’re weird in the other realm if they never ate.”

  So, there was a still chance that hot guy actually was a vampire.

  I thought about it for a moment. Even though I wouldn’t have wanted to be a vampire myself, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have minded dating one—especially if he looked anything like that guy.

  At that moment, a few girls walked past our table. All three of them had long, wavy blonde hair and endless legs. They looked like they were meant to be lifeguards in California, not paranormal beings.

  One of the girls turned and glanced over in my direction. There was a strange look in her eyes, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

  “Don’t look at her,” Ambur whispered.

  Pulling my eyes away from the girl, I asked, “Why?”

  “Mermaids prefer to stick to themselves,” she explained. “They don’t make friends with any of the other paranormal beings, and they get really bitchy when anyone from another paranormal species so much as looks at them. Rumor has it that they’ll put a spell on you just for looking their way. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I wouldn’t want to be the one to find out.”

  “Wow.” I took a bite of my food then, for the first time since we had sat down. “I didn’t even know mermaids could perform magic.”

  “They can,” Draia replied with a nod. “Sea witches, Selkies, and sea nymphs can, too. Of the water species, only sirens can’t perform real magic, even though their song is technically magical.”

  “What’s a Selkie?” I asked. That was one paranormal being I had never heard of before.

  “They’re seal shifters. Technically, they should probably live in the House of Were, but since they need water in order to thrive, they’re a part of the House of Water,” she explained. “They have saltwater pools and other bodies of water in the House of Water. They use them for their classes.”

  “I wish we had a pool to swim in,” Ambur said with a sigh. “Why couldn’t we have been born mermaids?”

  “Because then we wouldn’t make friends with other people,” Draia replied.

  Ambur snorted. “Like we do so much of that now?”

  I laughed. “You guys made friends with me.”

  “Well, considering we are stuck with you for the next two years, we might as well befriend you.” Ambur glanced over at me from behind her glasses. “Just kidding. You’re cool.”

  At that moment, a bell rang.

  “Classes start in ten minutes,” Draia said, standing up. “We need to get back to the House of Mage.”

  We dropped off our cafeteria trays and then headed back outside. It was warm out—much warmer than it had been in the human world for October. It felt more like October in this realm.

  Once we reached the House of Mage, I glanced down at my schedule again. Room 12.

  As I spotted the room number down the hallway, I turned to Ambur and Draia. “Well, there’s my classroom.”

  “Good luck,” Ambur said with a smile.

  “You’ll do just fine,” Draia assured me.

  I nodded and then, turning away from them, headed for the classroom.

  It was already surprisingly full. In fact, there was only one seat open at the very back of the classroom.

  As I made my way for it, I glanced over at who was seated next to me. I swallowed hard.

  It was that guy from the cafeteria, the one who I had thought was a vampire. Apparently, he wasn’t actually a vampire, or I assumed he wasn’t, anyway, since he was taking a magic class. He was, however, staring right at me. I might have been mistaken, but I was pretty sure that the look of intrigue in his eyes matched my own.

  Then again, who was I kidding? It was probably just like Ambur said. As paranormal beings, we were all so irresistible. Just because I was attracted to him and thought he seemed attracted to me didn’t actually mean anything… did it?

  At that moment, the door to the classroom opened and a woman who appeared to be in her late thirties with chin-length strawberry blonde hair stepped into the room. I wondered what type of paranormal being she was. She didn’t look young like Kelsea did, but I was pretty sure she must have been under five feet tall.

  “Welcome to the History of Magic. I’m Professor Holmes. I am a fairy,” she explained. “For most of you, this will be the first course you’ll ever take at the Academy. Since this is an introductory course that all students need to take during their time here, your classmates are from all of the four Houses.”

  So, it was still possible that the hot guy could have been a vampire.

  “Most of you will also find that this will be your most boring class during your time here at the Academy,” Professor Holmes continued. “It’s one of the few instruction-based classes. It will probably make you feel as though you’re in a human high school. I apologize for how boring you may find it, but please don’t doze off during my lessons. What you will learn here is not only vital to your education, but it is our history. Therefore, I expect you to have enough respect to not fall asleep during it.” She paused for a moment. “Your goal in this classroom isn’t only to pass your exams. This course material will carry you through life. You might not think the History of Magic is important or relevant to your life today, but you’ll be surprised to learn that it will affect your life in many ways. In fact, for many of you, your very existence is based on the things you will learn in this classroom. I promise that each of you will learn more about yourselves and the type of paranormal being you are. We’re going to start the first section off about werewolves,” she continued. “In time, we will cover each and every one of the Houses, but I think werewolves will be an interesting place to start. In this classroom of t
hirty-two students, there are twelve werewolves.”

  I glanced around the room, wondering who was a werewolf. I was pretty sure one of the guys in the front must have been a werewolf, based on how broad his shoulders were.

  I glanced over at the attractive guy again. I’d pegged him for a vampire due to how fair and good-looking he was, but what if I had been wrong about him? What if he was actually a werewolf?

  He didn’t look anything like Brett, though. He was tall but not that tall, and while he looked strong, he didn’t look like he was completely made of muscle.

  I wondered if he might have been another type of animal shifter. Maybe a cat shifter.

  “Werewolves came about due to a curse that was placed on the Montgomery family by a witch during the 1500s,” she began.

  The Montgomery family. My family. Headmaster Crane had mentioned that I would learn more about the Montgomery werewolves. Apparently, it was so important that I was already learning it during our very first lesson.

  “It all began when a man by the name of Daniel Montgomery shot a witch’s husband while he was out hunting one day. It was an accident, but the witch wanted revenge. So, she placed a spell on Daniel Montgomery’s family that said each of his sons—Peter, Gabriel, Ivan, and Ethan—would turn into wolves every month during the full moon and would live forever, unless they were killed with a silver bullet. Daniel Montgomery didn’t believe that the witch’s curse could be true, however, so he laughed her off. However, when the full moon came around, he learned that the woman had, in fact, cursed his sons. Daniel Montgomery also noticed, over time, that his sons had stopped aging, while he grew older.

  “Today, we know and refer to the Montgomery family as the First Wolves. This is because every werewolf that’s in existence today originated from one of them in some way or another. In some cases, humans were bitten by the First Wolves. Those wolves later went on to bite other wolves or have children of their own, but, ultimately, they can all be traced back to the Montgomery wolves somewhere along the line. The most powerful werewolves, however, are those who are direct descendants of the Montgomery family—great-great-grandchildren, and so on. Direct descendants are rare. Those who are born with Montgomery blood are known to be more agile and in better control of their ability to shift than other werewolves. Additionally, direct descendants are more powerful fighters, which makes them stronger Alphas.”


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