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Marked by Destruction (The Marked Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Cece Rose

  “If you get too tired, come back. Don’t push yourself too far, and please stay safe,” I instruct him seriously, and when he frowns, I use my finger to lift one side, then the other up. “Promise?” I ask.

  “Promise. So long as you promise not to go anywhere without at least one of those two,” he demands in return.

  “I promise,” I agree, stealing another kiss from him before he can leave. He steps back from me, and then shifts back into his cute badger, before darting back through the hole he came in.

  “I never thought a badger would come in handy,” East says, bringing my attention back to him and Locke.

  “Who cares about practical, he’s adorable,” I reply with a smile.

  “And my hawk isn’t?”

  “I think a hawk is meant to be more…majestic, is it?” Locke asks, but there’s a sarcastic tone to his voice. East clearly doesn’t notice it.

  “Majestic tops cute, right?” he asks me, and I roll my eyes. It’s a good thing I love all my competitive guys. Whether they’re majestic or cute.

  Chapter 13


  A few hours have passed since Enzo went off to find the others, and I can feel the tension growing throughout my whole body. Why hasn’t he found them yet? Or has he found them, but they’ve run into trouble?

  “You okay, Kenz?” East asks from beside me. I shake my head and then burrow against his chest as he wraps his arms tightly around me and pulls me onto his lap. “They’ll be fine,” he whispers, rubbing his hands soothingly down my back.

  “Then why are they taking so damn long?”

  “Because this place is a maze,” East answers quietly. I pull back to look into his eyes, watching the way they almost seem to flicker in the firelight. They seem to sharpen into focus with a sudden thought, and he lifts me off his lap, standing up. East’s sudden movement wakes Locke, who’d been snoring on the other side of me.

  “What’s going on?” he grumbles, clearly unhappy at having been woken without an apparent reason.

  “I’m going to go look for the others, and I have an idea to keep me from getting lost,” East explains.

  “And that idea is?” I prompt East, as Locke yawns and stretches.

  “I can partially shift one of my hands into talons and mark the walls with them. Then, when I find the others, we can just follow the path back to you guys. Even if I don’t find the others, I can find my way back to you two.” East looks pretty impressed himself and his idea.

  “How did we not think of that earlier?” Locke questions incredulously, clearly not as impressed with how long it took East to come up with it.

  “I was tired, okay? It’s not exactly been restful since we got here,” East snaps.

  “Hey! Chill out. I was only kidding,” Locke replies, but I can see the strain taking effect on both of them. They really are spent. Hell, so am I.

  “East, I think that’s a great idea,” I say quickly, hoping to avoid any more squabbles. I lean up and kiss him quickly. “But don’t look for too long, I know you’re tired. If you need to look, look, but hurry back,” I add. He nods, leaning down to kiss me again before he leaves. I squeeze him tightly for a moment, so damn aware of the many things that could go wrong, but I also know I need to respect his choice here. “I love you, Easton Black,” I whisper.

  “Love you too, Kenz. Always,” he replies, before walking to the edge of the entrance, and shifting his hand into a talon. I watch as he drags it along the wall he walks along.

  “Wait!” I shout, and I see him freeze.

  “Locke, can you make him a torch quickly?” I ask, and he nods, getting up and grabbing a stick, before using his mark to make a small controlled flame on the top. He passes it off to East, who nods in acknowledgement as he takes it.

  “I’ll see you both soon,” he calls, and he heads down the tunnel again. I listen to the sounds of his talons on the wall until they disappear, leaving me and Locke sitting in silence.

  “You look tense,” Locke says gently, moving across the room to sit with me.

  “I guess I am,” I reply, still staring at the spot where I last saw East just moments ago.

  “Take your shirt off,” he suggests.

  “Take my shirt off?” I echo in question, turning to face him with an eyebrow raised.

  “Yeah, take your shirt off and turn back around,” he answers. I shrug, not seeing why, but I do it anyway, slowly peeling off my shirt before setting it down in my lap. His hands are like ice as they touch my back, and I quickly realise his intention, just as his thumbs press down and glide down from my shoulder blades.

  “You’re giving me a massage? Is now really the best time?” I ask.

  “It’s never not a good time for any activity that involves you taking your shirt off, Kenzie,” Locke replies in a low voice, as his hands trail lower down my back, his thumbs pressing down in circles over the knots under my skin. I can’t hold back the moan that slips out my lips as he finds and works out all of the tense spots on my back. I find myself relaxing more and more as he carries on. His hands keep massaging, and I feel so comfortable, I don’t even jump when he suddenly starts to hum. I don’t recognise the tune, but whatever it is, it sounds good. Slow and deep. He shifts from humming to singing as he moves back up my back to rub my shoulders. The words make me smile as I listen. Something about little Valentines always being there for each other and leading each other home.

  “What song is that? Did you change some of the words?” I ask curiously, turning around to face him.

  “I didn’t change them. It’s just a song my mum used to sing to me and Logan as kids. She has the most beautiful voice, but it’s been a long time since I’ve heard it. Sometimes I just find myself humming or singing it for no reason. I guess it feels like home when I hear it, and since we’re so far from home right now,” he answers, tapering off. I find myself shocked at how much serious just came out of his lips at once.

  “Why doesn’t she sing anymore?” I ask.

  “She hasn’t sung since one of our dads died,” he answers, his voice sounding suspiciously devoid of any emotion.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, sliding my hands into his. His hands grip mine tightly back.

  “It’s been years,” he says, as if that’s meant to nullify any excuse for pain that he obviously feels about it.

  “That doesn’t matter,” I say gently.

  “I barely remember him to be honest, and it’s not like I don’t still have two other dads who are great. It’s more what it did to my mum that upsets me,” he replies in a thick voice. I hear him swallow as he tries to pull away to gain some composure, but I hold on tight to his hands, not letting him get away.

  “It’s okay,” I murmur softly, releasing one hand so I can run it gently through his soft hair. “Do you want to tell me about it?” I probe lightly, not wanting to push, but I want him to know he can talk to me. He doesn’t have to be ashamed of having feelings about it.

  “She used to sing like that, every single day. She’d sing us to sleep, and when we’d wake up, she’d be singing and dancing around as she cooked breakfast. She was so bright. I don’t mean intelligence bright, not that she’s dumb, either. I just mean she had so much light in her. Her hair is blonde, even lighter than Kelly’s, and our dads all call her sunshine. I always thought it was because of her hair, but it was just because of who she was.” He takes a deep breath before continuing, and I wait, not wanting to rush him. “One day we woke up, and she wasn’t in the kitchen singing, she was still lying in bed. Our dad had died a couple nights before, and she’d only just found out while we were sleeping. That’s how it’s been for years for now, no more singing, no more bright light. She’s gotten a bit more like herself, mainly for me and Logan I think, but she’s never been the same. Every day when I wake up in that house and it’s silent, it feels like he’s just died all over again. It feels like she died a little too,” he finishes, resting his forehead against mine.

  “It must
be so hard for you and Logan. I’m so sorry,” I finally reply quietly, squeezing his hands.

  “It’s okay. It’s not like we had a horrible childhood like Enzo or anything. Our parents love both of us. It’s just complicated,” he says with a sigh.

  “I know, but it doesn’t take away your pain. Suffering isn’t comparable,” I respond, tilting his head up. “Thank you for sharing with me. Hopefully at some point, I can meet your family. You know, after we save the whole world,” I tease.

  “You and the others are my family. Of course you’re all going to be meeting the rest of mine,” he replies, smiling at me. I brush my hand across his cheek, before leaning in and kissing him softly, feeling his lips instantly respond to mine. He groans as he pulls me onto his lap, and my legs grip either side of his hips as his hands slide into my hair. It doesn’t take long for us to rip our clothes off, and for Locke to slip inside of me.

  “I love you,” he whispers against my lips as he rocks in and out of me, making me moan. My moan echoes around the cave, but I don’t really notice as I watch Locke.

  “And I will always love you, no matter what,” I reply and kiss him before he can respond.

  Chapter 14


  Mackenzie Crowe. Mackenzie Crowe, it is your time. Come to me, Mackenzie Crowe…

  I quickly sit up at the sound of a voice whispering to me. Everything seem hazy as I look around the cave and back down to Locke sleeping on the ground next to me. The fire is almost out, and the little amount of light in the room casts long shadows everywhere. I pull my clothes on, making sure to keep quiet so I don’t wake Locke up.

  Mackenzie Crowe, grab your weapon and meet your fate…

  I nearly jump as I hear the voice again. Looking around the empty cave, I wonder where the hell that voice is coming from. I glance at the silver tube on the floor, feeling a need to pick it up. Just as I do, the distant sound of music reaches my ears. It’s a sweet, familiar I walk to the cave exit, looking back at Locke once before walking out. I know I shouldn’t just follow a disembodied voice, but I’m too curious not too. Just outside the cave is a white orb of light, just floating in the air, lighting the whole tunnel up. I walk closer, feeling a little bit of warmth coming from it, and then it floats away slowly, straight down the tunnel.

  Follow. You must come alone for your marks. The test is yours alone to face or you will fail.

  This time I don’t jump when I hear the voice, but it still creeps me out. I don’t know what to do. I bite my lip as I look back at the cave and then back towards the light. I know I shouldn’t go far, especially not in this cave where I could get lost so quickly, but I want my marks back. I need them back, or this is all pointless. I’m stronger than this. I can do this. I repeat the sentences in my head as I walk down the straight part of the corridor, following the sound of the music, and the light orb. I look back, not seeing the warm light from the cave anymore, and I know I can’t go back now without likely getting lost. The orb floats right in front of me, the music getting louder as we get closer to wherever it wants to take me. The orb floats into a large room at the end of the tunnel. The room is empty, just smooth white painted walls and dirt covered floor. The orb stops right in the middle, and I pause near it, turning and seeing the entrance I came through is has disappeared.

  “What the hell?” I mutter, searching the room for another exit and seeing nothing but white walls.

  “Weird ghost voice, now would be a good time for you to tell me what to do!” I shout, and my voice echoes around the room, but no one replies. I step back as the orb starts descending and hits the ground, spreading out into a circle of bright light.

  Step onto the light. The light is all magic, all marked. It will decide your fate.

  I pause, glancing at the light as the voice whispers. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself the reasons why I need my marks back. Why I have no choice but to step into the light. My father has to die. Ryan needs revenge, and my men need me back with them. I can’t just disappear and die here. I’m alone, and it frightens the hell out of me, but I must be strong on my own now. I step closer, placing one foot in the light circle and then the other. I wait, but nothing happens for a long time. Just silence, and then suddenly the light fades, and I fall to the floor in the dark room.

  “Hello? What the hell was that?” I ask the weird voice, but nothing responds. I keep a tight grip on the silver tube as I stand up, looking around at the darkness, but I can’t see a thing.

  “Kennie,” a deep voice says behind me, and I freeze. I can’t move as I process the sound of that voice. A voice that both breaks my heart and fills me with a false sense of hope. I turn slowly, and almost can’t believe the sight of Ryan standing not far from me. It’s Ryan, but it’s not. He is dressed in the clothes he died in, and blood covers his shirt and coat. His brown hair is messy, and he even has dirt mixed with blood on his right cheek. I remember my mum holding his cheek with her blood covered hand. A white light surrounds him, and he is almost see through. It’s his spirit, his soul, but I don’t have any marks to see his soul. This is impossible. I don’t understand how he’s here, and I don’t know what to say as hot tears pour down my cheeks, so I just stare.

  “I’m sorry,” are the only words that escape my lips, and Ryan doesn’t move. He is so still, so quiet. So…well, dead.

  “Kelly. Kelly must know it was for her,” he says each word slowly, his voice so distant, and his lips never move.

  “She will know. I bet she already does. She knows you loved her, and she loves you,” I say, harshly wiping my tears away. “I love you Ry, and I wish I could change what happened.”

  “You cannot change what was meant to be,” his distant voice replies as I keep my eyes locked on his.

  “Did it hurt? When you died?” I ask, needing to know if he suffered or not. Though I know if he says he did, it would break my heart even more.

  “Not when you’re loved, or when you’re remembered by those that loved you,” he tells me, and it somewhat relieves me to know that.

  “I miss you. I really, really do, Ry,” I cry out, falling to my knees, and looking away from him.

  “It’s time for me to leave, for me to find peace. If you can face death, you’re strong,” Ry says, making me glance up, seeing him looking up at the ceiling.

  “I’m not strong. I’m just a weak child who let her brother die,” I sob out.

  “If that is what you think, then join me in death,” Ry says, looking back down at me and holding out an almost completely see through hand. “No more pain, and no more worry. You will have eternal peace.” I stare at my brother’s hand for a long time. The coward inside of me wants to accept it because it’s the easy option, and it would mean I would get to be with my brother.

  “No.” I answer simply, standing up and shaking my head. “Life isn’t easy, but I am needed here. If I die, it will be fighting to fix the mess I caused with my men at my side. I miss you Ry, and you have no idea how much I want to go with you, but I can’t. I have to stay,” I finally say, and he smiles.

  “Kennie, I knew your answer, but I had to be the test. The next test will be based on your decision,” he says and takes a step back. “Tell mum and our dads that I’m happy, and I miss them, won’t you, Kennie?”

  “I will,” I say, trying not to sob anymore as he starts to fade away.

  “Kennie, don’t cry. I won’t ever really leave. I love you too much,” he says, and then he is gone, and I fall to the ground in tears.

  Chapter 15


  “Why are you sat there crying? Is seeing your brother not a gift?” A very familiar female voice whispers as I lift my head up and look around the empty, dark room.

  “Hello?” I ask, wiping my tears away. No one replies, so I decide I might as well answer their question. “I’m crying because I miss him. He shouldn’t have died so young, and especially not because of the decisions I made. I walked straight into the trap that killed him, and I w
ish I could change it.” I answer honestly. It’s something I never really wanted to admit out loud, but I feel better now I’ve said it.

  “I guess we never want that. Yet, do you not think all death is fated? That we are all supposed to die at a certain time and date?” the voice replies to my left, but when I turn my head that way, I see nothing. But then again, it’s so dark, I might not be able to see anyone anyway.

  “No, I don’t believe that. We have to have a choice, the ability to affect our own fate, or isn’t it all pointless?” I reply, still searching for the owner of the voice and seeing nothing. This time I stand up, only holding the silver tube and feeling colder than I did before.

  “I know that,” the female voice laughs, sounding like she is standing right behind me. I spin around, seeing nothing. My heart races as my adrenaline surges from the feeling of fight or flight rushing over me. It’s not like I really have the ability to fight without my marks, but there’s nowhere to run either.

  “Show yourself. No more games,” I demand, and the voice laughs, echoing around the room.

  “No games? Then what else shall we do?” she asks, almost innocently. She is still playing games, taunting me. I can hear it in her voice. I hear the slight movements of her feet in the room, but every time I turn, there doesn’t look like there is anyone there. I know this adventure is meant to be a test, so maybe this is just another test. Ry was a test, but I don’t know what for, and I have no idea what this one is about. If it is in fact a test, and not some crazy person who I happen to be in a cave with.

  “You could help me leave here?” I suggest. I know she won’t, I can feel it, but it’s worth a shot. The guys have to getting worried about me now and have started to search.


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