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Marked by Destruction (The Marked Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Cece Rose

  “What’s your name? I know it’s stupid, how we’ve gone this long without me knowing it, but with everything else going on…What is it?” I ask, too choked with emotion to say much more. My feeling of breathlessness only worsens as Daniels leans his lips close to my ear and whispers his first name to me.

  “Really? That’s it? I think I’m sticking with Daniels,” I chuckle in slight shock. I expected his name to be super sexy, but it’s pretty normal.

  “You know why most people call me that now,” he chuckles, and then kisses me roughly before pulling away way too quickly. “Sorry, I can’t focus on keeping this bubble up and kiss you at the same time. It’s too much.”

  “Okay,” I grin, looking back down the tunnel and glancing back at the others. I can see Enzo and Stacey in a bubble right behind us, and Enzo is watching me with a serious expression. One second everything is fine, and the next, a giant, dark-red creature slams into Enzo and Stacey’s bubble, sending them flying. Its bright red eyes immediately turn and lock onto us.

  “Daniels!” I scream, and his hand grabs my wrist tightly. “What the hell is that?” I all but screech, as we try and push our bubble further away from it.

  “I don't know, but with those teeth, I really don't think we should stay to find out,” he replies in a hurried voice. I glance at the jaw of the sea beast and feel my heart hammer in my chest as I do. Daniels wasn't kidding.

  The dark-red creature swims towards us, practically making a beeline, as we try and retreat. The others that were behind us are all rushing back towards Linda’s basement too. I notice that Taelon has thrown Kelly over his damn shoulder and is pushing their bubble right over the other's heads, rushing them both out of the way of the creature. From the sight of her wriggling form, I'd be willing to bet that she's not particularly thrilled about it. However, I'm not sure if it's the leaving everyone else behind, or the fact he's manhandling her that's pushing her buttons more.

  “Stop staring, and help push the bubble, Kenzie!” Daniels snaps, pulling my attention back to the fact we're being chased by a freaking sea monster. Funny how Linda forgot to mention that part when explaining the tunnels to Stacey.

  I'm about to glance over my shoulder behind us at the monster, when I feel it crash into our air bubble, popping it right open. As the water crashes into us, Daniels loses his grip on my wrist, and he is knocked away from me by the tail of the creature. I swim down, glad to have my marks back and not need anyone else's help to breathe down here. I swim down, trying to get out of the monster's sight, before looking back up, trying to spot the others.

  I can't see everyone, but it looks as if the monster is just popping the bubbles. Nobody looks like they're missing a chuck, anyway. Spotting a ledge leading out of the water near the far end of the tunnel, I swim towards it, and hope the others will see it and head there too.

  Placing my feet finally on solid ground, I walk up until I'm out of the water completely and take in deep breath. I choke, instantly regretting it, as I'm hit by a terrible, pungent smell, one much like rotting food. Switching to just breathing shallow breaths from my mouth, I pinch my nose tightly as I look out to see if any of the others have found their way here. When I see nobody coming from the water, I turn to see if Enzo or Stacey already have made it up here. Spotting a flicker of material swishing around a corner and darting through a gap in the stone walls of this underwater cave, I decide to follow it. What's the worst that could happen?

  I stumble through the darkness, using my newly improved transmutation mark to adjust my eyes to an animal with better night vision. I switch through a few different animals before settling on an owl's eyes, finding them the clearest in the darkness. I try not to dwell on the fact I probably look like an anime character right now.

  I considered using an orb of light, having quickly realised I have the ability too. My instincts seem to just to know what my new marks can do for me. However, I decide against it, just in case whoever I'm following isn't friendly.

  I follow the figure through twists and turns, never quite able to see the form I'm following fully, just swishes of material. At one point, I think I see a women's hand, but as I start running, trying to catch up, I catch a glimpse of what looks like a fin.

  I see light up ahead and slow my pace, taking deep breaths as I prepare myself for whatever might be waiting around the corner. The smell is even worse here, though, which doesn't make the breaths particularly easy.

  I step out of the hidden passage and into the light. My eyes instantly land on the woman, or creature rather that stands before me. With long flowing golden hair, a female-like body, but covered in scales, and with fins jutting out of her body, she’s something I’ve never seen or heard of before. I wouldn’t call her a mermaid, more of a cross between a sea monster and a human, rather than a human and a fish.

  “My name is Makara, and I am the guardian of this temple. The question is, who are you?” she asks me directly, and I gape at her.

  “Temple? I'm just trying to get into the school!” I reply, looking around. It doesn't really look much like a temple down here, just lots of fish bones, and a girl that's apparently half-sushi.

  “You wish to go above?” she asks, and I nod my head mutely. “You cannot. You must go back the way you came. There is no way to the school above from here,” she says firmly, staring at me with narrowed, black eyes.

  “A woman sent me this way. She says that she used to take the passageway through here to the school,” I say timidly, trying to see if the sea-woman will budge.

  “Linda?” she asks in response.

  “Yes, her! She said there was a passage here. She didn't mention you, though. Or the sea monster,” I mutter.



  “He's not a sea monster. His name is Ceirean, and he is harmless. He does not harm those from land, and he only feeds on small fish,” she says, moving closer to me.

  I step back and throw up my hands in front of me. “Sorry, I didn't mean to insult your pet.”

  “He is not a pet. He's my helper in protecting the temple,” she insists, and I look around the barren cave doubtfully again. Temple. Sure.

  “Okay, I'm really sorry for intruding on your temple, but please can we pass through to the school?” I ask as politely as I can muster.

  She seems to consider my request for a moment before answering. “As you have been sent by Linda, you may this once pass.”

  “Thank you!” I say quickly before she can change her mind. “Do you have any idea where my friends have gone?” I ask.

  “Still in the main passage, I believe,” she answers. “I hope they have not harmed Ceirean. It would be a shame to have to sacrifice you all,” she comments offhandedly, and I swallow. I hope like hell they haven't harmed him either.

  Chapter 24


  “This way, child,” the woman says, flashing me a small smile as she jumps into the water, and the fins on her body light up. She’s kind of pretty, and if she didn’t scare the crap out of me with her pet and mild threats against my guys, I would tell her so. I swim after her, trying to keep the water out of my eyes as she swims fast towards a dark corner of the cave. She stops beside an entrance, which is a long tunnel half under water and I can see stairs at the end. I look back at her as she watches me, and I notice that even little strands of her hair light up. When she suddenly narrows her eyes at me, I know it’s time for me to stop staring, and get the hell out of here.

  “Thank you,” I say, swimming through, but she stops me, catching my arm, her grip hard enough to hurt me.

  “Did you come from Ariziadia? You smell of my home,” she almost hisses, leaning closer, and I swear she’s sniffing me.

  “No, I’m from Earth, but I’ve been to Ariziadia recently, when I opened a portal,” I tell her, trying to pull my arm away, but it’s useless as she holds on so tight that I can feel her nails digging into my skin.

  “Thank you for the information, Earth child
of mine,” she lets go of me suddenly, watching me with calculating eyes. “You should leave now, but we will see each other again soon.”

  “Sure,” I fake a smile at the creepy ass woman and swim through the entrance towards the stairs. I will have to ask Daniels if he knows anything about the creepy girl later. That is, if I get a later. When I look back over my shoulder, the entrance is gone and in its place is a cave wall. What the hell? I shake my head in an attempt to forget what just happened. I focus on making it to the steps at the end of this cave and what lies at the top of them. I pull myself out the water, lying back on the stone steps for a second to catch my breath before standing up and looking around. The stone steps lead up towards an old, stone door. I try not to worry about the others when I think about what I’m going to do. I could make a portal to them, but they might be back at the house, and we won’t get another chance to kill Alaric like the one we have right now.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper into the darkness. I know they can’t hear me, but I feel like I need to say it anyway, even if the silence of the cave is my only answer. I swallow the fear building up in my throat and call my air mark, drying my hair and my clothes. I remove the tube from my pocket and hold it at my side, knowing it’s the only weapon, other than my marks, that I have right now. My father has so many followers, and I have to fight any I encounter all on my own. If I can be sneaky and just find my father, maybe he will fight me alone. Well, that’s the plan for now. I run up the steps, searching the old stone door for a handle or something, but it’s smooth everywhere. Shit.

  A mark on the back of my leg starts feeling warm as I press my hand on the stone. I close my eyes, calling on a mark I haven’t even seen yet. When I open my eyes, there’s a translucent space in the door, and I can see through to the other side. I put my hand through it and feel the cold wash of the magic holding the space open.

  “Damn, that’s cool. A walk-through walls mark, awesome,” I whisper, pulling my hand out and peering into what looks like a store cupboard on the other side of the wall. It looks safe enough. I step through the door, closing my eyes at the feel of the cold magic spreading all over me like glue, and then suddenly it’s gone. I find myself standing in the store cupboard surrounded by brooms, cleaning products on shelves, and a few cloaks hung up on the wall. I grab a cloak and clip it over me, pulling the hood up. I need to remain unrecognised as long as I can. Walking over to the small wooden door, I painstakingly twist the handle and peek my head out to see an empty corridor. I realise I’m in the hall where the head teachers’ offices are located. I know this place well, I visited often enough in my first week. I watch carefully for a few moments, waiting to see if anyone comes out. When no one does, I step out and quietly shut the door behind me.

  I edge past the rooms, making sure to use my air mark to ensure my footsteps are silent as I get to the hall door. There is glass near the top, so I call my air mark and float up, slowing myself down near the glass so I can see what awaits me on the other side. The sight of my mother gives me pause. She’s standing in the middle of the room, arguing with my father, but I can’t hear what they’re saying.

  There are three guards at the door, watching the argument. My mother’s hands are in cuffs, which Alaric undoes as I assume he tries to reason with her. The bruises and cuts on her face suggest she hasn’t been cooperating. That’s my mum. My mother spits in his face, slapping him the moment she is freed, and he throws her into the wall with a blast of air. That’s it, he is not taking my mother from me, too. I float back down and slam the door open with my hands. I throw a wave of water at the guards before they can even react, sending them flying through the door behind them. Closing the doors with my air mark, I throw up a barrier in front of it, so they can’t get back in. Damn, I’m so much more powerful than before. Looking back at my father, he has a tight grip on my mother and a knife held to her throat.

  “Hello, Mackenzie. I have to admit, you have surprised me,” Alaric says with a cruel chuckle. I begin to walk to the middle of the room, and his laugh stops suddenly. “Not another step or I will kill her,” he warns me, and I stop, frozen on the spot as my mother’s worried eyes meet mine. I force myself to keep my focus on Alaric and not her. This is between me and him, and he knows it.

  “Did you really think I would be so easy to get rid of? That you could just throw me into another world and be done with me?” I ask, tilting my head to the side. “In fact, I should probably thank you for that. Ariziadia proved to be very useful.”

  “Did it now? The water proved itself useful to me as well,” he boasts.

  “Then fight me. Put my mother down, man up, and fight me alone! Everyone says you are a coward, hiding behind others and having them do your dirty work. Prove that you are not,” I shout at him, and he chuckles, keeping his expression neutral. He kisses my mother’s cheek, as she wriggles to get free.

  “When this disappointment of a child is gone, much like the first child, we can have others that will be more powerful. Do not hate me for this my love,” he whispers lovingly, and it makes me feel sick. He is really that twisted he doesn’t realise just how much she despises him, or maybe he knows but just doesn’t care.

  “Go and fuck yourself. I will kill you for Ryan! I will kill you for every vile thing you’ve done, you evil bastard!” My mother screams, and Alaric whacks her on the back of the head with the knife, letting her body fall to the floor with a loud thud.

  “Does all of this truly mean more to you than anything? Did killing Ryan, your own son, not even bother you?” I ask, wanting to see if he has any remorse for what he did.

  “No. My mission–”

  “Will have been pointless when I kill you. You will be remembered as the crazy fool who tried to take over and failed. You will have nothing, and you will be nothing!” I say, pushing my intent into the tube, and the spear shoots out.

  “Nothing is pointless when it comes to making a better world. Ryan will always be remembered as the brave man who sacrificed his life to open the portal,” he says, stepping over my mother, and sliding another knife out of his cloak. He watches me intently for any sign of movement.

  “He didn’t die for you, the portal, or even for me. He died for love, something you clearly never understood. That’s the thing though, Ryan will be remembered by those who love him, and will live on in that manner. You will be remembered and missed by no one, because no one loves you,” I tell him, making his eyes blaze with anger. Perfect, I’m finally getting to him.

  “Enough talking. I’m sick of listening to you prattle on. It’s time to end this, and I will never have to hear about my pathetic excuse of daughter, Mackenzie Crowe, ever again!” he growls out, and I laugh.

  “Bring it on, old man,” I say, waving a hand and knowing that one way or another, Alaric will die tonight. Even if it kills me in the process.

  Chapter 25


  Wasting no more time talking about it, I launch myself at him with the spear in my hand. I lift the spear, and send it flying straight into his chest. He looks down at the spear embedded there and laughs, as his form flickers in front of me. It’s then I realise the laughter isn’t coming from in front of me, but behind.

  I whirl around to face him, seeing him leaning against the wall casually. My eyes dart around again, seeing the flickering form vanish completely.

  “How?” I question in disbelief as I face him again, the word slipping out even though I wish it didn’t.

  “Foolish girl. You didn’t think you were the only one to gain more powers, did you? The water in the pool here is now supercharged with magic from Ariziadia, and I have powers most don’t even know exist,” he explains condescendingly, a smug smirk on his face. He lifts his hand and sends me flying back before I have chance to counter it. I manage to soften the blow of my fall with my air mark, but once I stand back up, he’s vanished, and I can’t see him anywhere. For a moment, I think he may have fled, but then I hear soft footsteps crossing the room towa
rds me. I stand still, darting my eyes around for show while I try to listen carefully. I don’t want to give away that I know his game.

  I’d wanted to just get this over with, to quickly strike him down and finish this once and for all. However, he seems content to drag this out, toying with me like a cat does with a mouse. What he doesn't seem to realise is that I'm not a helpless little mouse to be played with at all. I'm his death.

  Calling on my mind reading mark, I delve into his mind and see the attack in his mind just moments before he acts on it. I spin out of the way of his invisible blow, calling on my fire mark as I lift my free hand up in his direction. I shoot a streak of fire right at him, and watch as the flames catch onto his invisible frame. They light him up for a second, before he douses them with his own powers, removing him from my visibility once more.

  I grip my spear tighter as I feel a bead of sweat roll down the back of my neck. With the sound of my blood pumping filling my ears from all the adrenaline, I don't hear him as he creeps back up on me from behind. He forgoes using his powers and strikes me with a fist to the back of my head. I yelp, stumbling forward as my free hand immediately goes to the back of my head, clutching where the pain is radiating from. Not giving me a moment to recuperate, I feel an ice cold chill wash over me, as he freezes me over with ice. Stuck and completely frozen by his attack, I glare at him when he becomes visible again, striding towards me confidently, but I'm not down yet.

  Using my fire mark, I quickly heat up the ice and melt it in fractions of a second, releasing myself. I dive quickly to the left to dodge him throwing a wooden chair at me, using his air mark to move it.

  Sick of being on the defensive, I try and make my attack. I pull on my earth mark, using it to crack the stone floor beneath us. The ceiling above us begins to crumble, sending down rubble all around us. I use my power to keep all the debris off myself and my mum, who is still lying unconscious on the other side of the room.


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