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Yes: A Hotwife Romance

Page 11

by Jason Lenov

  "We don't have to do it again," she offered, putting a hand on mine.

  "I know. But you want to. Right?" I knew I was putting her on the spot. It felt a little unfair. We'd both stepped into this together and now that something wasn't right for me, I was dumping it all on her.

  "I mean, sure I do, but not if it's going to make you miserable. It's just a fantasy."

  There was doubt in my mind, though, about whether that was really all it was. "Okay," I said, taking a deep breath, gathering the courage to ask. "What was it about this whole thing that turned you on so much? I've never seen you like that. I've never seen you so..."

  "Submissive?" she offered with a giggle.


  She looked away and thought for a while. I wondered if she was just trying to craft an answer that wouldn't hurt me too much to hear.

  "You know," she began, still thinking, "I'm not saying I want this all the time or every day or even ever again but there's always been a part of me that wanted to be..." She drifted off, choosing which word to use. "...owned like that. I just...want to be a fuck toy sometimes."

  I wasn't sure what the sting inside me was at what she'd said. It was a turn on to hear that, but it had jagged edges that poked my insides.

  "Just not with me?" I blurted before I could help myself. It was probably a good thing anyways, to get all these feelings out.

  She tilted her head, looking concerned. "Charlie," she began.

  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I said. I couldn't look at her though. "That wasn't right. That was uncalled for."

  "Okay. You need to tell me everything that's going on in your head right now or this ends right here."

  I looked up at her. Her brow had furrowed into the familiar shape of her exasperation. The boss was back. It was comforting somehow.

  "Okay," I said, starting to feel better already. "I don't know what it is really. I woke up this morning and you looked different than last night. You looked different than you ever have. Like it wasn't the same you."

  "Well that's just ridiculous," she shot back.

  Maybe it should have hurt, that kind of insensitivity but the funny thing was it didn't. It kind of felt good.

  "I am the same me, Charlie," she went on, "and we are the same us. Whatever happened doesn't change any of that, any of what we are. We had a fantasy, we played it out, it was fun. Now it can be over if you want. It's that easy."

  "Well it's not though, is it?" I countered.

  "Why not?" she demanded.

  "Well, I mean, you still want to go on with it. You want to try more. You liked it."

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head, as if I'd just said the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard. "Charlie if you told me your next fantasy is to try some bdsm, tie me up and whip the shit out of me I'd maybe try it once. Maybe. But if it only hurt and didn't feel good and I got nothing else out of it you can bet your fucking ass we wouldn't be trying it again, even if you thought it was the greatest most orgasmic thing in the world. It doesn't make a goddamned shit's worth of difference if one or the other of us stumbles onto something they're really into if the other person isn't. This isn't about you or me. This is about us. Remember?"

  There it was. There she was, my ball busting Angie who wasn't about to let me get away with feeling sorry for myself just because I was a little butt hurt. Why did I like that about her so much?

  "Look," she went on, "I get it. You're feeling vulnerable because three other guys just fucked every hole I have last night."

  A woman walking by the bench gasped and pressed a hand to her chest. Angie just stared her down until she scurried away. She was good with people like that.

  "Why don't you just say it? It'll make you feel better, I promise."

  "Tell you that I'm feeling vulnerable?" I asked, having a hard time with the last word.

  "Tell me what's making you feel like that."

  "Well, the size of those cocks doesn't help," I ventured.

  "Oh my god," Angie moaned slapping a palm to her forehead. "You guys and the fucking size thing! Get over it already, it's not like that! We don't sit there dreaming about being stuffed by the biggest cock on the planet. So their cocks were bigger than yours, big deal."

  I'd heard it all before but I didn't believe it completely. Or maybe I just didn't want to. Maybe that was part of the fantasy, that they had something to give her I never could. It all felt too twisted up to untangle.

  "You're being kind of a bitch."

  Her eyes went a little wide for a second before she burst into laughter. She wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed. "I love you Charlie Sampson," she giggle into my ear. I knew she meant it, too. That was something they would never have. She would never be like this with them.

  It all started feeling better. Her cell phone rang. She leaned her forehead against mine, smiled, then gave me a kiss before reaching into her jacket and swiping to answer the call.

  It was Will. She listened. Her face lit up. "Really?!? That's amazing!" she shrieked. There was obviously something very wonderful happening at the restaurant, which was a relief because normally a call from Will in the middle of the day was not a good thing. When she hung up she threw herself at me and squeezed me again.

  "You going to to tell me the good news?" I asked, my cheek smothered by her face.

  She leaned back and looked into my eyes. "Will just got the call. The deal is on for a location in New York. We have to go and sign papers next week!" she squealed.

  I tried to make my expression rise to the level of her excitement even though my insides were sinking the other way. She could tell right away. Her shoulders slumped a little and her enthusiasm waned.

  "You're jealous."

  "What? Me? No, I'm ecstatic!" I lied.

  She shook her head and smiled. "I know you are. But you're jealous too, right? That I'm going to New York with Will?"

  "I...look it's not that I'm jealous like I'm not going to let you do it or something."

  "Ha!" she laughed at the notion.

  "It's just with everything that's happened..."

  "Charlie," she said, leaning close. "Relax. That was pleasure. This is business. You know what this means, right?"

  "What?" I asked, unsure if I wanted to hear what she had to say.

  "It means you can ditch your shitty clients. It means once this money comes through you can ditch all the clients you hate!"

  That was an appealing thought. Didn't quite take the edge off the thought of her spending a few days alone with Will, but it smoothed it down a little.

  "Come on. Let's take care know, plan B...go get pizza then binge on episodes," she said, jumping up.

  It all seemed like a good idea. At least that way I could pretend I was watching and have some time to think.

  Chapter 21

  I thought a lot. Not just that day but every day after that. I thought about what had happened with Will and his friends. I thought about our conversation with Angie. I thought about the fact that she was going to be spending all that time with Will alone, about the fact that now they must have felt closer to each other. Sex will do that. I wondered if they talked about it at work. I wondered if they talked about me, if she shared things with him she wouldn't tell me. I thought about it all so hard I couldn't stop.

  It an easy paranoia to settle into. What if they did it again? What if she realized that she'd been with the wrong guy this whole time? What if...

  "You're sitting there just fucking stressing and stressing about it, aren't you?" she finally asked over dinner the night before she was set to leave.

  I realized as soon as she said it how spaced out I'd been. I'd barely said a word the whole evening. She'd taken time off so we could hang out before she left and here I was being an uncommunicative cod.

  "A little bit," I confessed.

  "A lot," she countered. "I've been watching you all week, Charlie. I didn't want to bring it up again because I told you how I feel. I love you. I love us. The
re's still something about this that's bothering you though, I can tell and it's starting to bother me because you are being so fucking glum!"

  She was right. She was right about all of it. I'd been sitting and thinking about all this instead of talking to her. But I had a good reason for it, or at least I thought it was a good reason.

  "Okay. You're right. I'm sorry."

  "Don't be sorry, Charlie. Just fucking tell me what is up?"

  "It's not that I'm worried about you, about us. Although there is an element of that to it. It's really that..." I trailed off.

  She put her fork down and leaned closer.

  "It's that I want to see it again."

  That threw her for a loop. "You do?" she asked quietly.

  "I do. And I don't. It's all mixed up in there but at the end of it all, I do. I think about that night all the time. Not just the night with you and Will but watching you and his friends. It makes me horny as fuck..."

  She balked at my profanity. Something about her reaction gave me the courage to keep going.

  "I want to see it again. I want to see you being someone else's fuck doll. I want to watch it over and over, scratching that itch until I found out what about it makes me so turned on."

  We sat in silence for a while, Angie staring at me, studying my face for the truth.

  "You really want it? You really want to see it?" she whispered finally.

  I nodded. "Do you?"

  She answered right away. "Yes, but only if it's not going to fuck this up. Only if it's not going to fuck us up and make things different and never good again. Because I love us too much to do that Charlie, to throw this all away for a stupid fantasy."

  "I know," I reassured her, leaning in and taking her hand. "It won't. I swear. It'll be different, sure, but I swear it won't break what we have."

  She leaned back. "Okay, well we'll leave it until we get back from New York anyways."

  "We don't have to," I said right away, a little surprised at my own eagerness.

  "We don't?"

  "I mean, if you want to we can. I just thought...if you want to, in New York, if just...if there were a way I could watch..."

  Her face registered understanding. "You mean if we set up a computer thing?"

  "Yeah," I bumbled, feeling a little ashamed at my own enthusiasm. I was getting very excited about watching her with another man again.

  "Okay look," she said, suddenly serious, "we'll see. I've got to talk to Will anyways. He's a person too, right?"

  I couldn't help but laugh. This whole time I hadn't even considered that Will might not be into this again. That Will might just want to be friends. It was a little hard to imagine, though. I pushed my plate out of the way, took her hand, hoping she'd want to abandon dinner for the time being as much as I did.

  Her sly smile and the way she moved away from me didn't bode well. "Yeah, I don't think so, Charlie. Not tonight."

  I was stunned. It was a rare day she wasn't up for frisky times. "What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly worried.

  "Nothing," she said, still smiling. "But if we're going to play this game, you're not the only one that gets to call the shots. I want to call some shots too."

  Not what I was expecting, but not unwelcome and certainly fair. "Okay, what kind of shots?" I asked trying to get a feel for what she meant.

  "Well, like sex tonight. Don't you think it would be hotter if we didn't have sex tonight? If something did happen in New York, the fact that you didn't get off right before I left...I don't know, doesn't it seem sexy?"

  What seemed sexy to me right then was taking her to the bedroom and relieving the pressure that had built up in between my legs just at talking about all this. I knew she was right, though. Not have sex would be agony. The good kind.

  "What are we going to do then? Just eat dinner and go to sleep?" I asked with a smile.

  "Not exactly what I had in mind." She was still smiling. This seemed like it was getting interesting.

  "I'm all ears."

  "Why don't we finish our dinner and then we'll see."

  I resisted the urge to whine that I wanted to know now. That didn't seem like it would be very sexy.

  She smiled through dinner but didn't talk very much. I could barely keep my eyes off her. The fact that she said she wanted some control in this situation was pretty arousing and I couldn't wait to find out what she meant by "we'll see." I ate my dinner like a good boy. I even cleaned the dishes, too.

  "Well? Do I get to find out now? What you have in mind?" I asked after dinner, my impatience growing by the second.

  "I guess you've been a good boy," she teased. "Go upstairs and get undressed. I'll be up soon."

  My cock was half-stiff as I lay naked on the bed waiting for her. She took her time coming up, too. When she did come up, she wasn't wearing anything either. My cock bounced at the sight of her full curves swaying into the room.

  "Change your mind?" I joked.

  "Not exactly," she replied, wandering towards the bed. "Slide down a little," she ordered. She stripped and my cock bounced at the sight of her naked body.

  I did what she asked, sliding down the bed until my feet were hanging over the edge. Just watching her walk around the room was making me stiff.

  Angie didn't waste any time. She crawled up onto the bed then swung a leg over my chest. My cock got even harder as I realized what she was going to do. She lowered herself onto my, unceremoniously, her wet pussy lips pressing against mine as my nose was shoved into the cleft between her toned ass cheeks.

  The sweet musky stink of her ass filled my nostrils and made my cock completely hard.

  "Come on baby," she groaned, grinding her pussy against me until I started to lick. I could barely breathe and every breath I did take was loaded with her scent. My cock pulsed between my legs. The only thing I wanted was for her to touch me right then.

  She didn't. I felt her hands settle on my ribs as she leaned forward, shoving her snatch even more firmly against my lips. I did my best to lick her swollen clit as fast as I could, driving her towards orgasm. It took a while but she started to mewl. It sounded hot as hell, that sound.

  She started rubbing her pussy on me. There were juices flooding from it now, covering my face and neck. I couldn't get enough of her wet heat. I wanted it all over me. I wanted her to mark me as hers.

  Her thighs started squeezing me. Her legs were strong and I started to see stars. I didn't want to stop, though. I wanted to feel her come onto me. I wanted to taste her love.

  As the orgasm shook her, she reared up, pressing her ass hole against my nose. I grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled myself closer taking a massive whiff of her back door and lashing at her clit with my tongue. She screamed and I felt the climax tear through her again.

  Hot juices spurted out of her, covering my face. I licked and swallowed what I could. When she was done, she shuffled forward a bit. I realized what she wanted.

  "Come on baby, clean me off right," she cooed.

  I stuck out my sore tongue and touched the tip of it against her soft back hole. I cleaned her as best I could, until I started to feel her getting turned on again.

  My cock was throbbing, bouncing up and down. She rubbed her ass against my mouth a little and I ran my tongue across it one last time, savouring the feeling of the ridge of puckered muscle. She swung a leg over me and sat on the bed beside me.

  I looked at her, my eyes wide with desperation. "Come on Angie," I begged, "please?"

  She giggled and glanced at my flexing member. She ran a finger along a vein. My body arched towards her. She looked at me and smiled.

  "I'm telling you, Charlie. You're going to have a better time if I don't." She pulled herself off the bed and bounced to the bathroom. She stuck her head out just as I was reaching down to touch myself. "Come on Charlie. Play along."

  I sighed, resigned to not get any sleep. I'd play along alright. This didn't seem like much fun though.

  Chapter 22

  "I have a surpris
e for you." The sound of Angie's whisper drifted through my dreams. I opened my eyes to find her staring at me, grinning. I rolled closer to her, trying to push my morning wood into her hand.

  "I'm glad you finally came around," I whispered, my voice bleary from sleep.

  "Unh-uh," she said, pushing me away.

  A bolt of unpleasant frustration stirred me awake.

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  "Well, it's actually two surprises," she said, the smile still wide on her face. "Which one do you want first?"

  "What time is it?" I asked, scratching my head and turning towards the alarm clock.

  "It's nine."

  Nine. Nine. That number meant something. Her flight. Her flight was at nine.

  "Your flight!" I shouted, springing from the bed. I wasn't sure how I could help her get there. It had probably already left. It just seemed like doing something was better than doing nothing.

  "Charlie, relax," she purred, patting the bed for me to get back in.

  I shook my head. Obviously things were under control. "What's going on?" I asked again, after I'd calmed down.

  "Well? Which one do you want first?" she squealed, delighted.

  "Angie," I replied, my voice tinged with a growing irritation. "I don't know what the choices are."

  She giggled, delighting in my ignorance. "Okay. I'll just tell you the first one."


  "You're coming to New York."

  "What?!?" I whispered, sitting up.

  She scrunched her nose up and giggled. "You heard me. You're coming to New York."


  "Okay, are you ready?"

  "I'm ready already. Now what?!?" She was really enjoying herself, stringing me along.

  "Will's got some friends he got in touch with."

  That's all she said. Her smile didn't fade completely but it slid from happiness into mischief.

  "More friends?" I asked after I'd realized what she meant.


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