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The Widow of Windsor

Page 37

by Jean Plaidy

  And now she had reigned longer than any English monarch – even longer than her mad grandfather King George III. There must be a celebration such as the people had never seen before. This was one of the occasions when she must agree that there must be no concession to age, fatigue or dislike of ceremonies. This was to be the Diamond Jubilee.

  She had been feeling very dejected during the last days because Annie MacDonald, who had served her as wardrobe maid for more than thirty years, had been taken very ill and she knew her to be dying. Annie was the one with whom, as with John Brown, she had felt herself to be so much at home. Like John Brown, Annie had never flattered her but always spoken the truth even if it was critical. She trusted Annie and now she knew that when she returned to Windsor Annie would not be there.

  She went to see her before she left.

  ‘So you’re going to London?’ rasped Annie.

  The Queen said: ‘It’s my jubilee, Annie.’

  ‘Mind you wrap up well. Those bitter winds …’

  ‘It’s June, Annie. It’s the heat, I fear.’

  But Annie’s eyes were glazed. She was far away in the days when she and John Brown used to scold their mistress for not taking care of herself.

  Another faithful creature lost!

  She travelled from Balmoral to Windsor for a service at St George’s Chapel on the 20th of June, which was the actual date sixty years before when she had acceded to the throne.

  The next day she took the train to London.

  The Jubilee celebration took place on the 22nd of June. The sun shone brilliantly as the Queen left Buckingham Palace and began the circular tour of her city. She had been determined that the pageantry should stress the significance of Empire. Prime Ministers of the colonies; armed forces culled from all over the world where the British flag flew; delegates from all the dependencies. The troops which formed part of the colourful procession were from Australia, South Africa and Canada; there were Indians who looked magnificent in their brilliant uniforms; soldiers from Africa, Hongkong, Borneo and Cyprus. All the world must know that she was indeed an Empress.

  From the Palace the cavalcade went to St Paul’s where a service was conducted; and after that began the great tour.

  In the Park the guns boomed; in the streets the people cheered. London had gone wild with enthusiasm for the longest reign. The Queen, always easily moved, was in tears as she read the loyal greetings on banners stretched across even the poorest streets. ‘She wrought her people’s lasting good,’ said one. What a glorious epitaph! Albert would have been proud. ‘Our Hearts Thy Throne,’ said another. What loyal loving messages! It had been a wonderful reign. She could rejoice. But she had had such wonderful support during her long reign. Lord Melbourne, dearest dearest Albert, Sir Robert Peel, clever Disraeli and now Lord Salisbury who was very adequate; and she must not forget – nor would she ever – those who worked behind the scenes, her dear good Annie MacDonald who had been unselfish in her service and dear kind faithful John Brown whose strong arm she so sadly missed even now.

  Dear people! Happy day! It was a wonderful thing to have lived so long; to have been a Queen and at the end – for she knew she was very close to that – to hear her people say ‘Our Hearts Thy Throne.’

  There had been great progress during the time she had been on the throne. The electric light and the telephone had been introduced. What wonderful inventions! And before setting on her historic journey round her capital she had pressed an electric button which had telegraphed her message to all parts of the Empire.

  ‘From my heart I thank my beloved people. May God bless them.’

  Bertie sat beside her – squat, square and comforting. Bertie was always at his best on such occasions. The people cheered him too. ‘Good old Teddy!’ His sins were very easily forgiven. Who but Bertie could have sailed triumphantly through the Mordaunt and Baccarat cases and all the rumours of profligacy and extravagance to be the people’s ‘Good old Teddy’? How strange people were. They had never shouted like that – with genuine affection – for Albert who had been so good and devoted himself to their service; and, although they had the deepest respect for their Queen and an affection for her in a remote kind of way, it was Bertie who was their Good Old Teddy, Bertie who had their warmhearted love.

  That was good because Bertie would soon be their King. King Edward VII – and she had once so wanted it to be King Albert; now that did not seem so important. What did matter was that the people loved Bertie; they would accept Bertie; and they had a great affection for their Queen.

  It was the most tiring and most gratifying day of her life.

  Chapter XXIX


  This was the dawn of a new century – the twentieth. She would not have believed she could have lived to see the end of the 1800s. More than eighty years had passed since she had been born in Kensington Palace and there had been that momentous christening in the cupola room when Uncle King had refused to allow her to be called Elizabeth or Georgiana. ‘Victoria,’ he had said. And they had been angry because Victoria was not a Queen’s name. So they had said then; they could not have said that now, for for there had never been a more queenly name and she had made it so.

  How tired she was and old now, how old! So stiff with the rheumatic pains that she could not move without her stick and often had to be wheeled about the Palace. She smiled to think of her Diamond Jubilee when she had been wheeled onto the balcony because the loyal crowds would not be satisfied without a glimpse of her.

  ‘Go it, old Girl!’ someone had shouted. So blunt, yet so loving. It reminded her of faithful John Brown.

  Now she was the head of a large family. She had lost three children – Alice, Leopold and so recently Alfred. Dear Vicky she feared was very ill and some of the doctors had hinted at the dreaded cancer, in this instance of the spine. Such sorrow for a mother of over eighty to have to endure! There were so many grandchildren all with their own problems, all with their own complicated lives to be lived.

  Dear Mary of Teck, May’s mother, had died soon after the Jubilee, a sad blow; she had always loved big Mary with her rather careless attitude to life and her kind heart. Poor Alix felt her loss deeply for they had always been such friends and now the marriage of George and May had made that bond even closer.

  And the next year had seen the passing of Mr Gladstone. It was about time, of course, for he was a very old man.

  ‘I cannot say that I think he was a great Englishman,’ she had said. ‘Clever he was, talented, but he had no notion of the honour and prestige of the Empire. I shall never forget that he gave up the Transvaal and the way in which he abandoned that great patriot General Gordon at Khartoum. He started a kind of class war. I fear he did a great deal of harm. I am always sorry for poor Mrs Gladstone!’

  All the same she was rather glad she had shaken hands with him just before his life ended. It was the first time he had ever received such a favour from her.

  Then of course there had been that terrible conflict with the Jameson Raid when Wilhelm had behaved so disgracefully and sent a telegram to President Kruger congratulating him on keeping his independence in spite of the British Imperialists. How angry they had been with Wilhelm whose hatred of the British Empire and in particular of Bertie was intense. Had she felt stronger she would have liked to summon this recalcitrant grandson to tell him how his arrogance displeased her and how hurt and angry his beloved dead sainted Grandpapa Prince Albert would have been had he been alive, and that she could be almost glad that he was not since thus he was spared the grief he would have been made to suffer by such an ungrateful grandson. The Jameson Raid was one of the causes she was sure of that terrible Boer War when everything seemed to go against them and in favour of those horrid, cruel, over-bearing Boers. It was said that the whole world was on their side; and a dreadful thing had happened to Bertie and Alix who after visiting Alix’s father were in the train at Brussels when a mad youth tried to shoot them. It was true the crowd on th
e platform would have torn the boy to pieces had not Bertie stepped out of the train and begged them not to harm him. A court of law was where he should be taken, said Bertie; and such was his presence and his way with the people that although they were foreigners and he a representative of the most hated country in the world (at that time) they obeyed him. Of course the boy turned out to be an anarchist and in the service of the Boer supporters, but it was a horrible incident and did show how very unpopular Britain had grown.

  The fatal 14th of December had come and she had visited the mausoleum at Frogmore and thought as she always did on the occasion of her wedding day and in contrast that dreadful 14th when she had sat at his bedside and been too stunned to realise the truth.

  Then she travelled down to Osborne, the house he had loved and designed; and she thought of his pride when they had gone there for the first time and he had shown her how his ideas had been carried out; and how the whole household had gathered together and he had sung the German hymn about blessing the house.

  She was not ill, but tired. Her rheumatism had grown worse and she could scarcely see to read – which was most trying of all. She had had at last to agree to wear spectacles for reading, but they were tiresome and not much good.

  On the 15th of January she took a drive. She felt happier about the situation in South Africa where Lord Roberts had done so well and Lord Kitchener was proving so effective; but when she returned from her drive she felt so weak that she decided to go to bed.

  Her doctors thought that the family should be sent for; they came, the sons, the daughters, the grandchildren. Bertie was in tears; he could not believe that his mother, who had dominated his life, was about to die. There had been so many differences between them but the family bond had grown strong with the years. They had at last learned to understand each other.

  Wilhelm arrived, even his arrogance subdued; he waited humbly in the corridors hoping for a chance of seeing his grandmother before she died.

  In the streets bulletins were issued; a solemn hush had fallen over everything.

  ‘The Queen is dying,’ said the people.

  It could not be; she was the great figure-head, the symbol. The Queen had always been on the throne as long as they could remember. More than sixty years she had reigned over them. She could not be going now.

  She lay in her bed. She could not remember exactly where she was. Sometimes she thought she was walking in the gardens of Kensington Palace with Lehzen, a bright, plump little girl who had just discovered that she might one day be Queen. ‘I will be good,’ she had said. Good Queen Victoria! ‘Victoria is not a Queen’s name’ her mother had said. It was now. The great Queen’s name – as great as Elizabeth. But that Queen had not always been good. Perhaps Victoria had not been but she had always tried to be.

  She thought of storms with Mama whom she had later learned to love and understand; and Albert, dearest beloved Albert, who had guided her and made her what she was before he left her desolate. She hoped no one would mourn her as long and bitterly as she had mourned Albert.

  All the figures of the past filed slowly through her mind – gay, solemn, good and bad. Mama, Lehzen, dear Lord Melbourne, Flora Hastings (Oh, the nightmares that woman had given her!), Sir Robert Peel, Disraeli, Mr Gladstone, honest John Brown, Annie MacDonald so recently lost, Alice, Leopold, Alfred, those babies whom she had nursed and her darling Albert whom she had never ceased to mourn.

  He would be waiting for her. She knew he would. He would take her hand as he had on their wedding day and he would smile at her. ‘Gutes Frauchen,’ he would say.

  ‘It is the end,’ whispered Bertie and he covered his face with his hands and wept.

  Her favourite doctor, Dr Reid, supported her on one side. Wilhelm on the other.

  Her children and her grandchildren waited to be summoned to say farewell, but she was past knowing them. She lay half conscious, her eyes glazed, far far away in the past, waiting to step into the future.

  Slowly life left her. A faint smile touched her lips; she was calm and her face seemed suddenly to grow young again.

  At half past six in the evening she died.

  A pall had settled over the nation. ‘The Queen is dead,’ the cry went up. The nation had suffered a great disaster. The indomitable little figure, the great Queen and Empress, was dead; and with her, it was believed, she had taken something of great value.

  All had been well while she remained at the helm – the legendary figure who could subdue the country’s enemies, who could castigate the tiresome Russians, who could call her mischief-making German grandson to order, who could reduce Bertie to the state of a naughty boy in the nursery. But now the great Queen was no more.

  ‘We have lost our beloved Mother,’ was the cry. ‘The Queen is dead. Nothing will ever be the same again.’


  Anonymous, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales

  Argyll, The Duke of, V.R.I., Queen Victoria, Her Life and Empire

  Aubrey, William Hickman Smith, History of England

  Cowles, Virginia, Edward VII and his Circle

  Duff, David, Victoria in the Highlands (The Personal Journal of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, with Notes, Introductions and a Description of the Acquisition and Rebuilding of Balmoral Castle)

  Edwards, W. H. (translated from the German), The Tragedy of Edward VII (A Psychological Study)

  Fulford, Roger (ed.), Dearest Mama (Letters between Queen Victoria and Crown Princess of Prussia, 1861–1864)

  Gavin, Catherine, Edward the Seventh

  Greville, Charles C. H. (edited by Henry Reeve), The Greville Memoirs (A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria)

  Holt-White, W., The People’s King (A Short Life of Edward VII)

  Legge, Edward, King Edward in his True Colours

  Longford, Elizabeth, Victoria R.I.

  Madol, Hans Roger, The Private Life of Queen Alexandra

  Magnus, Philip, King Edward the Seventh

  Oliphant, Mrs, Queen Victoria, A Personal Sketch

  Pike, E. Royston, Britain’s Prime Ministers

  Sitwell, Edith, Victoria of England

  Smith, G. Barnett, Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, The Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria

  Stephen, Sir Leslie and Lee, Sir Sidney (eds.), Dictionary of National Biography

  Strachey, Lytton, Queen Victoria

  Tisdall, E. E. P., Unpredictable Queen (The Intimate Life of Queen Alexandra)

  Tooley, Sarah A., The Personal Life of Queen Victoria, The Life of Queen Alexandra

  Queen Victoria, More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands from 1862 to 1882

  Villiers, Elizabeth, Queen Alexandra, The Well-Beloved

  Whitwell Wilson, Philip (ed.), The Greville Diary

  Wilkins, W. H., Edward the Peacemaker (The Life of Edward VII and his Queen)




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