Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1)

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Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1) Page 10

by Harper Phoenix

  He takes them down painfully slowly—I think he’s offering me a chance to change my mind—either that or he’s a complete tease. When his hands go to my butt, and he massages my lower back and ass, it’s so sensual, so intimate, that I almost come. Niagara instantly starts flowing. He works on every part of my back, then my arms, followed by those beautiful butterfly kisses. He works my legs one by one and then his fingers are at my core. I’m wet, ridiculously aroused, and he knows it. He groans out as he pushes a finger inside, finding out just how wet I am for him. He leans over and kisses my cheek.

  ‘You okay, baby?’

  My reply is breathy and weak. ‘Yes.’ I’m eager for him, wanting more. He’s still fully clothed. He moves away from me but doesn’t stop moving his fingers inside me. Teasingly. He lifts my ass, so it’s pointing upward, and then I feel his tongue. Deliciously lapping at my clit. Oh, my god, I’m gonna come. Pleasure radiates throughout my whole body. A white-hot heat. I tremble with it, biting my lip so I don’t scream out. I don’t want everyone hearing me. The orgasm wreaks havoc through my body, sapping me of all energy. He carries on relentlessly, finger fucking me and licking at my clit. I try to pull away only to be held in place. I can’t take anymore. I come again, screaming out his name. To hell with everyone hearing me. He releases me then, pulling me backwards onto his lap, and he holds me. I nuzzle into his neck, breathing in his scent. I don’t care about anything beyond this room right then. I want to stay here. Forever. He rocks me in his arms. I’m so tired. He lays me down on the bed, covering me with his duvet.

  ‘I’ll be right back.’

  ‘Don’t leave me,’ I plead. And he laughs, shaking his head.

  ‘I’m just going to the fridge. You need some water.’ He’s right, my mouth is so dry, and I’m so tired I can barely move.

  ‘Hurry back,’ I tell him as he kisses my forehead.


  We spend the best part of the night talking and really getting to know each other better. I already feel like I’ve known him my entire life.

  ‘Tell me about pack life?’ I ask. Jared smiles at my question as he turns to face me, propping his head on his hand,

  ‘What do you want to know?’

  ‘Everything. How you grew up? What was your life like? Who was your first kiss? I want to know it all,’ I tell him honestly.

  ‘My first kiss? Seriously?’

  I nod. ‘Mmmhmm, all the deets.’

  He laughs, and it’s such an awesome sound after everything I’ve put him through tonight.

  ‘Okay, so I’ll start at the beginning. I grew up in Ranmore Common. It’s a small place in Dorking, Surrey. It’s where my family have always lived and worked, and obviously where my dad—the alpha—is based. But our pack spans for miles across the country, and believe it or not, although we are a just a tiny country, we have the strongest, most influential pack in Europe.’

  ‘How is that even a thing? Like how can you gauge it?’

  ‘Well, it’s kinda in the genes. Well, at least in the Stone genes, and with each new generation that’s born, we mix them with equally strong genes, so each alpha is as strong if not stronger than the last.’ My heart sinks a little at his revelation, and he must notice the change.

  ‘And the next generation will be the strongest yet, because their baby mamma is strong and beautiful, not to mention stubborn as fuck.’ I giggle and slap his shoulder. He comes back with a poke to my ribcage, making me squeal.

  ‘Okay, okay. I surrender,’ I tell him on a giggle. ‘Tell me more?’

  ‘Okay. So the pack is well known for being able to, um, to handle ourselves.’

  ‘Meaning?’ He looks awkward and tries to kiss me, closing the subject down. But like he said, I’m stubborn as fuck. I peck his lips and settle back down for the rest of his story. ‘Carry on?’

  He huffs out a breath and rolls his eyes at me. ‘Baby, my dick is hard, and he’s a needy fucker when it comes to his pussy.’

  I pout. I really want to hear the rest of this story, but I can’t disappoint his ‘needy dick’ especially after he ate out at Niagara Falls. ‘Okay, so hold that thought because I want to hear the rest, but I have a question for Mr needy dick.’


  ‘Where does he wanna go?’

  ‘Mouth or pussy?’ he asks wagging his eyebrows at me. I blush, stupidly because he talks like that, I should know by now. So I just nod.

  ‘Say it?’

  ‘What?’ I ask, knowing damn well what he wants me to say,

  ‘Mouth or pussy.’

  I purse my lips and roll my eyes,

  ‘Oh, baby, don’t roll your eyes at me ‘cause I’ll have to punish you for it,’ he says grabbing my hands and stretching them up above my head, before biting down on my neck, leaving his mark. I squirm under him as he moves to nip along my shoulder and down to my nipple.

  ‘Say it!’ he demands again. When I don’t, he bites my nipple making me moan—some punishment. I’ll keep quiet all night at this rate. He flips me so quick I don’t see it coming, and he slaps my ass hard. And it stings like a bitch. ‘SAY IT!’ he tells me again. This time his voice holds the tone I’m certain he uses when he wants things done. That alpha tone that says ‘don’t fuck with me’ and it works. Not only do I want to say it but my vagina starts to scream, ‘I volunteer as a tribute.’

  ‘What do you want? Mouth or pussy?’ I ask almost breathlessly. He strokes my ass and lays on top of me, spreading my legs apart with his knees,

  ‘I always want your pussy, baby, but maybe I’d like your mouth first.’ He lifts my ass off the bed and plunges balls deep inside of me. I’m not expecting it, but I’m more than ready for him. I guess he can’t wait. He fucks me hard and fast like he’s been starved of sex. God, I will never tire of this. Sex with Jared isn’t like anything else. Nothing compares, not even close. Just his kiss alone has me gasping and panting like an addict for more. He’s just that good.

  After a shower, he comes back to bed, where I’m still sprawled on my stomach.

  ‘Baby you look tired.’

  ‘Oh no, big guy. Not so fast. I want that bedtime story.’

  ‘Like I said, stubborn as fuck!’ He grins. ‘Okay, where was I?’

  ‘We were talking about how you gauge the pack being the best.’

  He laughs

  ‘I never said the best. I said the strongest.’

  ‘To-mate-toe, to-mart-toe,’ I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  ‘Okay, So we are just well known for handling our business, and for not tolerating bullshit.’

  ‘So people are scared of you? Or you’re just amazing businessmen?’

  ‘Both.’ He grins. ‘Obviously.’

  ‘So what business is the pack in?’

  ‘That’s a story for another day, but I will tell you that we have fingers in lots of pies and when we do something it’s never half-assed. My dad will only agree to take on a job if he knows with a hundred percent certainty that whoever is doing the job can do it well.’ I accept that he doesn’t want to say much more on that subject, and I understand why. I’m not a part of the pack, so I’m not in a need-to-know position. I move on.

  ‘What business do you want to be in when you finish here?’

  ‘I want to set up an engineering company when I’m done here.’

  ‘Wont that be a little hard if you are the alpha?’ He nods his head

  ‘Well, I didn’t expect to be the alpha anytime soon. Anyway, the way things have been going I’m not even sure what’s gonna happen.’ My heart plummets once again and fills with guilt. If it weren’t for me, none of this would be happening, and I feel so bad.

  ‘Baby, don’t do that,’ he says, stroking my face. ‘I’ve told you, with you is where I want to be, pack or no pack. I chose you. So your stubborn ass needs to accept that as a done deal, besides, my dick and his needs where your pussy is concerned, is a major fucking addiction so… stop with the guilty face,’ I giggle, but my heart sti
ll feels heavy.

  ‘I can put it simpler for you, my dick plus your pussy equals one happy Jared. There, see? I’m good with the math,’ he says, winking. ‘My dick minus your pussy, equals one majorly unhappy motherfucker, with a serious withdrawal problem. Shall I continue or do you get the picture,’ he asks with a deadpan look on his face. ‘Now it’s my turn to ask a question. Where are you originally from?’

  ‘Well I was apparently born near the blue mountains in Oregon, but I don’t remember them. I’ve moved so many times I’ve lost count. I guess I now know why. He said the kitsunes would have killed us and his pack wouldn’t accept me,’ I tell him, shrugging my shoulders as I fight back the tears. ‘So we moved every couple of months—at least that’s how it felt. I still managed to graduate high school though—I just didn’t make friends. I tried when I was really little, but I just didn’t fit anywhere, and then when I learnt to adjust and mingle, I didn’t bother with friends because we would only move again anyway.’

  ‘Fuck that must have been hard?’

  I nod.

  ‘I can’t imagine how your dad felt too.’

  I feel guilty and vow to check in with my dad first thing.

  Morning comes around all too soon. I wake to the gorgeous sight of Jared sleeping beside me, on his front, one arm above his head and the other stretched out across my midriff. I watch his back muscles twitch and contract. Not wanting to break the moment, I stay just like that. I don’t want to face the world and start a new day, but nature calls and I have to move. I lift his hand slowly, so I don’t wake him. I move from under him and climb off the bed as delicately as I can. Jared’s eyes fly open, and he sits up as quick as a snap.

  ‘I’m just going to use the bathroom,’ I whisper. ‘Go back to sleep. I’ll be right back, I promise.’

  ‘’kay’ his sleepy voice is sweet and sexy all at once. He lies back down and watches me walk naked to the bathroom. I hurry, wanting to get back to him as quickly as possible. Checking myself out in the oversized mirror, I push my fingers through my hair and tidy myself up a little. I find Jared propped on his elbow, his head in his hand, as he watches me saunter back to his bed.

  ‘This is how I want to wake up every day.’ He reaches for my hand and pulls me on top of him. Giggling, I straddle him, kissing him, morning breath be damned. His hands find my ass as his arms wrap around me. I want this too, every day, waking to the sight of him. I move to the side of him, propping myself up just as he had. He mirrors me, his head in his hand. ‘You okay?’ He isn’t sure, I can tell.

  ‘I’m good, you?’ I smile, and he instantly relaxes.

  ‘I’m great.’ He grins at me, his bare chest a tease to my eyes. And his arms. Oh those arms. His muscles twitch as he holds himself up. I could die happy right now with this arm porn alone. I reach out and fist his cock. He’s already semi hard. I move closer to him and get into a rhythm. He halts my movements, though, pushing me onto my back, and kissing me. It begins slow and tender, his tongue stroking mine, before becoming desperate and rough with each stroke.

  ‘Only one place I wanna be right now, and that’s inside you.’

  Well, who the hell can argue with that? He slides a finger into me easily—I’m gushing at his mere words. He groans as he adds another. I’m lost to him, and we haven’t even got to the good part yet.

  ‘So fucking ready for me.’

  I nod, I’m always ready for him.

  It’s lunchtime before we make any attempt at getting out of bed. Sheer hunger, driving us. We both have huge appetites and missing breakfast is not a normal part of either of our days. But the need to be together, alone, outweighed it all.

  Brad had come hammering on the bedroom door,

  ‘Sorry to interrupt your sex fest but lunch is ready and since we all know what you were doing at breakfast…’ he sniggers like a teenager at his own joke. Making me snicker.

  ‘Ready to eat?’ Jared asks. Am I ever.

  ‘I’m starving.’

  We get ready. It takes us longer than it should have because we stop at every given opportunity to kiss and put our hands on each other. I find it just as sexy putting clothes on Jared as I do taking them off. Before we leave his room he picks me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, and he kisses me hard. Reaffirming everything I feel for him. Jared leads me by the hand to the kitchen, and we walk in to a round of applause. I turn pink with embarrassment. Jared just laughs it off and takes a bow. I cannot believe he just did that.

  ‘We wondered if you were ever gonna leave your bed,’ Brad chimes in. Jared smacks him on the back of the head, as he leads me to sit at the table.

  ‘Anything I need to know about?’ Jared asks of everyone at the table,

  ‘Nada,’ Brad answers. ‘Nothing to report.’

  ‘Good, what’s cooking?’

  It smells so good.

  ‘We have, mashed potatoes, roasts, and rabbit stew.’ Mmmmm. Everyone helps themselves from the pot. There is crusty bread and dumplings too. Jared serves me up a bowl before himself. I’m grateful. I’m not comfortable enough yet to help myself.

  Everyone is so easy to get along with, and the conversation flows effortlessly. Howard is absent which helps. And I’m still yet to meet Kristen properly. I’ve just finished my bowl of stew when she walks in. Fan-fucking-tastic. Jared puts his hand in mine. She’s dressed in clothes she’s clearly worn to go out the night before, and she reeks of sex. Her barely-there skirt leaves nothing to the imagination, and her tits are un-tastefully bursting out of her top. She leans in, right between Jared and me, and snatches up a piece of bread, making damn sure her cleavage is all he can see.

  ‘Hey, guys have I missed much?’ No one says a word. It’s so uncomfortable. You could cut the tension with a knife. Then she puts her hand on Jared’s shoulder and squeezes.

  ‘Nothing new, Kris, all’s good in the world,’ Brad pipes in cheerfully. Trying and failing to lighten the tension.

  Kristen strokes Jared’s hair before he shrugs her off, and I have to choke back a snarl. Which comes out like a grumble. She hears it. Of course. Everyone does.

  ‘Oh, hey, I didn’t notice you there.’ Bitch. Jared is squeezing my hand. And keeping me seated. I want to wipe the stupid grin off her face. Jared leans over and kisses me, lingering on my lips, his hand at my cheek. Letting me know I have nothing to worry about. When I open my eyes, everyone is looking my way, and I just catch a glimpse of Kristen’s back as she leaves the room. I feel uncomfortable again—like I’m intruding. I stand, and Jared stands beside me, his face pained and unsure.

  ‘I’m just going to get my stuff together. I’ll be right back.’ I smile and make my way up the stairs. I’m half hoping I won’t see Kristen, yet a bigger, bad-tempered part of me really hopes I’ll bump into her. You know that saying ‘be careful what you wish for’? Kristen is standing right outside Jared’s bedroom door. I almost falter in my step, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let her best me. I walk directly to her and make to open the door, ignoring her existence. As I go to close the door, she sticks her foot in it and pushes her way in, uninvited. I bare my teeth and snarl. It’s new to me. It’s something I’ve always had to dial back so it’s not as menacing as I’d like.

  ‘Bitch, please! You sound like a lost puppy. Oh wait, you are lost, you’ve wandered onto my turf.’ I’m not sure who attacks first. But I swing my fist and knock her on her ass. Then I’m jumping on top of her, banging her head against the floor, gripping her hair tight as I do. She swings a right hook, splitting my lip and claws at my face before clinging to a handful of my hair. But I have the upper hand. I punch her over and over in the face until I’m dragged off. Jared holds me by the arms as Brad shoves Kristen back and tries to remove her from the room. I struggle against him but have no chance at all of getting away.

  ‘Let me go!’ I yell, but his grip only gets tighter.

  ‘This isn’t over, bitch,’ she screams at me. Oh, I’m finishing this right now! I fly for her again,
but Jared holds fast, pulling me against his chest. I’m panting hard, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I want to rip her head off, but he holds me tight, with my arms pinned behind me. I realise my legs are free, so I take full advantage of that. I kick out, using Jared’s strength to my benefit. I catch the back of her head with my foot and manage to knock Brad off balance at the same time.

  ‘Anytime!’ I scream back. Kristen struggles against Brad but gets nowhere. She’s screeching as the rest of the household come hurtling toward us. Jared pulls me into him and closes the door behind us. He lets me go, and I run at the door trying to get back at her. He plants himself in the way but doesn’t speak—just watches as I pace up and down. I’m so fucking angry. I don’t think there is even a word to express how angry I am. Who does she think she is? Jared stops my pacing and wraps his arms around me.

  ‘Are you hurt?’ I shake my head against his chest. He lifts my chin and wipes the blood from my lip, then puts his thumb to his mouth and licks it off as his brows lift in question. ‘You sure?’

  ‘I’m fine, just very pissed.’

  ‘I’m sorry, baby.’

  ‘Have you screwed her?’ His jaw hits the floor. He doesn’t answer. Just looks at me, the discomfort all over his face. Fucking fabulous.

  ‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ I choke out. Pain. In my chest. My heart. Even the words feel painful as I speak them. I push him away from me and stomp around the room collecting my stuff—violently stuffing things into my bag. I need to get away from here right now.

  ‘Devon,’ he pleads. ‘You can’t punish me for something I did before I met you.’

  ‘You lied to me. You told me you didn’t see her. You told me you hadn’t slept with her.’ I scream in his face. I want to punch it.

  ‘No, Devon. I never lied to you.’ He snatches the bag from my hands and stands in front of the door. ‘I’ve never lied to you. You asked me if I’d marked her, I said no. I told you I don’t see her because I don’t!’ He speaks in an eerily calm voice, but I’m way too mad to realise he’s angry too.


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