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Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1)

Page 16

by Harper Phoenix

‘You, Jared, please…’

  ‘What exactly do you want?’ he asks while kissing me up and down my neck and collarbone. He’s maddeningly sexy, and I need him inside me.

  ‘Your cock. Jared, give me your cock.’

  ‘Say please,’ he chuckles, and I’m beginning to get frustrated at him drawing this out.

  ‘Jared, just… please,’ I whimper,

  ‘Okay, baby. Anything you want.’ He reaches down between us and then his cock springs free. I can feel the heat against my damp panties. Thank god I wore a skirt today. I am gyrating against him—unable to satisfy my needs because he isn’t moving, isn’t helping me at all.

  ‘Jared,’ I pant thrusting my hips.

  ‘Baby, what do I get if I give you my cock?’

  ‘Anything. Anything you want, just please…’


  I’m too far gone to realise what he is doing here, and at that moment I don’t care.

  ‘Give up your job,’ he says rubbing his cock over my clit, and it’s like a bucket of ice water to my system. I stop what I am doing and slap his shoulder hard.

  ‘You bastard, I should have known,’ I say climbing off his lap and into my own seat. I’m sulking so hard right now. Sexual frustration is no fun and that combined with my anger at him is a recipe for full on bitch mode. I should kick him in his balls. I am actually mad enough to do that. But I don’t, only for selfish reasons though and not because I don’t want to cause him pain at this moment in time. Because believe me I do. Instead, I open my door and start walking back towards Coffee Planet.

  ‘Baby, get in the car.’ I ignore him. I’m wearing a full-on pout, and I am not backing down. He wants to use sex as a way of getting what he wants, or for punishment when he doesn’t, well two can play at that game. In the end, though, I give in and get in the car. He takes me back without another word, and I continue with my shift. Jared sits drinking coffee and watching me for the rest of the day.

  When my shift ends, I go in the back and collect my stuff. Jared is waiting by the door to take me home.

  ‘I’m gonna stay at the dorm tonight.’ He doesn’t say anything but his jaw remains tight the rest of the journey. He pulls into my dorm car park and walks around to open my door, but I’m jumping out by the time he gets there. I hear him inhale a calming breath. Well, don’t be an asshole and I won’t be a bitch! I will make him regret doing that to me today. I will withhold my pussy. See how he likes it! The only way I am going to achieve that is by not sleeping in the same bed as him. Otherwise, I will give in, in a heartbeat. He comes into my room with me. I head straight for the shower while he waits. When I’m done, a towel wrapped around me, I step out only to find him naked and in my bed.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Getting comfortable in this tiny piece of shit bed.’


  ‘Because I’m staying here.’

  ‘Jared. I have a roommate in case you have forgotten, and I’m not supposed to have boys stay over.’

  ‘Boys? No boys sweetheart. Just your man.’ Gah, he is so infuriating! And sexy, and hot, and all things sinful. I find my most non-sexy pj’s and get myself dressed. The look on Jared’s face tells me he knows what I am up to. And much to my disappointment, he doesn’t try a thing. Just lays there ‘comfortable.’

  ‘We not having food tonight then?’

  ‘Why’d you think that?’

  ‘Well, the nun’s pyjamas kinda gives me the impression you’re ready for bed?’

  ‘Nope, I’m just all about the comfort. Where do you wanna eat?’

  ‘I’m thinking steak?

  Mmm, I could definitely do a steak.

  I wake the next morning, and I almost choke on my sexual frustration. Jared has cuddled me all night as if he knew he was torturing me. So much for my plan.

  Jared drops me at work and says he will be in at lunch, and then back to pick me up when I finish. We eat lunch outside on the grass. Jared even brings a picnic blanket and feeds me strawberries. So sweet.

  The rest of the day passes in a blur. We are so busy I don’t even realise the time. I’m refilling a guy’s coffee when he gets a bit too handsy. I don’t say anything, just unravel myself from his arm, which he persistently wraps around my hip, trying to pull me into his lap. There are things I want to say, but I hold back. This is only my third day on the job, and I want to keep it. I’m just pushing his hand away from my ass for the third time as I fill another cup at the table just behind him when the bell above the door tinkles and I turn to find a stony-faced Jared storming toward me.


  I walk in to see some fucking stuck up asshole with his hands and eyes all over my woman. Mother fucker.

  ‘I’ll bury you, motherfucker,’ I growl out through clenched teeth, lifting him from his seat. He squirms and says some shit, but I can’t make it out. I want to put the fucker in the ground more than anything, but I step back and release his fucking poncy shirt, shoving him away from me, and he clambers, smacking into his chair. Everyone in the immediate vicinity gets up and moves away from me. Devon’s shaking her head. It takes me all I have not to pound my fist into his face until he’s unrecognisable. But the look on my girl's face tells me that’s a bad move. So I watch as she saunters into the back to collect her stuff. I turn and face the bastard then.

  ‘Touch what’s mine, fucker, and you die. We clear?’ The fucker nods his head, over and over, muttering some shit about not wanting trouble.

  ‘Should have thought about that, motherfucker, before you put your hands on my girl,’ I tell him. Seeing her come through the back door I walk toward her, but she walks straight past me and out to the car. I can’t fucking win.

  We don’t speak all the way back. I’ve almost bitten my fucking tongue off twice so I don’t fuck this up.

  ‘What the hell was that for?’ she whisper-shouts as we get through my bedroom door. I roll my eyes at her as I strip off my t-shirt and unbuckle my belt. I’m pissed, and she wants to shout at me?

  ‘Get undressed.’

  She looks at me with that cute angry pout, and I want to smile, but I’m still pissed at her. ‘Get un-fucking-dressed.’ I pull her to me and rip the top she’s wearing over her head. She protests, but I don’t hear it. My head is pounding with need. I have one focus, and that’s to be inside her. Now. Still defying me, she stands hands on hips. Sexy as fuck in her pink bra and black jeans. Her lips forming words that I’m not hearing ‘cause I’m too busy thinking about those same lips being wrapped around my dick. I see that look in her eyes, arousal. I smell it. She wants it just as much as me, but she’s being stubborn as usual. She steps back as I advance on her, but she doesn’t say no, and her body is screaming yes.

  ‘Wait.’ I stop immediately, Fuck, maybe I was wrong. ‘Jared.’ Her hands rest on my chest. ‘Listen to me for a minute?’ I let out a long sigh, my dick throbbing like a jackhammer against my fly. ‘Will you?’ I clench my jaw and nod my head. Sitting on the edge of the bed.

  ‘Shoot,’ I tell her. And she sits down next to me.

  ‘Jared. I’m not sure what you think was going on when you walked in, but that guy was just being an asshole. He didn’t deserve that.’ Well, fuck that. Defending him?

  ‘You. Are. Mine. MINE. And no one looks at you that way but me,’ I yell as I thump my chest to drive it home. She stands, stamping her feet as she does.

  ‘I’m not a fucking possession, Jared, and so what if he looked at me? Are you going to beat up every guy that glances my way?’

  I’m seething fucking mad. ‘He wasn’t glancing at you! He was fucking you with his eyes. The motherfucker had his paws on your ass as I walked in. So don’t fucking tell me he didn’t want his dick in MY pussy! Is that what you wanted? Did you want him to fuck you? Is that why you’re pissed?’ I’m standing now, hovering over her. She looks up at me as her eyes fill with tears, shaking her head, she pulls her hand back, and before I realise what she’s doing, it connects with my fac

  ‘FUCK. YOU. JARED!’ She’s dragging her top back on and heading for the door. Shit.

  ‘Fuck! Devon, wait,’ I plead. ‘I’m sorry.’ I step into her space and pull her hand from the doorknob. She pauses there. I lace my fingers over hers and pull her into me, her back to my chest, inhaling my favourite scent in the world. Devon. ‘I’m sorry, baby.’ She turns in my arms, and I take her mouth with mine—our tongues and teeth clashing. My goal? Get inside my female and fast before she remembers I’m the asshole she’s pissed at. I make quick work of her top and bra and latch onto her hard nipple, making her moan—music to my fucking ears. I push my jeans and boxers down while walking her backwards to the bed. I’m starkers and intend to have her the same way. I lay her down while my attention is on her other nipple. I slide her jeans and panties down in one, and she kicks them off her feet, just as eager as I am. Thank fuck. Pushing a finger inside her, I groan.

  ‘Baby, you’re soaking for me.’

  ‘Only you.’ She lifts her ass and pushes me deeper. I need to be inside her. I line myself up with her heat and push in hard.

  ‘Fuck. Yes.’ I savour the moment. The connection I’ve needed since she started withholding on me. I’m a desperate man, and I’m only realising now just how desperate I have been. I move slowly at first—each thrust a slow torture to my dick. But I need it this way because it’s what she needs. She opens up her neck for me, and like a starved man I dive in, sucking and biting at her throat. She moans my name. Fuck yes.

  ‘Harder, Jared.’ I don’t need to be asked twice. I go for my life. Lifting her ass to go deeper, I feel her clench around me. Her tight pussy is milking me for all I’m worth. I’m about ready to fucking explode when she comes hard. Screaming my name and clawing at my back. I feel the sting as her nails bite into the skin. I pump faster, her orgasm still in full flow as I go over the edge with her, hammering her as hard as I can. My eyes roll with the pure fucking ecstasy of it as I blow into her sweet pussy. I’m home. Our chests heave, vying for oxygen. I lay on top of her, holding my weight on my forearms. She’s smiling, but I sense she’s still annoyed. I don’t pull out yet, instead, before she can start on a rant, I kiss her again. Slowly telling her everything I feel without words, and she lets me.


  We decide after our marathon sex session that we’ll join the rest of the pack for dinner. I’m starving after the workout she’s given me. And I smell stew. One of Imogen’s special recipes. It can’t be sniffed at. Devon isn’t keen on getting her ass out of bed after her long shift and then our workout, but I convince her that it’s worth going down for.


  After Jared fucks me within an inch of my life, I’m shattered but find myself at the table in the kitchen waiting to sample Imogen’s famous chicken stew. Everyone is in, even Kristen. Ugh. I want to punch her stupid face. But I smile instead, and eat the damn stew. It’s good, really good. Damn, it's delicious. Now I understand why Jared dragged me from a post-sex sleep. Wow. I look to Jared in appreciation. He nods lifting his brows,

  ‘I know, right?’ I mumble a reply around another mouthful, and he laughs, gaining the attention of the table. All eyes are on me as I shovel another spoonful into my mouth.

  ‘Imogen, I think Devon likes your stew,’ Brad hollers over to where she is slicing bread for the table, making her turn and look at me.

  ‘Oh my God, this is so good, Imogen.’

  She laughs at my muffled appreciation and brings the fresh bread over.

  ‘I’m glad you like it.’

  There is a rare silence as everyone tucks into their own bowls. All that can be heard is spoons clashing with the bowls and then Brad, true to form, breaks the silence. I’ve never known him keep quiet for long.

  ‘So what have you two kids been up to?’ he asks of Jared, and me but everyone looks on waiting for an answer. Brad looks pretty damn pleased with himself. Clearly, he already knows what we’ve been ‘up to’.

  ‘Ah, you know, the usual.’ I try and blag a non-descript answer, and he almost spits his mouthful of orange juice at me as he chokes on his laughter.

  ‘Is that what the cool kids are calling it these days?’

  ‘Give it up, Brad. She’s not gonna give you details, you pig,’ Zoe singsongs.

  ‘Nah, but Jared might,’ he says wiggling his eyebrows and leering at me. Jared looks to me and then to Brad.

  ‘Not a fuckin’ chance, Romeo.’

  ‘Okay, okay. I get it.’ Brad shakes his head. ‘So who’s up for a group run tonight?’ Jared looks at me and must decide from my shocked face against the idea.

  ‘Nah, man. Not tonight.’

  Brad whines like a child for a minute and then the girls join in. ‘Aww, come on, Jared. We haven’t had one in weeks,’ Zoe coaxes. Jared leans in and whispers in my ear.

  ‘Your call, baby.’ I swallow hard, wondering what the hell they all do on a group run. Do they change together? Get naked? So many questions, but there’s a buzz around the table and everyone seems up for it except me. Jared kisses me along my jaw, and then back up to my ear. He nibbles at my lobe before whispering again, ‘You’ll have fun either way, I promise.’ I shudder at his sexy as hell voice. When I ran with Jared, we did have a lot of fun, but we were alone. Well, until Howard. Oh what the hell.

  ‘Okay, let’s do it.’ I smile up at him. Brad didn’t need Jared to confirm my answer. He was already whooping

  ‘That’s my girl,’ Brad hollers with some more whooping.

  Jared’s face turns serious. ‘My girl, asshole.’

  ‘Oh, I know that, dick face. Just testing.’ He winks at me, and I have to laugh. He flirts all the time, but I know he isn’t ever serious. He’s just being Brad.

  ‘Baby, don’t be so nervous, we do this all the time. Back home we sometimes run with the whole pack, so this is nothing,’ he says it like it’s a trivial thing and it grates on me. If I’m totally honest, I feel like throwing up right now. I don’t know what the hell came over me agreeing to this so soon. I don’t even know these people well, and I am going to be at my most vulnerable with them all around me. It doesn’t feel like nothing. Jared moves toward me and feeling my hesitance his arms come around me from behind. We are in his bathroom, and I’ve been watching him in the mirror while I brush my hair. I’m stiff, and he notices. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Jared. I’m not sure this is such a good idea. What if I’m different?’

  Jared shakes his head at me his lips flattened out in a line. ‘Baby, it’s fine if you are you are. But you forget, I’ve already seen you in wolf form, and you are just the same as everyone else. Well actually, that’s a lie. You’re hot as fuck—unlike the rest of them downstairs.’

  I giggle and smack his arm. ‘There’s my girl.’ He grins. ‘Now move your sexy ass before I put my dick in you again.’ He grinds his cock against my ass, and I groan, parting my legs invitingly. It's instinctual with him, almost automatic. He growls deep in his throat, which only turns me on more. He runs his hands up the outside of my thighs, and I flood my panties as usual. Just as he gets his fingers lined up with Niagara, there’s a loud knocking on the bathroom door.

  ‘Brad, you have shitty fuckin’ timing man,’ Jared growls out.

  ‘I believe I have impeccable timing, Jared. If you two start ‘that’ we’ll never fuckin get out of the house.’

  I giggle. He is right after all.


  We walk into the woods, hand in hand, some of the group in front and some behind us. I’m anxious as all hell. Jared is clearly aware because he is rubbing his thumb over mine repetitively, trying to calm me. Part of me is really excited to be doing this, but another part of me is screaming ‘what the hell are you doing.’ It’s like a war waging inside, and I’m not sure which one is going to win.

  ‘Baby, come here. You’re shaking.’ We’re deep in the woods now, and the scents are amazing. I’m desperate for the change, and my body is trembling in anticipation. My wolf, eager to
be set free. Jared pulls me in for a hug, and I embrace it, trying like hell to pull some positive energy into myself so I can relax into the change. The more you mentally fight it the more painful it will be. And my mind needs to get with the programme. This is happening, and there is nothing I can do about it.

  ‘What’s the worst that can happen right?’ I ask him, peeking up from his tight hold.

  ‘Devon, listen. You are gonna be just fine. We’ll have a great time. Just like before.’ I nod in agreement. We really did have a great time. ‘You ready, baby?’ He pulls me over to a tree and explains that this is his patch to change. And everyone else will be scattered through the woods.

  ‘I’ve seen Brad’s ass once, and it’s not a sight I wanna see again,’ he tells me, laughing. I’m feeling so much more relieved now I know I don’t have to change right in front of everyone. Phew. Jared starts to strip. I look around for a bit of privacy. I’ve never changed in front of anyone—not even my dad. It's private. Jared looks at me. I’m still fully clothed; he’s naked in all of his beautiful glory.

  ‘Don’t go shy on me now,’ he chuckles.

  ‘I’ve never done this in front of anyone before. I’m not sure if I even can.’

  ‘It’s just me, baby.’ Jared looks at me puzzled. For him I’m sure this is a normal, everyday occurrence, living with a pack. But this is huge for me. It’s just Jared I tell myself over and over. He pulls me to him and begins undressing me, unzipping my jacket and pushing it from my shoulders, then pulling my tee over my head, lifting my arms up as he does. I bring them down onto his shoulders and pull him into me,

  ‘Oh no, female. I know what you’re doing,’ he says against my lips. I slide my tongue along his lips in encouragement. He can’t normally pass up an opportunity for sex, so maybe we could just lose ourselves in this and me changing will be forgotten, although the vibrations from my body alone are a big enough reminder. My body is desperate. I don’t think I could stop it now if I tried. I step away from him and brace myself, taking a deep breath.


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