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The Wicked Horse Boxed Set (The Wicked Horse Series)

Page 75

by Sawyer Bennett

  Fortunately, Magnus does not keep me here long. He normally brings me out late to The Silo, parades me around for a bit, let’s someone have a piece of me, and then ushers me back out again so that he can let the gossip mill run rampant when we’re out of earshot. This is something I’m grateful for, because even though I don’t consider myself a prude or overly sensitive, I’m still just having a hard time with the concept of so much public display of sexuality and lack of inhibition.

  With his hand on my elbow, Magnus walks up to the bar and orders a white wine spritzer for himself and a bottled water for me. He hands my drink to me without a word. To my shock, he doesn’t make any move to meander through the crowd, socializing and striking up conversations, all while making sure I’m on prominent display. Still, I don’t let my guard down because I know this evening can only end with me getting humiliated in some way with some strange man.

  I stand beside Magnus, shoulder to shoulder, and we just look out over the crowd. A few men come up to Magnus to make small talk, all done while eyeing me lewdly. But I’m surprised when Magnus remains slightly aloof. He’d normally delve into discussion on their backgrounds and what they did for a living so he could determine if they were worthy to potentially have a crack at me.

  Tonight though, he merely listens politely and keeps the talk small and light, which now makes me wonder… is he not bothering anymore because Logan gave him all the information he needs?

  Then another thought… perhaps Logan gave him such good intel that Magnus has already made a decision on who will buy me. And if that’s the case, that means my time in Wyoming is coming to a short end. This makes me enormously happy to be close to the end game, but a bit disgruntled over this weird sense of loss that I won’t see Logan anymore.

  Ridiculous really, when you consider we’ve hardly interacted at all.

  Except with our eyes.

  And almost as if a magnet grabs ahold of me, my gaze is magically pulled to the entrance hallway almost directly across the room from where I stand.

  And there is Logan, looking directly at me.

  Damn, he looks amazing in his usual casual attire of worn jeans and a dark blue chambray shirt with the sleeves rolled up his powerful arms. He’s wearing a pair of worn hiking boots on his feet and his hair is slightly damp from what I’m guessing was a recent shower.

  My skin flushes warm from the way he watches me. When he licks his lower lip, my knees almost buckle. My head goes absolutely dizzy when he starts walking toward me, and while I know I should feel nervous about the proprietary look upon his face and how Magnus may dislike that greatly, I can’t seem to send him any sort of silent warning that he needs to back off.

  In fact, I lift my chin and let the warm radiance of my focus upon him speak what I’d say to him if I had the power to speak my mind in this moment. Yes, please… come and get me. Take me away from here.

  When Logan is but a few paces away from us, I feel Magnus stiffen up beside me. I don’t have to look at him to know he has Logan’s purposeful walk in his line of sight. I brace for a clash between these two men because I can tell that Logan is on his way over here right this second to take me out of here.

  Instead, Logan’s eyes slide over to Magnus and he gives a polite tip of his head. “Magnus, I came to collect what you promised.”

  I jolt at the rough timbre in his voice that’s laced with bitter anger, but I look up to Magnus to see his reaction.

  Because… collect what?

  Magnus gives Logan a charming smile and places his hand on my lower back. With a tiny shove, he pushes me toward Logan and says, “Of course. Please enjoy, but remember the rules. Her virginity stays intact.”

  Logan doesn’t even answer. He just takes my water from me, handing it carelessly to Magnus before taking my hand in his. My gut instinct is to pull away, but I’m so shocked by what’s going on that I follow along meekly. I risk a look over my shoulder at Magnus as Logan winds his way through the patrons, but he’s not even looking at me. He’s already engaged in conversation with someone else.

  When Logan turns right down the perimeter hallway, I finally come to my senses and pull hard against his momentum. My hand tears free from his grip as I say, “Wait a minute. What’s going on here?”

  Logan spins on me, his eyes flashing with a combination of undisguised lust and self-loathing for said lust. He doesn’t answer me. Walking right into me, he pushes me back into the concrete staves. His hands come up to lay flat on the wall to either side of my head, and he bends his own down to put his nose inches from mine. “Magnus said I could have you tonight. As payment for my services today.”

  I lick my lips, which feel so dry from nerves, and I ask, “You mean for providing him inside information on the patrons here to best determine who’s most likely to pay the biggest price?”

  “Something like that,” he mutters, his eyes dropping to my mouth.

  A small thud of disappointment resounds in my chest that Logan would help to facilitate this mockery, especially since I know by the prior looks he’s bestowed upon me that he’s firmly against the proposition of auctioning me off. I want to push him away and tell him to go to hell, but he surprises me when he says, “I told him what he wanted to hear… not necessarily what was going to help him.”

  I blink in surprise. My eyes get soft with gratitude that even though I will, in fact, be auctioned off, probably fairly soon, Logan is still attempting to protect me. He sees my reaction and because we’ve become used to communicating through the nuances of facial expression, his eyes also soften and some of the bitterness fades away. “I had to be with you… at least once. I know it’s never going to be in the way that I truly want, but I’ll gratefully take anything at this point.”

  “I don’t want to be doing this,” I whisper, and I don’t have to clarify what I mean. He knows I mean being sold like a piece of meat. He knows I’m not talking about standing toe to toe with him in this private hallway with the prospect of something quite sinfully carnal occurring between us.

  “Fuck,” he growls, his eyebrows knit together in frustration. “I don’t want you to be doing this either, but I don’t have the kind of bank to make a bid for you.”

  I shake my head quickly in denial he’d even think that. “No. I’d never want you to spend your money on me like that. I’m not worth—”

  Logan’s mouth presses to mine, effectively shutting up my self-deprecation. Surprisingly, his kiss is soft but short. When he pulls away, his voice is heavy with grievance. “This is it for us. Tonight. Right now.”

  I nod in sad understanding, hating my life so much. My eyes drop from the weight of my dejection.

  “I’m going to make this good for you, Auralie,” he says quietly. My eyes snap up to his with astonishment. “We have to do it in a public room so others can watch, but I want you to try to ignore that and concentrate on me. I swear I’ll make it good.”

  My heart squeezes hard, and then bursts outward, filling up with a warm sensation of comfort I’ve never felt before. I’ve always taken care of myself, even since I was a little kid, and to have Logan declare his devotion to my well-being is almost more than I can handle.

  “Logan, I don’t understand any of this…”

  Placing his fingertip over my lips, he says, “We don’t have time. Magnus is expecting us to appear soon, and we’re not going to be able to say much in there, but know this… I’d make things different for you if I could.”

  My eyes mist up, and I have to blink them furiously to make them go away. As he pulls his finger away from my mouth, I manage to nod my understanding. “I wish things could be different.”

  Placing both of his large palms against my cheeks, he pulls me away from the wall and up slightly as he says, “First though… I want to kiss you. I mean really kiss you before we go in there. I want to kiss you in a way that would declare to everyone you belong to me, which I couldn’t possibly do without pissing Magnus off. So I’m going to kiss you now, okay? And yo
u will know it’s the way I’ll want to kiss you in there.”

  I can do nothing more than nod dumbly at his beautiful words before he’s bringing his face to mine.

  The first touch of his full lips are whisper soft, just a slight grazing back and forth across mine that makes my breath puff out in a contented sigh. Pressing in closer to me, he puts pressure against my mouth, and I open up to him. His head tilts and I mirror in the opposite direction. He gives me a soul-possessing kiss full of wet tongue and minty breath while his hands gently frame my face. It’s a kiss for the ages, and it will never be forgotten by me. It’s full of sweet romance. The way in which he moves against me suggests a rumbling inferno of passion barely contained. It’s also full of regret and sadness, but mostly it’s a painful reminder of the fact this is fleeting.

  When Logan pulls away from me, his eyes peer into mine. I read what he’s saying loud and clear, Another time. Another place. I wonder what we could be together.

  “I know exactly what you mean,” I tell him softly.

  Chapter 7


  Jesus fuck… what in the hell have I gotten myself into?

  I have to restrain the urge to grab onto Auralie and bolt for the exit door. I’ll take her to my camper, put that fucker in gear, and drive balls to the wall to get her away from Magnus.

  Instead, I take her hand and lace my fingers through hers before leading her toward the Black Room. If I had any respect for either Auralie or myself, I wouldn’t use her to get my rocks off this way. But I can’t fucking help it. I’m a glutton for punishment because I would be far better served to walk away from her now and never know the pleasures I inherently know she’ll bestow. Instead, I’m going to get a taste of what I know in the depths of my soul will be heaven, and it will ruin me that I won’t be able to have more.

  But just to make sure, before I turn the knob to the Black Room door, I ask, “You have to go through with this sale?”

  My heart sinks when she nods. “I don’t have a choice.”

  Thought so, because why else in the fuck would she even ever start down this path?

  I let resolve take over my spine, stiffening it up before I push the door open and pull her inside. She gives a slight gasp as she sees the interior of The Silo from a very different angle. While the back wall is concrete, the outer wall is glass. You can see the other patrons milling about, engrossed in conversations or making out with each other. Some minor stuff always happens out there like dick sucks or fingering a girl to orgasm while sitting on one of the plush chairs. But the really good stuff always happens in one of these rooms.

  I chose the Black Room because it’s designed for a singular show with either a couple or at the most a threesome. There’s a raised dais done in black lacquer with a huge king mattress on top, covered in black silk. Even the flooring is done in a shiny, black tile. I assume Bridger decorated the room this way so as to highlight the simplicity of the actions that would take place upon those silk sheets. He even made sure the only lighting in this room was a single overhead light that shines down like a spotlight onto the mattress.

  Auralie stands frozen, staring out at the patrons who are starting to congregate at the glass now that the room has occupants. I walk up behind her, press my body into the backside of hers, and bring both of my hands around to cup her breasts over her dress. Dropping my head, I put my mouth near her ear and whisper, “Try to ignore them. Concentrate on me, okay?”

  She nods and I squeeze the firm globes of her breasts, which are utterly fantastic. I mean, I knew they were because Magnus paraded her around naked one night, but feeling them—even with a clothing barrier—is beyond better than I could have imagined.

  I’m stunned when Auralie reaches a hand back and rubs her palm over my growing erection before spinning in my arms. Her hands go to my belt, and she starts to work at it, but I bring my hands down to cover hers and bring them to a stop. “Uh-uh,” I chastise her so softly that no one outside the glass would be able to hear me. “Not going to do this the way you sucked those other guy’s cocks.”

  Her eyes snap up to mine, and her heart-shaped mouth pops open in surprise. She gasps when I reach around her back, find the zipper of her dress, and lower it down. When it reaches the base of her spine, I bring my fingertips to the collar and peel the material down over her shoulders, past her arms, and over her hips where it slithers to the floor. She stands before me in a nude strapless bra done in satin with matching panties that sit high on her hips, providing more than ample coverage of her crotch and ass. My fingers work the hooks at the back and the bra comes free, spilling out those fantastic tits with nipples already standing pebbled and ready for attention.

  I massage her breasts with my hands briefly, and then lower my head to suck a nipple in my mouth. Auralie’s hands fly to my head, her fingers digging into my hair briefly, but then just as quickly release me as if she doesn’t want to show her reaction to my touch. This I understand because it would upset Magnus if she were to show favoritism to a customer, so I give her a pass on it and pull my mouth away from her puckered flesh.

  “Get on the bed,” I tell her as I step back and pull my shirt over my head. Auralie’s eyes go wide, and she stares at my chest for a brief moment before letting them travel down my abs.

  “The bed, Auralie,” I gently remind her.

  She turns and steps onto the lacquered dais, those high-heeled silver pumps making the toned muscles in her legs stretch and elongate. I can’t help but stare at her ass as she places a knee on the bed and then crawls to the center before turning over and lying down.

  I smile at her because she looks uncomfortable as hell, her legs stiff and her spine straight, casting furtive glances at the glass. Stepping onto the dais, I wrap my hands around her ankles and jerk her legs apart, causing her to gasp in surprise. I know Magnus is watching every bit of this to make sure I don’t do anything that would “devalue” his little flower, but my back is to him and he can’t see me grin down at Auralie as I crawl right up her body and press my aching cock down onto her pelvis. Even with her underwear on and my jeans, I can feel the heat our bodies generate.

  Dropping my weight slightly, I lower my stomach and then my chest down onto her, putting my face right over hers. I want to kiss her again the way I did in the hallway, but I don’t want Magnus to suspect there’s anything more between Auralie and me than a man wanting to have a bit of a thrill.

  So I take just a moment to whisper, so softly I know she can barely hear me. “Going to eat your pussy now, honey. And it’s going to be intense. You’re going to come like I suspect you never have before.”

  “Oh, God,” she moans, her hips pressing off the mattress against me with a grinding motion.

  I hiss through my teeth and quickly move back down her body, because I don’t want to fucking come in my jeans. Pulling her underwear off, I drag them down her legs, tossing them over my shoulder. I don’t even risk a glance back at the crowd I know is watching, and I’m briefly thankful I didn’t see Jacob out there as he’d know Auralie lied to him yesterday about having her period by what I’m getting ready to do. Auralie’s gaze drifts toward the glass, so I remind her, “Eyes only on me.”

  She obeys instantly so I reward her, dropping to my knees and pulling her body down to the edge of the mattress. She slides easily along the silk, and I get a good look at her waxed pussy as it gets closer to me. I’m not surprised by this, although I would have rather seen her more natural. I suspect, however, Magnus insisted on this to make her look as innocent as she’s held out to be.

  I run a fingertip over the soft, fleshy mound. While I’m sure having my fingers near this pussy makes Magnus extremely nervous, I drag it right down her slit where I’m utterly satisfied to find her already wet. Her entire body shudders.

  I slide my gaze up Auralie’s body and find her lifted up on her elbows, watching me with hazy, lustful eyes filled with fascination. Bending over, I bring her legs over my shoulders and move my hands
up and over her stomach before using them to peel her wide open for me. She glistens. Her clit is so swollen it peeks out from her wet flesh. Bending over, I gently prod it with the end of my tongue, and Auralie’s hips shoot off the bed as she moans. I press her back down, flick my tongue out again, but this time, I’m ready. I hold her down in place, but I’m not able to suppress the cry of pleasure that tears out of her. This I know the patrons out there heard. My dick starts pulsing in my pants I’m so turned on right now.

  I want so badly to press my fingers inside of her, but that’s a no-no, so I open my mouth and bring it down on her, giving her a long lick up her center before settling my lips right over her clit. Licking at her slowly, I prolong what I’m guessing might be torture the way she thrashes and calls out my name. I lazily rub circles around her swollen flesh, sometimes giving a little flutter of my tongue against her clit, but when I sense her getting close to an orgasm, I back off again. I could lie here all night and do this. Because Magnus gave me no time restrictions, I’m not in a hurry for this to end.

  Over and over again, I lick and suck, sometimes pressing my finger on the little bundle of nerves and rolling it around. Auralie cries and begs, and when I finally risk a glance up at her, I find her watching me with almost anguish in her eyes. She opens her mouth and I expect her to beg me for release, but instead, she whispers in a low voice that won’t carry past my ears, “Logan… let me do the same to you right now.”

  I rear slightly backward from the naked want in her voice. From knowing she wants her mouth on me the way I have mine on hers. I raise my eyebrows at her. Are you sure?

  She answers back with a look so intense, I can’t even doubt her meaning. Yes. Now. In my mouth.

  I go a little dizzy from what she just communicated to me, but I gather my wits enough I’m able to stand up on the dais and shed the remainder of my clothes. Nothing I’m planning on doing is breaking any of Magnus’ rules, but I’m so compelled to shove my cock in her mouth, merely because she really wants it there, that I’d do it even if he’d told me not to. Nothing’s stopping this train now that it’s left the station.


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