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Trapped with the Tycoon

Page 17

by Jules Bennett

  Hesitating, trying to figure out what to do, Zara gave in and pushed the door wider. Turning on her socked feet, she headed into the living room. The door closed behind her, but she kept her back to the doorway because right now she couldn’t even face him. If he wanted to talk, he was more than welcome to do so, but Zara didn’t know if she had the strength to face him head-on.

  So much for that fight she’d geared up for. Just seeing him, hearing that sultry voice thrust her back into the sorrowful stage.

  “Why are you here?” she asked, wrapping her arms around her waist. “Haven’t we said enough?”

  “Are you going to look at me?”

  Swallowing, Zara shook her head. “No.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Braden’s footsteps shuffled behind her, and she braced herself for his touch, but it never came. Still, the hairs on her neck stood on end. He was close, definitely within reaching distance, yet he didn’t reach for her.

  “There’s nothing I can say to undo what I did.”

  Yeah, he was so close, she could feel the warmth of his breath when he spoke. He wasn’t going to make this easy on her.

  “When my father was in the hospital, the doctors weren’t sure if he’d make it through the heart surgery. Dad knew, though. He knew the outcome. I could tell by the way he took my hand, asked me to find these scrolls no matter what.”

  Zara bit her lip to keep it from trembling. Braden’s words, thick with emotion, were killing her. He did all of this for his family, the family he loved and a family that stood together through life’s trials. Even though she didn’t have this type of bond, she was starting to see just how important it was, and maybe Braden had been put in a rough place, torn between what he wanted and what he was bound to.

  “I knew I was next in line to be in charge of everything, legal or otherwise.” Braden laughed. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever become this close to. That scares the hell out of me, Zara. My family is... We have secrets. To know you have that much power over me, to know that at any moment you could turn on me and ruin my family if you knew everything. I’m willing to risk it. That alone tells me how much I love you.”

  Zara whipped around, but Braden held a finger over her lips.

  “I’m not done,” he told her. “I saw how hard my dad searched for these scrolls. We believed they were still here, somewhere. We recovered an old trunk that had been here, but it proved to be a dead end a couple months ago. But when he died, I vowed to honor his wishes, to be head of the family and someone he’d be proud of. I made it my mission to find them, no matter the cost. And I knew I had to start with your home.”

  His hand slid from her lips, and she had to stop herself from licking where he’d touched. She was still reeling from his confession of love. Did he mean those words? Or was he just sorry he’d actually lost at something? The scrolls...and her.

  “I knew a young woman lived here, and once I found out your profession, I knew it would be easy to meet you. Everything after that fell into place so fast...”

  Braden shook his head, ran a hand over his face. The stubble on his cheeks rasped against his palm. He shut his eyes for the briefest of moments before opening them. Closing the miniscule gap between them, Braden placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “If I’d know how fast, how hard I was going to fall for you, I would’ve done things differently. But the past is something even I’m not powerful enough to change. All I can do is promise you I won’t lie to you again.”

  Zara wanted to be tough, to step away from his touch, but she couldn’t bring herself to move.

  “What makes you think I’ll believe anything you’re saying?” she asked, surprised her voice came out stronger than she actually felt. “Maybe you’re just upset that you didn’t find the scrolls. Maybe you still need me for this house, and you want my trust back for that reason alone.”

  “If I wanted this house searched tomorrow, it would be done without you knowing about it.”

  Zara knew he was telling the truth. And yet, he hadn’t sent Ryker when she’d been at Braden’s house. That had to count for something...didn’t it?

  “Right now, all I care about is you,” he went on. “I’ve never begged for anything in my life. I’ve never had to. Damn it, Zara. I have no idea what to do to get you back. I’m in territory I’ve never been before.”

  His raw honesty paralleled her own. “You think this is familiar to me?” she cried. “I’ve never had a man tell me he loved me. I have no idea whether or not to believe you.”

  Those powerful hands slid up to frame her face. Braden tipped her face up. She had no choice but to look him straight in the eye.

  “You want to believe me,” he murmured. “You want to believe it because your feelings are so strong and you want to hold on to that happiness... A happiness only I can give you.”

  Zara reached up, gripped his wrists. She wanted to pull them away, but she found herself hanging on. “I want to be done with you, Braden. I want to be over you, but I can’t just ignore what I feel. You hurt me so deep. I’ve never been cut that deep before. My parents, guys I’ve dated, I’ve always known where I stood with them. But with you, I thought I was in one place, but I wasn’t even close.”

  Braden’s thumbs stroked her skin, sending her nerves into high gear. Why did he have to come back? Why couldn’t he have just let the break be clean?

  “Never again,” he promised. “You’ll never wonder where you stand with me. You’re it for me, Zara. I know you have a fear of commitment, I know where we stand right now is shaky, but I’m not giving up. I want you in my life permanently.”

  One second she was listening to him profess his love, his loyalty, the next she was leaning against him, kissing him. Her mouth moved over his, her hands still gripped his wrists, but she’d needed more contact, needed Braden.

  When she eased back, she licked her lips and looked into his eyes. “I can’t promise you anything. All I can promise is that we work together to see where this goes. You hurt me, Braden. That’s not something I can forgive so easily.”

  He nodded, sliding his thumb across her bottom lip. “I can understand that, and it’s more than I deserve. But I’m going to be patient where you’re concerned. I don’t want anyone else with me. I don’t want to spend my life with another woman, so if we have to take this slow for you to see how serious I am, then so be it.”

  She hated to bring up the bone of contention between them, but she couldn’t leave it hanging in the air.

  “If you want to search this house, you can.”

  The muscle in Braden’s jaw ticked, his lids lowered and he let out a sigh. “I’m not doing anything with this house or the scrolls until you and I are on solid ground.”

  Zara gasped. “You’re serious,” she whispered.

  “I’ve never been more serious about anyone in my life.” His lips slid over hers again for a brief second. “I meant what I said about loving you. I want to fulfill my father’s wishes, but I will love you first and always.”

  Zara threw her arms around his neck, the thick coat getting in her way when she really wanted to feel him without barriers. “I hated you,” she sobbed, hating how her emotions had betrayed her, and now she was an emotional wreck. “I moved my bedroom furniture around, I washed all the blankets and sheets trying to get you out of my room.”

  His soft chuckle vibrated against her. “You wasted a lot of time and energy, because I’m about to take you back upstairs and make love to you.”

  She eased back, swiped at her face and smiled. “Everything is still in the dryer.”

  In a swift, unexpected move, Braden scooped her up into his arms and headed for the steps. “If I recall, our first time wasn’t in the bed anyway.”

  Zara toyed with the ends of his hair. She didn’t care where he took her, she would go. They
were starting fresh, and she knew in her heart this was meant to be. He was the man who would show her what love was, show her what loyalty and commitment were.

  This was the man she’d spend the rest of her life with.


  “Calm down, Laney. What happened?”

  Zara sat up, pulling the old quilt around her as she listened to the urgency in Braden’s tone as he talked to his sister on the cell. The kitten snuggled against her side.

  “Don’t go anywhere. I’m sending Ryker. He’s closer than I am.”

  With a curse, he disconnected the call and punched in another number.

  “Is she okay?” Zara asked.


  Braden reached around, tucking her against his side as he held the cell to his ear. The fact he was still seeking her during a family crisis only added to the promise he’d made only hours ago to keep her first in his life.

  “Ryker.” Braden’s bare torso tensed as he spoke. “Go to Laney’s house. She needs you to help pack some things and get her back to my house safely. Carter cheated on her, and now he’s trying to get her to open her door. I just hung up with her, and she’s hysterical. You’re closer than I am, which means you’ll need to be nice. I’ll be home shortly and meet you guys there.”

  Once he disconnected the call, he turned into her arms. “I’m sorry.”

  Zara smoothed her hand over his forehead, pushing away a strand of hair. “Don’t be. The fact that you’re helping your sister makes me love you more.”

  Braden froze. “You love me?”

  “I fell in love when you brought the kitten inside,” she confessed. “I didn’t want to admit it then or when you told me. But I can’t keep it inside. I know you had your reasons for lying. I don’t like them, but I understand them. I know your family loyalty runs deep, and I know when you say you love someone, you mean it.”

  He rested his forehead against hers. “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that. To know that you believe I love you, and it has nothing to do with my family’s history, this house, or those scrolls.”

  “Is your sister okay? Maybe we should get some clothes on and head to your place.”

  Braden kissed her before easing up. “Would you want to pack some things and stay with me for a while?”

  Zara stared up at him, marveling at the way that body always had her complete focus. “Define a while.”

  He shrugged. “We can start with one day and gradually ease you into forever.”

  Zara smiled, jumping to her feet. “Forever. That word always scared me before.”

  “And now?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her flush with his body.

  She smacked his lips with her own. “And now I want to hold on to it, I want to hold on to you. Forever.”

  * * * * *

  If you liked TRAPPED WITH THE TYCOON, don’t miss the next MAFIA MOGULS book from Jules Bennett: for this tight-knit mob family, going legitimate leads to love!


  Available April 2016!

  And pick up Jules Bennett’s


  Hollywood comes to horse country—and the Barrington family’s secrets are at the center of it all!




  Only from Harlequin Desire!


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  That Night with the Rich Rancher

  by Sara Orwig


  Tony Milan felt ridiculous. Standing in the wings of the wide stage of the elegant Dallas country club ballroom, he promised himself that next time, he would be more careful making bets with his oldest brother. Losing at saddle bronc riding in a rodeo last April had put him backstage tonight at this gala charity event, which included a dinner dance as well as an auction. One that would auction him off. At least it was all for a good cause, he reminded himself. The funds raised would go to Parkinson’s disease research.

  As he’d made his way to the stage earlier, he had seen some of the attendees: beautiful women dressed in designer gowns accompanied by men in tailored tuxedos. The highest bidders would win a night with “Texas’s most desirable bachelors,” according to the brochure that had been mailed to a select group wealthy enough to afford the event. He couldn’t imagine any woman bidding much for an evening out with a guy she won in an auction, but after the opening bid, he realized he was wrong. The Texas ranchers who’d gone before him had stirred up high prices.

  Looking out at the latest bachelor who now pranced offstage, Tony could not recall ever feeling more out of place. And then he heard his name called.

  Taking a deep breath and forcing himself to smile broadly, he stepped forward, striding out of the darkened shadows into the blinding spotlights in front of a glittering audience. Applause was loud as he waved at the audience, most of which he could no longer clearly see because of the spotlights shining in his eyes.

  After a spiel about his bachelor status, the master of ceremonies opened up the bidding. Tony was startled by the number of women who jumped into the bidding, but as the amount climbed, first one and then another dropped out until only three women were left.

  Shocked yet pleased by the amount he was going to draw, he grinned and walked around the stage as the bidding climbed.

  When a woman in a front table bid, he glanced down and saw it was an ex-girlfriend. He hoped she didn’t win. As far as he was concerned, he’d said a final goodbye to her when she’d started getting serious. No long-term relationships for Tony Milan. He liked to flirt, play the field, just have a good time with no strings attached. Thankfully, after a flurry of bidding, his ex-girlfriend dropped out and only two women were left.

  Tony couldn’t see either one of the women, hidden by the blinding lights, but he heard their competitive bids. They were calling outrageous sums of money—all for an evening with him. When one graciously dropped out, the MC brought down the gavel.

  “We have a winner,” he said, not able to hide his outright glee at the final amount for the charity. “Would our lucky woman please come up onto the stage?”

  Tony couldn’t contain his curiosity. He scanned the audience for a glimpse at her, and then a spotlight found her at a table off to the right. His pulse jumped when a stunning blonde stood up. Her hair was piled atop her head with a few spiral curls falling about her face, and she wore a fiery red dress as she threaded her way to the stage. Even from a distance he could see the dress clung to a breathtaking figure. Jeweled straps glittered on her slender shoulders and her full breasts pillowed above the low-cut neckline.

  One of the auction’s ushers took her hand as she climbed the steps to the stage and Tony’s gaze finally swept over her from head to toe, taking in her long, shapely legs revealed by a high slit in the skirt. Instantly Tony began to feel immensely better about the entire auctio
n and the upcoming evening.

  As the blonde crossed the stage, his gaze swept over her features. She wasn’t a local resident, he thought, because he didn’t recognize her. But then as she neared center stage to give the MC her name, he had a niggling feeling that he did indeed know her. He looked at her again. Something about her features seemed familiar. Perhaps... There was a faint resemblance to a local—his neighbor and lifetime enemy, Lindsay Calhoun.

  He shrugged away that notion. The woman talking to the MC could not be Lindsay Calhoun. For one brief moment, a memory flashed through his mind of Lindsay dressed in skintight jeans and driving her muddy pickup, her long sandy braid bouncing beneath her floppy old hat. That was followed by another memory—Lindsay wagging her finger at him and accusing him of taking her ranch’s water—something unethical he would never do to any neighbor, even Lindsay. She was mule stubborn, never took his advice and wouldn’t agree with him if he said the sun set in the west.

  Most of all, she was serious in every way, all business all the time. With their many confrontations, he had wondered if she’d ever had any fun in her life. So there was no way on earth that the vision who had won an evening with him was Lindsay.

  Curiosity ran rampant as the MC took the mystery woman’s hand and she turned to the audience, shooting a quick glance at Tony and then smiling at the audience while the MC held her hand high like a boxer at a heavyweight fight.

  “Our winner—a beautiful Texan, Miss Lindsay Calhoun!”

  Tony was stunned. His gaze raked over her again. Why had she done this? Their families had maintained a perpetual feud since the first generation of Milans and Calhouns had settled in Texas, and he and Lindsay kept that feud alive. Besides, she didn’t even date. Nor would she spend a dime for an evening with him. She never even spoke to him unless she was accusing him of something.

  He squeezed his eyes shut as if to clear them, and then looked at her again. Actually, he stared, transfixed. Not one inch of her looked like his neighbor.


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