Hand Made Mage
Page 9
We continued around their rear and back toward their front I fired three more arrows as we passed their stalled ranks. The rest of the archers followed my lead firing more arrows. Then we followed the lancers galloping away from Sir Gordon.
In his rage he spurred his horse and men after us. It didn't take long to tell their horses were about done in. We continued on, then followed Captain Drake with a turn and started our second run.
Lancers broke left we broke right. Firing arrows as we went by. Men and horses fell, and we were off again. We could tell right away their horses were blown, lathered and hurting.
We turned for a third time. As we approached, they slowed and tried to turn to catch us dividing. The lancers hit them square on, they almost stopped. They could not hold. Archers put their bow on their backs and drew swords, following the lancers in on top of their stumbling cavalry.
Mare hit Sir Gordon's standing still War horse in its side and they went down. His banner men went down beside him. I was off mare and on Sir Gordon before he could recover. I kicked his banner man in the head, and he was out. I pulled Sir Gordon helmet off and put my knife to his throat.
"A dead body works for me too." My blade started to cut.
"Yield!" The rest of his force yielded to us. The fight was over.
I turned to retrieve the banner we had won. The point of the banner lance was coming at my face. I grabbed it pulling it to me. I drove my dagger into the Bannerman's eye. He did his duty dying to protect his banner. Too bad, the fight was over. All of Sir Gordon's men, now my prisoners, dropped their weapons and sat down.
I wiped my bloody knife off on the banner. I handed the banner lance to Master Sergeant Miller. He took the banner off and re-attached it upside-down, showing our victory over them.
*I need a banner.* My hand tingled. "I wonder," I reached into my pouch and pulled out a banner. It was a Rampant Black Stag, on a blue background. I handed it to the Master Sergeant, he attached it to the banner lance over the top of the upside-down banner.
He handed our banner to Thatcher who had taken a wound fighting at Captain Drakes side. He held it high grinning from ear to ear.
We saw to the wounded. Most had a wound of some kind. We lost eight men and three horses. Sir Gordon lost twenty-eight men, one of which was a knight, and twelve horses. Our archers had devastated them. We also captured their supply train that drove right up to us before they realized what had happened.
We stripped the dead of their equipment and buried them. Captain Drake allowed them to bury the knight in his armor and with his sword.
We stripped Sir Gordon and his Knights out of their armor. We also stripped arms men of their equipment.
"Is there any reason to keep all these prisoners, other than the Knights, maybe Squires, that we can ransom?"
"Not really, they're not mercenaries so no one will buy them back. Family can't afford it."
"Captain Drake?"
"Keep the Knights, and Sir Gordon of course. Send everyone else home, with messages to send a ransom for the release of the rest."
I nodded, "Master Sergeant mount them on the worst of the horses, one day of rations, water, and send them home. Load the Knights and Sir Gordon in a wagon."
He nodded, "Yes, sir." He walked away giving orders.
I now owned six warhorses, five geldings and one mare. I walked among them, my hand tingling. They all stayed calm toward me and gave us no problems.
We loaded everything into the supply wagons. Everyone mounted, and we moved out heading for Black Stag Keep.
We made Black Stag Pass by mid-afternoon. We passed through the Pass' fortress gate and stopped. Sir Gordon stared at the fortress gate. He had not expected that.
"Master Sergeant, close the gate, and portcullis. Assign a detail to man the fortress."
"Yes, sir."
That done the rest of us moved on. We could see the Keep in the distance but could not make out features. The closer we got the better it looked. I had seen it, but the sight still impressed me.
We rode through the open gates and into the courtyard. "Master Sergeant, close the gate, and take our guest to the dungeon. Barracks are over there."
"Right sir," the Master Sergeant took charge and got things moving.
Captain Drake and I went into the castle proper.
"Shall we have a look around?"
"I think we should," he said looking at everything as we walked. "I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this."
I nodded, "Sir Edwin put a lot of work into the place. He must have been planning to come here before our trouble started. Lucky for us."
He said nothing but nodded.
"I wonder why he didn't leave a caretaker, or someone, or a small guard force to watch over the place." I said, keeping his mind off of me.
"You would think he would have."
"I would have. I hope he's not dead lying around here somewhere." We kept looking around the keep. The furniture was all in good repair. I smiled.
The Castle had two living areas on opposite sides of the great Hall, and kitchen. Both were the same. Captain Drake took one master bedchamber, I took the other; I built mine against the cliffs.
We went to check on the barracks. Master Sergeant had everything in hand. The men seemed pleased. There was a mess hall and kitchen attached to the barracks. They were storing our captured supplies. There was a good bit there, as they had supplies for seventy-five people. "Thank you, Sir Gordon."
The Master Sergeant came over, "guard mount's set, all secured sir."
"Thank you, Master Sergeant, when do you suggest we go get the rest of the company?"
"With your permission sir, at first light. I'll take a detachment of ten men and escort the rest of the company in."
"I'll not tell you your business Master Sergeant, but take all you need in supplies, horses, and equipment."
"Yes sir, and you ain't been doing bad handling the business, sir."
"Thank you, Master Sergeant, I take that as a great compliment. It must be the company I keep." I said smiling.
I left them to their tasks. I walked back into the castle proper. Once out of site I dropped unto the earth. I went down into the dungeon walls. I wanted to see what our guest were up to.
Sir Gordon was in a mood. "They should feed us better than this. We're not common foot soldiers."
The others said nothing letting him vent.
"I'll have my day as soon as the rest of the forces arrive."
"What forces?" One knight asked.
Sir Gordon said nothing for a moment. "When my people here I'm captured, they'll raise an army to come for me."
He was lying. The Knights looked at each other, saying nothing. They knew he was lying.
I rose back up to my room. No one was in the castle. I changed out of my heavy armor, and into the light armor. I went to find Captain Drake.
"We may have trouble," I said when I found him.
"You see that's why no one invites you to parties. You are always bringing bad news."
"Not true, what about the time... Ok point taken. Anyway, I was eavesdropping on our guest. It seems Sir Gordon does not like the food. He promised his day would come as soon as the rest of the forces arrived. The Knights asked what forces, he lied saying his people would come for him."
"You know that's a lie. His people would never come for him. But what forces would arrive and from where?"
"What's between here and the northern border?" I asked looking at the map.
"Not a lot as far as I know. My brother, Prince Mathew, Duke of the Northern district has a Keep on the northern border. But it's on the eastern side of the country."
"So, there is nothing keeping Hinterland from marching an army down the coast. And Prince Mathew could not deploy his army for fear or leaving the center of the country open."
"Essentially, yes."
"And if
Sir Gordon has sold us out, they would control the whole Western Coast."
He nodded.
"What about The Duke of the Western District? Can he help?"
"I'm doing all I can." He said smiling.
I laughed. Then I realized. "That's what all of this has been about. This whole thing. Hinterland is going to invade, they wanted to get rid of the Duke of the Western District. Cause confusion. Maybe Sir Gordon thought they would promote him after you were dead. He could ride in and save the day. Then sell us out to Hinterland."
"I don't see any holes in your thinking."
"How did they know you were here and who hired the mercenary company that attacked us?"
"The spymaster. The message you delivered told him where we were going. The one to my father told him I suspected the spymaster. And that I had told him where we would see if the spymaster reported it to him. Unless you know of anyone else who may be suspect."
"Not that I know of. But did he report your letter to the king is the question. That will tell us one way or the other. The question now is what do we do with this information."
"The first thing is for Master Sergeant Miller to get back here with our troops and supplies as soon as possible. Hinterland can't leave this Keep intact along their supply lines. They must take it, to secure their supply lines. We'll discuss the matters with Sir Gordon in the morning. Let's sleep on it and see if we think or anything else."
I nodded, bid him good night, and went to my chambers. I had other things I needed to do. It would be a long night.
I sank into the earth. I needed to know if the pass where my fortress gate was, was the only way into my valley. I started at the keep and flew the cliffs around my valley. I found a few animal trails and grew the cliffs to close them. I also found a footpath that wound through the cliffs and crags. I closed it off.
I also found large coal deposits, some silver, and a little gold. I put a few chunks of coal in my pouch. There was a nice slow river that ran through the valley, I wonder why there were no farms.
I went through the cliffs in back of the keep overlooking the ocean. Captain Wester was right there was no cove there... yet.
I concentrated on what I wanted, *build it.* Cliffs shifted around and rose to form the protective wall for the cove which could hold three or four ships. I angled the protective cliffs such that unless you were looking for it, you would never see the entrance.
The sea bottom deepened. There was now a sandy beach where small boats could land and a stone wharf where a ship could tie up.
A stone roadway led up to a pasture. I made a break in the crag wall that connected the valley to the pasture. It was behind trees so you really couldn't see it from the Keep unless you knew where to look. I'd "discover" it later.
It was now about midnight. I flew the road an army would have to come down if they invaded the West Coast. A hundred miles north there was a place where the crags funneled down to a pass only fifty feet wide. This pass cut three hundred miles off the trip. I grew crags up and closed off the pass.
I'd fix it later. There was also no water on the west side of the new crags. that will put a hurt on them. That was the best I could do tonight. I'd do more later. I fast-travelled back to the Keep and slept in the earth the rest of the night to regain my strength.
Chapter ten
Captain Drake and I were both sitting at the head table in the great hall. They brought in our six prisoners and sat them in chairs facing us. We had discussed how we should proceed beforehand.
"Sir Draugur, for the benefit of everyone here will you introduce me." I rose and stepped to the end of the table.
"May I introduce His Royal Highness, Prince Kade, Duke of the Western District, Fifth son of His Royal Highness King John."
All five Knights, to their credit, took a knee. Sir Gordon didn't move, "he is a fraud."
"Rise Sir Knights," they did. "You may take your seats." They bowed and sat back down.
"I can understand why you would claim such Sir Gordon. To do otherwise would be to admit that you attempted to murder a Royal Prince, at the behest of a foreign government. What you don't know is the Hinterland invasion has failed."
The color drained from Sir Gordon's face.
"Their army was met and trapped on our side at the border headed here. Their defeat was complete. The plans you thought were so secret weren't so secret. Which was why Black Stag Keep was rebuilt. You were not satisfied with being a Baronet with prosperous lands. You became greedy. Did you imagine yourself a Duke? Kill me and take my place? Is that what they promised you?"
The five Knight's heads hung.
The Prince waited. Everyone was staring at Sir Gordon. He finally found his courage. "Yes, I was to take over as Duke of the Western District."
"Well, at least you didn't sell out cheaply. Do you have any last request?"
Sir Gordon said nothing.
Prince Kade nodded, "Take him back to his cell."
Soldiers came forward and took him away. The five Knights awaited their fates. "From what I've seen, you were ignorant participants in Sir Gordon’s plans. But one can never be sure. I have decided to let you redeem your honor on the field of battle. In fact, the Hinterland army was not destroyed it is still on the way. Your armor and horses will be returned to you. You will return home and raise as many fighting men to our cause as you can. Then return here to your new Liege Lord. Baron, Lord Draugur de Crypta, who now owns Port West Gate, all of Sir Gordons holding, as well as Black Stag Keep and lands."
I hope the surprise didn't show on my face.
The Prince rose and so did the knight. We bowed, "Your highness." He left the room.
I turned to the Knights. "Gentlemen time is our enemy. You must go raise your men and return as quickly as possible. Your horses, armor and equipment await you at the stables."
They bowed, "Yes, My Lord," and were escorted out.
The men helped them armor-up, and they left within the hour. I would have done the same, before anyone changed their mind. I watched from the battlements as they rode out. I sent an escort to get them through the Pass fortress.
The Prince joined me on the battlements.
"Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but will the King let your decisions stand?"
"Yes, I'm the Duke of the Western District, I rule here. As long as I support the King."
"Now that you've given me the bait, what is the trap?"
He laughed, "so cynical?"
"It's kept me alive this long."
He nodded becoming serious. "I need someone I can trust at my back. I don't have the time or the desire to sift through all the courtiers and brownnosers to find someone I might trust a little. You, I trust with my life. If we survive, we'll both live comfortably wealthy. In the meantime, Baron, you have to raise an army to support Your Duke. That will cost money. You also have to go to Port West Gate and tell Sir Gordon's wife, her husband has ruined her. She is no longer the Baronette."
"What will happen to her?"
"Sometimes they are thrown out with little or nothing. If she is involved with his treason, we will execute her. That depends on you, my good Baron. Hopefully she doesn't look like a pig." He walked away laughing.
I had to laugh, "Oh, you're funny, maybe you should be a court jester."
Out of curiosity I walked down to the dungeon. Sir Gordon was sitting in his cell staring off into the distance.
"Have you come to finish it then?"
"No, I have no such orders. I came to ask you about your wife."
He cut his eyes around at me, "what about her?"
"Was she involved?"
He chuckled, "Hardly. Baronette Annette can barely put two sentences together in a conversation. But she is good with numbers, books, and running the household, I'll give her that."
"Do you have children, a son?"
He shook his head, "she was no good in that regard either. I wouldn't worry about her through. Her conniving fath
er, Bernard, will find another use for her. He has all of her life, like one of his prize pigs. He's the one you should watch out for."
He got a contemplative look and nodded, coming to some decision. "He's the one who put Hinterland in contact with me. He is also the Top-man for the Criminal Guild in Port West Gate. The Prince was right, I was greedy. A lust for power and wealth consumed me. Bernard saw it and used it to advance his agenda. I thought once I was Duke, I would be free of him. I see now how wrong I was. He would always be there, hand in my purse."
I said nothing I just listened to him. I guess I became his confessor.
"Bernard has three sons. The oldest two, Ben, and Bart, they are in the Guild as well. The youngest, Charles, overseas the farms. I should have killed Bernard a long time ago, but he was my path to power. I never realized he was really my jailer, and I was working for them."
He said no more, just sat staring at the wall. Perhaps, at dreams that would never be.
"What would you do for a second chance?"
He looked at me, "who do I have to kill?"
"whoever is in our way. You would need to change how you attain power. You see how the Criminal Guild works. They have a lot of power and wealth but don't show off. You would work in the background gaining control and power."
"Hinterland. You will go there and start gaining control over the Guild. You will work your way up to Top-man. We will set-up a network taking over Guild everywhere. Do this right and you could eventually run the guild for the whole country Hinterland."
"You're the Prince's Spymaster?"
"In a way, but we might as well get rich, while building an information trade network."
"If I'm caught, they'll kill me."
"Most surely. Do you have any better offers?"
"It seems I have only the one."
"Will you take it?"
He hesitated only a moment, "yes, I'll take it."
I nodded, "there is no going back. There are no other chances. There will be only death if you fail, either by them or by me."