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The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection)

Page 10

by Angelo, Judy

  Now, though, with things looking like they could begin to get serious with Ransom she could hide from her bugbear no longer. Like it or not, she would have to confront him head on.

  Because, how could she jeopardize what was meant to be? How could she let anything get in the way of her budding relationship with Ransom? She’d accepted his invitation to dinner at 3030 Ocean on Saturday night and, before then, she wanted to set things right. She had four days to get her house in order.

  That evening as soon as she’d showered and climbed into bed Solie placed the phone on the bed right next to her, hoping desperately that this was one of those nights when he would call. She was in luck.

  As soon as she answered the phone and he began to speak she broke in. "Raul, we need to talk. Can I see you tomorrow?”

  “Ah ha. Finally coming to your senses.” She could just imagine his face as he gloated. “I knew you’d come around.”

  Solie didn’t bother to make him any wiser. “Can you meet me at Grand Forno tomorrow around seven o’clock? I’ll head there straight from work.”

  “That anxious, are you?” He chuckled into the phone. “You want yourself some Raul candy real bad.” Then he paused as if a thought struck him. “So what made you come around? You’ve been avoiding me all this time.”

  “N…nothing in particular. I just need to talk.” Solie chose her words carefully, not wanting him to get suspicious. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him off. “So, can you come?”

  He gave another laugh, a relaxed sound that made her almost sigh in relief. “How can I resist, mi amor, when you plead like that?”

  By the time the call ended their rendezvous was confirmed for seven o’clock on Thursday. If all went well she would be free of Raul a whole two days before her date. All she could do now was keep her fingers crossed that she didn’t blow it.

  Next evening, dressed in a simple black skirt and white blouse, Solie entered the coffee shop and selected a deserted table close to the rest rooms. It wasn’t that she liked being in that location but the patrons tended to chose other, more pleasant areas before looking in this direction. That was exactly what she wanted, whatever little privacy the restaurant could provide. And for what she was about to do she wanted quiet, too.

  By the time Raul arrived she was ready. Waving him over to the table she directed him to his chair, making sure he was positioned just right. Then she placed her purse on the table between them – she’d made sure to select a small one this morning – and leaned forward with a smile designed to put him at ease. “Glad you could make it,” she said, keeping her face pleasant when all she wanted to do at that moment was slap the smirk off his face. He was looking too pleased for her liking.

  “Hola, mi amor.” That annoying endearment again. “You’re looking good today. Good enough to eat.” He gave Solie a suggestive smile that made her shudder inside.

  Time to get his dirty mind off that track. “What can I get you? It’s my treat.”

  Raul gazed at her for a full ten seconds, just leering, not saying a word. Then he shrugged. “Surprise me. You’re good at that.”

  She was good at surprises, all right, and boy, was he in for a big one. She got up from the table and went to place an order for iced tea, iced coffee, a panini and a salad. Within minutes she was back, tray in hand, and when he reached out and shifted her handbag her heart jerked. Shoot. What if his hand touched the button?

  "Here you go, Raul,” she said, a super-bright smile on her face. “Go ahead and help yourself while I go powder my nose.” She grabbed the purse from the table and rushed past him to hide herself away in the ladies’ room where she could do a quick check of her device. Satisfied, she headed back out to slide onto the chair across from him.

  Shifting her meal to one side she made sure to deposit her purse close to him and then she began to speak.

  She hardly ate, preferring to let him blab away in his good old Raul Escobar way. Then, when he was good and comfortable, she decided it was time to take control of the conversation.

  “Raul, we have to talk.” She leaned forward and looked him straight in the eyes.

  “But of course, mi amor. That is what I love to do, to talk to you…among other things.” He gave her a cheeky grin and leaned forward, too, so close that they looked ready to share a kiss.

  Solie’s immediate impulse was to pull back but she fought the urge. She needed him close and if this was the way to get that, then so be it.

  “Raul,” she said, “I want you to tell me why you’ve been stalking me.”

  Raul tilted his head and gave her what he must have thought was a seductive smile. It wasn’t. “Oh, my love, is that what you call it?”

  “Yes,” she said fiercely, “that’s what I call it. For the past five weeks you’ve been harassing me, calling me at all hours of the night, then you show up at my home and invite yourself in and then, to top it all off, you threaten me.”

  “Threaten you, mi amor? I’m hurt.” He gave her a playful pout. “How can you say that?”

  “I can say that,” she said through clenched teeth, “because it’s true.” Stealthily, she shifted her purse closer to him. “Don’t you admit that you’ve called me after midnight, even at two in the morning?”

  “But don’t you see? It is because I love you.”

  “So you admit it.”

  “Of course, mi amor. What won’t I do for love?” Raul was turning on his Latin charm now, full force.

  “And you admit that you barged into my home?”

  “I wouldn’t say ‘barged in’. You wanted me there. I could see it in your eyes. That’s why I came in.”

  “And what about when you threatened violence if I showed interest in anyone else?” She was warming up to the questioning. She knew exactly what to ask to get him to tie himself up. She hadn’t watched all those episodes of ‘Law and Order’ for nothing.

  “I never threatened you.” Raul’s brows fell. “All I said was, you’d better not-” He stopped short, his frown deepening. “Hey, why all these questions?” Still frowning, he sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “What are you up to?”

  Solie slid her hand across the table to draw her purse onto her lap. “Oh, nothing.” She shrugged then reached up to toy with her hair. A stray lock had fallen onto her cheek and she curled it around her finger, all the while giving him a coy smile. “I guess I’m still a little peeved that you’ve been so bossy to me. That’s not nice.”

  “Ay, mi Solie, you know me so well. I must always be the man in charge.” Relaxing visibly, Raul unlocked his arms and leaned forward to take her hand. “Nobody knows me like you do.”

  “Ah, yes, I know.” She was smiling back but inside she was frantically trying to figure out a way to beat a hasty retreat. She glanced at the thick gold watch on Raul’s wrist. “Oh, my Lord,” she gasped. “Look at the time. I had no idea it was so late.” She pulled her hand from his grasp, throwing him an apologetic smile. “I promised to watch the Jackson’s kids tonight while they go to the movies. You remember Rick and Shirley Jackson from across the street?”

  He looked like he didn’t remember them nor did he really care. He just looked annoyed that she was about to leave. “Can’t someone else do it?”

  “No. I promised.” Before he could find a way to stop her Solie gathered her purse to her and stood up. “I’m so sorry, Raul, but I’ll call you tonight. Promise.”

  He opened his mouth as if to respond but by that time she was waving and backing away. As soon as she got the chance she whirled around and practically ran out of the restaurant, intent on getting as far away from him as possible. If he had any idea what she’d just done he would probably run after her and throttle her right there in the parking lot. She had to get away.

  Solie didn’t breathe easy until she got home, went into the house and closed the door firmly behind her. She locked the doors, the windows, everything, then headed for her bedroom where she lounged around for a coupl
e of hours before she picked up the phone. Now it was time to execute part two of her plan. Time to call Raul.

  When he answered the phone he sounded sort of slow, almost sleepy. “Sol, you’re finished babysitting?”

  If the situation weren’t so serious Solie would have laughed. He’d actually bought that story? “Raul,” she said, her voice cold, “I want you to leave me alone.”

  “Huh, what?” That seemed to jerk him awake. “What are you saying? This evening-”

  “Was a farce. I only asked you to meet me so I could get you to implicate yourself. And I did.” She sat up on the bed as she pressed the phone to her ear, feeling triumphant. “I got you to confess and I have it all on my digital recorder.”

  “What the hell?” The words exploded into the phone, making Solie jump. “You played me? You were just toying with me?”

  “You could say that. Now I have all that I need to make a formal report to the police. You can’t deny any of it. I have it on tape.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh, wouldn’t I?” She was getting bolder by the minute and she was not afraid to let him know it. “If you set one foot on my property, if you even so much as try to call me, I’ll get you thrown in jail so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

  Her declaration was greeted with silence. When Raul spoke again his voice was strained. “So that’s why you ran off so fast. You wanted to get away with your tape.”

  “Of course,” she said, her tone almost flippant. “You didn’t think I would tell you this while sitting across the table from you, did you? You would have grabbed it or made me hand it over.”

  His answer was a grunt of disgust or annoyance, she didn’t know which, but it didn’t really matter. He was trapped and there was nothing he could do about it. She was in total control and he knew it.

  “Here’s the deal,” she said. “You stay the hell out of my life and you have nothing to worry about. But you just so much as take a breath in my direction and I’m going straight to the police. Got it?”

  Another grunt.

  “Got it?” she said again, more vehement this time.

  “Got it.” It was little more than a mumble.

  “Good.” And with that she hung up, satisfied that she’d eliminated the one obstacle to her happiness.

  And when it came to getting rid of annoying pests, that was how you did it.


  Saturday night was finally here. Time for her first real date with Ransom. She couldn’t count the day at the mall as a date, not when it had happened by chance, no matter how happy it had been. Tonight, though, she’d planned everything to a T – her clothes, her hairstyle and her make-up. Tonight she was going to be a knockout.

  From the slinky black dress that showed off her curves to the four inch stilettos that made her straighten her back and thrust her breasts forward, from the soft tendrils she’d deliberately loosened by her temples to the crimson hue that made her lips pop, Solie knew she was sure to make an impression.

  She did one last check in the mirror then, as the bell chimed, she drew a scarf across her shoulders and went to meet Ransom at the door.

  When she saw her date standing there, hands thrust into his pocket as he smiled down at her, the word that popped into her mind was ‘gorgeous’. And that was quite a compliment for a guy.

  “You look wonderful,” she told him as her eyes roamed the black-clad height of him, from his wing tip black shoes to his dark Armani suit to the tanned skin of his neck, such a contrast to the stark white of the collar of his shirt. When she came to his face she saw that he was regarding her with a look of amusement.

  “Done checking me out?” he asked with a crooked grin.

  She lifted an eyebrow. “Done,” she said and responded with a grin of her own.

  Then he reached out to take her hand. “And you, my dear, look stunning.” He bent his head to give her a soft kiss on the cheek.

  Solie almost groaned. As he'd leaned over her she’d tilted her face up to his, expecting a kiss, a real one, not a peck on the cheek. Then she did an inward shrug. Oh, well, maybe he didn’t want to smudge her lipstick.

  She locked the door then took his arm and he walked her to his car. As soon as they set off she settled into the soft leather of the seat and watched as he took control of the sleek sports car, expertly handling the powerful vehicle, stroking it till it purred. It was like how, she imagined, he would handle a woman, stroking her with a restrained power that would have her writhing with want. And right then Solie was dying to be stroked just like that.

  She gave her head an almost imperceptible shake. Enough of that fantasizing. All that stroking and purring would come soon enough. Now she needed to focus on enjoying the evening with this handsome man by her side.

  Ransom got them to the restaurant within fourteen minutes of their departure, a journey that would normally have taken over twenty minutes. She wasn’t complaining, though. He’d driven swiftly but carefully and she knew that in his hands she was safe. Physically, anyway. She wasn’t so sure about the effect he was having on her heart.

  To Solie’s delight, upon arrival they were ushered to a relatively secluded table for two right by the huge bay window that looked out onto the tropical landscape with its lush gardens and stately palms. Despite the shadowy veil of night the beauty of the scene was not dimmed. The subdued exterior lights softly illuminated the area, providing the perfect backdrop for a romantic rendezvous.

  “After you, madam.” Ransom, ever the gentleman, gave her a slight bow as he held the chair for her.

  “Why, thank you, kind sir,” she said, playing along. She smiled, loving the mood he was in tonight.

  They settled in for a delicious meal of roasted Atlantic cod, local red snapper, a vegetable medley, and white wine. Solie’s favorite was the dessert Ransom selected for her – warm nutella bread pudding with cayenne ice cream erasmo. When he’d described it to her, her mouth had started watering long before the scrumptious treat was placed in front of her.

  She giggled as she took her first bite. “Are you trying to get me fat?” She wasn’t the giggly type but somehow, with Ransom, she couldn’t help it. He was turning her into a girl all over again.

  He tilted his head. “You could stand to put on a few pounds.”

  “I could not.” She threw him a scowl but then spoiled it when she started laughing. “Stop looking at me like that. You remind me of my mamita. Eat, eat, eat, she says. She’s always bugging me to eat more and just now you looked exactly like her."

  “Oh, really.” That seemed to amuse the heck out of him because his face broke into a grin. “Since we’re so alike you’d better introduce me to that mamita of yours. Then we can gang up on you.”

  “No way.” She shook her head, still laughing. “One of you bugging me at a time is all I can take. I am not letting you link up with my mama.”

  But even as she said the words Solie’s heart was curling up with pleasure. Ransom had actually spoken as if he would like to meet someone in her family. That could only mean he wanted to get to know her even better, right? It meant he really, really liked her.

  Okay, so he’d said it in jest but still…

  Too soon, their meal all gone, it was time for them to leave. Solie did not want the evening to end and when Ransom drove her home then invited her in for a drink she accepted without hesitation.

  She’d entered his home so many times before but tonight it seemed so different, bathed in shadows with only softly subdued lights illuminating their path to the living room. There, Ransom tapped the digital music system, filling the room with the sultry sound of John Legend crooning a love song. Before she could react he drew her into his arms and began to rock to the rhythm of ‘Best You Ever Had’. Tonight was the night you’d lose control, the words said. Had he planned this?

  By the time the thought flew into her mind it dissolved like a puff of smoke in the wind. Ransom was doing something to her, making her mind turn to mush, m
aking her bones turn to jelly. He’d slid a hand up her back and another onto her right hip and now he was molding her into him, leaving no room between them, not even for a breath of air.

  Her breasts crushed against the flat muscles of his chest, her body pressed so close she could feel the powerful muscles of his thighs, she was left with little choice but to lift her face to his and let him go all the way.

  Surrendering her lips to him she welcomed the firmness of his mouth on hers and when he took control of the kiss, sliding his hand up to cup the back of her head, she moaned, her lips parting to receive him.

  And so they danced, kissing and caressing each other as they swayed, lost in the seduction of love song after love song.

  Solie didn’t know when she got there but she jumped in surprise when the back of her legs touched the sofa. But then Ransom was bending over, tilting her back into the cushions until she was lying on the couch, looking up into his smoldering eyes.

  When he made to pull back Solie reached for him, letting him know she wanted this just as much as he did. She pulled his face down to hers, kissing him passionately, showing him in actions what she couldn’t say in words.

  Ransom broke the kiss and pulled back again and this time he was successful. “God, Solie, you’re driving me crazy. I want you so bad.” His voice was a cross between a gasp and a groan.

  “I want you, too,” she whispered. “I want all of you.”

  That did it. Looking like she’d just tipped him over the edge, he gave a guttural groan and lowered his lips but this time it was not to kiss her. It was to trail hot kisses down the column of her neck until his lips caressed the tops of her breasts so conveniently exposed in her low-cut dress.


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