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In the Gray Area

Page 25

by Seth W. B. Folsom

  Iraqi police (IP): Ayad on; insurgent attack on; rivalry with army; in urban operations; weapons cache maintained by

  Iraqi Security Forces (ISF): assumption of security responsibilities by; postwar change in. See also Iraqi army; Iraqi police


  Jamaal (colonel)

  Jawaad (major)

  Jerry Maquire (film)

  Jibab Peninsula operations

  Joseph (interpreter)

  jundi jail

  junood. See Iraqi enlisted personnel


  Karabilah IP station

  Karabilah operations

  Karmah incident

  Kellogg Brown & Root

  Kelly, John

  Kevlar helmet

  Key Volunteer Network

  Kuwait International Airport


  leadership style: author’s; Ayad’s

  leave and monthly leave cycle of Iraqi army: disruptive nature of; as officers’ prerogative; self-wounding as bid for

  Leek, Shaun

  Little Mo (interpreter)

  logistics. See supply and logistics issues


  Majid (captain)

  March Air Reserve Base, Riverside

  Marine Corps advisor program

  Marine Corps character

  Marine Corps manning

  marksmanship training: ammunition hoarding as factor in; for Iraqi army; for transition team

  Marsh Arabs

  Marshall, S.L.A.

  Mason (interpreter); advice on military culture; background of; on face-saving pride; on gift-seeking behavior; on Iraqi perception of Outlanders

  Military Transition Teams (MiTT): in Basra offensive; in early phase of war; going native; impact of; inadequate training of; kidnapping of; logistics support policy of; mission of; mission of, as “beautiful theory,” 170; operational readiness assessment performed by; partnership concept of; Phoenix Academy training and; seeing “gray,” in success of; selection process for; team leader role in. See also Outlanders transition team

  mission planning process: for antismuggling operation; Iraqis’ lack of; lack of information sharing in; operations orders; products of; for reconnaissance mission

  Modular Tactical Vest (MTV)

  Mojave Viper Exercise

  mosquito infestation

  mouse infestation

  mujaas cycle. See leave and monthly leave cycle of Iraqi army

  Multi-National Corps-Iraq (MNC-I)

  Multi-National Force-West (MNF-W)

  Muthafer (major)


  nanny cam

  Naval Postgraduate School

  Navy SEAL team

  negligent discharge of weapons: casualty response to; as discipline problem; favoritism in failure to punish; of flares; Iraqi attitudes toward; weapons safety stand down in response to

  night-vision goggles

  Nomex flight suit


  observation post operations

  oil smuggling

  operation planning. See mission planning process

  Operation Steel Curtain

  operational readiness assessment

  operations orders

  ordinance disposal

  Orwell, George

  Outlanders transition team: in battlespace coordination; character of; communications equipment of; decoupling of; desire for combat action; dogs and; feast planning by; formation of; in fuel allocation; Humvee crew position training for; impact of; in investigation of alleged insurgent attack; logistics support policy of; looting of compound of; manning of; in modeling of staff meetings; in offensive security plan; relationship building by; team turnover at COP South. See also Military Transition Teams

  overwatch status


  Parment, Chad

  Parment, Georgia

  PAS-13 thermal viewer

  performance counseling: interpreters and; lack of Iraqi

  personal hygiene

  personal leave. See leave and monthly leave cycle of Iraqi army

  personal protective equipment

  personal security detachments (PSDs)

  Pete (Special Forces team leader)

  Phoenix Academy

  phosphate plant

  piss tubes

  police. See Iraqi police

  police transition team (PTT)

  pressure strips on IEDs



  Rabah (major)

  Rabor, Emiliano

  radio-controlled IEDs

  Ra’ed (colonel)

  Ramanah IP station

  Reagan, Ronald

  reconnaissance mission

  Regimental Combat Team 1 (RCT-1)

  regional security meetings: body armor removal at; ineffectual nature of; ISF rivalries revealed at; Outlanders as escorts to

  Rehm, Jason

  relationship building

  riverine operations detachment

  Riverside Marriott

  rodent infestation

  Rumsfeld, Donald


  Saadik (warrant officer)

  Sabah (lieutenant colonel)

  Sa’id (lieutenant colonel)

  Sammy (interpreter)

  sand storms

  sanitation problems

  SATCOM system

  Sattaar (sergeant major)

  SEAL team

  search-and-clear operations

  Second Companyd Battalion. See Battle Position Vera Cruz

  2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (Iraq)

  security infractions

  security meetings. See regional security meetings

  security plan

  self-wounding incidents: as bid for leave; as response to abuse

  Sharmain (nanny)

  Shawn (interpreter)

  shemagh (heap wrap)


  Shireen (housekeeper)

  signal flare discharge

  Simpson, Jeff

  small-arms training. See marksmanship training

  Smash TV

  smuggling activities: interdiction operations; oil and

  snake infestation

  Soldier’s Load and the Mobility of a Nation, The (Marshall)

  staff duty

  staff meetings: Marine, as “best practices” model; Third Battalion’s

  suicide bombings: at Battle Position Samsiyah; body armor as defense against


  supply and logistics issues: ammunition allocation; fuel allocation; hoarding mentality and; Iraqis’ unwillingness to request command support; operational readiness impaired by; post-Coalition; transition team policy on

  sustainment training



  Taqaddum air base

  Third Battalion (Iraq): area of operations; battle position support and; battlespace controlled by; command climate in; complaints against commanding officer of; coordination in; discipline problem in driving infractions of; gift-seeking behavior in; IED threat in AO of; intelligence section of; leave as disruptive to; looting of Outlanders’ compound by; mission planning in, lack of; operational readiness assessment of; polarization of staff of; security plan for; staff meetings; tribal relations and; urban operations and. See also Iraqi army; Iraqi enlisted personnel; Iraqi officers

  toilet facilities

  transition teams. See Military Transition Teams (MiTT)

  translators. See interpreters

  tribal animosities

  tribal relations

  28th Brigade (Iraq): army rivalry with police and; headquarters relocation; inspection of COP South by; Marine advisor team to; support of Third Battalion by

  26th Brigade (Iraq)

  Twentynine Palms


  Uglat il Bushab operation

  Um Tinah operation

  urban operations

  urban security zones (USZ)

  U.S. Navy

  U.S. Navy SEAL team

nbsp; utility man position in Humvee


  vehicle checkpoints

  vehicle commander position in Humvee

  vermin infestation


  Wadi al Battikah

  WAG shack

  Wardle, Travis

  waste disposal

  weapons cache site operations: Al Gab’aa plantation; coordination issues in conducting; Iraqis’ failure to share information on; Jibab Peninsula; logistics support issues in; police as target of; possible staging of ordinance in

  weapons discharges, negligent. See negligent discharge of weapons

  weapons-safety stand-down

  weapons training. See marksmanship training

  Wolf, Clarence


  Za’id (major)

  About the Author

  Lieutenant Colonel Seth W.B. Folsom, USMC, has a Bachelor’s degree in international relations from the University of Virginia and a Master’s degree in South Asian national security affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School. He resides in Woodbridge, VA, with his wife Ashley and his daughters Emery and Kinsey.

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  © 2010 by Seth W. B. Folsom

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Folsom, Seth W. B., 1972-

  In the gray area : a Marine advisor team in Iraq / Seth W. B. Folsom.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  eISBN : 978-1-612-51011-8

  2003—Personal narratives, American. 3. Military assistance, American—Iraq. 4. Iraq—

  Armed Forces—Training of. 5. United States. Marine Corps—Officers—Biography. I. Title.

  DS79.766.F65A3 2010



  First printing

  The opinions or assertions contained in this work are those of the author and should not be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the U.S. Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy, or the Department of Defense.

  All photos are from the author’s personal collection, except where otherwise indicated.




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