Party of Two
Page 26
“This is not just a piano. This is a masterpiece. My guess is that, it must be mahogany and it’s in excellent condition from what I can see. This is an exquisite piece, very unique and valuable. This is not something you donate to the local school.” She looked at Alex. “This piano is very much worth this room. I don’t think I could part with something like this unless my children were starving and I needed the money for food.”
“I have it tuned every two years. I’ve always thought someday someone would play it for us again.
No one had ever been so specific about the piano, but the truth was that when the inn was operating and they hired pianists to come to play, people would come from town just to stroll around the gardens and listen to the music.
“At least we know it works!” Karen exclaimed.
“Play, please.” Alex requested again.
The minute she stroked the first chords Addy gasped and held on to Karen’s arm. Karen was equally startled. Alex was in awe listening to Blair and looking at her moms.
Blair closed her eyes and played. She loved the way the piano sounded. The music was exquisite. The other three women were as if in a trance. When Blair finished the long piece, she opened her eyes only to find the women petrified and Addy practically in tears holding on to Karen who was clutching her arm.
“That was amazing, Blair.” Alex commented.
“Thanks.” She lowered her eyes, but smiled, glad that she had made the three women so happy.
“Where and when did you learn to play like that?” Addy asked.
“I started young. My mother was my teacher.” She looked at the piano and then at Alex. The blue eyes became sad. “She was a piano teacher. She studied at the conservatory and played with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra for years before she got married. It came easy to me. I’ve played all my life. After mom died, I stopped and only played occasionally, too many memories. Then, life got complicated, but whenever I need to relax and there’s a piano, I find it soothing to play, it relaxes me.”
“Blair, do you have a piano at home?” Addy asked.
“No, not anymore. I guess the lack of use from the years that I was away and the lack of maintenance made it go bad. Megan sold it. It broke my heart, but it was too costly to repair.”
“Well, you have one now. This one is yours. It’s yours to play whenever you want.” Addy declared. For all we know, this piano might have been here all these years waiting for you.
Blair chuckled. “Thank you, M’Addy. I guess I’ll have to come here to play it. I’m afraid I don’t have a place to put it. And even if I did, this piano deserves a room like this all to itself. This room would be just four walls if not for this piano.”
Addy was delighted. And Karen couldn’t hide her pleasure either. “Play some more. Whatever you can remember.” Karen asked.
They all began to place requests and Blair played the songs she knew and admitted to the ones she didn’t. The evening passed quickly. They forgot about the Grammy’s and relaxed listening to Blair’s playing.
Addy and Karen looked at each other and exchanged knowing thoughts. “Blair, thank you for a wonderful evening. And I meant every bit about the piano. It’s yours just because you can play it. Remarkably well, if I may add. I feel vindicated and delighted to have kept it tuned and ready all these years. This evening was worth every bit of my wait.”
“Thanks, M’Addy. I’m glad you kept it and maintained it tuned. It would have been a crime not too.”
She smiled sweetly at the young lady who was not only naturally beautiful, but adorably sweet and charming. She could see why Alex was in such predicament. Like Karen, Blair had a sex appeal and a certain je ne sais quoi that could turn someone’s life upside down.
“As much fun as this has been, it’s time for me to sleep,” Addy announced. Karen immediately followed picking up and taking to the kitchen their wine glasses and plates.
“Good night moms. Tomorrow we are getting up early to go horseback riding and then we are leaving in the afternoon. We want to spend some time with Megan and Pete before we start back to work.”
“You have to bring them next time you come. Chubby has to become acquainted with Pete, and we would like to meet Megan.”
“I will pass on the invitation. Thank you and good night.” Blair replied and Alex kissed them both good night.
After the moms left, Alex took Blair’s hand and walked out to the patio and sat in the swing. There was a full moon and the night was unusually clear.
“It feels good to be here.” Alex remarked as she held Blair’s hand.
Blair kissed her hand. “It feels great. I can’t remember ever feeling so happy.” Alex leaned her head on her shoulder, and Blair draped her arm over her. “Is this okay?”
“It's much better than okay.” Alex replied.
Blair rubbed her face to Alex’s hair and kissed the side of her head. Unseen by Blair, Alex closed her eyes enjoying the moment.
Chapter 10
Alex’s new job required a lot of travel. Sometimes they couldn’t see each other for days and occasionally for a couple of weeks. Even though they talked every day, not being able to spend time together was torture.
After Alex came back from one of her business trips, Blair was eager to see her and decided to surprise her by showing up at her flat once she was done with her shift. Alex had been gone for almost a week and there was no way she could wait another minute. She felt as if she needed to take a look at her to recharge her batteries.
She snuck inside the building as someone came out. The concierge knew her already from the many times she had been there and greeted her casually. When Blair reached Alex’s floor what she saw nearly killed her. A very handsome man was leaving Alex’s flat, and she was kissing him full on the mouth. Blair froze and hid behind the wall. She felt like her entire world had come down right in front of her eyes. She turned around, hardly able to breathe and ran for the stairs.
Her chest hurt. Her agony was such that she couldn’t even cry, not at first. The tears came later when she felt the overwhelming pain of irreplaceable loss. She felt as if her heart had been ripped out and life had been sucked out of her soul. How could this be possible? Who was that man? Where did she meet him? How could she do this? Why wouldn’t she tell me? God! Why do you take from me what I love most?
She sat on the staircase and sobbed inconsolably. After there were no more tears and all that was left was anguish, she stormed down the stairs and exited the building. The concierge tried to be courteous, but she didn’t even see him. Once outside, the mix of emotions that ran through her overtook her again. She began to cry again as she got on her bike. The tears blurred her vision and she almost slid and fell off her bike. She thought it prudent to stop on a side street. She got off the bike and sat on the curb to calm down. It was there that her stomach turned and she threw up.
Megan didn’t see her when she got home that night. Blair had gone to The Joint, the place where she went occasionally to get quick sexual relief, and now she was home full of regret and still immersed in her sadness. Why did it happen now? She thought there had been so much progress and that Alex was more into her. Alex was straight, that was the problem. She had fallen for a straight woman, and what happened was bound to happen sooner or later. Now her heart was crushed. This man, whoever he was, had swept Alex off her feet. Something she had not been able to do.
There was no hope any more. This was the end of the road. She cried herself to sleep, and in the morning, she woke up resolved to look for a change. Megan had already recovered and she was working from home for Pat. The bar was doing well, it was time for her to move on and resume her life. At work she talked to a few of her supervisors and made several phone calls. Her only thought was to get away.
She thought of Addy, and whether she too would be hurt. She had not only fallen in love with Alex, she had fallen in love with her moms as well. Addy had been so forthcoming and loving and Karen was so
wonderful too. How could this have happened? Why would Alex not to talk her? Why would God put all this good in her path to now rip the carpet from under her feet like that? She was totally devastated to the point of feeling ill.
Megan hardly saw her anymore. She seemed to be rushing in and out of the house between her shifts. She was working herself ragged even more than ever before. Immersing herself in other people’s pain was the only way to forget her own, and that was just what she was doing.
Alex called her several times. But Blair wouldn’t pick up the phone, and when she did, she told Alex that she had been or was going into surgery, and that she couldn’t talk. Alex even called her while on travel abroad, but Blair always seemed to be in a hurry or too busy to talk.
“Blair Reilley! You stop right there and you tell me what the hell is going on with you!” Megan demanded.
“I don’t have time. I have to go now. I have to get to work.”
“You just came from work three hours ago and you are going back already? What are you doing? Why are you working now more than ever? Is there something wrong with Alex?”
“No! Leave me alone! Please!”
“No! I will not! I’m your sister and I need to know!”
Blair looked at her and started to cry. She told her everything.
“Oh, honey! I’m sure there is an explanation. We know Alex. She wouldn’t do something like that and not, at least, talk to you first.”
“Megan, there is no explanation for what I saw. It was all very clear.”
Alex was growing restless. Unable to talk to Blair, she called Megan.
“Megan, what is wrong with Blair?”
“Alex, I don’t know if I should tell you.” She hesitated. “Fuck, what the heck! What is thereto lose? Alex, apparently she went to your place the other night to surprise you after you came home from one of your trips. It was late, after she got off her shift and she said she saw a man leaving your place, and that you were kissing him. She’s been a mess since then.”
“Oh, my God! Shit! Shit! Shit!” She sat down rubbing her forehead. “Oh, Megan, no wonder she won’t take my calls!”
“Alex what is going on? Is it true? Are you seeing someone? I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t you tell her?”
“I need to talk to her, Megan. I need to.”
“What’s going on?”
“I’m not seeing anyone, Megan. How could I, if she is all I think about? That guy is Jeremy, an old friend from university.” She gasped in a chuckled kind of way. “To make this more ironic, would you believe that he’s gay?” She chuckled again. “He’s an actor. I always helped him rehearse all the kissing parts of his plays because no one ever wanted to rehearse those parts with him. Through the years, as a joke, we’ve kept the kissing thing going every time we’ve met. Oh, Megan! What can I do to fix this?”
“Oh Lord! What a disaster! You need to talk to her. I’ve never seen her cry so much and be so torn. Not even when mom died.”
“I’ve tried, but she won’t take my calls. Megan, can you wait a sec? I’m getting a call on my cell from my mom and I need to take it. M’Addy was not feeling well, and I need to take this, wait. Seems like everything is happening at once! Shit!”
Megan could hear her talk on the other phone. “When? Is she okay? Mom I’m on my way there. Bye.”
“Megan, things just got worse for me. I have to go. M’Addy is sick. Mom is taking her to the hospital. I’m going there now, please, tell Blair. Tell her that I love her, please! Help me!”
“Oh honey, consider it done. I’ll call her right now. Go home and do what you have to do, I’ll take care of our crazy one. Let me know if I can help with anything with your mom. And be very careful driving. We’ll fix this.”
“Thanks, bye.” She hung up and immediately took off. She drove tormented thinking about Addy being sick and losing Blair. Losing Blair? She cried and dried her tears as she drove. She needed Blair now. Where was she? Why would she think she’d do such a thing to her? She has no idea how much she means to me, that’s why! I’m such an idiot! Why am I holding back! Why can’t I just face the facts? I’m in love with her. I’m in love with the most gorgeous, fucking, woman in the world, and I need to tell her!
To be continued in Two for One.
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Tey’s other books
Turning on a Dime
Addy and Karen Series - Book 1
Life turned on a dime when, Karen, a gorgeous blonde with a fair share of play in life fell head over heels for Addy who, although attracted to Karen, struggles with her feelings. Jean Paul, a mutual friend, tries to mediate the liaison with hilarious results. Matters get complicated when Karen’s presence is required in Scotland for the reading of her aunt’s will, and Addy agrees to accompany her. At the reading, relatives are in dismay when told that Karen is the main heir. However for Karen to inherit, she must stay in Scotland and embrace a family legacy she never wanted. The turn of events changes both women’s lives drastically, and takes them to a very unexpected future.
Read an excerpt:
On their way to pick up Addy, Karen warned JP. “Be careful with what you say, JP, remember that she doesn’t know how I feel about her, and that I want to keep it that way.”
“I don’t know how much longer you can keep up this charade. I think you should just tell her to see what happens. You cannot live your life in this, this limbo situation. I mean you have to move on, girl. You are beautiful and all that, not getting any younger, and soon those wrinkles are going to start to show and your chances of finding someone will go down dramatically.”
“JP, stop it. I can’t just walk up to her and tell her. She may not be in love with her husband, but she’s still married to him, and she has a daughter. Are you forgetting all of that? And if that was not enough, I don’t know what that revelation would do to our friendship.”
“It might shake it up and let things fall where they may. That way, if she’s not interested, you would know and would be able to move on.”
“No. No way.”
“You are in denial, sweetie. Just know that.”
“Okay, I may be, but let’s leave things as they are, okay?”
“Don’t worry, hon, your secret is safe with me.”
When JP saw Addy, he jumped out of the car to greet her. They exchanged the Spanish/French double cheek kissing. “Hi JP, it’s so good to see you again! You are going to have to tell me what you’ve been up to.” Addy was glad to see JP, she really liked him. She liked unpretentious people and thought that he was a very genuine person. Karen kept looking at them from the driver’s side of the car. She loved to see the interaction between the two. It was really fun to see how well they got along.
“Come on, you two. Stop the kissing and the chatting and let’s go. I’m hungry.” She smiled.
“Hey, don’t rush me!” He looked at Addy. “She’s always hungry. I don’t know where she puts her food.” JP remarked.
“I don’t know either, but she keeps well. Don’t you think so?” Addy said smiling.
“Absolutely. She’s as gorgeous as always.”
Karen shook her head and laughed as they entered the car. They arrived at the restaurant, parked, and went inside. Dinner was good and so was the wine. The conversation flowed easily among them and they were having a great time.
“Looks like our girl here seems to be having fun with us, for a change. I keep telling her that she needs to get a life, and some sex!” JP laughed as he spoke to Addy, who always seemed to find his conversation amusing.
Karen frowned and almost choked on her wine when she heard the word sex. She immediately frowned. Worry overcame her, and JP immediately noticed that she did not look happy. Oh, oh where is this headed?
or what is worth, more than one person here could use more of that!” Addy said laughing.
Karen turned to look at Addy. “Wait a minute, have you had more than two glasses of wine?”
“You lost count? Unbelievable! Ms. ‘I like to keep track of everything?’ So that you know, sweetie pie, I think I’m on my third!” Addy raised her glass and brought it over to Karen’s face for her to see it up close.
“Oh God, I don’t want to get you home drunk.”
“You’d be the only one who’d care.”
“You are not having any more wine and that’s that!”
Addy addressed JP. “Do you see how she bosses me around? I think that’s why she likes me. She had me fooled, you know? Now I know why she likes me.”
Karen and JP looked at each other. JP did not hesitate and took advantage of the opportunity, much to Karen’s astonishment. “Well, then why do you put up with her? Do you also like her?”
Karen looked away and scratched her forehead in disbelief of what he had just said. Addy looked at her wine glass then at JP, then at Karen, then again at JP and she smiled. She knew she was being probed. She was drunk, but not that drunk. She really tolerated alcohol better than she led on.
“What’s not to like, JP? Look at her. She’s—,” Addy looked at those green eyes looking back at her, “gorgeous.”
JP raised his brows and looked at Karen. “Well, someone in New York also thought so and practically threw herself at her, but she wouldn’t do her. Do you suppose she might be in love with someone, and she’s keeping it a secret from us?”
Karen looked at JP almost in shock from his comment. Stunned, she quickly looked back at Addy for a reaction. Oh, shit!