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The Alien Bounty Hunters Complete Series: Books 1-8

Page 30

by Mills, Michele

  She let out a heavy sigh and scrubbed a hand over her face. “I’m sorry. That sounded bad, didn’t it? Like I’m using you or something. I didn’t mean it that way. Look, you don’t know what it’s like to live there. Everyone wants off that planet. You could ask almost anyone if they wanted off and they’d say yes. Even if it meant giving up status and possessions, if a person was allowed to take his family with him, he’d step on a ship today and leave New Earth. Every one of us would. Because remember that Hurlian snatching you rescued me from? Well, that happens like once a month somewhere on the planet. Everyone has a story of a family member or a friend who was snatched by the Hurlians. We are never able to successfully fight them off because it’s always surprise attacks, usually in the dead of night, but sometimes just like you saw, in broad daylight. Kayzon, they even take children.”

  She wasn’t able to stop the tears that had formed in her eyes. The heartache was too raw. Remembering the screaming terror of her neighbors as she’d watched their youngest daughter, a small child of five years old, being torn from her mother’s grip and carried off by monsters in red armor… This was a story she’d seen played out too many times in Singapore over the years, always wondering when someone in her own family would be next. In fact, yesterday, it would have been her. She would have been taken by the Hurlians if it hadn’t been for Kayzon. He was literally the only being she’d ever seen who was able to successfully fight off an attack from a Hurlian.

  He was a hero. How did he not know this about himself?

  He touched her hair, ran his fingers through it. “The Hurlians will not hurt you or your family ever again,” he said with a gentle tone.

  “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I am not just saying it. It is a vow of honor. They will not touch you ever again.”

  She could sense the finality of his statement.

  He reached out and ran a claw-tipped finger down the side of her cheek and cupped her face. Warmth bloomed inside her chest.

  “You are mine to protect. You are my Bride.”

  “But you don’t want a Bride.” She frowned. “If you aren’t with me, how can you know I’m safe?”

  His jaw clenched. He spoke through his fangs with forced restraint. “I am doing the best a warrior of honor is able to do. My actions are honorable. I care that you are temporarily mated to a warrior of no worth.”

  She gave a slight head shake, totally fucking confused. “You saved me. You just saved my entire family by giving them currency, and you even had the decency to send them a note, letting them know I was okay so not to worry. How can you be considered a warrior of no worth?”

  “I am not what you need,” he repeated for, like, the thousandth time. “But I give you my protection while I am able because you are my Bride. I will do that.”

  She grabbed his enormous biceps and held on. “I just want to stay with you and get to know you better. What’s wrong with that?”

  He bent down, and his nose went into her neck and he inhaled deeply. “I cannot control myself,” he said hoarsely.

  His giant paw was suddenly at her throat, claws tightening slightly, digging into her skin. She gasped. Her eyes flew to meet his.

  “Xylans claim their females,” he growled. “My urge to conquer is harsher than most. I prayed for the strength to stay away from you, to not touch your skin, to not want to stroke your pussy, and yet I still want it all. This is why I wanted you in isolation during your review. I cannot resist. You are human, you are too frail to physically resist customary Xylan mating.”

  Her pussy flooded with immediate heat. She swallowed through the hold he had on her throat, knowing she was wetter than wet and a little embarrassed at her speedy reaction. He prayed for the strength to resist her, and yet he still could not? Wow, never had any male ever wanted her this badly. She didn’t consider herself a beauty. No one did.

  But apparently Kayzon did.

  “I bit you, I’m not exactly weak or fragile,” she croaked.

  His nostrils flared. “You’re human,” he answered, loosening his hold on her neck.

  “You saw me fight. You know how I was at the claiming, in the forest. I’m stronger than most humans, I don’t know why, I was just born that way.”

  “If I stay with you during the review period I will not be able to keep my claws off of you. I will mate with you immediately.”

  She let go of the sheet she’d still been clutching. “Please,” she breathed.

  He answered with a small nod.

  His claws went to his trousers.

  She tingled all over, breathless with anticipation.

  He opened the top of his pants, pushed the fabric down, pulled out his very large shaft and started stroking his stiff erection. It was beautiful and intimidating at the same time. She couldn’t believe that thing had fit inside of her last night. No wonder it had hurt like hell at first. She was unbelievably turned on at the sight of Kayzon holding his hard cock, presenting it to her, seeing it in his own hand.

  She licked her lips. “Can I touch it?”

  “You can do whatever you like.”

  His cock was amazing. She could swear it was the size of her forearm. She gingerly ran her fingers up and down the length. It was so very soft to the touch, but hard as hell underneath. There was a bead of precum leaking out of the slit at the top. She’d never before seen a man’s cock. Never seen a human one or one that was hard. She had nothing to compare this to, but she was certain Kayzon had to be intimidating compared to other men. There were ridges running down the length of this cock starting just below the head. She remembered feeling those last night, not sure what it was that was increasing her enjoyment, but now she knew. The ridges reminded her of the ones on his forehead.

  His hand reached out and cupped her breast. She leaned into his claw. Both his hands were there, touching her. “You are so soft,” he breathed. His finger swept over a nipple and she gasped at the direct current of pleasure straight to her pussy. He played with her breasts, rubbing and pinching her nipples.

  She whimpered, not being able to handle the pleasure for one more second.

  “I want you here, against the wall.”

  She nodded in complete agreement. The floor, the bed, the wall…whatever, as long as his cock was inside of her, ASAP. That’s all that mattered.

  He lifted her up by the ass, and she automatically wrapped her legs around his hips. His hard cock was already stiff as hell and right there. The tip nudged at the entrance to her wet core. She was always wet for him.

  “I can’t wait, I need you now.”

  “Please,” she begged.

  His hips flexed as he thrust inside. She cried out as she took him. He pushed as deep as he could, hitting bottom.

  “You’re so tight,” he breathed.

  He wrapped one big, clawed hand around her hip, securing her before he slammed her back down on his cock. Her neck arched, and a moan escaped from her lips. She was so turned on, so mesmerized by his body and his touch and that cock that stretched her almost to the point of pain…she was literally going a bit insane. Every time he pulled out and forced himself back in, there was a ripple of edgy pain and a wave of sharp pleasure. And she loved it so very much. So much.

  He pulled her hips up, and she slipped in a little deeper. Her eyes practically rolled back into her head.

  He smiled, his fangs flashing bright white.

  He captured a nipple between his teeth and bit down, scoring her flesh. She moaned louder. A new current of pleasure flashed straight to her pussy. He continued to pump inside of her. She dug her fingers into his skin, her nails digging deep.

  His hand went to her throat again, holding tight. She could still breathe, but just barely. The edginess increased her pleasure. The domination, the possession. Fuck, she adored it. He crushed his lips on hers, fucking her while he kept that hand at her throat and his tongue in her mouth.

  The orgasm was right there, lurking just out of reach. She just needed a littl
e more…

  He reached down between their bodies “Come for me,” he hissed. “I want to watch and feel you come on my cock.”

  His hand left her throat and moved down her chest and stomach and delved into the point where their bodies jointed. His fingers stroked her clit, rubbing in exactly the right spot. Her breath flashed in and out of her chest. Close, so close. He continued to hammer inside of her. She ground against him, trying to get as close as possible. Then her world went blurry, the force of the orgasm blowing through her. He rode her relentlessly.

  “I’m coming,” she gasped.

  “That’s it. That’s it,” he rasped, holding her tight with both arms.

  He thrust one last time and held still, his harsh breath in her ear as his cock throbbed inside of her, his cum releasing, warm and wet.


  After their most recent bout of crazy, hungry lovemaking (at least she liked to think it was lovemaking) Kayzon swept her up into his arms and carried her to the shower, or the “cleansing unit,” as he called it.

  She tried not to think too much about the fact that he’d wanted to leave her alone to make her decision and instead focused on the fact that in reality he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of her.

  She hoped he continued to not be able to resist his own urges, because all she really wanted was to stay in his bunk and make love to him day and night. Maybe some breaks for nourishment and bathroom runs, and yeah, back to the love making.

  She looked closely at the cleansing unit he was carrying her to—the glass walls and the buttons with as many options as the toilet had. She still couldn’t believe the majesty of this small bathing unit. There was nothing to compare it with in Singapore. The unit in Kayzon’s ship was probably nicer than the one the President of New Earth used.

  Kia watched as her husband stripped out of his boots, tunic and trousers. She watched it all, not missing a single glorious movement. The beefy ass. The veins on his rugged forearms. The additional silvery scars that crossed over his chest. He stood up and stared down at her.

  She was naked before him, exposed in a way she hadn’t been before in her whole life. Last night she was still half dressed and it was dark. Earlier, in his quarters, there’d been the safety of the sheet and then their bodies smashed together in passion. She’d never stood openly naked in front of any man, letting him examine every detail of her body. It was weird. A wave of self-consciousness swept through her, and she started to cover her small chest with her arms.

  “Don’t,” Kayzon objected. One clawed hand reached forward and engulfed her breast; his other gripped her hip. His right palm moved possessively down her body. He reached behind and grabbed her ass, lifting her on her toes and pressing her stomach against his hardening shaft. A soft growl emanated from his chest.

  Oh wow. Her knees went weak.

  He pulled her into the shower with him and washed her gently, refusing to let her clean herself. This was fine because it was easier to gawk at all seven feet of towering muscled warrior. She was so grateful that he’d chilled on the whole being-by-himself-while-waiting-for-her-decision-on-the-review thing. Sitting in his quarters alone for the rest of the day and night, brooding over what decision to make when she was pretty darn sure she was going to choose to stay with him anyway…well, it sounded like torture.

  Water tripped down the ridges of his forehead and sluiced through the scar that slashed down his face. His ghostly white cybernetic eye stared at her unerringly, without an eyelid to mute the glow.

  She reached up to trace his cheek. His body stiffened. Claws snapped around her wrist and held her in a steely grip. His eyes searched her face. Eventually, he let go, and she continued her course, letting her fingers gently touch the scarred area. Curious, she noticed there wasn’t any stubble along his jaw or over his lips. He only had hair on his head, which when dry formed neat, shiny rows of brown-gold symmetry.

  Her fingers gently stroked the area around his scar and that glowing eye. “So you can’t ever upgrade to the most recent model, so that it won’t look…cybernetic?” she asked.

  “No, never,” he answered in that deep, rumbly voice she loved. “The latest models are made to look exactly like the owner’s original eye. I can afford and easily obtain this operation, but the outdated model I was given permanently syncs with the user’s brain. I can never upgrade. It is impossible to disconnect this cybernetic eye from my brain stem without permanent damage that would result in death.

  She crinkled her nose. “That sucks.”

  “I agree.”

  She continued to gently stroke his face. He sighed and closed his eye, leaning into her. His ridges made his “eyebrows” more pronounced, his hazel eye darker and his countenance grim. But his lips were perfectly formed, with a bit of sexy fang peeking out, and his whole face was actually very…

  “You’re handsome,” she murmured.

  His eye flicked open. His jaw clenched. Anger flashed in the one dark orb. “I scare small offspring. Beings scream at the sight of my features. On missions I usually keep my helmet closed to cover my deformities.”

  She swallowed against the lump in her throat. “You’re handsome,” she repeated firmly.

  She took deep breaths, trying not to think of the unfairness of how he’d been treated. He was a good man and it pissed her off to think of him being tormented for an exterior he had no ability to control. Her whole life she’d hidden her real self, trying to fit in and not stand out. And all he did was stand out. She shivered thinking of how cruel humans could be about anything different within their own species. She could imagine how his species treated him.

  Kia continued to touch, to explore. She moved beyond his face. The cleaning unit continued to spray down water, making him slick and impossibly gorgeous. His skin was darker than any human she’d ever met, and so beautiful. His shoulders were wide enough to block the sun. Her fingers trailed across the bumps of his washboard abs. His cock tapped at her, begging for attention. And, well, giving Kayzon’s cock attention was no hardship.

  She grinned, and before she could lose her nerve, she dropped to her knees in the shower. The water rained down his back, leaving her a relatively dry space to do her work.

  “Kia,” he growled.

  The doubt on his face turned to dark passion the moment she grabbed his cock. She wrapped her fingers around every throbbing inch, her fingers unable to meet all the way around his thick shaft.

  His breath hitched.

  In actuality, she had no freaking idea what she was doing. She’d heard girls talking of blow jobs, knew they happened and what they were, but she’d never given one in her life. But she was certain Kayzon had never experienced one either. She licked her lips, her heart racing with excitement. She had to believe enthusiasm would count for a lot in this situation.

  All that powerful muscle and wet, male skin made her head spin. To be truthful, she’d been thinking naughty thoughts of his gorgeous ridged cock, and of licking those edges with her tongue, since the moment she saw him naked in the moonlight on the banks of that river.

  His hips flexed as she began to pull on the length of his shaft, feeling with her thumb the small ridges that gave her so much enjoyment. They started off small at the base and became slightly bigger and more pronounced just below the crown. The texture was incredible. His cock seemed to have been fashioned explicitly for her pleasure. Cum beaded at his slit and began to slide down the head. It trailed onto the top of her fingers, the back of her wrist. Her mouth watered.

  She licked her lips again, eager to taste him. He moaned above her as she guided the tip of his shaft into her mouth. She lavished it with wet caresses and began to suck hard.

  “Take more of me,” he growled.

  She obeyed, lifting her chin and widening her lips. His fingers threaded through her hair, holding her head steady as he pumped into her mouth, meeting her halfway. Her pussy became impossibly wetter at the slight pricks of pain and the domination and power in his voice. She
took as much of him as she could, bobbing her head to the sweep of his push and withdrawal.

  “Harder. I love fucking your tight mouth,” he groaned.

  Kayzon was a quiet warrior. But wow, she was learning he was a male who liked to talk dirty.

  His hips sped up, and she did her best to hold on and stay with him. She tightened her hold on his slick shaft, pulling as he’d asked, and sucking as hard as her mouth would allow, focused on giving this to him. His abs and his thighs trembled as he jerked in a rough rhythm.

  He looked down. “Do you want my seed?”

  She answered him by continuing to suck harder. His threw his head back and roared as his release spurted hot in her mouth. His cock pulsed and she swallowed all of it, and it was a lot.

  He bent and lifted her up as if she were light as a feather, stepped forward and braced her against the wall of the shower. He pushed two of his claws into her pussy. Then he began plunging them in, pumping and hitting a spot that was about to bring her to instant orgasm.

  She grabbed on to his biceps, digging her nails into his skin. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

  It was winding, tighter and tighter. He bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth, biting down on the bud. And then it burst. And she screamed out the pleasure that was hitting her in waves.

  He touched his forehead against hers. “I can’t keep my claws off of you,” he admitted.

  Knowing that she did this, she had the power to make this enormous, powerful warrior come undone…she grinned. “No worries. I can’t keep my hands off of you either.”

  His ridges moved up, making him look surprised. She grabbed on to his ginormous biceps and leaned in, giving him a passionate but loving kiss, trying her best to tell him, to convince him that she thought he was the one. The man she wanted to stay with forever.

  She just had to convince him. Somehow.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist, drew her close to his side and pressed a button. A torrent of wind blew her hair dry. She let out a squeak of surprise. Kayzon smiled at her, indulgently.


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