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Magic Touch

Page 3

by Jayda Marx

  A moment later, the door opened and Puck's face appeared. He looked left and right before noticing the flowers on the floor. He gasped and scooped up the bouquet. After reading the note, he took off down the hall and looked over the stair railing. He sighed when he found no one and came back to his open door.

  He took a big whiff of the flowers and cradled them to his chest. His smile grew wider as he read and reread the note tucked amongst the petals.

  "Thank you, Indigo," Puck whispered into what he'd see as an empty hallway, though he was looking right at me.

  "You're welcome, darling," I whispered back. "Happy birthday."

  He hugged his gift in both arms and disappeared into his apartment, wearing the most beautiful grin I'd ever seen.

  As soon as his door was shut, I ran my fingers along its frame, reciting incantations for protection and sweet dreams. Once I was convinced that Puck was safe, I turned to the opposite wall and traced a large circle there while calling forth a portal. I looked over my shoulder one last time before stepping through the shimmering passage.


  I strolled into my parents’ living room and the portal shrank and closed behind me. Now that I was back in my father’s presence, the enchantment he placed on me dissolved, and my reflection appeared in their mirror. My parents looked as though they’d been awaiting my arrival; they were seated together on their sofa wearing expectant expressions.

  “How did it go?” My mother asked as a greeting.

  “Incredible.” I sighed as I took a seat in front of them and divulged everything I’d learned about my beloved Puck; from the kindness he showed his elderly neighbor to what a hard worker he was at his job. I left out the part about me hexing the men who were giving my mate trouble into telling their most embarrassing secrets. I didn’t think they’d approve, though I didn’t regret it for a moment, especially after seeing how much joy it brought to Puck. I also didn’t tell my parents about leaving a gift for him, though I did describe his solo birthday celebration.

  “That’s terrible,” my mother insisted as her eyes grew misty. “He has no one?”

  “No family or friends as far as I could tell,” I answered with a sad smile. “He’s lonely and has been hurt in the past, yet he’s still so kind to those around him; his aura projects honesty and positivity. I thank Fate for pairing me with someone so genuine.”

  “It sounds like you’re quite smitten,” my father smiled. “Love forms quickly between fated mates.”

  My heart fluttered in my chest. “ believe that he is mine?” If I’d convinced them, it meant I could move forward with our bond.

  “The only person who can answer that is you,” my mother interjected. “How do you feel?”

  “I know it in my heart; Puck is mine. Just being around him sent my pulse racing and my soul calling out to him. He sensed me too. He said aloud that he felt a presence watching over him, and that he was comforted by it. I wasn’t sure if he’d feel the pull since he’s human, but he knew I was there without seeing me.”

  “That’s all we needed to hear,” my mother replied with a grin. “Puck must be very special to be the first human fated to a mage.”

  “He’s perfect,” I insisted, and both of their smiles widened.

  “Go to him tomorrow,” my father directed. For protection, no one was allowed to travel in or out of the coven territory at night. “Tell him of your identity and your intentions. Puck must understand and accept our culture before he is permitted within our borders.”

  My stomach tied into a knot. “What if he doesn’t understand?”

  “Our worlds are different,” my mother began, “But love is universal. Remember; Fate paired you together for a reason. Would she choose a mate who would reject you? You must place your trust in her and in your pairing.”

  “But for tonight, get some rest,” my father added. “Relax your mind and prepare for your visit tomorrow.”

  I stood up with a nod, even though I doubted sleep would find me. I was too excited about my formal meeting with Puck, when I could finally speak to him and feel his touch.

  “I’m so happy for you,” my mother said, standing from the sofa to wrap me in a hug.

  “We both are,” my father agreed, giving me an embrace of his own. “And I can’t wait to meet him.”

  I couldn’t wait to introduce Puck to everyone. I wanted him to feel the love and warmth of the whole coven; to finally be surrounded by people who cared about him. The coven was a family whose members only wanted the best for each other.

  I bid my parents goodnight and walked down the path to my own home, finding a visitor waiting for me in a chair on my porch. I waved at my best friend Jasper, who bounded toward me carrying a plastic container tucked under his arm.

  “There you are,” he sighed as he threw his free arm around my neck. “I’ve been so worried about you. Your mom told me you travelled to Warren, but wouldn’t tell me anything else except that it was for important business. Is everything okay? Are you okay?”

  Jasper was a sweet man, but he was also a top-notch worrier; especially when it came to me. We’d been best friends all of our lives and shared everything with one another. The uncertainty and secrecy of my trip was probably driving him crazy.

  I squeezed him around the middle and swung him in a circle as he laughed. Jasper was tall like me, but slim, and I could lift him with minimal effort. “Jasp, I have the most amazing news!” I placed him on his feet again and cocked an eyebrow at the container he held. “What’s in there?”

  “Dinner. I thought you might be hungry after your trip.” His thoughtfulness warmed my heart. Jasper always looked out for me; he was like my big brother, even though we were the same age.

  “You’re the best, you know that?” Jasper’s cheeks tinged pink at my words. “And yes, I’m starving; I haven’t eaten all day. Come inside and we’ll talk while we eat.” I led him onto my porch again and inside my home.

  “Here, you put this on plates and I’ll grab us some drinks,” he said, shoving the food into my hands. Then he hustled over to my refrigerator and dug out two cans of soda. We were completely comfortable in each other’s homes.

  “This smells delicious,” I raved as I scooped chicken breast and rice onto two dishes.

  “Thanks.” Jasper sat at my kitchen table and patted the seat beside him. “Now come tell me everything before I explode.”

  I chuckled and sat beside him, sliding a plate in front of him. I took a bite and hummed at the savory flavor. “This is so good.” Jasper circled his hands in a ‘get on with it’ motion, and I chuckled again. “Okay, okay; do you remember the door I told you about? From my dreams?”

  “Of course.”

  “Last night it opened.”

  His brown eyes widened. “Holy shit. Did you see what was inside?”

  “I did. Are you ready for this?” He nodded his head quickly. “It was my beloved. He came to me in a dream.”

  Jasper swallowed hard and cast his eyes away from mine. “Did...did you know him?”

  “No. I’d never seen him before; trust me, I would’ve remembered. He was gorgeous, Jasp. Even in a dream, he took my breath away.”

  “That’” He put his fork on the table and combed his fingers through his bright red hair. “So why did you go to Warren?”

  “To find him.” I shoved another delicious bite in my mouth. “He’s human.”

  “What?” I nodded and Jasper’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “That’s not possible. I knew it had to be a mistake.”

  “I know it sounds strange, but there’s no mistake. Puck is my beloved.”

  “Puck,” he scoffed, shoving away his plate. “Even his name suggests deceit.”

  “His name is enchanting and beautiful, just like him,” I bit back. I wouldn’t let anyone speak negatively of my mate, even my closest friend.

  “This is a trick; why can’t you see it? What did this Puck say to you?”

  “We didn’t spe
ak,” I admitted. Jasper threw his hand in the air and I added, “We didn’t have to; I felt our bond just by being near him.”

  “I can’t believe this.” He massaged both of his temples. “What did your parents say?”

  “That they can’t wait to meet him.” I too pushed my food away; this conversation cost me my appetite.

  “You plan on bringing him here?” He looked at me as though I’d lost my mind.

  “Of course I do; he’s my mate.”

  “He is not your mate!” Jasper exclaimed, slamming his fist onto the table. I flinched in alarm; I’d seen him get worked up before, but never at me. He leapt from the table and paced back and forth, shaking his head.

  I wanted to grab his shoulders and shake some sense into him; to demand why the hell he was acting like this. But I also wanted to preserve our friendship if I could. Something was bothering him deeply for him to be acting this way.

  I took a deep breath to calm my anger. "Jasp, we've all heard the stories about the hard times between mages and humans, but Puck is a good, honest man. I could feel it and I trust him. You don't have to be afraid."

  "I'm not afraid." Jasper turned to me with watery eyes. "You really don't get it, do you?" I had absolutely no clue what was happening, and shook my head slowly. Jasper huffed a humorless laugh.

  "I want to help, but I don't understand. Please just tell me what's wrong."

  "It was supposed to be me!" he exclaimed, throwing both arms into the air. "For the past decade, I've lit a candle every night and told the flame my desires. I've prayed that one day you'd wake up and feel the same way about me as I feel about you; that Fate was waiting for the right moment to reveal to us that we were meant to be together. I wanted all of our evening strolls and late night talks to mean something to you."

  I was thankful to be sitting down or I would have stumbled over from shock. I never would have guessed that he felt this way. I took a moment to gather my thoughts; though I didn't share his affections, I didn't want to hurt him.

  "Jasper, those things do mean something to me. I've always been able to talk to you about everything and I enjoy our time together. You're my closest friend in the world; you're like my brother."

  "Look me in the eye and tell me you thought of me as a brother that night under the willow tree."

  I blinked at him. "That night was over ten years ago, and we agreed it meant nothing." The night in question, Jasper and I had a deep conversation about our desire to meet our mates; many of our friends and other coven members had found their matches already and we were feeling sorry for ourselves. We shared a bottle of wine as we spoke and our judgement became clouded. Curious and lonely, we made a decision together to cross a boundary.

  It was just supposed to be a simple kiss. We wanted to see what we were missing and experience a desire of the flesh without having to wait any longer. But we didn't want to push things too far; carnal relations were meant to be shared only with fated mates. Our bodies were spiritual vessels, and sex was regarded as almost a religious experience. To share it with someone who wasn't your mate was an insult to the creator.

  So we drew a hard line between us of only a kiss. We respected each other's future relationship, but were greedy for the experience. The kiss started out innocently enough; just simple skin-to-skin contact, but quickly became more. Tongues battled and hands pawed. Heat rose within me and I wanted more, and Jasper pleaded for me to keep going.

  But when I unzipped his jeans, guilt seized my heart. Everything I was experiencing with him, I was taking away from my mate. I pushed him away and we agreed that we'd taken things too far; that alcohol and hormones had led to bad decisions. We never spoke of the incident again until now.

  "That day meant everything to me," Jasper continued. "I'd wanted your touch for so long. I wanted everything with you; I still do."

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing; from a young age, mages were told of their fated mate, and they waited for them with bated breath. It wasn’t that Fate took our choice away from us; she saw what each of us needed, and who would be our perfect match to complete us. Her pairing was a blessing not to be taken lightly. So why was he turning his back on it?

  My confusion must have shown on my face, because Jasper explained, “I know what I want; who I want, and it’s you. Your dream has to be a mistake. Maybe it's Fate punishing us for what we did; for not being patient when it came to our bonding."

  "Fate doesn't work that way," I argued. "And she doesn't make mistakes. When I met Puck, I knew without a doubt that he was mine. I could feel it; it was like my soul mended together and my heart swelled with love."

  Jasper's expression fell. "And you've never felt love for me?"

  "I feel a great deal of love for you, but as I said, as a friend and brother."

  "Think about that night together, and think hard. What did you feel then?"

  I didn't want to upset my friend, but he was leaving me no choice. I had to make him understand that I trusted Fate's pairing and that I'd never forsake Puck. "I felt guilt and shame," I answered quietly. "For giving into my physical urges and taking that moment away from my mate and me. Now that I've met him, my stomach burns with regret that I can't share every first with him. You and I agreed that night stemmed only from curiosity; if I'd known what it actually meant to you, I never would have consented. I don’t mean to hurt you with my words; you’re so important to me and I need you in my life, but not in a romantic way. My heart belongs to Puck, but I will always treasure our friendship.”

  Jasper’s eyes flashed with pain before they erupted with anger. His cheeks flushed until they matched his fiery hair. “This is a mistake, and you’ll see it soon enough.” He stomped out of my home and my first instinct was to run after him, but I let him go. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea of why I was chasing him. Plus, I thought it was best to give him time to calm down. He was hurting and he needed space. I knew that once he met his own mate, everything would make perfect sense to him, but until then, all I could do was hope that he cooled down and accepted what I told him. I really did need him in my life, and I didn’t want our friendship to end.

  As confused and troubled as I was about what just happened with Jasper, I couldn’t help but be excited about my future with Puck. In just a few short hours, I would face him uninhibited. I didn’t know what to expect; I was nervous about his reaction to my identity, unsure of his acceptance of my love, but desperate to see his sweet face again.

  I tossed my food away and headed into my bedroom to face what would surely be a sleepless night.

  Chapter Four


  I jolted awake, my chest heaving with ragged breaths and my body dripping with sweat. My hard cock ached, pulsing with the rapid beat of my heart. All night, I dreamed of a gorgeous man; he was tall and slim with long black hair, and had eyes just as black, though they weren’t frightening. They were dark and mysterious, but flickered with kindness.

  We didn’t do anything sexual in my dream; the man just smiled at me as he ran his fingers through my curly hair and down my cheek. He didn’t even speak and his touches were innocent, but it didn’t stop my body from reacting to him. All at once, he caused my soul to settle with comfort, my heart to swell with affection, and my blood to burn with desire.

  I still felt everything as strongly as if he were standing before me. I could still clearly see him in my mind’s eye, and as I focused on the memory of his sharp cheekbones and scruff covered jaws, my cock gave a twitch and a drop of pre-cum slid down my length.

  I slipped my hand beneath the covers and wrapped my fingers around my dick and squeezed, grunting at the pressure. As I slowly stroked myself through the thin cotton of my briefs, my fingers grew warm and wet from the steady stream that leaked out of my slit.

  I kicked off the sheets and my skin exploded with goosebumps, now bare to the cool air of the room. I shoved my underwear down to my knees and gripped my dick again, hissing at the skin-to-skin contact. I stroked mys
elf from root to tip, my palm gliding easily along my slick flesh.

  With each pump of my wrist, the image of my dream man became clearer in my mind and my blood burned hotter. He was fueling my lust and driving my need. I planted my heels into the mattress and humped up into my hand as I jacked myself as fast as possible. I needed release before my memory of the man faded away.

  I wanted to cry out his name; to call on the man giving me such pleasure, but I didn’t know it. My enraptured brain could only think of one name; “Indigo,” I whispered, and another thick stream of pre-cum escaped me. It was hard enough to believe that I had a secret admirer who left me such a beautiful gift the night before, and absolutely impossible for him and my mystery dream man to be one in the same, but the fantasy was exactly what I needed.

  “Oh Indigo, please,” I begged, my body trembling with more pleasure than I’d ever felt as I imagined it was his hand stroking me with his long, thin fingers. It was his hand that cupped my fuzzy balls and squeezed them gently, throwing me over the edge.

  “Indy!” I cried out as my cock erupted harder than ever before, painting me from my chin to my navel in thick, white gobs. My brain swam and my chest surged as I tried to come down from my high. I scrubbed a shaking hand over my face until my blurry vision cleared. “Holy shit,” I whispered into the quiet room.

  Once I was positive I could stand up without passing out, I stumbled into the bathroom and started a hot shower. As I was scrubbing the spunk from my chest, embarrassment washed over me. I just jerked off to an imaginary man. That statement pretty much summed up my sexual experience, as no real man had ever touched me, but getting so worked up and attached to someone I’d seen in a dream was a new low for me. God, I’m pathetic.

  I turned off the water once I was clean and stepped out onto the bath mat to run a towel over my springy curls. I dried my body and wrapped the white towel around my waist. On my way back to the bedroom to collect some clothing, my attention was caught by the gorgeous blue rose bouquet on my kitchen counter.


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