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Magic Touch

Page 6

by Jayda Marx

  My heart swelled at his double meaning, and my throat once more grew too tight to thank him. Indigo winked again and lay back on the blanket. His hair fanned out around him as blossoms fell, giving him an ethereal look. That gives me an idea.

  "Stay right there," I instructed before rising from the ground and standing at his feet. Indigo looked confusedly at me and the flowers stopped falling. "No, no, keep them going." He did as I asked, nearly burying himself in blooms. "Okay, now spread your arms and legs." He still looked confused, but flapped his limbs up and down as I chuckled. "Okay, that's perfect." I held out my hands and heaved him to his feet, though he did most of the work. "Check it out; it's a flower angel."

  Indigo laughed as he looked over the silhouette on the ground. "Good lord, my angel has a fat head."

  I laughed so hard that I snorted. The sound wasn't cute, but Indigo's smile said he disagreed. "Your hair was blocking the flowers. It's not a fat head; it's a halo."

  "If you say so," he shrugged.

  I leaned my side into his and Indigo quickly wrapped his arm around my waist. "Thank you for bringing me here. I don't remember the last time I felt so relaxed or happy."

  "I always want to make you happy." I looked up to find him gazing down at me with such desire in his eyes it made my mouth water. "I'd really like to kiss you." My heart hammered in my ears and my breath stuttered in my chest. I couldn't speak and before I could even nod, Indigo sighed. "But first, there's something I must admit to you."

  My face went numb and cold. Things were going so well, it figured there was a catch. I took a step away from Indigo and his face fell.

  "Darling-" he reached for me, but I took another step back.

  "Just tell me." I wanted the truth before my imagination ran wild again.

  He took a deep breath and began, "Mages are meant to share every experience in life with their beloved. But about ten years ago, I was weak, tipsy and curious. I...I kissed another man. It meant nothing and I've regretted it every day since. I'm so sorry if I upset you and I pray you can forgive me."

  I blinked at him. "That's your confession?" He nodded and I sighed in relief as the feeling came back to my face. "Indigo, it's okay." I took his hand in mine and his eyes widened in disbelief, making me chuckle. I didn’t mean to laugh; our customs were different and this admission, though trivial to me, was obviously tearing him up. "I'm not upset."

  He slowly shook his head in shock. "I'm thrilled, but...why?"

  I smiled and squeezed his hand. "In my world, we have a saying that goes, 'Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince'. It means that it's rare to find your true love with the first person you have a relationship with; most people have to date around."

  "But I'm not most people," he argued. "I knew you were out there somewhere waiting for me and I still did what I did." It was sweet that Indigo was so devoted to me, but I didn't want him to be upset over one stupid kiss a decade ago. "I disrespected you and our relationship and I don't deserve your forgiveness so easil-"

  His words cut off when I gripped the lapels of his jacket and pulled him down, crashing our lips together. After tensing for a moment, Indigo relaxed against me and wrapped his arms around my hips, and I buried my fingers in his silky hair.

  Goosebumps exploded over my entire body and the hairs on my arms and neck stood up straight. Energy buzzed through my veins and danced across my skin. I’d never felt more alive. I wondered if Indigo felt it too, and he answered my silent question by moaning against my lips and pulling me tighter to his body.

  I opened my mouth slightly and he slipped the tip of his tongue past my lips. Our slick flesh glided together and it was my turn to moan. Indigo’s fingers pressed into my lower back and electricity crackled across his palms, heating my skin through my shirt.

  My pulse raced as our tongues twisted and tangled together. My cock thickened when Indigo licked against my cheeks and tickled the roof of my mouth. He squeezed me tightly and I felt his hard length pressing into my stomach.

  A shiver ran down my spine when a gust of wind swept by, and my hair flapped when the breeze picked up. I cracked my eyelids to see dogwood blossoms lift from the ground. They spun around, encircling us in a flower cocoon and separating us from the rest of the world. It was just Indigo and me, in our own personal sanctuary of bliss.

  I could have kissed him forever. I would happily spend the days of my life tasting his lips and sharing the warmth of his body. But Indigo slowly pulled his mouth from mine. I opened my eyelids fully and watched the flowers drift onto the ground. Indigo's dark eyes gazed into mine as we caught our breath.

  "Was your other kiss like that?" I asked once I could speak.

  "No, darling." Indigo combed through my curls, tousled from the magic wind. "I don't think there's ever been a kiss like that."

  I believed him. When I kissed him, I felt none of my natural insecurities or awkwardness; he chased them away with his love and lust. Kissing him felt right, like here in this moment was exactly where I was supposed to be, and Indigo was the only one I was supposed to be with.

  "Indy, will you just hold me for a while?" I'd never been so forward (except for maybe when I yanked him into our kiss), but I needed more of his touch. I craved his warmth and care.

  "It'd be my pleasure." He sat cross-legged on the grass and patted his thighs. When I settled myself on his lap, he wrapped the blanket around both of us and cuddled me tightly. I rested my head on his shoulder and soaked up the tenderness of the moment.

  We didn't speak, but we didn't need to; the loving way he held me and the sweet kisses he pressed to my head told me everything I needed to know.

  The sound of my stomach growling cut into our beautiful moment. "I'm sorry, I haven't eaten yet today."

  "No, I'm sorry; I came to your place so early because I couldn't wait to see you, but I interrupted your routine."

  "Trust me, I'm not complaining, but I would love to get something to eat with you."

  "I'd like that too." Indy gave me a hopeful smile. "Will you come to my village? I'll cook for you and show you around."

  "If I'm allowed, I'd love that."

  “Of course you’re allowed; you are my beloved. My people know how important you are to me, and I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to meet you.”

  “I’m so excited!” I squeezed Indy in a tight hug as he laughed.

  “You make me so happy, darling. Come; I can’t wait to show you my home.” We both stood and I watched in awe as he waved his hand to make the blanket disappear into thin air.

  “Are we going through another wormhole?” Never in my life did I think I’d say those words.

  “We could,” he answered, tipping his head back and forth. “But there’s something else I’d rather show you.”

  Chapter Seven


  Indigo took my hand and led me to an old gnarled tree. It was shorter than most of the others around us, and its branches were twisted and bare. It appeared unremarkable to me, but Indy gazed at it in reverence.

  “Is this tree special?” I asked, looking it over for any oddities.

  “Very. It serves as an entrance into my village.” I didn’t understand; there was nothing around us but more trees in every direction, as far as the eye could see. “Allow me to explain.” He reached inside the collar of his t-shirt and pulled out a pendant on the end of a chain.

  “That’s beautiful,” I said, pointing to the stone. It was polished smooth and marbled green and black. “I didn’t notice it when you took your shirt off earlier because, well...your shirt was off, and your body was pretty damn beautiful too.” My cheeks heated as I finished my thought.

  “Thank you, darling.” He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. “But I’m sure my body is no comparison to your own.” He was right; his body was in a whole different league than mine.

  “So, um, what does the necklace do?” I asked, changing the subject. I didn’t want to get into my shortcomings.

/>   “It is enchanted so that the wearer is recognized as a coven member and permitted within the village grounds. Not all mages have the power to create a portal, so another entrance into our territory was needed.”

  “And the tree is that entrance?” I was still baffled.

  Indigo gave me a smile and a wink. “Watch.” He knelt on the ground and pressed the stone to a knot in the wood, and green light illuminated the bark. He rested his hand against the trunk and recited:

  Inside your borders I reside

  Where my family and friends all hide

  Let me through this entrance old

  Your secret I’ll forever hold

  A hole appeared in the wood where Indigo held his necklace. He stood upright and I gasped when the trunk groaned and stretched. As the tree grew upward and out, the hole grew with it. Soon, I was able to see into the opening, but I didn’t find more trees as I expected. When I looked inside, I saw a winding path leading to little stone houses with thatched roofs. “Holy shit.”

  “We only have a few moments,” Indigo warned. He took my hand again and led me through the hole in the tree, which was large enough for both of us to fit through side by side without issue. When we stepped onto the cobblestone path, I whipped around in time to watch the tree trunk knit back together. There were trees to the right and left of us, but behind us was all the village.

  “I...I don’t understand,” I said, turning around again to face the homes in the distance. “I think I need to sit down again.” I fell backwards onto my ass and Indy was on his knees at my side a moment later.

  “Are you okay? You look pale.”

  “I’m okay; I’m just overwhelmed. There was a fucking forest here two minutes ago and now-” I waved my hands in front of me, motioning to the village. “What is this, an alternate universe or something?”

  “I’m afraid it’s not that exciting,” Indigo replied, rubbing his hand soothingly up and down my back. "The dense forest you saw beyond the entrance tree was just an illusion. The area is covered with a powerful enchantment which convinces humans who come upon it that the woods are much too dangerous to explore, and they leave without question." I didn't get that feeling, but I supposed it was because I was with Indigo and I felt safe. "The town will only reveal itself to those who hold a gem and know the entry spell."

  I rubbed my temples as I tried to wrap my mind around everything. I was balls deep in a hidden magical world and I wasn't sure how to process it all. I took deep, cleansing breaths as Indy continued to soothe me.

  "Thank you," I told him gratefully, and he looked at me in confusion. "For being patient with me." This was his normal, but he didn't judge me or laugh at me for being overwhelmed.

  "Puck, I know this is all new to you," he replied with a tender smile. "It will take some getting used to, and I thank you for being so open minded and accepting."

  "You're incredible." I wrapped him in a tight hug and whispered in his ear, "Something has been brewing inside me since the moment I saw you in my dream. I don't fully understand it and I'm admittedly a little scared of it, but I don't want to fight it." I took one more breath and repeated his words from earlier; "I adore you."

  Indigo cupped my cheeks in his hands and gazed into my eyes. He slowly pulled me towards him and pressed his lips to mine. Our sweet kiss turned heated quickly; our tongues lapped at one another and we grabbed hungrily at each other's body. Indigo pulled me so closely that I could feel his heart beating against my own chest.

  "I take it this is your mate," an unimpressed voice sounded. I turned away from Indy quickly to see a tall, thin man with red hair watching us with a sneer. "I don't know what else would have you in the mud behaving like an animal in heat." Oh shit.

  Indigo jumped to his feet and stood toe to toe with the man. "Jasper, our friendship doesn't grant you the right to disrespect me or my beloved."

  "You disrespect yourself by being seen with this human." Jasper gave me a hateful look before shouldering past Indigo, casting a portal, and disappearing.

  "I'm so sorry," Indigo told me once Jasper was gone. He offered me his hand and pulled me onto my feet.

  "Maybe this was a bad idea," I lamented, stepping closer to the tree. "That wasn't exactly a warm welcome, and he's your friend. Maybe I shouldn't be here."

  "Puck, please." He took my hand and gently kissed my knuckles, instantly calming me. "I assure you no one else shares Jasper's prejudices." He sighed and scrubbed his hand over his face. "He's the man I kissed. And I recently learned that it meant more to him than it did to me."

  I widened my eyes at him and tossed my hands up. "That's the part you should have told me! Another man is in love with you; don't you think I should get some warning?"

  "You're right; I'm sorry," he offered, lowering his head.

  "And why the hell is he in love with you? I thought you said all mages had a mate!"

  "We do, but-"

  "Oh god." My face went cold and clammy and I clutched my chest. "Are there, like, multiple mates? Do I have to share you? Because I can't do it, Indy. I'm sorry, but that kind of relationship isn't for me. As much as I want to be with you, I can't-"

  "Shh, shh," he pacified, resting his hands on my shoulders. Once again, his touch relaxed me. "There are many homes here filled with mages who have multiple mates-"

  "Jesus." My knees went weak and Indigo captured me around my waist. If that type of relationship worked for someone else, more power to them, but it wasn't for me.

  "But darling, they knew that would be their destiny. They had a need inside them that could only be met by their mates. They knew from the beginning that they'd be fated to more than one person, and that is their desire. They'd be incomplete without them. But you are my one and only. You alone hold my heart. I think Jasper is just confused and lonely. When he meets his own mate, the feelings he believes he has for me will be no more than a wisp in the wind."

  I nodded and hugged him back around his neck. "I should have told you," he continued. "I wasn't trying to hide anything from you; it meant nothing and I just wasn't thinking."

  "I know, and I trust you." I nuzzled my face into his neck. "There aren't any more surprises waiting here for me though, right?"

  "I swear it." He stepped back and took my hand. "Let's go home and I'll fix us something to eat." I nodded and walked along the path with him, trying to understand why I was so excited over the way it sounded as if he referred to his home as mine too. I'd known the man for hours, so why did I have a burning need in my gut to share his space and never leave his side?

  The village was exactly as Indigo described; quaint stone homes lined each side of the walkway, and almost every residence had its own garden. Many people were outside either tilling the earth, visiting their neighbors, or watching their children play. Many people waved to us as we passed, and my nerves about being welcome in the town settled.

  Two women emerged from a house and approached us with wide smiles on their faces. One was tall with long blonde hair, and the other was a head shorter with striking black curls, but they were both quite pretty.

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” Indigo greeted them with a slight bow of his head.

  “Good afternoon,” the blonde woman replied before the duo gave their attention to me. “You must be Puck. We’ve been so eager to meet you.”

  “ have?” I asked in surprise.

  “Oh yes,” the brunette answered. “We visited with the Head Priestess this morning and she told us all about her new son-in-law who would be coming today.” My heart beat wildly at her words. “She’s telling everyone she sees about her son’s extra-special human mate.” She smiled at Indigo. “You must be very proud.”

  “I am,” he answered firmly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “My beloved is sweet, funny and very special indeed. I’m a lucky man.” I bit my lip to keep myself from going all giggly schoolgirl.

  The blonde woman sighed and put her hand on her chest. “That’s beautiful. And if I may say
so, you two make quite a handsome couple.”

  “Thank you, Miss…?” I started, and her eyes widened.

  “Oh my goodness, where are my manners? My name is Clarissa, and this is my mate Eden.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you both,” I told them, shaking each of their hands. “Are you friends of Indy’s?”

  “We are,” Eden replied, and I smiled, glad to have at least a couple of his friends who didn’t loathe my existence. “We’ve known Indigo since he was just a baby.”

  “Really? It’s fun to meet people he grew up with.” Maybe they could tell me embarrassing stories about when Indy was young.

  Clarissa draped her hand over her forehead. “Oh my, you are quite the charmer.” She and Eden giggled together, and I looked at Indigo in confusion. He just winked at me, and I hoped that meant he’d explain later.

  “Clarissa and Eden are both very powerful healers,” Indigo informed me, changing the puzzling topic. “They’ve cured almost all of our people at some point, from everything from the flu to measles to some diseases we couldn’t even identify.”

  “That’s amazing,” I told them, though Eden tried to wave me off. “No, I mean it; you both must be incredibly gifted, and also incredibly kind to use your gifts to help your people.”

  “You’re right, Indigo,” Clarissa said, though she didn’t take her sparkling green eyes from me. “He is sweet.” She put her hand on my shoulder and I tensed when she leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Thank you, Puck. I’m honored that you’re here with us. Our coven is lucky to have you.”

  Eden gave me a cheek kiss of her own and said similar words. When I looked over at Indy, his chest was puffed out and he looked like he may explode with pride. My insides went all warm and tingly.

  “Oh, there’s one more thing before we leave you to get settled,” Eden said. She opened the satchel at her side and pulled out a cloth bag which was tied shut with a cord. “It’s a gift for you, Puck,” she explained as she handed the bag to me. “It’s a palo santo bundle; Indigo can show you how to use it to smudge your home, and it will welcome creativity, love and good fortune into the space you two share.”


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