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Dragon's Love: A SciFi Alien Baby Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 3)

Page 10

by Miranda Martin

  I can't let them get to her. I push off with my legs as hard as I can and spread my wings. The wind whistles as I flip over doing a backwards somersault in mid-air. As my feet come back to below me I close my wings and drop like a rock landing on top of the pirate furthest from Amara.

  Burning laser shots whistle pass me as I crash into the man. The other one is fast enough to have gotten off two shots before I land. The one I drop on collapses beneath me in a heap. I whirl towards the one still standing. He has his weapon aimed at me. I leap for him in the space of a breath.

  A laser burns past my ear as he fires. I reach for his gun, my hand is almost there, then I'm stopped and falling. Something has my foot. I slam into the ground, hard, the breathe knocked out of me. I gasp for air that won't come. Looking back, the other pirate I thought was out is climbing to his feet. He has my ankle gripped in his hand and jerks, pulling me across the ground.

  Flipping onto my back I kick at him but he dodges. He laughs, or it sounds like a laugh, but I have a surprise for him. I lash low with my tail taking his legs out. Curling into a ball I throw my feet out and push off with my hands launching to my feet. I land in a crouch as the pirate rolls away.

  He scrambles out of my reach then rolls over to his feet. We circle each other as I move so that he's between the other Zzlo and me. He makes more guttural sounds like grinding rocks. He feints in and I move back then he ducks low. The other pirate shoots at me but I'm ready for that, ducking low to keep his partner as a shield between us.

  In a burst of speed I rush the pirate. I'm bigger than him and bring my weight to bear forcing him down. He brings a knee up into my gut causing me to loosen my grip and cry out in pain. I push past it bringing my fist up under the pirate's jaw. His teeth crack together when it hits and his head rocks back on his shoulders. He stumbles backwards but Amara yells.

  Looking past the pirate in front of me she hits the other one over the head with a large stick. While I admire her bravery he's wearing a helmet and the stick shatters against it without giving him pause. He whirls on her, swinging his fist which connects with the side of her head. Amara flies and crashes in a limp heap.

  Fog encloses me as rage roars, consuming my thoughts. I give myself over to the bijass. Grabbing the pirate in front of me I see his eyes widen in surprise as I hiss. I lift him off his feet and over my head. He struggles and slips then falls onto my head. He punches me, over and over, but I don't feel the pain. Amara lies on the ground a few feet away. She moves backwards as the other pirate closes with her.

  "RUN!" I scream.

  I grab the man in my arms again. We struggle against each other until he breaks his way free. I push past him going after the one that is threatening Amara. It's a mistake. The pirate slams something into my back throwing me forward. Pain pulses with the fog that embraces me. It only serves to fuel the rage. I have to save her.

  The pirate in front of me is reaching for Amara. Time slows. The pirate's hand reaches for her one beating of my hearts at a time. I'm running through thick air. One step, another, I'm close. My fingers stretch for him, I'll stop him, she is mine!

  Something hits my back. A weight dragging me down. Arms lock around my throat pulling back, cutting off all air. Grabbing them I try to break the hold but I can't get a grip. Blackness encroaches on my vision as the need for air grows. I give up trying to grip the arms and slam an elbow back into my assailant. He grunts and I strike again then again. His grip loosens and blessed air burns its way into my lungs.

  The other pirate jerks Amara to her feet by her arm. She's limp, her head lolling side to side. The rage becomes all consuming. Muscles tremble as adrenaline pumps through me. They've hurt her. They will pay!

  Arms clasp around me, pressing my wings tight and restraining my arms. I lean forward pulling him with me. He moves his feet to keep his balance and I bring my tail up between his legs slamming it into his crotch. He screams in pain and shock. His armor absorbs some of the impact but not enough. His grip loosens, and he drops to the ground in a fetal position rocking side to side.

  The one holding Amara jerks her in front of himself and pulls his gun, holding it to her head. We lock eyes. His dead, empty eyes are soulless. All he cares about is his own survival. He grunts, motioning with his head but the gun never wavers. Amara moans then her eyelids flutter. My heart leaps even as my blood boils. She's coming around.

  "Wha-" Amara starts, then the pirate pulls his arm around her neck tighter pressing the gun closer.

  Her eyes widen and her mouth forms an O. She looks at me but I keep my focus on him. One mistake. Any opening. I'll find it. I will save her.

  One moment stretches into another. Our standoff continues. My tail shifts back and forth, my wings rustle, I force my balled hands to relax. Rising from my crouch I hold my hands out in front of myself, palms up. He looks from my hands to my eyes then back at my hands. The gun moves away from her head. An inch, no more, but it's enough. I leap.

  He reacts pulling the gun from her and aiming at me. Its instinct and what I wanted him to do. The gun fires and blazing electricity cuts through the air. I turn my shoulder into it and take the shot. My left arm goes numb and falls useless to my side. Amara, alert, beautiful and brilliant, spins; tripping and falling free of his loosened grip.

  I hit him, my right shoulder connects with his neck snapping his head back. Rage. All consuming. He hurt her. His fists pound my head forcing me backwards. My left side is useless, feeling nothing. I swing and he ducks.

  "Shidan!" Amara screams.

  A knife appears in his hand. He moves away from Amara as the two of us circle each other. He slashes the air with the knife, a long blade with a wicked jagged side. A slow grin spreads across his face. My hearts beat faster as rage rises higher. Red tinges my vision and it narrows until there is only him. He slashes a feint forward and I move, stepping to the side. Turning, I slam into him with my numb left side.

  He tries to bring his knife back between us but I'm too quick. He's thrown off balance, stumbling. Pressing the attack I grab his arm and pull him back. He tries to plant his feet but I heave, jerking him closer. Just beyond I see Amara. Her face swells from bruising, tears are in her eyes, and her torn shirt reveals a patch of delicate, soft skin.

  The pirate swings at me with his free arm. I duck under it, jerking down on the arm in my grip. There's a loud pop as his shoulder dislocates and he cries out in pain. He convulses and the knife in his other hand drops. I lose my grip and he slips out, diving for the gun. I can't stop him so I dive for the knife.

  Rolling, I grab the weapon, landing in a crouch. The pirate is running for the gun. I leap, spreading my wings. I'm off balance. My left side is tingling with numbness. Raising the knife I fly and slam into him as I land, driving the knife home. He grunts, then goes limp as it plunges through his space armor. Rage consumes me and I stab him over and over. Rising, covered in gore, I spin around. The other pirate lies limp with his head at an odd angle.

  Amara rises to her feet looking at me with a mix of fear and admiration. Dropping the knife I close the gap between us and take her in my arms, lifting her off her feet. Our lips meet with bruising force. My prime penis pounds with need as it presses hard against her middle. Instinct, primal need, blended by rage and the bijass. She doesn't resist. Her body melds to mine. She is mine. No one can hurt her.

  Chapter Thirteen


  No one has ever stood up for me like that. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead or worse. My skin tingles, butterflies in my stomach, and everywhere he touches me a fire burns.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and we spin a slow circle as he holds me up off my feet. My heart pounds in my chest. As the fear and adrenaline subside, my mind clears and I pull back from the kiss. Our eyes lock for an instant then he pushes in for another. I pull back but he doesn't stop. I try to hold him back with my arms but he pushes past them and takes the kiss. His lips against mine. Nice, but no, I will not let him force himself on me.
  "No," I say, breaking the kiss again and pushing against his shoulders.

  He doesn't listen. He kisses me again despite my efforts to stop. I set my feet back on the ground and brace them. When I break the kiss this time I push, hard. He stumbles back, eyes widening, then his foot catches on a limb. He falls backwards with his arms pinwheeling. I reach for him but too late. He falls into the water of the oasis with a loud splash. He rises spluttering and I can't hold back my laughter. Anger flashes in his eyes and across his face then he looks down and shakes his head. When he looks up again, his eyes are clear.

  "I'm sorry lyutik," he says, but I'm still laughing.

  "You're all wet."

  He looks down and shrugs then he does the unexpected. He peels off his clothes. As he pulls his shirt up over his head his muscles ripple. The water runs across his scales catching sunlight and setting off a rainbow of sparkles. Desire hits like a rushing tide, pulling me under. My mouth turns dry as the fire in my core roars to life.

  Shidan wads the wet shirt up and tosses it with a splosh at my feet. He doesn't stop and I can't look away. The way his muscles ripple, the gleam of his scales, the burning desire in his eyes. His hands undo the fasten of his pants and they fall away.

  His cock is enormous and erect. It's different, exotic. Ridges run along the top, smooth raised mounds that march down to his pelvis where the largest ridge at the base of his cock protrudes. The ridges make me wonder how it would ever fit inside without causing damage. I know it works, I'm not the first human female that's mated with a Zmaj, but damn. And the size of it!

  It looks like it's as bigger around than my fist and almost as long as my forearm. I've never seen anything like it. The guys in my squad always thought it was fun to expose themselves when I was around to try and shock me. It was a game they played because I was the only girl but even the largest among them can't compare to Shidan.

  The water runs across his scaled chest and drips off his erection. Tearing my eyes from his cock, I look up. Something passes between us and I know he wants me. And I want him. I want his cock sliding in and filling me. I want to know what those ridges feel like.

  I grow wet thinking about it. Ignoring all the reasons not to, I walk into the water. He smiles as I come closer then reaches out. Rising onto my toes our lips meet as his arms engulf me. I moan into the kiss. His cock digs into my stomach, crushed between us.

  His tongue pierces my lips, forcing its way in.

  Doubt rises in my mind. I shouldn't do this. It's wrong, I can't use him like this. I can't be what he wants me to be.

  He grabs my ass and squeezes, pulling my cheeks apart. Fingers graze between my legs and I shiver, squashing any further doubts.

  Hands roam around my ass and up my back. Reaching down, I grab my shirt and pull it over my head, leaning back. His eyes go to my tits and widen in surprise. An instance of self-consciousness hits me.

  "Amazing," he says, his voice filled with awe.

  A flush races across my skin. I toss the shirt towards land and he pulls me up higher. Wrapping my legs around his waist I thrust my chest forward. His mouth is hot and his tongue flicks my nipple. He holds me up with one arm around my waist the other hand plays with my free nipple. Electric jolts pulse from the hard point in his mouth pounding into my core. Nothing has ever felt better.

  Closing my eyes I lean my head back. He carries us deeper into the water while his mouth moves on my breast. He circles my nipples, sucks, and then pulls back. A moan escapes my lips. He's amazing. The warm water touches my legs as he walks us in until it's up to my ass.

  I want him inside. My clitoris throbs with need. Running my hands along his face while he continues to lick my tits I grind against him. I need more.

  "Shidan," I gasp.

  He looks up, desire burning in his eyes. I reach a hand underneath myself and stroke along his cock. It jumps under my touch and the fire in his eyes burns hotter. He lowers me to my feet. The warm water climbs my legs as he sets me down. As it touches my pussy it feels so good I almost orgasm.

  He takes my head between his hands and I lean back into his kiss. Our tongues dance together while I squirm out of my pants. The water makes it difficult but I manage and toss them to land with my shirt. Shidan's hand passes down across my breasts and cups my pussy. He massages the lips without penetrating and once more I'm moaning into his kiss. He teases my body like an expert. My desire builds until every nerve is on fire.

  Grabbing his cock I stroke it up and down focusing my attention on the underside. The top ridges are hard but the underside is the silkiest thing I've ever felt. He groans and his hips thrust back and forth. His finger pushes inside my pussy and I shudder.

  He hooks his finger, and it grazes my clit with each push in and out. An orgasm builds as my core winds tighter. I don't know how much more of this I can stand. I've needed nothing more in my life, I want his cock.

  I jump up and wrap my legs around him, splashing water. Shidan catches me and his hands hook under my legs to hold me without breaking our kiss. I lower myself down until I feel the head of his cock at my opening. I push down until the first ridge causes resistance. Just the head of his cock feels amazing, but it's not enough.

  We're surrounded by warm, lubricating water. It helps as he pushes deeper, his kiss gentle but insistent. I pant as I slide lower, taking him further inside. The first ridge enters. It drags across my clitoris and I tremble with pleasure.

  Weakness and desire assault me until in one sudden motion I slide down onto his cock taking him all the way in. The hard ridge on his pelvis push past my protective folds and the largest ridge at the base of his penis crushes into my clit. The pleasure is like a bomb. He thrusts up once and I lose myself, my orgasm wracks my body and I clench my legs tighter around Shidan.

  I feel his cock pulse inside, filling me, he's just as incapable of holding back as I am. I'm left breathless in his arms. His cock softens so I pull myself up by wrapping my arms around his neck to steady myself. It leaves an emptiness behind as his cock leaves my pussy but it's a satisfying emptiness. As I let myself back down I'm surprised to feel his erection is back in full. I open my eyes to see his smiling face.

  "Seriously?" I ask, laughing.

  "That was only one," he says, like that explains everything.


  "Of my cocks."

  "How many do you have?" I ask in shock.

  "Two, do human men not?"

  I shake my head, unable to form words but my body is already responding to him. You'd think Calista or Jolie would have mentioned two cocks! He pistons in and I clench my fists in his hair, gasping. This time we go slower. Connecting and letting the sensations and pleasure build.

  His cock slides in, easier this time, my body has adjusted to his unusual anatomy. The ridges increase my pleasure. Each time they pass it pulls on my clitoris, brushing it, heightening the sensations of sex. My breath comes in gasps that match Shidan's as our foreheads are pressed together. We share breath as his large hands cup my ass, lifting and thrusting me on his cock.

  Would it be so bad to have a man who cares for me? Who would treasure me like no other? I want to. I want to let him in, to give myself to him but some part of me still holds back. I care for him. I can't deny it even to myself anymore, but can I let him be my protector?

  For now, in this moment, I forget all that. A small part of me remains locked away. I can't be the woman he seems to want. I'm not weak but damn if he isn't the best lover I've ever had.

  Shidan nips my lower lip with his teeth, pulling all my attention back to the moment. He grunts and clenches my ass, slamming me harder and faster. The base ridge grinds my clit and a stronger orgasm than I've ever felt locks my body. I mewl into his mouth as I lock my arms around his head, panting into his neck as every muscle I have spasms. I slowly grind as the last moments of pleasure clenching deep inside milk Shidan's orgasm from his cock. He screams my name as he comes. Satisfaction fills me as we kiss then extricate ou
rselves from each other.

  Chapter Fourteen


  A strange feeling swells in my stomach and out through my limbs. My tail twitches, my wings flutter, it's as if there's an itch I can't scratch. Watching Amara wring the water from her clothes before putting them on makes me feel this way. She is mine and I am hers. Joining with her was even better than I imagined. The connection between us is strong, alive, and vibrant.

  I splash warm water up and across my chest and face then climb out. It pleases me when I notice her glancing at my cock. A smile plays around the corner of her lips then she shakes her head. I've known since the moment I saw her outside the dome that she's mine. It was a certainty that filled me and hasn't left since. It took time but none of that matters. She's more than worth the wait.

  I've never met a stronger woman. My face is becoming sore because I can't stop my smile. It's stretching the muscles beyond anything I've experienced before. I pull my clothes on but I can't take my eyes off of her. The wet clothes cling to her body accenting her curves and the soft mounds of her breasts. So strange, her breasts. Strange, exotic and erotic. Her hard nipples poke through the shirt, outlined by dampness. My mouth waters with the desire to roll my tongue around them. My prime penis stiffens again. Amara glances over, sees where my gaze is, then the tenting of my pants.

  "Uh-uh," she says, shaking her head. "We've got a job to do, remember?"

  "Of course lyutik."

  We gather our supplies and walk. The suns are low in the sky and it will be dark soon. Traveling at night seems to have been a good idea. I would never have thought so but we've not run into any of the night hunters, so far at least.


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