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Waking Up Cuffed

Page 12

by Melissa Stevens

  He rolled over and dropped a kiss on her nose. “That wasn’t using, baby. That was something special.” He got up and went to use the facilities. While there he found a wash cloth and wet it before taking it back in the bedroom to help her clean up. Once that was done, he helped her into the bed, as they’d only made it as far as the top before, and slid in beside her. He pulled her into his arms and the last thing he remembered was he could get used to this. Sleeping with Hayley in his arms.

  Warren came awake slowly, vaguely aware something was off. It didn’t set off any alarms in his head, there was just something that wasn’t quite right. Opening his eyes, it was barely light in a room he didn’t recognize. It took a moment for his sleep fogged brain to remember the night before and that he wasn’t at home. He must have been comfortable to sleep hard enough to have such a rough time waking up. He started to scrub his hand over his face only to hear a clink and discover his hand was somehow bound. Looking up, he found his right hand cuffed to the bed frame over his head.

  Staring up at the arm, he frowned. He didn’t mind playing with cuffs in bed, but he couldn’t recall how it had gotten that way.

  “If I had my way, I’d keep you there, just like that until I got home tonight.”

  Warren turned his head to find Hayley standing in the bathroom door way in her underwear, a toothbrush in one hand.

  “When did you do this?”

  “A few minutes ago. You had one harm thrown over your head and it was too tempting to even try to resist.” She cocked one hip out and leaned against the door frame as she stood there, watching him. He lay there taking her in, her wet hair curling around her shoulders and the way the satin and lace cupped her body to perfection made his dick throb to buried inside her again.

  “How long have you been up?”

  “About half an hour.” Her gaze skimmed down his body and there was no doubt she’d noticed the sheet that barely covered his lower body starting to tent over his growing erection. “I wish I had time to put that to good use.”

  “Unlock me and we’ll see what I can do.”

  “Key’s on the nightstand beside you, but I’ve got to leave here in a little under an hour and I’ve still got a lot to do.” She turned and went back in the bathroom.

  Twisting around, he found the key where she said, snagged it with his left hand and fumbled to unlock the cuffs. He was amazed she’d been up for half an hour, moving around, showering and handcuffing him to the bed and he’d managed to sleep through it. Finally able to manage the cuffs, he shook his head. They looked like her police issue pair, and he really should have been a little faster with those, even with his left hand. He rolled out of bed and followed her in the bathroom. An hour. He could work with that. It wouldn’t be as spectacular as the night before but it could be good. For them both.

  Chapter 28

  Hayley had a hard time keeping the smile off her face as she went back in the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth. She suspected Warren would take the under an hour comment as a challenge and try to distract her for a good portion of it. That was okay. She’d known what he would most likely do when she’d made the comment. Hell, she’d planned it before she’d fetched the cuffs from her duty belt and cuffed him to the bed.

  She was bent over the sink, rinsing the toothpaste from her mouth when she felt him come up behind her. The erection she’d noticed before she’d walked away pressed the satin of her panties into her as it nestled between her cheeks. She couldn’t resist pressing back against him as the memory of the night before and the pleasure he’d brought her made her hips rock against him. Warren’s hands gripped her hips and pulled her more firmly against him.

  “You are so sexy.” He met her gaze in the mirror. She stood, leaning back against him to keep him pressed tight against her back side. He skimmed one hand up her stomach and ribcage to cover the satin and lace where her bra cupped her breast as he lowered his head and dropped small kisses on that sensitive spot behind her ear. “You make me want to bend you over this counter and take you right here,” he whispered. “It wouldn’t be thorough and gentle like last night but fast, hard and a little rough, but I bet you’d like that.”

  Hayley’s breath caught in her throat and for a moment all she could do was nod.

  “Do it,” she breathed when she could form words again.

  “You sure?”

  Instead of answering she pulled a condom from the drawer beside her and handed it back to him. This was exactly what she’d hoped for when she’d cuffed him to the bed earlier. The night before had been breathtaking and satisfying in its own way, but she loved the feeling of power that teasing him into giving her just what she was after gave him.

  His hands disappeared from her hips and she heard the foil packet tear. Impatient, she slipped her underwear off her hips. She couldn’t resist the urge to wiggle them at him. A moment later he was back, lining up against her entrance and slowly filling her as a hand in the middle of her back pushed her forward. Hayley bent over the counter bracing her hands on the edge of the sink as she fought the deep groan of pleasure as he sank deep. The hand on her back slid around and found a breast as his other gripped her hip and pulled her back snug against him as his body met hers.

  When he started moving inside her, she knew this wouldn’t take long. His hand on her breast tightened as he used it to help him move faster in and out of her. Her breath came quickly, and in only a few minutes she was desperate.

  “More,” she heard herself gasp, “harder.”

  Warren didn’t seem phased by her demands, or even care that they weren’t requests as he gave her what she wanted. What she needed.

  Desperate for more contact, she reached back for him and caught his wrist where he held her hip and held on tight. She needed him more than she needed air at the moment and somehow that struck her as wrong but no less true. She seemed to hover on that edge of release, almost there but not quite in reach for ages.

  “Please, please.” She knew she was begging. She didn’t care.

  Warren seemed to know exactly what she needed as his grip on her tightened, both on her hip and on her breast and that faint sting crossed the line from pain to pleasure thrusting her over the precipice into orgasm.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted her voice barely more than a whisper as her body seized and clamped down around him.

  Warren let out a low groan, shoved deep one more time and held her tight until the shuddering of both their bodies had stopped. “You’re gonna kill me woman,” he said as he carefully slid from her body, their breath still coming in ragged gasps. He disposed of the condom, stepped over to the shower and turned the water on before coming back to her. “Remember how I said it wouldn’t be as good as last night?”

  She met his gaze in the mirror and nodded, not yet sure she trusted herself to speak.

  “I was wrong. If it gets any better between us, it may kill us. But damn, I’ll die happy.” He didn’t wait for her to respond, instead climbing in the shower while she cleaned up in the sink and finished getting dressed for work.

  Chapter 29

  She was gone by the time Warren stepped out of the shower. He used the folded towel on the counter she’d left for him and dried off before putting the clothes he’d worn the night before back on and venturing out of the bedroom looking for her.

  He found her in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in one hand and a piece of toast smeared with peanut butter in the other.

  “There you are.” He wanted to move in and give her a good morning kiss, but suspected it would end up in them being distracted again, and making her even later. “I’m sorry I made you late.”

  “Liar. You don’t regret that one bit.” She shot him a satisfied smile. “But I’m not late, not yet.”

  A surge of pride shot through him as he knew he’d put that smile on her face. He wanted to do it again, and again, and again.

  He lifted one brow. “You planned that didn’t you? That’s why the cuffs.”

nbsp; “Maybe.” She smirked and he had no doubt it had been planned.

  “Got enough of that for me?” he nodded to her coffee cup.

  “Pot’s over there. Mugs are in the cabinet above it, sugar’s right there and milk in the fridge if you want it.”

  “Black’s good.” He went to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup, turning to lean back against the counter as he took a sip. “When do you really need to leave?”

  Hayley glanced at the clock on the stove. “In about ten minutes. I wasn’t lying about how much time I had. Just about how much I had to do first.” She watched him with eyes half lidded for a few seconds. “Or maybe I was just including you on my to do list.”

  Warren laughed. He liked her. He really liked her and her sense of humor. “What are your plans for tonight?”

  “Not much. Last night was more than I normally do during my work week, Saturday night too. That’s two nights with not much sleep in a row. I’ll probably come home, sit in front of the TV for a while then call it an early night. Why?”

  Warren shrugged. “I have no clue what time I’ll get away tonight, but I’d like to see you. I could bring dinner if it’s not too late.”

  Hayley was quiet a moment, watching him. “Why don’t I cook?”

  “I don’t want you to go to the trouble, especially when we don’t know when I’ll get off.”

  “It’s no trouble. I like to cook, remember? I’ll just make something that can sit without being ruined. You can let me know when you get off and come over then.” She was quiet. “Why don’t you bring Jake. My backyard’s fenced so if he needs out we can let him out there, and I feel bad about him being locked up two nights in a row.”

  “Are you sure?” Something inside Warren melted to know that she was worried about his dog. “I’m gonna go let him out and play with him some before I go in at noon, but I’m sure he’d love to meet you.”

  “I’m sure. Bring him. I’ll fix us something for dinner then you can see how lazy I am on work nights.”

  Warren chuckled and moved close. He couldn’t resist pulling her into his arms and giving her a quick kiss. “You? Lazy? I don’t believe it.” He did manage to keep from pulling her hair loose from the bun low on her neck she wore to work, but only barely.

  “Believe it. After the last two nights, I’ll probably be sound asleep before nine.”

  “I would be okay with that.” He dropped one last kiss behind her ear, sending a shiver through her, then picked his mug up and drained the last of the coffee. “Come on, you’ll be late.”

  “I know.” She set her own empty mug on the counter and headed for the front door where she picked up her duty belt, cuffs back where they belonged, and let them out.

  All the way back to his place, Warren hoped he wouldn’t be too late tonight, he looked forward to spending some quiet time with her before she was too tired to care. He yawned. He could use a little more sleep too. She wasn’t the only one low on sleep.

  Chapter 30

  Hayley stayed busy and her shift seemed to fly by. Before she knew it, it was quitting time and she was headed out the door. In the car she ran through what she needed at the store on her way home as her phone rang.

  “Hey, sis, what’s up?”

  “Not much. I didn’t hear from you last night so I thought I’d check in.”

  “I’m good. You?”

  “Tired. I went out with Stacy last night and we didn’t get in until late.”

  “You seem to be really hitting it off with him.”

  “I am. Tracy’s only in town for another week or so. I thought we could all go out again this week. Wednesday or Thursday, we don’t have to go to the Spur.”

  Hayley remained silent for a moment trying to figure out exactly what to say to her sister.

  “I know you don’t like, like him but he’s only in town for a little while and Stacy doesn’t want to leave him on his own. You’re my only hope to see Stacy.”

  “You’re right. I don’t dislike Tracy, but I don’t like him like that. That’s not what has me hesitating.”

  “Then what is it? It’s not like you’re seeing anyone else.”

  “Um. Actually. I am.”

  Denni’s squeal of delight echoed through the car speakers, nearly piercing Hayley’s ear drums.

  “Oh my god. Who?”

  “I’d rather not say, not yet.”

  “Damn. You’re dating someone in the department.”

  How had she figured that out so quickly?

  “I knew eventually one of them would break down your resolve on not dating any of them. How could they not, you work with a number of prime examples of the male gender. When do I get to meet him?”

  Hayley resisted the urge to beat her head against the steering wheel. There was no way she was telling her who it was yet. Why did Denni do this to her?

  “I’d just rather wait until I know if it’s going somewhere. If it doesn’t last then I don’t want to get your hopes up.”

  “How long have you been seeing him?”

  “Just last night, but we’ve known each other for a while.”

  “One date and you’re ready to give up all other men. That must have been one hell of a first date. When will you see him again?”

  Hayley hesitated, nut sure how much she wanted to tell her sister.


  “You’re seeing him tonight, aren’t you?” Denni seemed to know.

  Hayley bit back a groan. “That will depend on if he gets off on time, but that’s the plan.”

  “Interesting… very interesting.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have told me,” Her sister taunted.

  “I didn’t want to but you wouldn’t have accepted just a no.”

  Denni’s sigh echoed across the phone line. “You’re right. I would say we can make it a group thing, but you and whoever, me and Stacy then Tracy still leaves him the odd man out.”

  “How about you ask Marissa? She’d probably be happy to round out your little foursome.”

  “Ew, don’t call it that.”

  It was Hayley’s turn to sigh. “I didn’t mean it like that. You know that.” At another time she might find the phrase and her sister’s dislike of it funny but right now she was just glad to get Denni’s focus off her and Warren. “What about Marissa?” she reminded her sister of the suggestion she’d made before she’d used the phrase that seemed to set her off.

  “I guess I could invite her.” She didn’t seem all that enthused. “I’ve been trying to keep business and personal life more separate.”

  “But you didn’t mind inviting her out dancing when you went out with me a couple weeks ago.”

  “Yeah but that was just you.”

  Hayley shook her head. She didn’t have the patience to follow her sister’s reasoning and excuses today. She pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store and parked, staying in the driver’s seat for the moment.

  “I’m at the store. I’ve got to go.”

  “Store?” Denni fell silent a moment then gasped. “Are you cooking for him?”

  “I don’t have time for this right now.” She fought the urge to snap at her sister. “Go call Marissa. Hound her about her love life.”

  “I don’t have to hound her. She tells me every detail at work.”

  “Then she’ll probably be happy to go out and meet Tracy. He’s a good guy, just not the right guy for me.”

  “All right. I’ll let you go. But I’m not dropping this. I will find out who you’re seeing sooner or later.”

  “I know. Give me a little while for the new to wear off and I’ll tell you.” Well, she would if it lasted. If whatever was between her and Warren was a flash in the pan whether it just didn’t work or he turned out to be a total ass, then she’d never have to tell Denni.

  Never have to admit she’d been dating someone who was, just days before, one of her officers.

  “All right, I’ll gi
ve you a break. For now.”

  Hayley told her sister goodbye and hung up the call before going in the store to get what she needed for the dinner she’d planned.

  Hayley bopped around the kitchen to the music that was playing through the house as she finished washing the last of the dishes and wiping down the counters. Dinner had another forty-five minutes in the oven and she’d just received a text from Warren letting her know he was off work and headed to his place to pick up a couple things, including Jake. He said he’d be there in about half an hour. Things were going better than she’d hoped.

  She’d been half afraid that she’d make dinner, then sit alone in front of the TV until she fell asleep and he would be working until midnight. That he was off before seven surprised her but there was no way she would complain.

  Once she finished cleaning up, she took a quick shower and dressed in the cut off sweat pants and over-sized shirt she wore around the house. She briefly considered wearing something nicer, but decided that he might as well know what he was getting into. This outfit, or something similar was what she wore about ninety percent of the time she was home, so it was what he would get tonight. If he couldn’t handle it, it was better to know now, before she was too invested in the relationship.

  She’d just sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV when a knock sounded on the door. With a sigh, she got up and answered it, checking the window to make sure she knew who was on the other side first.

  “Perfect timing. I just turned the TV on,” she said as she opened the door.

  “Sounds great.”

  She stepped aside and let him in, the black lab on a leash at his side sniffed at her a couple times and wagged his tail. Hayley closed the door and held out one hand for Jake to sniff the back.

  “She’s okay,” Warren said to the dog.

  Jake licked the back of her hand once and she scratched him between the ears.


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