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ROMANCE: The Lion's Chosen Mate (Paranormal Lion Shapeshifter New Adult Contemporary Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Lion Romance)

Page 4

by Ann Evans

  But then after he got better at this, more people started flocking in and without a doubt, it became an incredible place to be. And just like that, Denis made sure that he was making millions on the side thanks to his family funding him. But the problem was that he had a womanizing problem. He just couldn’t get to settle down no matter how hard he tried, and that was why he chose to get busy with the gym.

  Despite the fact that he liked taking different women out, he knew that he was turning thirty-one the following year. And now that he was crossing over to the wrong side of thirty, he knew that Denis was going to be laced with lots of responsibilities and getting to settle down was going to be a prime move that he had to do. He had seen fellow billionaires screw up their lives, and now they were languishing in a dreadful place in life just because they went too far with being bad boys.

  And just as he was cleaning the gym after a long day of helping the elderly get in shape, someone paid him a visit.

  “Hey, didn’t you read the sign? We are closed woman. Go back from whence you came!” he smiled right before dropping the broom and hugging his longtime friend.

  “I know you want me gone. But I am sure after hearing what I have to tell you, you will be begging me to stay.” Said Florence with a smile on her face.

  “I see you are still sly as you have always been. So tell me, what you have in mind. And I do hope it's something very constructive or else I will have to kick you out.”

  “Jesus! Can you stop with the threats and offer a girl something to drink? Jesus Christ man! Ha-ha.”

  Denis and Florence had a very long history. It all began when Florence had an idea of starting a television show, and Denis was about to fund it when Nine-eleven happened. After losing his father to the terrorist attack, as they decided to call it because it wasn’t, Denis was so appalled to the point that he decided to join the army, dropping everything else including the project that they had with Florence.

  Florence was such an incredible opportunist. And so the moment when Denis left, she quickly jumped in bed with another billionaire who offered to sponsor the show. Denis only got to see her show from the war and was glad that Florence had made it to TV. But Florence wasn’t happy, and so she refused to see him when he got back from the war.

  She even didn’t want to pick his calls since she said that he sold her out, which wasn’t the case. And the next time that they got to see each other was at that moment.

  “So, what brings you here woman. Oh, and first of all, you look good.”

  “Thank you. And please, don’t flirt with me. I came here to give you a girl since it seems like you need a woman to help you take care of this dump.”

  “Dump? Come on! Look at how the gym is, state of the art is the word that came to your mind when you stepped through those doors. Don’t hate, appreciate!!!”

  They laughed and clinked their glasses in a toast and sipped on the vodka that Denis was already sipping on. And without further ado, Florence continued selling her manifesto without waiting for any more. Denis smiled as it reminded him just how they all started with their venture.

  “I know this girl, trust me, she is your type. And if you just get to know more about her, then you will be one helluva happy guy. Just take your time and get to meet her. And if you happen not to like her that much, then it's all good. I will be the first person to apologize and take it all back. I know what you want. So what do you say?”

  “Ok Florence, now that you know my life much more than I do, what do you propose? Where do you think I can find this incredibly amazing woman that would complete me and make sure that I am not a player anymore?”

  “And here I was thinking that you were never going to ask that question. Well, she is out there in the car waiting for you.”

  -Love at first sight-

  Damaris walked into the gym for the first time and looked around as though she was suspicious of something. And it wasn’t her fault since she had never stepped foot in a gym despite the fact that she looked lean as though she was a person who made a point of hitting the gym more often than not. It seemed the sight of hot people and thick metallic plates being dropped into the ground just looked like a health hazard – something that she didn’t want to be near.

  But anyway, it seemed as though Florence had a plan and since Damaris had given her the green light to mend her life, she also took an oath to let Florence do whatever the heck he wanted to do. In the end, Damaris agreed to shop for some gym apparel and get to meet her man of her dreams.

  She also had been told that the mysterious guy was also in the military, but then retired because he just didn’t get to understand the point of the violence. But at the end of the day, he chose to get to the country and get to use his military skills to get people fit for life. And that was just about all the information that she deliberated to her friend, sitting that the more she told her about Denis, the less mysterious he would become to her and in the end, nothing good would ever get out of that.

  And there she was, standing in the gym and trying to understand why on earth was she doing there, looking all shod in training clothes when she wasn’t even going to be training. And at that point, she was left with no other choice but to move towards the two who was talking about her as though she wasn’t even around.

  Then their eyes met, and Damaris almost fell due to the kind eye contact that the two had been having. He was the perfect man, judging from his physique all the way to how he was getting to carry himself. Denis, in other words, was the man of her dreams and since she was very much attracted to her, the only thing that she could have done at that moment was making sure that she was trying to maintain her calm.

  But the truth was that they were both having the same effect since Denis was having a difficult time talking to Florence while he was eyeing the girl as she was walking towards her. And in his mind, all he was thinking was that Florence had outdone herself. Damaris was simply the girl that he had been waiting for all his life, and if at all it meant having to stop being a bad boy just for her, then it wasn’t going to be a difficult problem to solve.

  But now the only problem was getting to seduce her and have her convinced that she was the right match for him.

  Yes, it was going to be a difficult nut to crack, but at the end of the day, all the right things in life came through lots of struggle which was more or less an important thing indeed. Florence, on the other hand, was just standing there smiling as she eyed the both of them. For sure, it was going to be a fascinating encounter, too bad she wasn’t going to be around to witness it all go down.

  “Well, in as much as I would like to stay and be your third wheel, I have places to be and people to see. If any of you get into trouble, you have my number.” And with that, Florence bounced, leaving the two of them looking very confused and not having any idea of what they were going to do. But thankfully, Denis was an alpha and a bad boy as well.

  That only meant that he wasn’t planning on showing just how nervous he was. But for a very long time, he had finally come across a woman who made him very nervous, and that meant that he liked her for sure.

  “Well, I don’t know what Florence told you about me and my business, but we are passed closing hours. But since I also happen to be the owner, I don’t see why I can’t bend the rules just a little.” Denis said right before taking her hand and kissing it, making Damaris melt a little.

  “Oh, trust me, training was the last thing I came here to do. Besides, all I wanted to do was just kickback and make sure that I get to meet you.”

  “So, what do you have in mind?”


  The walk was incredible. And that almost gave them some opportunity to get to know so much about each other. For instance, Denis made a point of talking about his time in the war and virtually plenty of things that he learned from there. Damaris on her part just talked about work and how she got to meet Florence.

  But in the end, the two made such an unusual connection to the point that they h
eld hands while walking and that alone was such an amazing and powerful statement. Of course, there were lots of things that the two wanted to share. But from the look of things, time wasn’t on their side, and so Denis had to escort her to the driveway.

  “Well, I see Florence has left me.”

  “Florence, haha, I don’t know I am not surprised. The girl just wanted to you to stay over. But not to worry. I will get my pilot to drop you home.”

  “Wait, pilot?”

  “Yes. I think the chopper will help you avoid the crazy traffic. But not to worry, he is the best.”

  Damaris just couldn’t talk. She had no idea that she had had a walk with a very rich man. And the fact that Denis chose not to speak about the money made him even more attractive.

  And as they were waiting for the private chopper to come, someone was busy taking pictures and filming in the distance.

  -Love like no other-

  Since the meeting was incredible, Denis and Damaris decided that it would be a good idea if they went out on their first date. They had known each other a week, and they had spent several hours that week texting and making phone calls all over the place just to ensure that the first date wasn’t going to be awkward. And by the time that they agreed on meeting up for a dinner date, it was apparent that they had a lot to converse about and needless to say, it was just off the hook.

  And once again, Denis outdid himself as far as being magnanimous was concerned. He didn’t waste his time talking about how rich he was. Instead, Denis chose to keep things simple, making sure that he had taken an interest in knowing much more about her instead of wasting time talking all about himself. And as the conversation became much more intense, he made a point of grabbing her hand and rubbed it gently, turning her on.

  “I think we should have something to drink, don’t you think?”

  “That would be very great.”

  And even before they were done with having that romantic connection, a whole bottle of vodka was brought to the table and they started drinking without further ado. It was such an incredible time together and needless to say, they continued having a good time until it got to that point where she wanted to leave – but not for an apartment but wherever he wanted to take her.


  They got back to Denis’ mansion, and since they were a little bit tipsy, Damaris didn’t care to look around. Denis was already kissing her and touching her all over the place to the point that she felt as though she was on top of the world. And in return, Damaris felt as though her body was going to heat up and so she embarked on kicking off her shoes and then tried to remove the dress. But it was way too tight for her.

  Denis saw that she was struggling to multitask and for that matter, made sure that he had slid his hands over her back and gently unzipped her dress, then unhooked them on the shoulder and let it all slide down, all this when he was still kissing her. The sensation was nothing short of magical, and it got to the point where she just couldn’t resist him any longer.

  Denis wasn’t overdressed, and so it didn’t take much before he could get out of his clothes, and it was at that moment that he made a point of sweeping her off her feet and carried her all the way to the bedroom.

  Once they were naked, Denis took her upstairs as soon as he had her scooped off her feet, making sure that she felt like she was a princess. But to some extent, she was a goddamn princess by all means necessary. As a matter of fact, all that he wanted to do was make sure that she was in a position to feel as though she was about to have love from this military come billionaire guy who loved her very much.

  The kiss that got planted on her sensual lips right before she got launched into the bed was the one that set things on fire. For a moment, it felt as though a spell had been placed on her, making her feel as though she was going to have an orgasm even before he stated making love to her.

  But at that moment, Denis couldn’t control himself. Therefore, Damaris could feel as though some wet hardness was stabbing her lower belly and she knew that she was responsible for it. Once they got to the bed, the only thing that Denis could do was put her down as gently as possible and then embarked on kissing her on the lips, making sure that he was as gentle as possible, ensuring that she was getting to enjoy every single bit of it as well.

  Damaris was clearly in need of some loving immediately, but Denis wasn’t in such a hurry. Of course, he wanted to get in between her inner thighs and made her head wind. But still, he wanted to show her some love before he could get on top of her. And that said, Denis made sure that he was licking her on her neck right after he was done massaging her sensual lips with his.

  And while he was making sure that he was stroking her and kissing her sensitive neck. He also made a point of getting things done rather perfectly by sneaking his hands in between her legs and started massaging her inner thighs in slow, provocative touches, making sure that he was getting to caress each spot as carefully as possible. and by doing so, Denis evoked all of the desired sensations and were aimed at driving her crazy to a point that she just couldn’t take it any longer.

  And after doing this for five minutes, Denis decided that it would be a nice time to penetrate her, a decision that she accepted with both her hands open. Denis was big and ravenous, a combination that could only end up with her screaming as hard as possible and have as many orgasms as possible.

  Once he had fitted himself in between her, he made a point of letting himself slide in between the hot, throbbing and slippery walls, giving both of them the kind of erotic sensation that they both had wished. Denis loved what he was feeling to the point that his eyes rolled at the back of his head as he kept on pushing himself in and out of her, making her feeling as though she was on top of the world while she was still at it.

  -The kickass relationship-

  The day that followed was a weekend. And that said, it meant that the two lovebirds were going to spend the entire day in bed. Luckily for Damaris, Denis had servants all over the place who made sure that the food had been cooked on time and needless to say, she loved virtually every single thing that was happening in that area.

  Once she opened up her eyes, she realized that they had been sleeping in a deluxe room. The bed was huge, and everything else seemed to be made out of gold. The carpet was spotless and was made of fur. There was a huge chandelier that looked as though it had cost Denis a couple of hundreds of thousands just to put it up there. And whatever the chandelier was doing in a bedroom still was a puzzle as far as she was concerned.

  But then again, Damaris figured that it was none of her business, and so she decided to focus on something that was her business – the drop dead gorgeous man who was dead asleep right next to her.

  Damaris sat bolt upright after adjusting the bed sheets to cover her chest area and then looked at Denis as he slept like a baby. He was more than perfect. His body was well built and shredded to the point that Damaris couldn’t help but melt at each and every touch that he delivered. The kind of feeling that he gave her the previous night was indescribable.

  And the fact that he did it over and over again just blew her mind to smithereens, giving her a couple of orgasms right before he stopped. It was no wonder he was sleeping like a baby. She looked at him and gave into the temptation of running her fingers through his well-sculpted abs, smiling as she did so since it just gave her that incredible feeling that she couldn’t stop craving to have.

  Then she bumped into some scars and stopped fantasizing all about screwing him one more time and just maintained her focus.

  “Battle scars. Some shrapnel caught me when I was pulling my friend from a situation.”

  “Oh, so you weren’t asleep? I am sorry for touching you inappropriately.”

  “Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on filing for harassment. But so help me God I will file for harassment if you stopped touching me.”

  They both chuckled at his humor. And now that Damaris had the green light to continue caressing her man candy, she did
n’t see any reason for her to stop.

  “It must have hurt a lot.”

  “Yes, it did. And it was at that point that I decided to quit the army.”

  “I also hear that you were a bad boy. I bet you always bring too many women here and give them the same story.”

  “Being a bad boy is something that I quit together with being a soldier. But I can be your bad boy if you want to.”


  Even at the office, it seemed as though Damaris just couldn’t stay focused. It seemed as though the loving was done just the right way and that said, the only thing that would have made any sense was if they did it one more time before the week ended.

  More often than not, Damaris would find herself staring through the window of her office and wonder just how on earth she managed to do that. It was something that she hadn’t thought of for a very long time and needless to say, it seemed as though she was on the brink of getting addicted to that kind of sex.


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