George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead

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by Scarlet Le Clair

  George: The Long Road Ahead


  Scarlet Le Clair

  Copyright © 2016 Scarlet Le Clair

  This book is a work of fiction, names of characters, some places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or stored in a database in any form, without the prior permission of the publisher.

  This book shall not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent.

  Published by Scarlet Le Clair 2016

  Edited by Kirsty Turner

  Cover by Kathryn Dee

  All Rights Reserved




  I don’t remember a lot after leaving Poppy’s bedroom. The sound of the gun was still ringing in my ears. Will and Adam came to help me up, I remember that, gently lifting me up off the bed and supporting me the best they could down the stairs. My head hung low, my eyes felt unfocussed, just watching my feet move one in front of the other. The military guys surrounded me as we left the house and I recall them talking to each other. Some sort of code, as they checked our escape route. I didn’t care, couldn’t care. The zombies could come in hordes around the corner and rip me to shreds, tearing off my flesh like it was pulled pork. It was only what I deserved. I understood why Kelly had done it, why she had taken my kids away but I was still angry at her. Angry at myself for leaving her so long that she felt she had no other way out, but to kill my children and herself.

  Adam and Will had explained that she had passed away, before they had chance to take her down to the car. She had fallen asleep and not woken back up. That they had taken care of her the whole time. I knew what that meant; a bullet to the brain, for each of my children and my beautiful wife.

  I understood, I preferred that than to see them rise again, their lifeless eyes staring at me as the shell of their once gorgeous little faces tried to have me for dinner.

  I let them out me back into the jeep and watched with unseeing eyes as they moved quickly back into my house and out again. Carrying two small bodies wrapped in sheets.

  I placed my head against the cool glass of the car window as we drove back to the military compound.

  My mind racing with what ifs and maybe’s. What the hell was I supposed to do now? There was no point in going on. My family, my whole world was gone.

  Pain tore through every fiber of my being, my chest ached so badly, and my throat constricted so that I couldn’t breathe or swallow. My eyes blinded by tears. This was what I deserved, why should I keep breathing when they hadn’t.

  After what seemed like minutes we had pulled up just inside the compound gates. I blinked away the tears, surprised by how we had gotten back so quickly.

  I opened the door on autopilot, getting out slowly. I wasn’t sure what to do, where to go. Did I even belong anywhere anymore?

  I just stood at the side of the car, watching as the men unloaded their gear and the lifeless forms of my family.

  “George” I heard my voice being called but I was like I was underwater, all muffled and unclear.

  “George?” there it was again. I tried to look towards the sound, but my eyes were unfocused, my legs felt like jelly.

  I could see the floor coming up to meet my face, and I couldn’t even bring myself to care. I just let myself fall, before strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me up.

  “Come on Bud, I’ve got you” Wills deep voice was warm and caring and provided a little comfort. He led me towards a huge building, my feet dragging along, feeling like the had a ton of bricks attached to them. Not wanting to cooperate.

  “George, are you ok?” Nia’s lovely face appeared in front of mine and I realized that it was her voice I could hear when I stepped out of the car.

  I watched as Will shook his head no to her, and the look of pity in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands was almost too much to see.

  “Just need to lie down” I gasped out, each word seemed to echo through my head which was already spinning.

  “Ok, follow me I’ll show you to where the captain has given us all rooms.” She turned on her heel and led the way into the building.

  Even now I couldn’t tell you the route we took or the people we saw on the way. I kept my head down, focused on Nia’s black boots in front of us.

  I was scared to pick my head up, to look people in the eye. Lest they see the monster I was, the man who had left his wife and children to die. So terrified that she had seen no other way out than to put herself and the kids to sleep; permanently.

  We stopped suddenly outside of a door in a long corridor, “This is your room George, Will is just down the hallway as is Billy”

  I mumbled some variety of thanks and swung open the door.

  “Can we get you anything?” Nia’s sweet voice asked. But I could hear the sympathy in her voice. I knew that concern would mar her pretty face. Something that I didn’t need.

  “No, I’m good.” Without saying anything else I closed the door on their faces. Not wanting anymore company. I just needed to be alone.

  I didn’t even bother to look around the room, I just spotted the bed in the right hand far corner got into it. Under the scratchy covers, fully clothed and booted.

  It was only then that I let out the pain, I started to cry until everything went black.

  Chapter 1

  It had been three days since we returned from the horror show that was my home. Three, long ass days. It felt more like a lifetime. I’d barely left the tiny room that the military had given me. I felt numb to everyone and everything around me, I didn’t want their sympathy and pitying looks. I didn’t want their hugs and kind words. I wanted my family back, I wanted to see Poppy’s smile again, to hear Cameron’s little laugh. To see my beautiful wife again, to feel her touch, to hold the three of them in my arms. I paced my room, back at the Army’s compound. The bile rose in my throat. Anger and guilt started to take over again, it never left I’m not sure that it ever would.

  “AHHHHH” I turned and punched the door, leaving a dent in the dark wood, but the pain radiating through my fist, my knuckles, felt good. A welcome distraction from the pain inside my chest.

  A small knock at the door, had me coming back to myself “What? “I roared.

  The door opened and Nia came in, she wore black jeans and a tight black vest top. Her dark hair flowed in loose curls around her shoulders, olive green eyes looked at me with concern, before dropping to my chest and back up again.

  “We’re ready” her voice was low and quiet, as if she would scare me away if she spoke normally.

  My eyes met hers and hers filled up, I closed mine and pumped my fist, noting that nothing felt broken, but that there was a lot of pain.

  “I’ll be right there, thank you” It came out as a hoarse whisper, my throat was sore from crying. I didn’t mean to take my anger out on her, or on any of them but I couldn’t seem to control it and so it was easier to block them out.

  She didn’t reply, when I heard the click of the door being closed behind her I opened my eyes. Leaving me alone in my painful abyss once more. I hated pushing her away, but I couldn’t let anyone get close ever again. My grief was helping me to build walls around my heart. I kept telling myself that it would be easier, if someone else got hurt then it was better for me not to feel. I could be more objective and less emotional on missions too.

  I was about to leave when I realised that I was only wearing my red boxer shorts and nothing else, I sorted through the
clothes that Captain Cooper’s men had brought for me on auto pilot. Picking out some black combat trousers and a dark grey vest top, with black boots.

  I got dressed, taking my time and walked slowly out of the building, passed the canteen. The smell of food both making me feel hungry and nauseous at the same time. My feet felt like they were lead weights and I was dragging them along.

  As usual ignored everyone I passed, keeping my head down, concentrating on placing one foot after another. Not wanting to get to my destination but knowing that I needed to, that if I didn’t do it then I would regret it forever.

  I finally arrived at the makeshift graveyard right at the back of the compound, my head bowed, I closed my eyes and steeled myself for what was about to happen. I took a deep breath and raised my head to face my friends, Will, Nia, Adam, Amelia and Billy were there amongst others we helped to save from Deacon, all dressed in as dark colours as we could find. Captain Cooper and a few of his men had come too. But the only thing I could focus on was the three bodies wrapped in white sheets under a massive old oak tree. The huge branches forming a leafy canopy for them, the two of them looked so tiny, even Kelly my sweet sweet wife looked small. I had tried to be mad at her, tried to hate her for taking away our children, but she did what she felt she needed to do to protect them from the undead horrors that awaited them.

  Instead I turned my anger towards Deacon and his men, the way I saw it, they kept me away from my loved ones. I reserved some anger for myself also, I should have tried harder to get back to them, should have fought to leave everyone else behind and get back to the ones that depended on me.

  I nodded and the Captain started to say a few words as they lowered Kelly, I walked closer meeting Amelia at the side of the grave, she wore a navy knee length dress and held some brightly coloured wild flowers that she and Nia had picked this morning whilst Will, Adam and I dug the graves.

  She handed them to me and placed her hand on my arm, I flinched at the physical contact. She removed her hand quickly and went to stand by Adams side. I waited for the Captain to stop talking and then dropped in the flowers all but two of them. I kept a purple one for Poppy and a blue one for Cameron. My hands shook wildly, and I held on to the flowers tightly, crushing their stems. I said a silent goodbye, my throat constricting so tightly I couldn’t form the words out loud.

  As Will and Adam lowered in the bodies of my children, my legs gave way, barely registering the sting on my knees from hitting the ground hard as deep gut wrenching sobs tore through my body. I couldn’t catch a breath, I wished that Adam had let me die alone in poppy’s room.

  Now though I swore that they would pay, the zombies and the rest of Deacons crew. I would hunt them down and kill as many of them as possible.

  I asked that the children be buried together so that they would not be alone, out of my trousers pocket I pulled Cameron’s favorite toy, a red sports car and Poppy’s small pink teddy bear. Taking deeps breaths to try to calm the sobs, I staggered to my feet and dropped their toys in with them along with the flowers.

  “See you soon kids” I whispered, my heart was broken in three, my chest felt like it was being ripped open, I didn’t think the pain could get any worse. I closed my eyes wanting to block out the world, needing to be alone in my grief. The tears kept falling, seemingly never-ending.

  A strong hand grabbed my left arm, Will was helping me to stay on my feet. A small hand slipped into mine and squeezed it, I smelled the scent of vanilla and knew that it was Nia who stood on the other side of me.

  The Captain finished his speech for the children and gave a nod and Will let go of me. He and Adam picked up the shovels they had placed in the ground and started to fill in the graves. Thud. Thud, Thud as the dirt hit the bodies below.

  My legs gave way again, my strength gone, days of no sleep, the pain and hurt, all coming together at once to take me down. Nia collapsed with me and I sobbed into her shoulder. My tears soaking into her top. She hugged me and stroked my hair, pulling me into her, l felt the warmth of her body, the hard contours of it from months of starving and being on the run. “I’m sorry George, so so sorry” she kept repeating over and over.

  Images of Kelly and I dancing at our wedding came back to me, our first dance, her body pressed against mine. She was softer and rounder than Nia but she was four months pregnant with poppy at the time. I remember the love that surrounded us that day, how happy we both were and how her smile had made my life so much brighter.

  Shame enveloped me, I had chosen to help save the lives of strangers instead of getting back to my family sooner. If I wasn’t lying in a sleeping bag with another woman, then maybe my wife and children would still be here.

  “No!!” I screamed, scaring Nia and pushing her away. I jumped to my feet, staggering backwards, seeing the fear in Nia’s eyes almost floored me again but this time my legs held me. I turned and ran as fast as I could. I ignored the calls of my friends, blocked out their worried voices. I can’t remember how I got back to my room, the next thing I do remember was closing and locking the door behind me, spinning in circles looking at the plain white walls but that’s all I could see was the faces of my children, of Kelly crying out to me to help them.

  I sat on my bed and reached for the faded green duffle bag underneath, it contained the bottle of whisky that was supposed to be for Deacon but was now mine, I opened it and took a deep long pull. I savored the flavor, the burn as it ran down my throat.

  I lay back, the mattress was thin and hard beneath the rough grey covers, hearing the cries of my kids over and over. Tears soaked my pillow, my chest and ribs hurt from sobbing so hard. I continued to drink until eventually I cried myself into a drunken stupor, and passed out, fully dressed.

  When I woke up it was the following morning. The rest of the day I alternated between finishing the bottle of whisky and sleeping. It was the only thing that could make the pain lesser. Although the nightmares had started to invade my sleep. Where I was forced to watch as my family got eaten as Deacon held me so that I couldn’t move to help them. I woke up two days after the funeral, empty bottle by my side, still wearing the same clothes.

  My mouth was dry, and my head was throbbing, it hurt and there was a loud banging. I rolled over and tried to sit up. I realised that the banging was coming from my door and not inside of my head.

  “George? I’m sorry man we need you, there’s been a breach.” Billy’s panicked voice came through the door.

  That cleared up my head, I was out of bed and grabbing my gun off a small table next to my bed, that and the red hard plastic chair were the only other pieces of furniture in here. I kept my clothes in the duffle bag, ready to leave at any moment.

  I grabbed the jug of water off the table and filled a glass, my hands shook so badly that I spilled lots of the precious liquid over the table and onto the floor. I downed the glass in one not caring that it was now stale and ran to my door. Flinging it open and startling Billy, who jumped backwards. He wore a military uniform, I made a note to ask him about it later. I noticed his hair had been shaved close too and he now held himself with an air of confidence.

  He quickly recovered, “It’s the side gate over at the sister compound. A few dozen have broken through” Billy filled me in whilst walking away, knowing I would follow.

  We walked briskly down the grey painted concrete corridors, people were moving about quickly but there was no panic, I took that as a good sign. These military men and women were trained to protect, to keep calm. It was an organized chaos. Because the public living area was full, captain Cooper and his men had set us up in their military living quarters.

  This sister site that had been attacked was going to be a new living area, the plan was to start rescue missions again, but to bring more people in we needed more room. There was a small crew over there clearing out a huge warehouse and securing the fences. Making it a habitable place.

  I didn’t know much more than that, I hadn’t really been a part of anything since we g
ot back, I just lay in my room, not talking to anyone and barely eating. Nia and Will had tried but were now giving me the space that I needed.

  Billy and I exited the building into the bright sunlight causing me to squint a little until my eyes adjusted.

  Will bumped into me from behind, grabbing my arm he started to pull me along at a run.

  “Will, what the….?”

  “Nia was in there George” I heard the worry in his voice and suddenly fear replaced the anger I felt.

  No, no, not again, please God, I can’t lose anyone else, especially not her, I prayed to myself as the three of us ran at full speed towards the large open gates.

  Chapter 2

  Adrenaline pumped through my system, and I forced myself to run faster, I overtook Will and got my gun ready. It was surprising how easily this came to me now. Captain Cooper’s men were already at the scene, barking orders, moving efficiently through the chaos, loud gunshots echoing all around me. It looked like the people working there had been caught by surprise, I spun around in circles looking for Nia. I could see the men covering up the three dead, but refused to believe that she was one of those, so instead I focused on the living.

  The military men were herding together the survivors; they would have to be thoroughly checked for bites or scratches and then put into a twenty-four-hour quarantine.

  There were only four people in line being checked over, Amelia was one of them, I jogged over to her and gave her a hug. Happy to see her safe and hoping that she was not infected.

  “Amelia, where is Nia?” desperation laced my voice, my heart felt like it was in my mouth and I found it hard to breathe.

  “Uh, I don’t know, there was so much going on and we got separated. She tried to lead them away from the rest of us. It didn’t work, they kept coming. That was the last I saw of her. She was in the building.” Amelia pointed to the large red-bricked warehouse that would hopefully become extra living quarters for new survivors. Amelia’s lip started to quiver and she broke down into sobs.


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