George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead

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George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead Page 2

by Scarlet Le Clair

  The nurse checking her over, gave her the all clear for any bites or scratches and then led her back to the main compound where her and the others would be put into separate rooms, used for quarantine. They would be observed for twenty-four hours and then if still not showing any signs of the zombie virus they would be released back into the rest of our populace.

  The pop of a gunshot was heard coming from inside the building and suddenly my legs were propelling me forward at top speed. Heading into the dark, ominous looking property, followed closely by Will and Adam. The stale damp smell of a long-abandoned building hit me, it wasn’t pleasant but I ignored it, instead focusing on getting my eyes used to the darkness.

  “Nia” I called not caring who or what heard me. We were standing in what used to be a warehouse, what it distributed I didn’t know and didn’t care. There were multiple red doors that lined the light grey walls on this floor.

  “George, you take the bottom floor, Billy and I will take the second floor.” I nodded to Will as two military men came in the doors we had entered through carrying large, heavy looking torches.

  One followed me and the other followed Will. I noted that they didn’t offer to go up ahead and keep us civilians safe.

  We walked quickly, desperate to find her alive and unharmed, I stayed alert my eyes darting all over the area, my ears trying to pick up the tiniest of sounds. We checked every room as we went, several pump trucks, empty pallets, and forklifts were lined against the right-hand wall. Long rows of red metal shelving units from floor to ceiling held various sized boxes. Private Lewis checked the area in-between the storage shelves. I could see an office at the back of the storage area. The torch Private Lewis held, highlighted small reddish-brown stains leading towards it, I broke into a run not bothering to check the rest of the doors or wait for the others.

  I could now hear them, moaning and grunting, there were two of them trying to get past a barricade of office furniture. They were so focused on their prize that they didn’t notice me behind them. I lifted my gun and shot them both at close range, in the heads, not missing.

  “Nia!” I called, trying my hardest to push the furniture out of the way. Fear gripped my heart tightly until I thought it would burst, I was scared at what I would find inside.

  “George?” I heard her small voice, coming from around the side of the office, I followed the sweet sound to see her shakily climbing up behind the sliding office window. I helped her through, and before her feet touched the ground the military man had his gun pointed on her.

  “Don’t move, miss, I’ll need to take you to quarantine.” He barked.

  I ignored him in favor of checking her over. I saw that Nia’s leg was bleeding, I stood in front of her so that my body was shielding her from the man. I could see the rest of our rescue party heading towards us. I could feel her starting to sway and I knew that she needed medical care asap. I spun towards private Lewis.

  “Get your gun off her, now!” I told him through gritted teeth, Nia clung tightly to my back, she was shaking and the little whimpering noises coming from her mouth only fueled my anger more.

  “Bbb but she’s bleeding, we need to take her for a check-up and into quarantine” he stammered. He was a tall man but stick thin, his military uniform hung off him. His dirty blonde hair was thinning on top and he had little beady eyes. They reminded me of Deacon and I immediately took a disliking to him.

  I pointed my gun back at him and we had a standoff, “get that damn thing off her, now!” I shouted the last part, he looked wearily at me but lowered his weapon.

  “George?” Nia’s voice was real quiet, I turned to her as she let go of my shirt and just in time to catch her.

  “Nia” Will’s panic, cut through me like ice, I dropped my gun, the metal hitting the cold concrete sounded too loud as it echoed off the walls.

  I swept her up and into my arms, moving as fast as I possibly could to the tent that they had set up to check on the casualties. My legs burned but I pushed through it.

  “We need a doctor” I called, the leg of Nia’s Jeans was soaked in blood.

  The doctor and her team, placed Nia on a gurney, strapped her down and covered her in a blanket. They began to wheel her to the medical area just off the side of the main building in our compound. I placed both my hands on my head, no not Nia. I needed to go with her, be near her when she woke up.

  I tried to follow, but lieutenant Jacks stepped in front of me

  “Sir, Captain Cooper asked me to ask if you would help to secure this compound. He requested the help of yourself and Mr. Perry.”

  “But, my friend is hurt, I want to make sure…” I started angrily trying to sidestep him.

  “Yes. Sir I know, but this is important for the whole community. Please?” he had a determined look in his eyes. I was just about to argue again when a large hand clasped onto my shoulder.

  “We got this, right George? We can do a good sweep, assess the damage and then go see Nia. She will be out of it for a while. Let’s let the doctors do their job.”

  “I still don’t see why it needs to be us” yes, I knew that I sounded like a child and that I was pouting.

  I knew that Will wanted to go and see Nia much more than I did, she was the only real family he had left, I considered his eyes and could see the pain in them.

  But I knew that he would put the needs of the camp before his own needs as he knew I would too.

  “Maybe I’m sick of putting others before the ones I love Will” I spat out.

  He winced at my words “George I – “

  I immediately felt bad, it wasn’t his fault that I had lost my family, I had saved many more lives by sticking around with Deacons crew, some of who now were my family. But nothing would make up for the loss of my wife and children.

  I sighed and shrugged my shoulders “Ok then let’s go, Billy, would you mind taking a walkie to the medical wing and letting us know of any … complications?” He nodded and looked scared, but took the walkie offered to him by Lt. Jacks who gave me another. We all knew that complications meant being bitten. We knew that she was badly injured but not what had caused it.

  Lt Jacks motioned to the table at the back of the room, on it was a roughly drawn map of the compound they aptly named, living quarters 2.

  “Ok so I know you’ve been inside the building, that’s been secured now. What we need to do is secure the exterior, see what fences need fixing and get some ideas on how to create a safe passage between the two compounds. We really need all hands-on deck for this”

  “Why us?” I didn’t understand why the Captain had requested us to help when he had so many men at his disposal

  “I’m not sure, everyone has a job here. You must have said or done something to allow the captain to trust your judgement. Perhaps he just wants to see what you can do? I’ve been with the Captain long enough to know that everything he does has a reason”

  “Ok, George and I will go with you quickly and then report back to Captain Cooper but then I want to see my niece. Understood?” Will used his no nonsense voice, and crossed his arms, challenging the Lt to argue.

  “Yes sir, understood.” The soldier nodded and signaled to the other guards that we were heading out.

  We walked around the perimeter, checking the stability of the fence and noting any weak points, Lt. Jacks marked the areas on a smaller map drawn into a notebook and wrote notes. As we walked, Jacks kept Will talking by discussing the plans for the area. Pointing out where they thought would be a good place to grow crops, where they would set up new class rooms for the children, and finally the point that they would like to use as a fenced in run way between the two areas so it would be safe to travel between the two compounds.

  I kept quiet, in my head I kept hearing Nia, calling my name, screaming as a pus-filled zombie ripped shreds of skin off her arms. Once again, I was not there to keep her safe. But she’s not harmed, she’s safe and well in the infirmary I kept reminding myself.

ilst the soldier and Will discussed ways to raise a fence and what materials they would need to re enforce it, I looked around. I could see a town in the distance, most of the food would probably be gone but we could possibly check it out for materials and other useful items but then realised that a town that close to camp would have already been checked by Captain Coopers men.

  “George? That ok with you?” Will looked at me expectantly.

  I nodded, running my hands through my dark hair, I just wanted to get back to Nia. “Yeah sounds good, Lt could you take the plans back to Captain cooper? Now if you don’t mind I’m going to go see my friend” before waiting on his reply I turned and stalked back to the main compound. Going straight to the medical wing to the side of the main building.

  “Sir, you can’t come in here” The nurse called out from behind her desk. I kept walking towards her but she didn’t back down. She was tall and awfully thin; her light hair was cut short and spiked. But it suited her delicate features.

  “Sir please”

  “Listen, nurse?” I waited for her response

  “Amy” she replied firmly.

  “Nurse Amy, please my friend was attacked, just yesterday I buried my whole family out under the trees in our cemetery, I can’t lose another person that I love, I just can’t. Please let me see her” my whole body shook as the tears threatened to come again, to overwhelm me. She looked into my eyes for a few moments, then nodded but did not move.

  “She’s still in surgery, take a seat in the waiting room and I’ll ask the doctor to come and see you when she gets out.” She patted my arm.

  “Was she……bitten?” I gulped and closed my eyes both wanting a reply and not.

  “No, it didn’t look like it. But she has sliced her leg up badly. Once out of surgery we will put her in a room of her own for twenty-four hours just for security measures but we will know more once the doctor has finished.” The nurse gave me a warm smile and gestured again to the small waiting room on my right. Billy was already sat in there, on the blue hard plastic chair, head in his hands.

  Will came in seconds later followed by Adam “How’s Amelia?” I asked Adam.

  She’s good, they gave her the all clear but she still must wait out quarantine like the rest. We lost another two…” he trailed off at the end, dipping his head.

  My heart ached, any loss of human life was a tragedy, we were losing this war against the undead. When he lifted his head, my gaze met his, shifting mine to Billy and then Will I knew that we would fight until the end, we would not go down easy.

  “What’s the news with Nia?” Adam asked going to sit opposite Billy.

  “We don’t really know a lot except that it’s her leg, it’s not a bite, but it requires surgery.” I explained letting out a frustrated sigh. Not being able to see her was hard, I felt a pang of regret that I’d been ignoring them for the last few days.

  “Ok that’s good, well not good but good you know?” Adam looked at me for help, I don’t think the poor boy knew what he was saying by the end of his sentence.

  Despite the grim situation and the loss, we all felt, I started to laugh, soon the others joined in. We laughed and laughed, my ribs and jaw ached from laughing so much, but damn it felt good, I hadn’t laughed like that in a long time, I don’t think any of us had. As it wore off, I wiped tears from my eyes, the good type of tears this time.

  “I so needed that” Will admitted, he looked straight at me, his jade green eyes burning into my soul. He knew that I needed it as well.

  What I didn’t need was the rush of guilt that washed over me, a wave of grief hitting me in the chest like a slab of concrete, making it so that I couldn’t breathe. I had buried my entire family the day before yet here I was laughing it up with my boys, like I hadn’t a care in the world.

  I suddenly felt that the room was getting much smaller, the walls, floors and ceilings were closing in on me. “I uh, I need to go, see you later” I mumbled.

  I ignored the worried calls from Will and Adam and sped out of the building, and over to the small out building they used as an armory. I asked the bulky, bald, mean looking guard what was a good gun to use for practice. He grunted at me, handed over a gun and pointed to the sheet in front of him. I signed out what I was told was a SA80 A2 then exited around the side of the building where I could see a few shamblers, pushing up against the fence.

  I walked closer to the fence. Calmed myself, took a deep breath, and lined up the shot on the first of the moaning undead. I wasn’t sure of the gender. All traces of hair were gone, it wore no shirt, the chest cavity had been ripped open, and although I wasn’t close enough, it didn’t look as if any of the soft organs were still inside. Ripped denim jeans still clung to its legs, looking stiff with blood, mud and other bodily fluids. Arm outstretched through the fence it reached out to me.

  “I’m sorry” I whispered to it, pulling the trigger and… missed. Taking another breath, I moved forward a few more steps and pulled the trigger again. This time the bullet hit it, but in the neck, a dark mess of liquid oozes from the wound. The zombie staggered back a step but immediately came at me again, its movements more frantic, both arms reaching out and walking at the fence as if trying to walk through it.

  Another two steps forward, I lined up the shot again, this time aiming a little higher and stroked the trigger. The bullet hit and found the right place. Straight through the head just above the right eye, my aim was still a little off, I would have to start asking for extra lessons with the guards.

  The zombie seemed to hover for a few seconds before falling backwards, landing with a satisfied thud.

  “Nice shot G” lost in thought I was startled, Adam was stood behind me, there were other people, civilians and guards running towards us, worried looks on their faces, each of them carried a weapon after hearing my shot.

  “Uh sorry guys, there is no threat. I was just blowing off steam.” I told them sheepishly rubbing at the back of my neck.

  Some mumbled, angry responses met me from the crowd, others gave me sad, pitying looks. I honestly didn’t know which was worse.

  “Come on G, let’s go get some food.” Adam clapped his hand on my shoulder and flashed me his goofy smile.

  “Sounds good” I let him lead me towards the canteen.

  Chapter 3

  After food, which consisted of a watery chicken stew, I strolled back to the hospital area alone. Adam had gone to spend some time with Amelia over at the quarantined area. I Paused to watch the sun go down, casting a beautiful orange glow over the sky. The nurse showed me to the room where Nia was being held in quarantine. Will was still there, dutifully outside of the window to her room. Nia was sleeping again and the nurse would only let one of us stay, so as not to disturb her. Will informed me that the operation went well and now it was just a waiting game to see if she had an infection; zombie or otherwise. He sent me back to my room to get some rest. I didn’t argue, he had more right to be there than me, plus I did feel seriously drained, my legs felt like lead weights and my head felt too heavy for my neck.

  I walked back slowly, dragging my feet across the dusty ground. I closed the door to my room, tightly behind me, then lay on my bed fully clothed, I closed my eyes.

  It still didn’t seem real, Kelly and the kids…gone. I felt the warm tears leak down my face, hot, searing pain tore through me, my stomach cramped and my chest tightened. My throat constricted and I couldn’t breathe. I curled up in a ball facing the wall and just let the sobs come out.

  I cried for what felt like hours, until the tears dried up and my chest and ribs ached. I got under the blankets, feeling a little better, like the blanket was some sort of a shield.

  I fell asleep not long after, emotionally drained. However, nightmares plagued my rest and I didn’t get a goodnight sleep after all. Tossing and turning, feeling cold because I’d kicked the blankets off me.

  I woke up early, the sun was barely up but my stomach was shouting at me; empty from days of no food and a
liquid diet. I made my way along the corridor, I paused by the bedroom doors of Adam and Will. Only snores met me, I left them sleeping. Our group had been through so much in the last few weeks alone that they deserved every minute of peace that they could get.

  I followed my nose and the growl of my stomach to the communal food hall which was already bustling with activity. Fresh eggs on the menu today, from the chickens they kept around back. They looked good, I had my helping along with a fresh slice of doughy bread, and black coffee. I piled the eggs on top of the bread and devoured it within minutes. It was good, could have used a little butter but otherwise it was amazing. Who knows when the ingredients for the bread would run out, or when the chickens would stop laying? It was only a small spoonful of egg but I made the most of it.

  I sipped at my hot, black coffee, hoping to see one of the boys come in, but none of them had made an appearance before I had finished my cup. I scooped up my plate and cup and handed it back to the lady behind the second counter, ready to be washed for the next lot of hungry diners. Thanking her with a smile and a nod of my head; it was too loud to use words.

  First port of call was obviously the hospital, I jogged over. My head felt a little clearer after food and coffee. Kelly and the kids were in my thoughts, my chest still hurt. Truth be told I’d rather be just lying in bed, sleeping the days away until the military needed me. But I owed it to my family to stay alive, and live a little. For now anyway, I wanted to take out the rest of the crew and then I wanted to join my beautiful Kelly and kids in heaven.

  I waved to nurse Amy as I entered through the factory doors. She smiled and gestured that I follow her.

  I did, to the end of the corridor and peeked inside the room she had stopped outside of. It seemed that Nia had been moved from quarantine early.

  The factory we were in used to be a battery manufacturer and already had two nurse’s offices and a human resources office in this area. Where they used to test the workers blood samples. The military had adapted one of them into an operating theatre and the HR office for a patient room. It was the last door on the right and was quite large. Eight beds occupied the room, four on each side. Seven of them unoccupied, each made meticulously with white sheets covered with what looked like an itchy grey blanket. Like the ones we had in our rooms.


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