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Warriors of the Way-Pentalogy

Page 80

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  “If they get control of the nexus, all of the planes are in danger,” said Devin. “We aren’t going to let them have it.”


  A MUCH OLDER version of me filled my field of vision as he looked down with a slight smile on his face.

  “It has been too long, vessel,” he said. “I like what you have done with the place.”

  He looked around at the surrounding area with a nod of approval.

  “She is so much more pleasant than I am,” he said as he crouched down and grabbed my shirt, pulling my face close to his.

  “Figured it out, have we?” he said. “It did take some doing, but here we are.”

  “How?” It was all I could manage before he lifted me off my back and threw me.

  I landed and tumbled for several feet before coming to a stop. Everything ached as I got back to my feet. He walked over casually and stood with his hands behind him.

  “You are going to need her for this, I think, vessel,” he said as he manifested a staff and smiled at me.

  I let my chi expand and felt for Shadowstrike.

  I think I need help. It’s Maelstrom.

  Do not let the illusion cloud your sight. See without your eyes. That is not the first focus. This is a manifestation of the taint. Why would it take this expression?

  I was hoping you could answer that.

  You know the answer.

  You were not the catalyst, but you are the cause.

  It’s how I view my darker side—evil, destructive, and homicidal.

  Isn’t that your description of the first focus?

  Yes. Can I remove this taint? Will you help me?

  You can and you must, but you cannot remove this part of yourself. Only control it.

  I took a deep breath and manifested Shadowstrike. That was when I felt it. Sweat began to pour down my back, and my hands became clammy. I tried to take a step forward and found myself frozen in place. My stomach did somersaults and I lost control of my breath, only able to breathe in short gasps.


  Meja and Nina looked down at Dante’s body with concern. Meja had a hand against his neck. He had fallen out of his cross-legged position and now lay on his back.

  “His pulse is racing and his breath is ragged,” she said. “He can’t last much longer like this.

  “A wavedance can’t be stopped once it has begun. It would kill him,” said Nina. “He has to see it through to the end.”

  “I told you this was a bad idea,” said Meja. “Can he be moved in this state?”

  Nina shook her head. “Not until it is finished. If you move him he could become lost in the dance, trapped there.”

  “So we wait,” said Meja, looking again at Dante’s prone body. “I hate waiting.”

  “You must take this now—they are coming,” said Nina, looking around the plane with a worried expression. She held out the prism to Meja. It gleamed in the darkness with an inner glow of its own.

  “I told you, I don’t want anything to do with that thing,” answered Meja as she made to swat it away. “What do you mean they are coming?”

  Nina grabbed her wrist and placed the prism in it. Portals surrounded them as the ground shook and knocked them down.


  “What’s wrong, vessel?” mocked Maelstrom. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  Words escaped me. All I could think about was getting away. He moved closer with each step, and the feeling intensified. I wanted to run, hide—anything except face him.

  What the hell is going on? Why am I feeling this fear?

  Use your innersight.

  I fought the overwhelming desire to run and focused my chi. I used my innersight and saw Maelstrom enveloped in darkness. Waves of energy flowed from him in every direction. I looked closer and saw that a slim tether of dark energy connected us.

  That is what is causing your fear. Sever the tether or perish here.

  I saw where the tether connected my body to his and sliced through it with Shadowstrike. The sensation of mind-numbing fear left me and the shaking in my hands calmed down as it subsided. I was able to get my breath under control and slowed it as I focused on him.

  “That’s a nasty little skill,” I said through clenched teeth. The rage was rising, but I clamped it down and redirected it.

  “I just wanted you to know how much a part of each other we are,” he said. “How did it feel? Being so scared you can’t think. I can tell you it felt exhilarating on my end.”

  “I’m not scared of you,” I said as my voice trembled.

  “Is that so?” he said and laughed. “Why don’t you come show me?”

  “I know what you are, and if you have power it’s because I gave it to you.”

  I raised Shadowstrike and let my chi flow.

  “You think you know me, but you barely know yourself,” he said as he assumed a defensive stance. “Are you willing to do what must be done? Will you make the sacrifice that is demanded of you?”

  “I will do whatever it takes,” I said.

  “Bold words, vessel. I don’t think you know what you need to do,” said Maelstrom. “As usual, you are still flailing around in the dark.”

  Shadowstrike hummed in my hand as I stepped in. I kept my body bladed and my awareness expanded. I chose not to answer the taunt, knowing it was what he wanted.

  “This isn’t like you. Where is the rage? The abandon?”

  He lunged at me and I parried the attack while I stepped off at an angle. He feinted to my right and came left, but I saw it and reacted to the real attack with a sliding block that put me in range of his fist. His right cross crashed into the side of my head. It caused me to backpedal away to clear my head and my vision. I rolled to the side to avoid a downward slash that would have shattered my collarbone.

  You must engage it or it will grow stronger as you use me.

  I forgot what the taint was designed to do. The longer I used Shadowstrike, the stronger it would get and the larger it would grow, until it overwhelmed everything. I did not have time to waste.

  “What are you doing here, vessel?” asked Maelstrom as he ducked under my slash and leaped at me, driving his staff at my midsection. I managed to rotate my body in time and smashed an elbow into his face, though no damage registered as I struck him. “If you submit, I promise to make your death fast and painless.”

  Nothing can hurt him.

  You are not using the right weapon.

  I executed a vertical slash designed to remove his arm. He stepped to the side as I switched directions and hands and slashed downward at his leg. Shadowstrike bit into his leg and he grimaced. I saw no evidence of blood, but the wound didn’t close. He moved out of range and gave a mock bow.

  “First cut to you, vessel,” he said as he closed the distance. He whirled his staff at my head and I moved out of the way. He brought up his leg to smash my face as I ducked, but I jammed it with an elbow. I spun away from another lunge and let Shadowstrike slice behind me as I turned. I heard his grunt as my sword connected. Pressing the advantage, I slid forward and lunged, but he was ready for me. He slammed his staff into Shadowstrike. The force of the blow propelled me to one side and exposed my side. He saw the opening and attacked.

  No. Can’t recover in time.

  You will. Let the strike come and move with its energy.

  The staff impacted my side and broke several ribs. Blinding white pain filled my world as I followed the momentum of the strike and rolled forward with the attack. The pain caused my vision to blur for a few seconds. I recovered and found myself behind and to his side. I slid Shadowstrike into him, feeling the power of my weapon envelop him. He dropped his staff and collapsed to the ground on his hands and knees. I pushed him back with my foot and he fell back. I kicked the staff away from him as I stepped closer, wary of another attack.

  “You will never be rid of me, you know,” he said as he lay on his back, looking up at the sky. “I am a part of you.”

/>   I looked down at him, watching as he grew transparent.

  “I know,” I said as I absorbed Shadowstrike and crouched down, bringing my face closer to his. “I know the taint is gone, but the darkness remains and it always will.”

  “Your choices are lethal, vessel,” he said. “Even now someone close to you is paying the ultimate price.”

  “What do you mean?” I said, the alarm clear in my voice. “Tell me!”

  I grabbed him by the shoulders and he started laughing. “You thought you were safe in a null plane,” he said as he coughed and gasped. “But no one is safe around you.”


  You must end the wavedance if you wish to return to them. I cannot sense them from here in this form.

  Is it safe? Is the taint gone?

  I cannot sense it within our bond. You have removed the taint.

  How do I end the wavedance?

  This knowledge is yours now. You need only will it and it will end.

  I searched internally and realized that the knowledge of wavedancing came to me as if I had known it all along.

  “Better hurry, vessel,” said Maelstrom as he disappeared. “You won’t be able to save them both.”

  I focused my chi, ended the wavedance, and found myself lying on my back in the null plane. Around us, several dozen members of the Black Lotus stood. Someone was speaking but I couldn’t make out the words. The wavedance left me disoriented. I tried to stand and found I couldn’t. A boot came down on my chest and forced me back down on the ground. I looked around and saw Nina’s body lying face down on the ground in a pool of blood. She wasn’t breathing. I didn’t see Meja, and my heart dropped.

  “You looking for your bitch?” said the Lotus with his boot on my chest. “Don’t worry. She’s not dead…yet.”

  “What did you do with her?” I said.

  “That one tried to escape so we had to deal with her,” he said, looking at Nina’s body. “But the other one? She has fire. I’m going to enjoy her and then I’m going to gut her for killing my men.”

  I looked around and noticed the bodies of the Black Lotus that were scattered across the landscape. There must have been at least twenty. I smiled inside.

  “Where is she? Who are you?”

  “No more questions.”

  I saw him pull back his foot and I tried to raise my arms to block the kick I knew was coming. My body didn’t respond as his boot connected with my head and sent me rolling across the ground.

  “Carry him into the portal,” were the last words I heard before losing consciousness.


  “YOU PLAN ON taking down Lucius and Aurora all alone?” asked Rael. “With one glyph?”

  “The shadow of Lucius, yes, and Aurora will cooperate once I explain the situation to her,” replied Kenji.

  “As plans go—that one seems entirely suicidal,” said Rael. “You realize he will vaporize you the moment you try something against him? That’d better be one hell of a glyph.”

  “It is sufficient,” said Kenji as he finished placing glyphs around the cell. “I would prefer not to obliterate everything in the immediate area, so I suggest you remain outside this confrontation,” said Kenji.

  “You know, I’m not a fan of obliteration, unless I’m the one doing the obliterating, but he’s not going to give me a choice,” said Rael. “You should leave before you find yourself dead. It’s not pleasant. Take my word for it.”

  “I have no intention of dying today,” said Kenji as he made a gesture. Next to him, several portals opened and three kindred Watchers stepped through.

  “Watchers,” said Rael as he stepped back. “Okay, whomever you work for has power, I’ll give you that, but not enough—trust me.”

  As Rael finished, another portal formed and the shadow of Lucius stepped into the cell. He carried the limp form of Aurora in one hand and placed her on the floor gently.

  “You killed her,” said Rael.

  “Don’t be foolish, I do not kill indiscriminately,” answered Lucius. “She sought to stand against me and failed. Besides, one does not pick family and she is, for better or worse, of my blood.”

  “And Sylk?” asked Rael. “You planning on letting him live too?”

  “Him, I will kill once we cross paths again,” said Lucius. “He has earned it.”

  “For a moment, I didn’t recognize you,” said Rael. “Good to see you are still you.”

  “She possesses information I require—information about the third focus and a certain number of glyphs.”

  “Now I understand,” said Rael. “Well, you have someone here who is dying to meet you. Seems like he wants to speak to her too.”

  “Why are you still here, Harbinger?” said Lucius. His voice cut through the cell with menace. “You have a task to complete.”

  “I thought you would want me to—I don’t know—pitch in?”

  “Pitch in? Why would I need your help?” replied Lucius. “Go complete your task. I will deal with him.”

  Rael bowed and formed a portal. “Don’t think I will get the chance to see you again,” said Rael to Kenji. “Enjoy the conversation.”

  Kenji returned the bow and Rael stepped through the portal and disappeared.

  “You can tell me what you want before I end your life,” said Lucius. “Unlike the Harbinger, I have no doubt you will remain dead.”

  Kenji gestured with his hand and unleashed the inversion glyph. Every glyph that Kenji placed around the room exploded with energy. A whirlwind of power formed and enveloped the cell, creating a vortex at its center. With another gesture, the vortex tightened around Lucius. Debris and dust filled the cell, obscuring Lucius as the vortex disintegrated everything it touched. Kenji backed up out of its range as it increased in velocity. He made another gesture, but nothing happened. The vortex grew in size and forced him back until he was outside the cell.

  “You work for Wheel,” said Lucius above the rushing of the vortex. “I recognize his handiwork in your glyphs.”

  Kenji made another frantic gesture, tracing several glyphs in the air before him, but it was futile. The vortex continued unabated.

  “This is an ancient glyph,” said Lucius. “You do not possess the power to wield it. Not even your master can do this unaided.”

  The vortex disappeared. It didn’t dissipate. It simply ceased to exist as if it were never summoned. The kindred Watchers were also gone. The silence that filled the cell was deafening. Lucius stood in the center of the cell, unscathed. A sphere of energy covered the unconscious Aurora. The cell around Lucius lay in ruins. Gaping holes covered the walls and sections of the floor were gone. Only the area he stood on was untouched.

  He stepped forward and motioned to Kenji. “Was that it?”

  “How could you? How did you?” stammered Kenji.

  He began to trace another glyph when his arms were pinned against his body.

  Lucius reached forward with a small gesture of his hand and Kenji screamed as the pressure around his body increased. With another gesture, he dragged Kenji back into the cell.

  “I’m going to be the one asking the questions,” said Lucius as he traced a glyph in the air and sealed the cell behind Kenji, locking them in.


  RIN THOUGHT HE would be torn to shreds as he flew out of the portal and landed unceremoniously several feet from the tre in the center of a plaza. Carved into the stone sat a claw in relief. In the center of the tre, under the claw, a group of symbols pulsed with energy as he stepped back into the circle to examine them further. This tre sat on the outskirts of the town, which meant no one was around to witness his less-than-gracious entrance to the RahVen plane. In moments, he looked into the faces of five heavily armed RahVen that were carrying swords and firearms as they shimmered into view.

  “I need to see the healer,” he said quickly. “This is a matter of life and death.”

  He held up the chain with the claw, and four of the RahVen visibly relaxed. The lead
er of the group, who stood in the center, still kept her weapons trained on Rin.

  “Where did you get that?” she said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

  “I’m from the South Watch. The Keeper sent me because Sylk is in danger. He needs your help,” said Rin, the words rushing out.

  “Sylk?” she asked. “Who is Sylk?”

  “Akita, stand down,” said another voice. Luna stepped into the circle. “He is referring to our previous Alpha. The man responsible for my being your current Alpha, and a friend of the pack.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” said Akita. “I did not know.”

  “Understood. Let’s see what news he brings before we shoot or stab him, hmm?”

  Akita’s face flushed red as she lowered her weapons. Luna stepped forward to address Rin.

  “Welcome. You will have to forgive my guard,” said Luna. “They are under strict instructions to question anyone using the circles. Your entrance tripped the alarms and marked you as an intruder.”

  “I’m afraid it couldn’t be helped,” said Rin. “My plane is dormant and the Keeper facilitated my journey here.”

  “What has happened to Sylk?” asked Luna. “Why did you not bring him?”

  “He fought the Kriyas and was struck by their poison, and it is attacking his blood,” answered Rin. “The Keeper said it was too dangerous to move him in his current state.”

  “I can take you to Grand—our healer, but I don’t know if she will join you, said Luna. “ She has a tendency to follow her own counsel. She is currently with the Gray.”

  “Thank you, Alpha. The Keeper said she was Sylk’s best chance,” said Rin. “I will try and convince her.”

  “I will lend weight to your words as Alpha, but she is currently working with the Gray to help Zen with his weapon. She may not be able to leave his side.”

  “Is there another healer?” asked Rin. “Someone who can join me in her place?”

  “There may be, but let’s go see Grandmother first,” answered Luna. “Akita, take the guard and secure the outer perimeter. Afterward, meet me at the Gray.”

  Akita bowed and placed her right fist on the left side of her chest. The five RahVen shimmered and disappeared.


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