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Ursa Unearthed (Scourge Survivor Series Book 2)

Page 8

by JL Madore

  Reign left.

  That reminded me. "My grandfather? Is he the one who called you? Is he okay?"

  Galan threaded long, pale fingers through his hair. The silver of his hair was stunning, but with the burgundy braid that hung down on the side of his face he was absolutely dazzling. "I am not certain how Reign found you, in all honesty. Jade and I were summoned here most unexpectedly, but I shall find word on your grandfather. Fash not."


  I shoved the food at Galan, leaped off the ground and raced to where Bruin lay on the stainless-steel table. He was naked and in his human form. Still as pasty grey as he'd been in my truck, but awake.

  The air sucked from my lungs when I saw the damage to his body now that it was human again . . . scratches and bullet wounds from the jackal attack. The men must have used their claws or something because he was shredded. Why hadn't I seen these before? There were other scars as well, not from the fight in the parking garage. Long lashes and buckled skin detailed a map of injuries past. Had Bruin been tortured?

  I searched his face as my stomach rolled. He was as handsome as always, just with the addition of two days' worth of bristling whisker darkening his face. I fingered over a scar through his lip and another which cut through his eyebrow and left a thin line of bare skin where the hair never grew back.

  Bruin kissed my palm before lifting his hand and pressing our brands together. My knees buckled a little as the burning pain that had ebbed for days extinguished. His weak smile melted my heart. "Hey. How freaked are you?"

  Pretty damned freaked. "You could have given me a heads up that you were Yogi's cousin." As his chest vibrated I pushed a long strand of hair from his face. He looked different covered in scraggly growth, but his eyes were the same.

  "Sorry. I was busy taking a header into a coma."

  He breathed me in and my nerves started to unravel. "Rather poor timing if you ask me. The lengths some people will go to avoid difficult conversations."

  He reached for my neck and pulled my forehead to his lips. "Are you really okay?"

  I blinked fast. "Your friends saved the day."

  He looked past my shoulder. "Hey guys, thanks for coming. Could one of you throw some clothes on my naked ass, please? My powers are still AWOL." In a flash, Bruin wore beat-to-death black jeans and a skin-tight-T that read: Men have two emotions: Horny and hungry. If you don't see an erection, make him a sandwich.

  Laughter bubbled from my chest. If they were making jokes at Bruin's expense he must be all right, right? I drew a deep breath and realized it was my first in days. "I was so scared. I didn't know what to do." The sting in my eyes grew and I swiped my fingers across my cheeks. "You almost died . . . and I didn't know what to do. . . ."

  Bruin reached one arm around my waist and hoisted me up to lay beside him on his raised platform. Even in his weakened state he was as strong as . . . well, a bear. I pressed my face into his neck, filling my sinuses his manly spice. As his arms came around me, he spoke over my head. "Guys? Would you give us a minute?"

  I didn't hear them walk away, but felt the shift in the cave's energy when we were alone. When Bruin's body shuddered, I pulled away. "Am I too heavy? What's—"

  Moisture was building in his eyes. His arms tightened around me, securing me to his side. "I'm sorry, Mika. I wanted to protect you." His voice was ragged and his hand fisted in my hair. "I should have been there to keep you safe. I let you down."

  I smoothed his bangs out of his eyes and scootched up to kiss his cheek. "You did no such thing. You got me out of that parking garage and told me how to stay safe until help came." I laid my forehead against his cheek. It was warm again, thank goodness. "I'm sorry it took me so long to figure out how to get you the help you needed."

  His hand slid across my back as he tilted his head and claimed my mouth. Lips met lips, warm and a little salty from the tears. His hand drew up my throat, and his tongue danced with mine. Oh . . . my, this man could kiss.

  After a long, quiet moment I pulled back, the sweet flavor of him lingering on my lips. Bear or not, warrior or not, Bruin did something to my insides. Something incredibly powerful. Something I couldn't deny even if I had the gall to try. We stayed like that, linked by our fingers and our eyes. Our palms pressed together. The sting of separation forgotten.

  "What would have happened if Reign hadn't found us. What if—"

  On a heavy sigh, he whispered, "Don't. You did great. You kept me alive and safe until my family came for me. You couldn't have done better."

  "You almost died," I choked.

  As my emotional levee crumbled, the flooding ensued. A minute later, it was time to sound the alarm. Bruin secured me against his body and rubbed slow circles on my back while I cried. It all came washing over me: him getting hurt in the fight, me shooting Hulk, the shocked look in his eyes as he slumped to the concrete ground, the powerless rage watching Bruin's life ebb away hour by hour. I thought he would die. But he hadn't.

  With my cheek against his chest I listened to the slow, steady beat of his heart.

  Bruin was speaking softly in tongues. I had no idea what the words meant, but the tone and the cadence were reassuring, reverent. I lifted my head from his damp neck. "Sorry. I think I'm done that now. I'm not usually such a girl."

  "Me neither." He blinked fast, wiped his own eyes and forced a smile. "Thanks for sticking it out for me."

  I stiffened. "Bruin . . . I'm glad you're all right, but . . ."

  There was a long silent pause before he pulled me back down onto his chest. "What do you say we don't make any decisions right now? I woke up from a coma fifteen minutes ago. Could I enjoy your company for a bit before you tell me we're doomed?"

  I ran my hands from his shoulder down to his hip. "Sure. Are you all right?"

  "Yeah, a couple more minutes and I'll be on my feet and pissing you off. My magic mojo is coming on-line as we speak." That glorious turquoise sparkle had returned to his eyes and I couldn't help but laugh when he rolled his hips against me. "A couple minutes after that I could flash us somewhere private and you could give me a once over. See how healed I really am."

  I laughed and pulled back to look at him. My tears left a dark patch on the neck of his t-shirt. "Sorry about that."

  "Any time. It's been a manic couple of days for both of us." What an understatement that was. "Mika, come home with me for a few days so we can work on figuring this out."

  I pushed up and out of his arms. "I can't, sorry. I need to be here."

  "Surely you can get away for a few days. Your boss told you to take some time off." As the tension rose in his voice, gold flecks began appearing in his eyes. After looking into the amber gaze of his bear, I had a better sense of why they did that. When he was agitated or aggressive, his animal side seemed to gain strength.

  "I can't leave Grandfather. If those jackal-men come after me, they'll find him. He's all I have and I dragged him right into the middle of this."

  "Did he see me shift?" Bruin reeled, closing his eyes as I nodded.

  "I'm sorry. I needed his help to tend to your wounds. You said no hospitals, and I suck at—"

  He shook his head and placed a finger over my lips. "It's fine. We'll speak to Reign about wiping his memories."

  "Yeah . . . about Reign. He doesn't like me much."

  Bruin frowned. "Why do you say that?"

  I chewed at my bottom lip. "I didn't know who he was when he poofed in on me and I'd been carrying the Hulk-guy's gun in case those jackal-men showed up."

  "You held a gun on Reign?" The newly returned bronze of his skin washed away.

  "Yeah, but he seemed to be okay with that. It was when the others got here—"

  His eyes popped wide as he scrubbed his palm over his mouth. "Please tell me you didn't threaten Jade or Lexi."

  "Um . . . yeah, Jade." I winced and hopped off the table, gaining some distance. "Don't look at me like that. I didn't know she was your sister. She poofed in here and charged at you when y
ou were unconscious. We got it sorted out, but I think your family hates me."

  Galan's rich timbre rang from the mouth of the cave. "No one hates you, sweeting. We were merely concerned for Bruin's wellbeing."

  "Speak for yourself, Highborne," Lexi said, pushing past Galan. She only came to my chest, but I had no doubt she could hurt me if she was so inclined. And it was pretty clear she was. She had a knack for spinning her dagger while she spoke and always pointing the business end at me. Her purple eyes were freaky beautiful, but sent an icy shiver up my spine. "You ever threaten me or mine again, Mundie and so help me . . . I'll dice you to shreds."

  A deep growl tore from behind me and I heard Bruin sliding off the table. "Princess, you don't want a go-round with me right now. I'm cranky and feel like shit. I love you huge, but Mika did her best to protect me. She wasn't born into our world. Give her a chance to learn some of our rules before you kick her out of the game."

  "No. I don't think so. If you want your little play toy in one piece keep her the hell away from me." She glared and pointed the dagger at my throat. "I can slaughter you sixty different ways before you know I've even moved, bitch, so think about that the next time you get some bright idea about threatening someone I love."

  She meant every word. I read her body language and her visual cues. She would kill for Bruin and relished the idea of going berserker on me.

  "Alexianna Grace." Jade joined the party.

  Despite the strength of her voice, she looked drained. Her hand followed the contour of the cave wall as she shuffled in. Galan strode to her, gathering her against his side. She laid her cheek against his shoulder and rallied a little. "Lexi, for Bruin's sake we will treat this woman with respect. She may have been wrong in her judgment of us, but her intentions were clear and you know it. She protected our boy. In my book that makes her one of the good guys."

  Lexi's eyes widened. "Fine. Then you play nice with your new BFF. Maybe the four of you can make it a double wedding."

  Bruin lunged. The gust of wind blew my hair as he flipped Lexi over his shoulder and the two of them disappeared into nothingness. I stood, open-mouthed while my mind whirled.

  Jade shrugged, brushing her palm over her eyes. "Don't worry, they'll be back. Lexi just needs a time out."

  "All this poofing in and out is unnerving."

  Galan's smile was sad. "You will adjust. We will help you."

  I looked into the deep green eyes of Bruin's sister. "I'm sorry our first encounter went so far off the rails. I . . . uh, this has all been a bit overwhelming."

  The corners of Jade's mouth inched up as her gaze met Galan's. "Don't worry, Mika. My most treasured relationships started off on the wrong foot."


  Normally, the grass clearing and trickling stream outside Frog-mouth cave was the kind of place you'd find in a scene from Bambi, not a ball-busting military incursion. But today, the sun-kissed meadow buzzed with leather-clad warriors wearing handguns either sheathed in a chest harness or tucked in the waistband of their pants. Many men shouldered long-range sniper rifles and some held what could only be described as magic wands.

  Were we seizing Hogwarts?

  Reign—clearly the man in charge of the operation—stood beneath the awning of a large oak, orchestrating the disposal of jackal corpses, sending men to secure the parking garage and deciding who would canvas any potential witnesses and wipe their memories.

  Wipe their memories? Really?

  With his hands planted and leaning heavy into massive shoulders, Bruin's father pointed to a holographic map floating and rotating over a large, war-room table. The group of soldiers surrounding him listened and nodded.

  Kobi frowned as Galan, Jade and I drew nearer, his eyes flashing red. Aha, so not a trick of the lighting. There was nothing mischievous about him this afternoon. His glare left me chilled and after a moment, the entire group joined in. They were huge, intimidating and throwing me a scathing fuck-you vibe palpable from fifty yards.

  Well, don't I feel special.

  Galan escorted Jade under the awning and I was relieved to see Grandfather sitting there, chatting with Castian. He looked none the worse for the morning's excitement, though I knew how he'd feel about all the guns. In fact, he seemed more animated in his conversation with Castian than I had seen him in years. When Galan kissed Jade's cheek, stooped to pick up a bow and quiver and returned to me, I decided to leave Grandfather to his conversation.

  "Is Jade all right?" I asked when we'd stepped far enough away for privacy.

  "Extensive healings are exhausting for her. She needs to rest for a time before her strength returns. Fash not, Castian will watch over her."

  After slinging the quiver over his shoulder, Galan escorted us past the hub of excitement. I appreciated how he positioned himself between me and the warriors, shielding me from their daggered stares. Soldiers angry about the stupid human who almost got Bruin killed no doubt.

  "What's the hostility about?"

  "Those are Bruin's brothers-in-arms. He told you he is a warrior, yes?"


  "When news spread that he bonded and that he and his intended had been attacked, his comrades rallied. We protect our own, and those we love fall under that protection as well. Any one of these men will give their life to keep another man's mate safe."

  "I haven't agreed to be his mate . . . and nobody said anything about love."

  Galan shrugged. "And therein lies the source of their hostility. The Fates have paired you and Bruin. In our world, that is immensely significant. It means his brothers will never allow any harm to fall upon you. They will protect you as if you were their own beloved."

  I didn't want to argue with Galan, but they looked more like they wanted to tie a weighted bag around my neck and dip me in the creek.

  I eyed the intricate carving on the bow Galan carried. "You any good with that?"

  A sexy smirk grew as he arched a brow. "I shall do."

  "Not really filling me with confidence here, Galan," I said, but I had a feeling that if someone jumped out from behind a tree, Galan would skewer them before I could blink.

  He chuckled and placed a hand under my elbow as I stepped over a mossy, fallen log. "Whether you have accepted it or not, you are Bruin's mate and will be protected as such. The Were-Bear species are a great and respected people in this realm. Years ago, the Bear King led a rebellion that kept the Scourge, the criminal faction of our realm, from taking over our lands. The other Were races swore their allegiance to follow the Bears."

  "What happened to him, the Bear King?"

  "He and every member of Bruin's community were slaughtered."

  "Except Bruin."

  Galan nodded. "Except Bruin. When they learned of the attack, Bruin and his father were in a distant forest, miles away. He was left there by his sire, to ensure that he survive at all cost."

  "Not that I'm complaining, but why him?"

  Galan's head tilted slightly to the side, his long silver hair shimmering in the mid-morning sun. "Because he was the Crown Prince . . . and when his father was killed, Bruin became King of the Were kingdoms. You are to be their Queen."

  Galan politely ignored my gaping mouth and lifted my hand onto the crook of his elbow. Thankfully, he let that bombshell detonate without further comment. Were Queen? How was I supposed to respond to that little tid-bit?

  He manoeuvred us beyond the chaos and toward the serenity of the forest before pausing to speak again. "As you may have gathered, we have a warrior-based policing agency. It is called the Talon. They shall dispose of your jackal assailants and ensure that there was no breach of anonymity during their attack on you. If anyone saw anything outside your office or in that parking structure, Talon enforcers will adjust the memories of the witnesses. Our existence must needs remain secret."

  My gaze drifted back the way we'd come to where Grandfather sat in a stand of silver birch trees with Castian. My stomach churned. The two of them sat in a tuft of s
oft ground cover, leaning against a wide trunk, speaking like old friends. They watched the hustle of the soldiers as if it were some sort of sporting event and they had front row seats.

  "Is that what they'll do to my grandfather?"

  "No. Your grandfather has asked to accompany you into our realm. Castian has agreed, so the two of you will stay in our home as our guests until we can assess the danger."

  "Exactly how big is this place?"

  Galan laughed. "There is plenty of room. You will go with Bruin and gather belongings for you and your grandfather while we await your return in the Realm of the Fair."

  His ocean blue eyes were incredibly soothing, fast becoming a safe place amongst all this craziness. The thought of him leaving me to these other strangers tightened my gut. "Won't you come with me . . . us, I mean?"

  He patted the top of my hand. "My physical appearance makes exposure more likely. Castian prefers I remain removed from largely populated areas. I am here solely to help you understand our world and protect you from harm. Modern society would not understand about Elves, Pixies and Weres."

  "Elves. That's what you are?" His softly pointed ears extended about two inches further than human ears. When they flushed pink I realized I'd been caught staring. Again. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude."

  Galan's expression was full of tenderness. "No offense taken. Yes. There are seven species of Elves in our realm and my family and I are High Elves or Highbornes as we are called. I came to live with Jade, Lexi and the others almost two months ago, after our village was attacked and my younger sister abducted."

  "Two months? And you and Jade are already engaged?"

  He smiled and walked me under the shade of a large elm. "In truth, we bound as mates within weeks of knowing one another. Our love caught us off guard and changed the course of our lives forever. The wedding is merely a ceremony to include our friends and family in a human celebration for Jade."

  "Any excuse for a party." Bruin's deep timbre broke into our conversation. I combed through my hair with my fingers and scanned the trees behind us. Lexi wasn't with him. He leaned in and kissed the top of my head, making me feel dainty and feminine in his wake. "Thanks for watching over her, Galan."


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