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Page 23

by P. Tempest

  “Hey, it was nothing like that, I was just complimenting him on a wonderful evening,” I said. “Everyone ready to leave?”

  “Yep,” from Sophia she jumped up with far more energy than she should have after such a heavy meal. She came over to hold my hand.

  Lyphia rose with more decorum but no less energy. “Of course.”

  We walked out together.

  Our walk back was quiet, it was dark, but peaceful. It wasn't too late, but I was tired. Lyphia even held my hand as we walked down the wide streets, I was relaxed. We talked about small things until we reached the academy

  Then Sophia asked “Lyph, can you stay? Can she Tristan? Please, please please.”

  I looked at Lyphia, as much as I would like her to stay, I couldn't force the words out.

  “Where would I sleep?” Lyphia said to Sophia.

  “In my room of course,” Sophia declared. She gave me a pleading look.

  “If that's what you want,” Lyphia said, she blushed so hard that I could see it, in the dark.

  “Yay,” Sophia said excitedly.

  I stood there, completely befuddled by this.

  “Come on Tristan, its past by bed time, don't ya know.” Sophia teases.

  I was dragged, well dragged is a strong word, guided by my two ladies up to our rooms. I was beyond tired, the nap earlier had helped but it wasn't enough to undo everything I had been through in the last few days.

  Sophia ran to her room to get ready for bed leaving Lyphia and I alone.

  “You don't have to...” I started.

  “Shush, it makes her happy, and I want to,” Lyphia said, moving closer to me. Her arms came around me, then she looked up at me.

  I did what I felt was needed. I kissed her.

  She kissed me back. It was better than all the magic in the world.

  “Ewww,” Sophia lamented behind us.

  I could feel Lyphia’s lips twist against mine as she smiled.

  “Come on Lyph, boys are icky, you can sleep in my bed, with me,” Sophia said. She took Lyphia's hand and pulled us apart in such an adorable way.

  “I’ll leave you girls to it then, I'm off to bed myself,” I said smiling at the unprotesting Lyphia, once so fierce, being manhandled by a smallish child.

  I waved then I followed along behind them. Sophia’s door slammed shut just before I reached it, I could hear giggling from behind it.

  I opened my door, to find Airis there. Boy Airis. I'm not sure I could have handled stone Airis unexpectedly

  “Is everything okay Airis,” I asked.

  “Yes, Tristan. Sophia knows what I am now. And the wizard just wanted to see me shift, he didn't do or say anything then he left,” Airis said.

  Odd I thought Velar had planned on doing more

  “I’m sorry I missed you,” I said. I really did feel guilty for leaving him out.

  “It’s alright, I don't really eat unless I have to, and I had to check my skills are fully functional. The days in the woods could have compromised me,” he said, there was something else in his tone, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

  “Is everything working how it’s supposed to?”

  “Yes all the tests confirmed, the module is fully integrated, there is just a lot to process. Do you think Sophia will still like me now that she knows?” he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

  I smiled. “Yes, Sophia will still like you, you saved her. Don't worry about it. I can have a word with her tomorrow if you like, but I think it may be best to just see how things are in the morning, I doubt it will be a problem, you two are going to need each other.”

  “Of course, I’m sure you’re right. Night Tristan,” Airis said, happier almost relieved.

  “Night Airis.”

  I stepped out of his way so he could leave.

  I closed the door, then undressed and threw myself in to bed.

  I was asleep not long after.

  It was dark, I could feel someone’s hand slide over my chest, I winced as it stung my wound

  “Calm down Tristan, if I’d know you would act like this I wouldn't have come,” Lyphia said.

  I could make out her shape in the darkness.

  “What? Oww, injury,” I said somewhat groggily.

  “Oh sorry,” she rested her head against my shoulder.

  I moved my arm so she could get settled, then wrapped it around her.

  She snuggled in closer, I noticed she was naked.

  I kissed the top of her head and wiggled slightly to get more comfortable.

  “Now that I have you all to myself…” Lyphia said, leaving it hanging in the air.…...

  Chapter 28

  I awoke to a rather loud snoring, right in my ear. There may have been dribble there too, but I ignored it.

  Lyphia was sprawled across most of the bed including my, her soft leg was over my own, her arm was across my chest.

  I smiled to myself as I remembered the night we had shared. Lyphia was passionate I’ll give her that. I ached all over, but it was a pleasant, satisfied ache. Now I had to figure out how to get out of bed without disturbing her.

  I decided the best option was to move quickly, she would settle back down. I wiggled her arm off, then I rolled. Right out of bed. She didn't even notice.

  I stood looking at her for a moment, even like this, she was beautiful. Hair splayed out. Limbs everywhere. I could stand here all day watching her sleep, but I had a job to do.

  I went into the bathing chamber, had a wash then got dressed. I didn't put my boots on, I carried them, then snuck out of my room, closing the door quietly on my way out.

  I walked to the main room, Sophia’s door was open as I passed.

  That meant she would be in the main room. She was, so was Airis. It looked like they were in the middle of a game of tag. I stood in the doorway a moment, watching them run around laughing and shouting at each other. Then shushing themselves when they got too loud.

  “What do you two think you are doing?” I shouted at them.

  They froze then slowly turned to face me. The guilty look on their faces was priceless.

  Sophia looked at me then down to her feet, Airis just looked at me.

  “I hope you were having fun because its lesson time soon. Sophia, you are now a mage with barely adequate suppression of your power, we need to give you more information so you can understand, that I think is the largest thing missing. Once your understanding catches up, I hope you’ll make great strides,” I said to her.

  Sophia looked up at me with wide eyes, then nodded.

  “Airis, you are Sophia’s companion, you will join her in all her lessons from now on, you will help each other to learn. You will support each other. You will protect each other. And hopefully you will care for each other, I don't want this to be a distasteful idea to either of you,” I said to them.

  Airis nodded, shared a glance with Sophia, smiled then looked back to me.

  “Good, now I want some breakfast, can you two please go get what you think you will need for class, and get changed into something better than nightwear,” I continued.

  They ran straight past me, I walked over to the table, picked up a bread roll, bit into it as I sat in the nearest chair. I pulled my boots on then finished the rest of the roll. I grabbed another one while waiting for Sophia and Airis.

  Sophia had changed into a mage training uniform. When had she got that?

  Airis was in a similar outfit. Avery really had outdone herself. I needed to find out how she was doing, soon.

  “Good that was quick if you are both ready we can go down to one of the lecture rooms. Here is our home I would prefer there to be a distinction between training and home despite where we live,” I said seriously. I was starting to sound like Jase, it must have been my nerves.

  They both nodded although they looked nervous too.

  “Follow me then.”

  I stood and walked to the door, they followed along quietly.

  We walked down the halls,
past the other crowds, groups of masters and their students. I even got a few respectful nods, which was novel.

  It didn't take us long to reach the lecture floor. I knocked on the first door, a student opened it and declared it was taken.

  I wasn't put off, I tried the next one, it was open and empty, perfect.

  I walked in to the lecture room, hall was more like it, down between the staggered rows of desks, to the open semicircle at the base of the room. I stood in front of the large glyph-screen, which used to be a chalk board when I'd had classes

  Around the edge of the circle were smaller circles, four of them. Inside them were the elements. Fire, earth, air and water. The lesser elements weren’t often included. It was so rare for someone to awaken to one, although an expansion into one wasn't that uncommon.

  I looked up from the circles, to see Airis and Sophia standing just inside the door. “Come on, we haven’t got all day. Find a seat and pay attention,” I said sternly, as much as I wanted to ease them into this, I needed them to understand that I was their teacher here.

  They picked a desk about halfway down the short alley of desks.

  “Everyone ready?” I asked with a grin. “Good, then we will begin with. What is magic?” I stood looking at them.

  They looked back with puzzled, scrunched up looks of confusion.

  “Nothing, huh? I know you are young, but this is an interactive class, I can’t teach you if you refuse to think. Let’s move on. How do you use magic?”

  Sophia’s arm shot up.

  “Yes Sophia, you don't need to put your arm up. There are only the twos of you here.”

  “You just do,” she said quickly. A smile hovered on her lips, fragile but there.

  “Is that your final answer?”

  Sophia nodded looking less sure.

  “You’re right. And you’re wrong. Magic, once you’re used to it, is like moving your arm, you don't think about it. You just do it,” I said smiling.

  I started to walk around the circle, until I reached the earth circle, I sent a flow of power into it.

  A spire of rock rose from the earth to waist height.

  “This is easy once you have a handle on your power. But where does you power come from?” I asked as I stood next to the slowly growing spire. I forced a bit more magic into it. It slowly shifted into the shape of a sapling.

  I walked away keeping a part of my attention on it as it grew and changed. There was no answer from my students.

  “Your power comes from the magic which comes through your links. Everyone has one, mages have more than one. But what makes the links different?”

  “The person?” Airis offered.

  They were both staring at my tree.

  “Nearly, the location of the link is what makes them different. They are rooted deep in our minds. There, from almost the moment we are born. Our minds grow around them. But we all grow in different ways. How we see the world. How we think. How we feel. Are all different.”

  I looked over at them, they were entranced by my stone tree. With a thought I shattered it. They jumped. Shards of stone whirled round in a small controlled cyclone before going back into the circle.

  “This is where I introduce the word concept. Does it mean anything to you?” I said with an intensity they found hard to face.

  “Ideas” Airis suggested.

  “Ideas given form, yes. A concept is a collection of thoughts and feelings that we use for our magic. Enchantment is nothing but these. The raw manipulations like the tree, don't use them in such a pure way but they are central to everything we do. I used growth for the tree. What does growth mean to you?” I asked.

  “Taller,” said Sophia

  “Age,” said Airis at the same time.

  “Exactly, growth is just a word, but it means different things to different people. It isn’t an idea. Ideas can’t be communicated like that. It takes a great many words to express an idea well. But a concept in the magical sense is everything. It takes every meaning of a word or an idea and combines them in a very complicated web. It takes years to build up a clear understanding of the concepts you already carry, let alone build new ones. Sophia, you have made plants grow, and you have propelled stones. What concepts do you think you understand?” I asked.

  “Umm. Growth. And move.” she hedged. Her earlier confidence gone.

  “Ah, movement, yes. You will know that. Everyone does. One of the first we all learn. Good.”

  I stood in the very centre of the room, I put on my most serious expression.

  “Your magic is thought, it is ideas given shape. They are your leverage against the world. So sharpen your minds, they are all that stand between you and helplessness.”

  As a finish I sent out my power to earth and water. I made both circles rise up balls of water and earth floated into the air, they danced around me. Flickering into different shapes. A tree, a fish, a cat, a bear, a wave. I ended with them formed into a pixie and sprite, hovering behind each shoulder.

  Sophia and Airis were stood clapping and hooting at my little show.

  I let the elements go back to their respective circles.

  Then I bowed.

  “Thank you both. That is the lecture section of this class done. This is your assignment. Pick a concept, and explore it. Words associated with it. Thoughts that come to you in connection to it. But a word of caution, don't pick an abstract. Things like love or trust or honour. Pick something solid, found in nature. The abstracts are a long way off.”

  I walked over to the glyph screen.

  “I will guide you just this once, what is your choice?” I said.

  “Damage,” Sophia said.

  Airis nodded, his eyes locked on me with a fascination I didn't understand. He couldn't use this.

  “Alright, damage it is,” I wrote damage in large glyphs in the centre of the screen. “This is the exercise, think of words that spring to mind.”

  “Break,” Sophia said.

  “Fracture,” Airis offered.

  I wrote these on the screen too. They took it in turns throwing a word out. The web of connected words grew.

  “Feelings?” I asked. “At the moment this is just a mess of words. You have to own it. You do that by attaching emotion, memories. Anything that helps you get a deeper, a more personal, image of the concept.”

  And so it went like this for about half an hour. I stepped away from the screen and faced them.

  “Do you both have your screens?” they nodded. “Good, copy what is up her onto them. This isn’t enough. Each thought. Each idea. Each feeling. Needs to be your own. This is how concepts are built. This is how they are yours. Over the next few months I will teach you how to put them in a shape that you can recall, like this,” I gestured to the screen, “But in your head. It takes time and effort, but you can't be a mage without them. The dreamers can get by on feel, they don't need to know all the mechanics of it, but you need to understand exactly what you are doing. One day all this will come naturally as you internalise. The levels of versatility and power you will be dealing with deserve nothing less than your utmost,” I said gravely. I fixed my gaze on Sophia.

  She looked back, daunted but resolved. Her face was pale but her jaw was firm her eyes focused.

  “Thank you both for your time. Anyone ready for lunch?”

  Chapter 29

  We went down to the meal hall, I hadn't used it much as an aspirant I’d spent most of my time in my cell, but it was a large room filled with benches and tables there were a few mages and their students scattered about. Lunch was a short but satisfying meal, Sophia and Airis were quiet as if they had much on their minds, a few times Sophia opened her mouth as if to speak then closed it again with a thoughtful expression.

  “Say it,” I said to her.

  “Say what?” she asked.

  “Whatever is on your mind, I've been watching you.”

  She blushed at that, then asked, “Where was Lyphia when I woke up?”

looked at her, she looked back innocently, her green eyes bright. A faint smile, very faint. I could be imagining it, but no. There it was a glimmer of mischief in her eyes.

  “You already know,” I said, I could feel my face burning.

  “Does that mean we get to keep her?” Sophia said, fighting her laughter down.

  I had no words.

  Sophia erupted in peals of laughter. Even Airis was smiling.

  “Right, this is serious. I don't want you to be teasing Lyphia about this, I really like her,” I said fiercely.

  “Calm down Tristan, we would never…” Sophia trailed off, lost for words.

  I thought about my reaction for a moment. It was slightly overblown and aggressive.

  “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I would prefer if you didn't tease Lyphia about our relationship, it’s new,” I said apologetically.

  “Don't worry Tristan. We won't say anything, we want you to be happy,” Airis said.

  “Yep, didn't mean to upset you,” Sophia said. She was nodding as she spoke.

  “Good then, if everyone is done... let’s find Jase.”

  I had no idea where to find Jase. It had been a day or so since we had gotten back from wherever we had been, he should be all better now, we mages heal quickly. I took a wild guess, which was his lab. It turned out he wasn't there, but I needed to have a good look around to make sure. As we were poking around the scattered debris of collected junk that collects in a mage's workroom, something moved.

  I pulled power into my hand, and called out, “Sophia Airis, get in the centre of the room.”

  I was on high alert, tension thrummed through my body as I scanned the room. My eyes were wide, looking for anything, movement.

  I activated my reading, light almost blinded me.

  Note to self, don't use very sensitive magical sight in a Mage's work room, I thought.

  Chunks of threads bound into enchantments blazed in every corner of the room. The natural flows of energy were distorted, drained into too many devices to count. But there, in one pile was something that moved.

  I readied my mind for some high level magic, for me at least. A binding.

  The thing moved, how I don't know, now that I got a good look at it as it emerged from the piles of junk.


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