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Hostage to the Devil

Page 61

by Malachi Martin

  He suffered for our salvation, liberated those already dead and waiting, and rose from the dead three days later. He ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of God. Afterwards, he shall come to judge the living and the dead. At his arrival, all human beings must rise again with their bodies and they must give an account of all their own actions. And those who have done good, will enter eternal life. And those who have done evil, will enter eternal fire.

  This is the universal faith. If you do not faithfully and firmly hold on to it, you cannot be saved.






  Psalms: 90, 67, 34, 30, 21, 3, 10, 12.



  We pray you, all-powerful God, that Evil Spirit have no more power over this servant of yours (give name of possessed), but that it flee and not come back. Let the goodness and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ enter him (her) at your bidding, Lord. For through Jesus we have been saved. And let us not fear any ill, because the Lord is with us, He who lives and reigns as God with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.





  The following exorcism can be recited by Bishops and also by priests who have received authorization to do so from their own Bishops.



  Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Army, Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against the princes and powers and rulers of darkness in this world, against the spiritual iniquities of those former angels. Come to the help of men whom God made in his own image and whom he bought from the tyranny of Satan at a great price. The Church venerates you as her custodian and patron. The Lord confided to your care all the souls of those redeemed, so that you would lead them to happiness in Heaven. Pray to the God of peace that he crush Satan under our feet; so that Satan no longer be able to hold men captive and thus injure the Church. Offer our prayers to the Most High God, so that his mercies be given us soon. Make captive that Animal, that Ancient serpent, which is enemy and Evil Spirit, and reduce it to everlasting nothingness, so that it no longer seduce the nations.



  In the name of Jesus Christ, God and Lord; through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, Mary, and Holy Michael the Archangel, the Blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, and all the Saints; and relying on the holy authority of our office, we are about to undertake the expulsion of diabolic infestation.



  (Psalm 67)

  May God rise up, and may his enemies be dissipated.


  And let those who hate him flee before him.


  Let them be dissipated like smoke.


  As wax flows before fire, so let sinners perish before God.


  Look on the Cross of the Lord. Be defeated, all enemies!


  The ancient strength will conquer, the King of Kings!


  Let your mercy be with us, O Lord!


  According to our hopes in you.


  We exorcise you, each unclean spirit, each power of Satan, each infestation of the Enemy from Hell, each Legion, each Congregation, each Satanic sect! In the name and by the power of our Lord Jesus + Christ! Be uprooted and put to flight from the Church of God; from the souls that were made in the image of God and redeemed with the blood of the divine Lamb.

  + Do not dare further, most cunning Serpent, to deceive the human race, to persecute the Church of God, to strike and shake the chosen of God like chaff +. The Most High God orders you +. It is he whom you, in your gargantuan pride, emulated. He wishes all men to be saved and to come to the acknowledgment of the truth.

  God the Father + commands you. God the Son + commands you. God the Holy + Spirit commands you. Christ orders you, he who is the eternal Word of God become man +; he who destroyed your hateful jealousy against the salvation of our race; he who humiliated himself making himself obedient to death; he who builds his Church on a firm rock and provided that the strength of Hell would never prevail over that Church; he who will remain with his Church for all days even up to the end of human time.

  The Sacrament of the Cross + commands you. The virtue of all the mysteries of the Christian faith commands you. The most exalted Mother of God, Mary the Virgin, + commands you. She, though lowly, trampled on your head from the first instant of her immaculate conception. The faith of the Blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, + commands you. The Blood of Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints + commands you.

  Therefore, Accursed Serpent, and all the power of Satan! We enjoin you under penalty, through the living God +, through the true + God, through the holy + God, through God who so loved the world that he gave his only son so that all who believe in him should not perish but should have eternal life:

  Cease to deceive human beings and to offer them the poison of eternal perdition.

  Cease to injure the Church and to set traps for the Church’s liberty. Go, Satan! Inventor and master of all falsehood! Enemy of human salvation! Give way to Christ in whom you could find nothing of your own evil. Give way to the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church which Christ himself created by his blood. Be humiliated under the powerful hand of God. Fear and take flight, when the holy and terrible name of Jesus is invoked by us. For he is feared by Evil Spirit, and to him all Powers and Virtues and Dominations of Heaven are subject. And the Cherubim and the Seraphim praise him with unfailing voices, saying: Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God of Hosts.

  Lord, hear my prayer.


  And let my cry reach you.


  May the Lord be with you.


  And with your spirit.



  Let us pray:

  God of Heaven! God of Earth! God of Angels! God of Archangels! God of Patriarchs! God of Prophets! God of Confessors! God of Virgins! God who has power to grant eternal life after death and rest after labor! There is no god but you. Nor could there be any other god. Creator of all visible and invisible beings! Your kingdom is without end.

  We humbly supplicate you in your majesty and glory: Liberate us, through your power, from all the power of Evil Spirit, from its traps, deceptions, and treachery; and deign to keep us safely. Through Christ Our Lord.





  From the ambushes of Evil Spirit.


  Free us, O Lord.


  When we ask you to help your Church to serve you securely in liberty,


  We pray you: Hear us!


  Humiliate the enemies of the Holy Church,


  We pray you: Hear us!


  The place is sprinkled with Holy Water


  Prayers Commonly Used in Exorcisms and Mentioned in the Exorcisms of this Book


  Our Father Who art in Heaven: Hallowed be your name! May your kingdom come! May your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our offences, as we forgive those who offend against us. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from Evil. Amen.


  Hail Mary! Full of Grace! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. And blessed is the fruit of your womb. Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God! Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


  Glory be to the Father, and to the S
on, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in beginning, is now, and shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.


  Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, exalt me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. My Good Jesus, hear me. Within your wounds hide me. Never permit me to be separated from you. At the hour of death, call me. And bid me come to you. So that with the angels and saints I may worship you. For ever and ever. Amen.


  Hail Holy Queen! Mother of Mercy! Hail! Our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious mother, your merciful eyes towards us. And, after this our exile, show us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. Clement, loving, sweet Virgin Mary, Pray for us, most holy mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

  Searchable Terms

  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

  Albert, 323, 345

  altered consciousness, 348–350

  Aquileia, 321, 364, 365

  Ara, 260

  astral travel, 353–355, 386

  aura, Non-Self, 348, 351, 400

  aura, Non-Thing, 351–355

  Beedem, Jay, 279–283, 288, 313

  bilocation, 387

  Black Mass, 213–217

  Breakpoint, 19

  Bryant Park, 41–43

  Byrnes, Fr., 221

  Cain’s thumbprint, 5

  Carl, 321–406

  Censor bond, 393

  Clash, 21, 233, 234, 393, 396

  Conor, Fr., 37–45, 71, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82

  consciousness, altered, 348–350

  consent, 436

  control, diabolic, 439–441

  control, remote, 113, 413–442

  Coos County, 89, 146

  David, Fr., 88–171

  death, 427–428

  de Chardin, Teilhard, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 123–148

  diabolic control, 439–441

  Donna, 323–325

  Doors of Perception, The, 331, 341, 342

  double, psychic, 387

  double vision, 453–455

  evil, good and, 413–425

  Evil Spirit, 9–23, 371, 411, 435–443

  evil spirits, 418

  “Exaltation,” 358

  exorcists, 9–26

  fallen angels, 413–425

  “familiar,” 283, 301–320

  “familiarization,” 262–270

  femininity, 183–187

  “funny-looking face,” 263–265

  G., Fr., 100, 101, 140

  George, 42, 43, 56, 57, 58, 60

  Gerald, Fr., 173–248

  Gesland, Henri, Fr., 11

  Girl-Fixer, 173–248

  good and evil, 413–425

  Hammond, Dr., 230–231, 238–240, 243–248

  Hartney F., Fr., 340, 345, 367–406

  helplessness, 427

  Herlihy, Fr., 106

  “higher prayer,” 337–340

  Hilda, 84–87

  Himiko, 372

  human being, 410

  humanness, 409

  of Jesus, 427–434

  Huxley, Aldous, 331

  identity of spirits, 422

  imagination, 112, 113

  inner life-style, 48

  James, Fr., 30–32, 66

  Jamsie, 249–320

  Jerome, 84

  Jesus, 427–434

  Jesus Omega Point, 114

  Jesus Patch, 184

  John, Fr., 175–176, 233, 236

  Jonathan, Fr., 83–171

  Joseph, Fr., 150, 151, 152, 163, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170

  Kingdom, The, 61, 74, 238, 307, 391, 413

  Kyoto, 373

  Lake House, 205, 208, 231

  Lazarus, 428–430

  levitation, 363

  life-style, inner, 48

  Lord of Light, 131, 143

  love, 178–180, 427

  Lucifer, 413, 434–443

  Lydia, 260–289

  “Man,” the, 46, 47, 51, 52, 54

  Mantryana, 339

  Marianne, 29–82

  Mark, Fr., 252, 253, 293–320

  marriage with nothingness, 49

  masculinity, 183–185

  Massepiq, 83

  medallion, 32–34

  Methodism, 370

  mirror of eternity, 129

  Mister Natch, 156, 160–248

  Moira, 200–202, 205, 206–209

  Multus, 311–312

  Mushroom-Souper, 308, 311

  Nanking, 3–5

  New Being, Shrine of, 120

  Nicholas, Captain, 197–201

  Non-Self aura, 348, 351, 400

  Non-Thing aura, 351–355

  Norman, 323

  Obata, 373–378

  Olde, 336–341

  Old Edward, 90, 96, 97

  Ordination, 108

  Osterreich, T. K., 11

  Paul, 212

  Paul VI, Pope, 39–43, 71

  perfectly possessed, 299–305

  person, personality, 409–411, 418–421

  Peter, 29–82

  Petrus, 323–325, 362

  Pierre, 103

  Pinnacles National Monument, 254

  Ponto, Uncle, 249–320

  possession, 10, 409–421, 435

  “prayer, higher,” 337–340

  Presence, 17, 72, 73, 80

  Pretense, 18, 70

  Preternatural, 422—424

  psychic double, 387

  Puh-Chi, 3–5

  reincarnation, 360–364, 386

  remote control, 113, 439–442

  Revolters, 38, 442–445

  Richard O., 173fn, 187, 191

  Richard/Rita, 173–248

  Romain, 103, 104

  Rooster, 327–328

  St. Declan’s, 109

  St. Joseph, Miss., 194–198

  Salem, Mass., 91

  Salem Chorus, 158, 159, 161

  Samson, Fr., 214–217

  Satan, see Lucifer

  Schumbard, Fr., 268

  Shadow, The, 256–258, 304, 317–319

  Shrine of the New Being, 120

  Smiler, 76, 77, 80

  Spirit and place, 421

  spirit-raising, 369–371

  spiritual capacity, 427

  Strong, Michael, Fr., 3–8, 447–457

  supernatural, 422–428

  Sybil, 103, 167

  symbols, 324

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 123, 148

  telekinesis, 332, 333

  telepathy, 332, 340, 372, 374, 376, 392

  Thomas, Fr., 144, 145

  Tortoise, 327–331, 383, 385, 393, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401

  total evil, 416

  Tourette’s Syndrome, 11

  “trances,” 343–345

  transcendental consciousness, 404, 405

  transcendental perception, 33–37

  transsexual operation, 211

  travel, astral, 353–355, 386

  Udine, 321

  Uncle Ponto, 249–320

  Vajnayana, 338

  Virgilius, Mother, 43, 44, 45, 66

  Virgin, The, 179–181

  vision, double, 453–455

  Voice, 20, 73, 74, 244–248, 316, 384–388

  Wanola P., 340–343

  Welsh Celtism, 368–369

  Wood, Lila, 252, 281–283, 300

  Wu, Thomas, 3–8, 448–451

  Yves, 103–171

  About Hostage to the Devil

  “[Martin] presents exorcism itself as a perilous ‘personal meeting’ between priest and devil, a titanic clash of wills that threatens the lives, the sanity, even the souls of all attending.”


  “Martin builds a gathering, glowing light o
f love, compassion, and faith. Hostage to the Devil is surely one of the most stirring books on the contemporary scene.”

  —NBC Radio

  “In the barrage of books on possession and exorcism…this is undoubtedly the most authoritative and convincing.”

  —The Washington Post Book Review

  “He brings a hellish tale, but with a heavenly message.”

  —The Baltimore Sun

  “Unmatched…. Martin’s polished contemporary sense of traditional theology entices even the skeptical…. Stunningly pertinent…. Will set you thinking—and thinking—and thinking.”

  —Detroit News

  “First-rate…enlightening and thought-provoking…decidedly recommended.”

  —The Sunday Denver Post

  “An amazing and extraordinary book. Both believers and nonbelievers will read it all the way through with not a dull moment.”

  —Chattanooga Free Press

  “Sheds new light on the age-old confrontation of good and evil.”

  —The Pittsburgh Press

  “This is the strength of Hostage to the Devil: it offers insight…into the more personal evil of everyday life.”

  —Harvard Crimson

  About Malachi Martin

  “In biblical times, they would have called him a prophet.”

  —The Dallas Morning News

  “Martin is concerned with the fate of modern man…. [He] has an ability to argue a case very forcefully…and make strong judgments.”


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