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Dragon Mystics: Supernatural Prison #2

Page 15

by Jaymin Eve

  “Jess.” He took three huge steps across the room and hauled me into his arms.

  I wrenched my head back to see his face. “What the hell just happened?” I was clutching at muscles, trying to sort myself out. I didn’t know what to think. Had I dreamed the entire misty place?

  “You lost consciousness, and then this energy burst from your body. I couldn’t get to you.” His blue eyes were hard, narrowed, as he ran his gaze across my features. “Do you remember anything?”

  He never even flinched as I dug my nails into his arms. I couldn’t seem to stop from clinging to him. “I blacked out and then when I came to I was in this weird misty place. There was a presence there…” I tried to catalogue my thoughts. “Almost as if there was a narrator talking to me. It asked if I would sacrifice my mate bond to save all the supernaturals, or if I would mate someone I did not want to.”

  Braxton dropped his head down, letting it rest against mine, and we stayed like that for a moment. “Shit, that’s not good,” he eventually said. “A mate bond partially formed between us, Jessa, but … it’s not complete.”

  I startled against him. “What do you mean?”

  Low growls were rocking from his chest. It seemed to take him a few moments to be able to speak again. “I don’t know, babe. I can only think of one possible explanation.” He ran a hand over his face. “Do you remember that story Mom used to tell us, when we’d ask about broken mate bonds?”

  No fucking way.

  I didn’t have to think hard about it. Of the many stories from the Compass parents, that one had stayed with me. Jo had been the supe I’d always gone to for love tales, since I had no mother of my own. Deep down a part of me was always trying to gather facts about mate bonds. I think even back then I’d been trying to figure out how to be with Braxton.

  “The one about the lion-shifter?” I asked, barely above a whisper.

  We sat on the bed. I was still naked but I knew Braxton didn’t mind.

  “Yes,” he said. “The shifter with the two mates.”

  I shook my head, there had to be another explanation. That story was an urban legend – the female lion shifter who had two true mates. It was said that when she found the first, a bear shifter, the mate bond didn’t properly form, so they didn’t realize they were mates. It was only when she found her second mate, a lion shifter, that the bonds kicked in, and it was then she had to choose. Once she made the choice, the bond formed with that supe.

  I wrinkled my nose. “We can’t seriously be contemplating the thought that I might have two mates?”

  Braxton let out a huff of air. “I don’t know. What else could it be?” He looked unsure, which was so not my dragon man. Not to mention there was something simmering behind those mesmerizing eyes, something that seemed a lot like pain. Which made me want to punch myself … in the face.

  I tried to think of any other possible scenario. “Maybe it’s just about my strange dragon mark, Brax. No reason to jump to the worst conclusions yet. Let’s wait and let it play out.” I reached up and cupped his cheeks. “Besides, even if it was true, I don’t need to find a second mate, I choose you.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “Unfortunately, my beautiful shifter girl, if this is the same as that female, it’s not a decision you can make. Not yet anyway. Remember what Mom said, when the lion found both of her mates, there was some sort of test. In the end the mate best suited to her was the one.”

  “So this might be what that misty vision was about?” I didn’t believe in coincidences, and the weird narrator voices had been talking about mate choices, and now Braxton was saying the same thing.

  He touched my face gently. “I guess we’ll find out when it happens. For now I’m glad we have the bond even if it is partial. You’re right, let’s fight one battle at a time.”

  I could agree to that. No point creating worries, we had enough without searching for more.

  Braxton stood and held out a hand to me. “Now we shower, dress, and eat, because I don’t know about you, but I’ve moved to that place past hungry where I’m ready to rip someone’s head off.”

  I took a deep breath. I was hungry too, but that wasn’t what filled my mind. “How do you know the mate bond isn’t complete?” I took the hand he offered and got to my feet. We strode toward the bathroom, our movements in sync.

  A sense of sad unease was heavy in my stomach, threatening to burst up through my body and expel itself from my mouth. I was about two-more-stressful minutes from barfing.

  Braxton’s hand curved around my neck and began to gently rub. “The same way I know you are really freaked out right now. I can feel you in my heart, but I can’t hear you in my head.”

  It was strange but he was right, I was rocking so many extra emotions in my chest. The tie I had always felt toward Braxton was stronger now. Although, what was he talking about with hearing thoughts?

  “Mates can’t hear each other’s thoughts,” I said, as he reached around me and hit the lever on the shower.

  Braxton stepped back and gestured for me to enter the stall first. I didn’t move straight away, I narrowed my eyes and processed his information. I’d known lots of true mates, even my parents, and not one of them had ever mentioned they could hear the thoughts of the other. It was not written in our history or taught in any of the classes. And we had extensively covered supernatural mates in our kinship and race diversity classes.

  Braxton shuffled me back into the stall, and followed. “Dragon shifter mates can. It’s a special bond. We don’t exactly hear every thought, but we can definitely communicate mentally.”

  Okay, I did not know that. Why the hell did I not know that?

  He read my expression. “No one knows but dragons. We’re born instinctively with this knowledge. I figured it wasn’t worth sharing.”

  “Why did you figure that?”

  He shrugged, giving me that sexy half-smile. “I chose you a long time ago, Jess. Either you were my true mate and you’d discover the mental speak the fun way, or you weren’t and it wasn’t worth worrying about what we didn’t have.”

  All I heard from that was: I chose you. The extra emotions in my heart swelled.

  I was distracted by another one of his devilish grins. “I’ll bet you also didn’t know that all dragons can communicate with each other while in our beast form.”

  His shocking revelations continued. Seemed I needed to get some dragon workshops going or something. This information was better hidden than the secrets of the fey.

  “Why did I not hear you in Faerie then?”

  He lifted me into the water, my question cut off by a cascade of warmth flowing over me. He followed even though he was still wearing a pair of shorts.

  “Because you haven’t connected intimately to your dragon yet. You’re still … distant. When the true merge happens, you’ll understand what I mean.”

  I melted against him, my hands straining to pull him into me. We’d had sex not that long ago, but it wasn’t enough. Something told me it would never be enough. But before I initiated any frisky business, I needed a few answers.

  Pressing my breasts against his chest, I glanced up, the slightest of smiles on my lips. “How do I connect to my dragon? And is that the reason I couldn’t shift on command when I was falling?” I exhaled, trying to keep my focus despite the distraction in front of me. “We couldn’t reach each other. There was this energy wall between us.”

  Braxton’s pupils dilated, his nostrils flaring just slightly as he scented my arousal. His hands started trailing over me, lingering on my mark again. He couldn’t seem to help himself, touching it over and over.

  “Every dragon shifter is different. Sometimes it’s an event, or for others it was simply time. Shift enough and eventually the bond is formed. I expect it will be quick for you. I’ve never seen a new dragon shifter have such control over their animal.”

  I definitely had control over her, she was like a big puppy dragon. Most of the time. I was about to let loose wit
h more questions, but suddenly those trailing fingers were right in the sweetest of spots. I threaded my hands behind his head and pretty much climbed his body, giving him better access, but I also now had a direct path to his luscious lips. And I was not wasting one second of this shower.

  An hour later we were forced to emerge or we were going to expire from drowning or lack of food. Braxton left me in the room to dress. I wiggled into jeans and pulled on a simple black tank. I found a pair of black Converses in the cupboard. Even though I’d never seen them before they fit perfectly. They were either Mischa’s, or a shoe pixie lived in the cupboard. Yep, they were real demi-fey and they loved shoes. Generally, though, they were stealing them, not bringing new ones.

  As I stood in front of the mirror to brush out my hair, my eyes were drawn to the shower stall. My thoughts flashed back to the last hour, and I couldn’t help the grin which spread across my face. My reflection, I’ll admit, looked quite flush and satisfied.

  Why the hell had I waited so long to do this with Braxton? I had been so worried that taking this step would destroy the bonds of our friendship, but instead it felt as if we had never been closer. I could feel him in my chest, as if my heart were now twice the size it used to be, more emotions than I’d ever experienced.

  No wonder mates got all blissed out and forgot the world for a few years. All I could think about and feel was Braxton, and I seriously hated that we were leaving the bedroom.

  Braxton and I were mates … well, sort of.

  Why the frig couldn’t anything be simple in my life?

  My brush stilled halfway along a stroke. I wondered how Jacob, Tyson, and Maximus would take this. The last thing I wanted was any sort of rift between all of us. I was amazed that things with Maximus and his new mate had been calm so far, but maybe I’d been counting my blessings too soon.

  No doubt I’d find out shortly. The Compasses would make their opinions abundantly clear.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?”

  Braxton’s voice did the usual and shot heat right through my body.

  “Just wondering how your brothers will take this revelation,” I said, before the next random thought burst from my mouth. “Do you want to keep things casual until we figure out what’s going on with this mate bond?”

  His hooded eyes trailed over me. “No, Jess, there is no casual when it comes to us.” He leaned in the doorway, his relaxed pose all sexy. “I have two thoughts about what we do until this mate bond is sorted. The first centers on exclusivity. I want it. I demand it. I will kill any males, besides my brothers, who touch you inappropriately. If your second mates comes along … well, we will deal with it.”

  There was the dominant dragon shifter that had been missing in the last few hours of gentle play. I had forgotten for a short period that Braxton was a badass – okay, I hadn’t forgotten, he wore badassery like a second skin, but he had been tempering it slightly. No more apparently.

  “And the second?” There was a hitch in my voice, anticipating what he might say.

  He straightened, his presence filling the small bathroom.

  “Nothing that happens here will ever change the fact that I love you. I have always loved you. Since we passed puberty, well, it has been as … more than friends. You’re my choice, Jessa.” There, he’d said it again. Stronger this time with no hesitation. He owned his emotions without missing a beat. Damn, he was perfection.

  My heart did something weird, like it stopped beating for about thirty seconds. I was trying to draw in air, but there seemed to be a shortage in this room or something. I shook my head a few times, before stumbling two steps and throwing myself at him. He anticipated the movement and caught me with two hands wrapped around my thighs. Our mouths met in the hardest of kisses.

  I wasn’t sure when I fell in love with Braxton. Probably it had always been there for me too. I had been particularly harsh and dissatisfied with ninety percent of my past lovers. For a reason I’d never really stopped to identify. But I was well known for never committing; I ran when things were getting serious. The longest relationship I’d ever had was with my Compasses, and that is why I held so strongly to the “friendship only” thing we were rocking.

  I had been so afraid that if I started anything with any of them, my commitment-phobia would kick in and ruin everything. Guess I couldn’t hold out any longer with Braxton. You could only fight fate for so long, especially with true mates. I was never acknowledging a second mate – seriously, that notion could just eff the hell off.

  Our kisses tapered off. I squirmed as the need to be naked with him again overwhelmed me. But for now, the growling of my stomach was slightly stronger. I was lowered back to my feet, my Converses sinking into the soft carpet. Wait, how did we get out of the bathroom? This male had my senses all over the place.

  We didn’t touch again as Braxton led the way from the room, but all this did was increase the tension radiating between us. It was as if we’d broken the seal on the attraction and now there was no tempering it anymore.

  The trip out of our silent home and down the elevator was over quickly; we set off for the food street. “So what are we going to tell everyone?” It never crossed my mind for a moment that we would keep it secret. But I also loved my other Compasses and I didn’t want to hurt them with this new development.

  Braxton actually chuckled. He was in a mighty good mood today. “I don’t think any of them are going to be surprised. They’ve been waiting for this to happen for a long time.”

  Shit, was I the only one who hadn’t been placing bets on the inevitability of me and Braxton hooking up?

  “We just tell them the truth?” I wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

  He found my gaze. “Yes, we tell them the truth.”

  Okay, I could do that.

  The chattering of hundreds of supes and the distinct smell of the five races hit me hard as we stepped into what seemed to be a central gathering place in the sanctuary. It was around lunchtime, and all of the restaurants were full. I took a moment to enjoy the delicious scents, and my brain starting making a list of what I wanted from each and every place.

  What? I was hungry.

  Then I heard my name. “Jess! Brax!”

  I recognized Jacob’s white hair reflecting the artificial sunlight. Still not touching, which seemed to be more obvious than if we’d been holding hands, we crossed the hundred yards to reach our friends. Everyone was there, the Compasses, Mischa, Louis, Quale, even Grace, who I hadn’t seen much of. And suddenly I saw him … I took off at a run.

  “Dad!” my shriek was loud enough to have heads turning, but I didn’t care.

  Jonathon Lebron was out of his chair and across the path in seconds, his alpha power surrounding me with the warmth and comfort I’d missed. Strong arms encased me as he pulled me into a firm hug. Just the scent of my father was enough to kick-start countless memories flashing through my mind. Some were shitty, like the years after Lienda had left him, but most were amazing. Besides the Compasses, my dad was the single most important influence in my life. He’d taught me to fight, helped me through my first shift…

  I had really missed him.

  When we finally pulled back I was a little surprised to see moisture ringing his eyes. I’d never seen my dad cry, not even in the dark years after Lienda left – although I think he’d tried to keep that devastated part of himself private. Speaking of, my mother was waiting to the side, and with only a little hesitation I opened my arms and gave her a brief hug. There weren’t that many memories associated with her crisp, lemony scent, but I still enjoyed the moment.

  “It is so good to see you, Jess, I’ve missed you,” said my father.

  I grabbed his hand, pulling him back to the massive table where my family was holed up. “I have missed you so much, but … food … I need food.”

  It was reaching desperate times.

  Jonathon threw back his head and laughed, strong white teeth flashing. He had the same blue eye
s as me, but his hair was light. Same as Lienda. I had no idea where Mischa and I got our black hair from, but in most other ways I could see a lot of my features in my parents.

  Jonathon slid into the chair next to mine. “Nice to know some things haven’t changed with you, my little shifter wolf.”

  Tyson grinned at me from across the table. “So, what you been doing to work up such an appetite, Jessa babe? Thought you were sleeping.” Honeysuckle eyes fluttered innocently at me, and as I ran my gaze across the rest of my grinning friends and family I was hit with a realization. They all knew about Braxton and me.

  I bared my teeth, no shame forthcoming. I had nothing to hide. I was proud to be with him. Proud to be his mate. I met the wizard’s piercing gaze.

  “How did you know?”

  Tyson lifted his arm and gave a sniff to the top of his forearm, and I realized what had given us away. Sure, we always smelled of each other, but there was a distinct change when anything sexual had occurred. Even though we had showered, we’d fooled around plenty after that.

  Jonathon and Lienda were smiling, so I knew they were cool with this new revelation, but I was most worried about the other quads, and my sister. Thankfully Mischa had a broad grin on her face, her eyes twinkling, although I detected a slight shadowing across them. She gave me a thumbs up. That was one pack member accounted for.

  “Are you guys okay with this?”

  Braxton growled as I directed my question to the other Compasses. He wouldn’t care if his brothers were okay with it or not, but I still had to ask. By sleeping together, forming this part mating, we had changed the dynamics of our group. We were supernaturals, so I knew we’d all still share a bed at times – packs liked to stay together – but I wasn’t sure what their immediate reactions would be.

  There was no hesitation from any of them.

  All three reached across to me and placed their hands on top of both of mine.

  “As long as you are happy, Jess, we are happy.” This was from Tyson, who was uncharacteristically somber, before the smartass returned: “And at least Max is off the hook – you know, since now you’re the one messing with the dynamics.”


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