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Marked by Pain (The Marked Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Cece Rose

  He’s already halfway down the corridor, not slowing for me to catch up. Cursing under my breath, I jog a little to reach him, so I don’t get lost in the mess of this place. He leads me from the building, and cuts across the grass outside to another building I haven’t been in yet. Inside the building is a large gym-like hall, on one side it has been set up like a classroom, with desks and a whiteboard facing them. There are currently five people sitting in the seats, but they’re facing away from me so I can’t see their faces. The other side looks like it’s for more physical training, with blue mats littered across the floor. There are rocks, and various other things lying across the ground too. For earth practice, maybe?

  Alaric clears his throat, and one by one, the faces turn my way. The first two faces are unfamiliar to me, but the next three make my heart crash wildly against my chest, and my hands shake at my sides.

  What the fuck. Why are Enzo and the twins here?

  I look between all their faces trying to understand what they are doing here. Enzo’s face is a blank mask, nothing I can read there. Logan looks sheepish, and Locke looks downright guilty. I have no idea what they are planning, why they’re here, or who’s side they are truly on. The only thing I am becoming certain of, is that I cannot trust anyone. They could betray me like Mr Daniels did. I won’t let myself be fooled. Until it’s clear whose side they are on, I have to keep them at arm’s length.

  “Why don’t you take a seat, Mackenzie? I am sure the person leading the class will be here momentarily.” Alaric gestures to the seating. Gritting my teeth to stop myself from snapping, I walk over and take one of the empty seats. I sit at the back, away from the others. “Fantastic, I have to be off now, but I will speak to you later. I’d love to hear what you make of your first day in training, sweetheart,” he says, and then turns and leaves.

  “Sure you fucking would,” I mutter under my breath as I watch the door close behind him. I’m glad he’s gone, but the room I’ve been left with isn’t much better. What the hell are they doing here?

  The seat to the left of me pulls out, scraping across the floor. I look up, seeing Enzo sitting down. His dark eyes are watching me intently, as he looks me over. It’s not an emotional look, more like a clinical assessment.

  “Hey, Crowe. How are you doing?” he asks quietly, as he pulls off his leather jacket, letting it fall against the back of his chair. I try not to notice how his black t-shirt clings to him, but it’s a losing battle. He looks good, even though I’m pissed I can admit that.

  “Just frickin peachy. It’s not just Mr Daniels here I have to worry about, you’re all here as well!” I snap back under my breath, but all the heads in the room have turned to watch us regardless. The two faces I don’t recognise are watching curiously, whereas Logan and Locke look tense.

  “You need to understand, we’re all on the same side here—”

  “Really? You’re going to give me that same bullshit he did, too? Just leave me alone,” I cut him off angrily.

  “Kenz,” Logan says, standing, and moving to sit on the seat directly in front of mine. He twists it to face me though.

  “Don’t ‘Kenz’ me. How long have you been a part of this?” I demand.

  “We just joined, the three of us. Daniels has been looking to recruit us all for a while now, apparently. But when his cover was blown at the school, he came to get us. Gave us all the option to join and come with him, East said no…” he trails off with a guilty look to match his twin’s.

  “You know what happened to him, don’t you? The state he was in when I went to check on him, it was awful. You can’t seriously be okay with this?” I question him.

  “It’s not what I think that matters, Kenzie. East made his choice, and we made ours,” Logan says. I look across at Locke, who has looked away, and is staring at the door.

  “What about you, Locke? Anything to say?” I ask, ditching the quiet tone. I don’t give a fuck who hears what anymore.

  “There’s nothing to say, Kenzie. The rebels are trying to make things better for our kind, we want to help in that,” he answers, but it sounds forced. I frown. There’s something not right here. They can’t all surely be brainwashed like this? What did Mr Daniels do to convince them all?

  The sound of the door opening makes me turn my head. I stand up, knocking my chair back onto the floor as I gape at the figure making their way into the room.

  No. This cannot be happening. Not her, she can’t be one of them, too.

  She walks across the room until we are standing face to face, she gives me a small smile. I can’t help but feel stabbed in the back, and in the heart, both at once. I stare at my closest friend, the girl I grew up with, and I feel sick.

  “Hey, bestie. Are you settling in okay?” Kelly asks. She reaches out and pulls me into a hug. I stand there numbly, just letting her hug me. I’m too shocked to resist. I look over her shoulder, spotting Ryan sauntering into the room.

  What’s next, my mum and other dads show up too? I shiver at the thought.

  “Are you cold?” she asks quietly. Coming to my senses, I pull away and look at her accusingly.

  “How could you do this?”

  “Ryan’s been asking me to join for a while now. Now that everyone’s here, I have no reason to say no,” she answers meekly.

  “Your freaking parents are on the council!” I snap. “Have you lost your mind…have you all lost your minds? What the freaking hell is wrong with you all? The rebels are criminals, they want to kill or enslave the humans. You know I went to a human school as a kid, Kelly. You even hung out with some of my human friends with me. Do you really think they’re worth less than us? Who even are you anymore?” I question her, watching as she steps back from me, looking shocked at my outburst.

  “Don’t talk to Kelly like that,” Ryan growls, walking over and wrapping an arm around her shoulders comfortingly.

  “What about you then, Ry? You went to a human school too, had human friends? How can you look at yourself in the mirror?” I ask, glaring at him.

  “Just because you got along with the humans doesn’t mean I did, Kennie. I never fit in with them, they knew there was something different about me, about our family. I once let slip about having more than one dad, and the humans, you wouldn’t believe how they reacted. As if anyone else’s relationship is their business, but to them, it was sick and wrong. They were awful; they don’t understand us or our way of life. They wouldn’t accept us for what we are if they knew, so why should we accept them?” he questions.

  “You don’t know how the humans would react. Sure, maybe some of them would react badly. But there are good humans too, just like there are good and bad marked,” I say, trying to make him understand.

  “Crowe, maybe save the family drama for another time. Ryan is supposed to be leading the training,” Enzo says in a bored tone.

  “You cannot be serious.” I look at Enzo disbelievingly.

  “Yes, I am, actually,” he says. He then gestures to the other two recruits in here. “They didn’t come here to listen to your drama or negativity, take your damn seat and let Ry get on with the training.”

  “I can’t believe you, I can’t believe any of you…” I say, trailing off as I back away.

  “Just sit down so we can get on with this,” Ryan says, in a calmer tone than before.

  “Screw you, screw all of you!” I shout, turning away as I run to the door, I pull it open and rush out, running as fast away from the training room as I can.

  I’m not sure where I am heading until I get there. I stand outside the building nervously, before entering. As I make my way inside the building, I’m surprised how nobody stops me. The guards standing outside of the steel door are watching me intently when I get to them.

  “Give me five minutes, please?” I plead, they don’t answer, just ignore me. I feel like screaming.

  “Let her in to see him,” Mr Daniels’ voice comes from behind me, making me jump.

  “Are you sure, sir?”
one of them asks, as he looks behind me nervously.

  “Yes, I’m fucking sure. Don’t question me, Jacob,” he snaps. Jacob moves to the side, opening the door for me to enter. I rush in, not bothering to say thanks. After what he’s done, he doesn’t deserve it. Seeing East’s face, as he looks up at me, makes me feel like I’m home, and everything’s okay. He stands and pulls me tightly into his arms, and I cave, letting the tears fall from my eyes.

  “It’s okay, Kenzie, it’ll be fine. We’ll find a way out of here,” he says soothingly, as he rubs my back.

  Easton Black, the guy I’d fallen for when I was a kid, is the same person as he always was. Good, gorgeous, and he knows right from wrong. No matter who else has turned, East hasn’t. East is my refuge in this place, the only one I have left. I lift my head up, pressing my lips to his, and he holds me tighter as he returns the kiss.

  East is still himself, and he’s still on my side. I repeat it in my head, like a comforting mantra over and over. The words make me feel safe. I pull away and take a seat on his sorry excuse for a bed, and he slides his hand in mine when he sits down next to me. He doesn’t say anything else, just holds on tightly. A silent show of support and comfort, knowing words couldn’t possibly make things better.

  And in this moment, I think I love him for it.

  Chapter 7


  “I didn’t expect to find you ready and awake this morning, Mackenzie,” my father says as he opens my door. I meet his eyes in the mirror I’m staring in.

  “I have training,” I reply with a neutral voice. I look back at myself in the mirror, pulling my long black hair into a high ponytail. I smooth down the black leggings and tank top I found to wear. I have knee high black boots on that I found and fell in love with, and after applying a little makeup, I think I look decent. I need to look halfway good to have the confidence to get away with all the pretending I have to do today. I’m not letting them beat me anymore, I’m damn fucking stronger than this, and East needs me to be strong enough to get us both out of here.

  “It’s good to see you are coming around to our ways, maybe we could have dinner tonight?” he asks and I turn around, smiling, and hoping it doesn’t look as fake as it feels.

  “That would be lovely,” I reply, and he turns around, walking out my room with the guards following. I walk out, shutting my door behind me, before following him down the endless corridors to the training rooms outside.

  “Good luck today, my daughter,” he says, smiling like he’s won the lottery. I walk into the training room and the door shuts behind me with a loud bang. I hold my head high when I see Ryan, Enzo, and the twins talking in the middle of the room. They all turn to look at me slowly, hearing the door shut, but I don’t look away. Remembering the same thing I told myself last night as I couldn’t sleep. I’m stronger than anything they can throw at me.

  “Kennie, you came back,” Ryan comments and smiles widely as I walk over. I don’t reply as I go to the middle of the first row of seats and sit down on a chair. I cross my arms, leaning back in my seat, and raising my eyebrows at them all as they stare at me.

  “This is training, right? Or is it just making pointless statements class? Or staring at me class?” I reply. Enzo chuckles darkly, before coming over and sitting in the seat directly behind me. Locke and Logan give each other a worried look, before going to sit behind me next to Enzo.

  “Today’s training is going to be—” Ryan goes to say, before the doors open once more, cutting him off. I turn to see Verity walking in, her high-heeled boots clicking across the floor, and she’s dressed in all leather again. Her brown hair is up in a bun, her face is covered in makeup, and I hate to admit that she looks good.

  “I’ve decided to join the training class today, Ry,” she tells my brother, using a friendly nickname that makes me grit my teeth. She then moves to sit in the row of seats behind me. I turn to see her sat right next to Enzo, her eyes trailing up and down him before turning to look at me, with a small smirk. I catch Enzo’s dark eyes as I turn around, noticing how they watch me and the fact that he didn’t look once at her. It only makes me feel a little better, before it makes me remember how I’m not meant to like him. He betrayed me.

  “Fine, Verity,” Ryan says, moving in front of the white board again, “Today’s class is going to be about learning how to use your powers in combat. We will pair off, and take five minute rounds before switching,” he says and I jump when Enzo kicks the back of my chair. I turn in my seat to glare at him, but pause when I see Verity’s hand on his arm.

  “Kennie, you’re with me. Come on,” Ryan tells me as I stare at her hand, anger burning through me, and all I can think about is pulling her stupid high heeled boots off, and stabbing her with them.

  “Kennie?” Ryan asks as Enzo moves Verity’s hand off his arm and I look up at him. He shakes his head, before kicking my chair once more.

  “Are you deaf?” he asks me.

  “No, I just can’t hear people that speak constant bullshit. All the people in this room seem to have a talent for it,” I say and then mutter more quietly, “That and being brainwashed idiots.” I get up before Enzo can reply to me. The twins watch me, both of them look like they are bursting to say something, but can’t. It’s weird. I walk over to where Ryan is waiting by the whiteboard. I look back to see Logan and Locke walking off together, and Enzo with Verity. I try not to let it bother me, even if it takes everything in me to look away from them all.

  “Let’s go outside for training, it’s a nice day, and you might want some air,” Ryan suggests.

  “Oh, so we’re allowed outside? Here I was thinking I was a prisoner, but apparently I got it all wrong,” I say in an overly sarcastic voice, as I walk next to Ryan towards a door on the other side of the room.

  “Kennie, I know what your twelfth power is. I know that you need this rebellion to survive. You’re acting like such an ungrateful brat for everything my father, your best friend, and everyone else that cares about you has given up, just to keep you alive,” he snaps at me, before walking faster towards the door. I stop in my tracks, anger burning through me as I call my air mark, slamming a gust of air into the mats leaning against the wall and sending them flying into his side. He falls to the floor, the mats falling on top of him, and he pushes them away with his own air power.

  “You’re such a brat. Are you ever going to grow up?” Ryan huffs as he stands up.

  “I’m the brat? Me?” I laugh as Ryan stomps over to me and grabs my arms, shaking me lightly.

  “Stop it. Just stop and listen rather than letting your ego ruin a good thing for you,” he snaps.

  “I will never side with your rebellion, never. Not after what they did to East, and if this really was the right way, why would East be locked up and beaten?” I whisper, not wanting anyone else to hear.


  “Stop calling me that stupid nickname, stop trying to control me,” I seethe, losing control of my power and a wall of flames appears from my hands, without me calling my mark. The flames slam into Ryan, setting him on fire as he flies across the room. I quickly call my water mark, and make a wave to wash over him as I stand in shock.

  “Ryan!” I shout, as I snap out of it, stopping my water mark as I run over to where he is on the floor, burns covering his clothes and arms.

  “What did you do?” Locke shouts as he runs over to us, placing his hands on Ryan, and they glow white.

  “Get Kelly,” I shout at Enzo as he runs over. He nods, quickly turning around and running for the door as it’s opened. Kelly walks in, holding a clipboard that she drops when she sees us and runs over, sliding onto her knees.

  “Ry? Baby?” she whispers as she pushes Logan out of the way, putting her hands on Ryan’s chest, and she starts glowing as tears run down her face. We all stay still as she heals him, none of us making a single sound.

  “What happened?” she asks me, once she moves her hands away and to my surprise, there isn’t a s
ingle burn on Ryan’s skin. He’s still passed out, but he’s alive, thank the gods.

  “I lost control, I didn’t even know I was calling my fire mark until it was too late,” I say, and then I look down at the floor, not able to meet Kelly’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  “Maybe you should learn more control then, Twelve,” I hear Enzo say as I stand up, walk over to him, and whack my hands against his chest as he looks down at me.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be such a jerk,” I say, moving to hit his chest once more and he grabs my hand, pulling me against his chest. All the air leaves my body as he leans down, putting his head so close to mine, I’m practically moulded into him.

  “I wish we were in the woods again,” he whispers, reminding me of the time we kissed. Reminding me how he responded to me, how nothing about that night felt fake. I pull away from him, seeing his eyes, so dark, as I stare into them and feel lost.

  “It was an accident, I know you would never do that to your brother. We should get him back to his room,” Kelly says interrupting us, and making me quickly step away from Enzo as I look over at her. She has her hand on Ryan’s face, tears still streaming down her cheeks, and it makes me pause for a second. Despite how she betrayed me, and everything that happened, she loves him. That I believe completely in this moment. Logan walks over, holding his hand up, and making Ryan float in the air as Kelly stands up.

  “Kelly, if you walk by his feet and Kenzie you go by his head, I can float him back to his room. Just rest your hands near in case he falls,” Logan states. I step away from Enzo, walking over to my brother’s head and Kelly steps near his feet. I keep my hands out as Logan uses his power to move Ryan out the room, and I look back once to see Verity standing close to Enzo, touching his arm again. I swallow the sickness I feel rising to look ahead as we go down the corridors. People move out of our way, not stopping us as we walk in time with each other.

  “Kelly, get the door,” Logan says, and she turns, opening the door quickly. I step back while Logan places Ryan on the bed and turn to shut the door behind me, as Kelly sits on the bed next to him, holding his hand tightly.


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