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[The Watchers 20.0] Dominion - Enduring

Page 1

by SJ West


  Books by S.J. West


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Author’s Note

  War Angel~Sneak Peek

  About the Author


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  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  © 2016 by S.J. West.

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Design: Paper & Sage Design, all rights reserved.

  Interior Design & Formatting: Stephany Wallace, all rights reserved.

  Proof Readers: Kimberly Huther, and Allisyn Ma.

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  Published by Watchers Publishing November, 2016.

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  The Watchers Trilogy




  * * *

  The Watcher Chronicles





  * * *

  Caylin’s Story



  Aiden’s Story

  * * *

  The Alternate Earth Series




  * * *

  The Redemption Series





  * * *

  The Dominion Series




  * * *

  The Everlasting Fire Series

  War Angel

  Between Worlds


  The Harvester of Light Trilogy




  * * *

  The Vankara Saga


  Dragon Alliance

  War of Atonement

  * * *

  Vampire Conclave Series






  I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who were with me throughout this creative process; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments, allowed me to quote their remarks and assisted in the editing, proofreading and design.

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  I would like to thank Lisa Fejeran, Liana Arus, Karen Healy-Friday, Misti Monen, and Erica Croyle, my beta readers for helping me in the process with invaluable feedback.

  * * *

  Thanks to Kimberly Huther, and Allisyn Ma, my proofreaders for helping me find typos, correct commas and tweak the little details that have help this book become my perfect vision. Thank you to Stephany Wallace for creating the Interior Design of the books and formatting them.

  * * *

  Last and not least: I want to thank my family, who supported and encouraged me in this journey.

  I apologize to those who have been with me over the course of the years and whose names I have failed to mention.


  (Helena’s Point of View)

  Hell seems empty now that Anna and her children are no longer in it. As I look around the room I designed for them to stay in, I can’t help but feel a hollowness that their presence once filled. Oh well. I won’t be alone for much longer since Cade agreed to relinquish his freedom in order to save Anna’s daughter. I know his unconditional devotion to Anna and her children will ensure his quick return to my side. He isn’t someone who would ever choose to help himself over others. I, on the other hand, will always choose whatever serves my own selfish interests first.

  As I await Cade’s return, I walk over to the dining table and tidy up the mess of dirty dishes and leftover food that was left there. It isn’t something I would typically fuss over. Normally I would just snap my fingers and send the clutter elsewhere, but I want to maintain the illusion of being a considerate ruler to those who reside within my cloud city. The ‘Empress of Nimbo’ would bring back what she borrowed.

  Just as I’m about to place the empty containers back into the basket I used to bring the food in, I notice something propped up against one of its inner walls that I neglected to give to Anna while she was here. I set the containers back on the table and reach in to pull out the framed photograph of Lucifer and Amalie. Right before Hale gave the order to blow up the propulsion system keeping Cirrus in the sky, I took the picture from Anna’s chambers. I had intended to use it as a segue into informing my sister about the demise of her beloved cloud city, but even the best laid plans don’t always pan out the way you expect.

  I begin to feel my anger toward Lucifer twist my stomach into a tight knot as I look at his happy face. If anyone in the history of the universe deserved to remain a miserable wretch, it was my father. I toss the picture over onto the four-poster bed behind me and return to my task. After I have the basket repacked, I make a quick trip to Nimbo to return it to the kitchen staff there. As I expected, the servants are impressed that I would personally take the time to return the items to them.

  “Are you hurt, Empress Helena?” one of the cooks asks me with a great deal of concern over my welfare as she looks pointedly at my dress.

  I glance down and notice the splotches of blood dotting the white outfit I got while on alternate Earth. I knew the birthing process would be a messy affair, but I wasn’t prepared for all the blood Anna lost. When I held Liana in my arms, some of it obviously transferred to my clothing. This is a prime example of why I prefer to wear red. I don’t know what I was thinking when I allowed Lucas to pick out my dress.

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” I assure the woman with a carefree wave of my hand. “I cut my finger somehow and didn’t realize it until it was all over my dress. Thank you for pointing it out, though. I should probably go change before anyone else becomes alarmed by my appearance.”

  Without waiting for a reply—because, frankly, I don’t need anyone’s permission to leave—I teleport up to my room in the palace to change clothes. I choose to don a simple maroon dress to welcome Cade back to my home. As I study my reflection in the full-length mirror in my bedroom, I begin to wonder what he’ll think of my choice of attire. He seems like someone who would prefer a more brightly colored dress, like a pale yellow or even a peach. Maybe I should rethink the red I always wear …


  Why am I even contemplating such a thing?

  Why should I change something I like just to please him?

  First, it will be the color of my clothing. The next thing you know, I’ll be changing who I am to meet some idealistic expectation he has
for his “perfect” soul mate. And for what purpose? Just to make him happy?


  I will not change the color scheme of my clothing, and I definitely won’t change anything about myself just to please him. He’ll have to learn to accept me for who and what I am. It’s not as if I expect him to turn into a bad boy for me. Why should I be expected to turn into a Goody-Two-Shoes for him?

  In fact, I quite like what we have. I’ve often heard it said that opposites attract, and in our case, I would have to agree. Cade and I couldn’t be more different from one another if we tried, yet there’s an undeniable connection between us that keeps drawing us together. It’s the proverbial moth-to-the-flame scenario. In this case, he’s the moth and I’m the flame. I just hope he doesn’t end up flying too close, because we all know how tragically that will end.

  I can’t seem to put a stop to my desire to have him around more, and he obviously can’t prevent himself from caring about me. If he could have squelched his feelings for me, I’m sure he would have by now. I mean, I’m not exactly the kind of woman you want to take home to meet your family. I’m the kind of woman you want to hide your family from for their own safety.

  Before I phase to my bedroom in Hell, I take one last look at myself in the mirror and tuck a few wayward strands of hair behind my left ear. When I became corporeal, I soon learned how much maintenance a real body requires. It’s very tiring to keep myself looking perfectly styled all the time. My sister makes it look so effortless with her natural beauty and regal grace. Though, she has had years to perfect the intricacies of dwelling on Earth.

  When I phase back to Hell, I find Cade sitting on the side of the bed in Anna’s room, his shoulders slightly slouched. I notice he’s holding the framed photograph of Lucifer and Amalie that I left on the bed. The brooding expression on his face makes me wonder what he’s thinking as he looks at the pair in the picture.

  “Was my sister happy to have her baby back?” I ask pithily, breaking his contemplative mood. I suspect I already know the answer to my question, but I feel the need to ask it in order to break the silence in the room.

  He looks over at me and stands from his seat on the bed. Before giving me his answer, he sets the picture on the nightstand.

  “Yes. She was very happy,” he tells me, turning to face me fully. “They all were.”

  Cade’s voice doesn’t hold an ounce of joy in it, and I find his expression disappointingly unenthusiastic.

  “And are you having second thoughts about agreeing to our bargain?” I ask curtly.

  “You didn’t give me much of a choice, Helena,” he replies just as testily. “You knew I would do anything to get Liana back for Anna and Malcolm. I’m not going to stand here and lie, saying that I’m happy about this arrangement.”

  “Is that your subtle way of saying you don’t want to be with me?” I ask, feeling my temper about to flare at his blatant insubordination.

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying,” he replies, openly frustrated. “I’m saying that I would have liked the option to choose. You gave me no other option. There was only one choice to make.”

  “Do you feel like I’m punishing you by making you stay?”

  “Honestly,” Cade says with a little more warmth, visibly relaxing his shoulders as he accepts his fate, “I think you made the deal because you’re lonely.”

  “That’s rather presumptuous of you,” I scoff. “I’m the ruler of Hell and a whole cloud city full of people who would love nothing more than to spend time with their new empress. I don’t need you to keep me company. I have others who can perform that function.”

  “Then why keep me here if it isn’t to ease your loneliness?”

  I don’t answer because I don’t want to admit that he’s right. I’ve cornered myself into an argument that can’t possibly end favorably for me. Considering the confidence in Cade’s expression, he knows I’m trapped too.

  “I was fairly certain you would come back,” I say instead, “but I did wonder if you would consider reneging on our bargain.”

  “Why would I do that?” Cade asks, looking confused. It’s apparent such deceit never even crossed his mind. Good grief. Did the man ever have a selfish, self-serving thought?

  “Considering the fact that I absconded with Anna’s firstborn, I thought you might be too upset with me to return here on your own.”

  “I always keep my word,” he states proudly, lifting his chin a notch, “but I would like to know the reason you took Liana from Anna.”

  “My purpose is none of your concern, dear heart,” I reply, being purposely vague with my answer.

  Cade remains silent as he waits for me to expand upon my reply of my own volition. When I don’t, he sighs heavily in disappointment.

  “Why can’t you leave Anna and her family alone?” he asks wearily. “Will you always try to spoil their happiness?”

  “I don’t owe you any explanations about why I do certain things,” I tell him bluntly.

  “No, you don’t,” he agrees, continuing to look at me with disappointment, “but I wish you would. Maybe I can help you accomplish whatever it is you want to do without involving Anna and her family in your schemes. If you’re not willing to tell me why you took Liana, would you be willing to tell me why you gave her back so easily?”

  “I only needed her for a short amount of time to do what needed to be done,” I reply, “and that’s all you’re going to get from me on the subject.”

  “And who does it benefit?” he asks, narrowing his eyes as he looks at me with barefaced suspicion. “You or her?”

  “If there is one thing you should know with absolute certainty, it’s the fact that I always do whatever benefits me the most. Thinking about what’s good for others has never motivated my actions.”

  We stare at each other for a moment, neither of us seeming to know exactly what to say or do next. I don’t intend to assuage his curiosity any further about my plans for Liana, and he seems smart enough to recognize that fact without asking any further questions.

  Now that he’s here, I have absolutely no idea what to do with him. Our range of activities is limited in Hell. I doubt he would appreciate a tour of my torture chambers. Although there is one place within my domain that he’s sure to consider beautiful.

  “Would you like to see something extraordinary?” I ask him.

  Cade continues to stare at me for a little while before saying, “I already am.”

  Involuntarily, I smile.

  “You should do that more often,” he tells me with a small, appreciative grin. His blue eyes twinkle with amusement as he continues to watch my reaction to his compliment.

  “I smile all the time,” I profess, hoping he can’t see how flushed my face has become with his lingering gaze.

  “No, you smirk,” he gently corrects me. “There’s a difference. I guess I’ll just have to figure out ways to see a real smile on your face from time to time. It’s a much better look on you.”

  “You can try to pull off such a miracle,” I challenge him playfully, “but I rarely find the urge to feel happy about anything.”

  “I suppose I’ll have to fix that.” Cade’s smile broadens as mine begins to fade. A normal woman would find his statement flattering, but I immediately feel offended by it. His tone makes it sound like his real intentions are to “fix” me when I’m not broken. I’m perfectly happy with the way I am, yet I decide not to say these words to him, at least not yet. It would only lead to an argument, and that isn’t what I want right now.

  “Let me put my original question to you a different way then,” I say, swiftly changing the subject before my pride gets the best of me and I end up ruining the moment. “Would you like to see something that you’ve never seen before?”

  “I’ve lived a very long time.” He looks dubious about my proposal. “There aren’t many things I haven’t seen.”

  “I can assure you, dear heart, that you have never seen what I’m about to show y

  “Well, now you have me intrigued. Then, yes, please show me this wonder that you believe will interest me. Is it here or on Earth?”

  “Here.” I walk over to Cade and wrap one of my arms around his. “It’s guarded by the leviathans, so don’t say anything after we phase into their chamber. I would rather not have to destroy them for trying to harm you.”

  “Should I feel flattered by your offer to kill them to defend my life?” he asks, his eyes filled with mirth at such a notion.

  “They’re my favorite creatures here, so yes, you should feel very flattered that I would kill them to protect you.”

  I teleport us to the center of the leviathan chamber. As I look out across the great expanse of honeycomb structures sheltering my slumbering creations, I can’t help but feel an immense sense of pride in their existence. When I glance down at the section of rock we’re standing on, I see the inscription Lucifer carved into it. I’m not sure why he felt the need to chisel it for all to see, but since it’s written in archangel script, only a few of us are able to read it.


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