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Give Me Yesterday

Page 22

by K. Webster

  “I love you, Sarah Bear.”

  And then utter blackness.




  But my worries are soon washed away when I’m blinded by white light and warmth.



  Sarah’s giggles.

  Memories of Victoria flashing by—our first kiss, making love, our wedding day, her holding our baby, her bluest of blue eyes.

  And love. So much love.

  “You’ll see her again one day.” The strong, thundering voice comforts me down to the fabric of my soul.

  And my daughter, still in my arms, comforts me too. “Dadda.”

  I smile and follow the warmth that calls for us.

  We’ll be safe here, I can feel it.

  We’ll be loved.

  We’ll be cherished and protected.

  A part of me wants to turn away and go back to Victoria. But I’m filled with the overwhelming sensation that she’ll be okay without us.

  She’ll find love again.

  She, too, will be cherished and protected.

  And we will see her one day.

  Love is forever.


  ERASED by K Webster & Elle Christensen

  Available Now!

  An excerpt to tease you with…

  “What the fuck?” she yells.

  Damn, she really is a little hellcat.

  “I’d think before you hit me, kitten. I’ll just have to spank you again.”

  When we reach her door, I give the knob a twist, easily opening it. We’ll have a chat about that unlocked door tomorrow. For now, she stops struggling after my threat, but I can hear her taking deep, calming breaths. I drop her abruptly on the bed and lean down, placing an arm on either side of her torso to cage her in.

  “Let me be very clear, Cupcake. I make the rules here. You follow them. It’s as simple as that. If you run, I’ll drag your ass back and you’ll find yourself under lock and key. Got it?” I threaten.

  If I were a lesser man and had smaller balls—that’s right—they’d be shriveling under the venom in her gaze. Instead, before I can think better of it, I close the distance between us and lightly brush my lips against hers. Then I pull away and lick my lips. Damn, she even tastes like a cupcake. I want to dive in for more, but I force myself to back away. The fog begins to clear from her face, and I anticipate the storm as I walk to the door. However, there is silence. And when I turn back, I see her softly touching her lips and looking at me in confusion.

  Don’t expect answers from me, Cupcake. Hell if I know what’s going on.

  Thank you to my husband. My heart and soul. You’re always the one that helps me through the cloudiest of days. Thank you, sweetie! I love you!

  A huge thanks to my writing buddy, Elle Christensen. You are amazing, and somehow, we mesh so incredibly well and the words just flow onto the pages. I’m so thankful that writing with you is such a breeze. Until our next book! Love you, girl!

  A big ol’ thanks to my best friend, PA, voice of reason, and giver of good advice. Nikki McCrae, you are always with me every step of the way for every single book. Thank you for always being there to help me through. You’re a true friend and I look forward to making you eat guacamole one day. Love you, girl!

  I want to thank the people that beta read on this book. Nikki McCrae, Wendy Colby, Dena Marie, Elizabeth Clinton, Shannon Martin, Amy Bosica, Ella Stewart, and Nikki Cole. I hope I didn’t forget anyone) you guys always provide AMAZING feedback. You all give me helpful ideas to make my stories better and give me incredible encouragement. I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions.

  Thank you to all of my blogger friends both big and small that go above and beyond to always share my stuff. You all rock! #AllBlogsMatter

  I’m especially thankful for the Breaking the Rules Babes and my Krazy for K reader group. You ladies are wonderful with your support and friendship. Each and every single one of you is amazingly supportive and caring.

  I am totally thankful for my author group, the COPA gals, for being there when I need to take a load off and whine. Y’all rock!

  Vanessa, thanks again for providing your AMAZING editing services. You’re a star and I’m so lucky we connected!! Your beta, Manda, rocks too! Love you ladies!

  Thank you Stacey Blake for being awesome as always. I feel as if we should celebrate…with wine. Lots and lots of wine.

  Lastly but certainly not least of all, thank you to all of the wonderful readers out there that are willing to hear my story and enjoy my characters like I do. It means the world to me!

  There is so much support surrounding us, I don’t think it’s ever possible to adequately express my gratitude. Success is not something you can achieve alone.

  From start to finish K. Webster and I seem to crawl inside the same imagination. We watch the same movie projection in our individual heads and then work together to put it down on paper. We have so much fun writing that the story moves easily along and every time I see or think about our book babies, I’m so grateful. The love and patience we have for each other cannot be replicated. You are one of a kind, K. Webster. One of the best.

  To my love, the dedication says it all.

  Ohhhh_foxy_Katie, My books aren’t a genre you like to read, and still, when I release one, you cheer as loud as can be, and display them proudly on your shelf. You build me up and give me the strength to do something I love, without the doubt and fear that would come from others. Your story is coming, baby! And, everyone is going to love you as much as I do!

  C.O.P.A. girls, your support is a helps me to break through walls. You guidance helps me find the right path. Your comradery and love are immeasurable, more important to me than you will ever know.

  To Rojo, every day you make me laugh, inspire me, and motivate me. I love you like zombies love brains. #Twinthoughts #RoLo

  To our editor, Vanessa, from PREMA Romance. Thank you for being so diligent and willing to help. You are a delight to work with and I hope we can do so again! (Keep those cigarettes handy, my books aren’t likely to get any less steamy…)

  To my beta readers, Heather, Robin, & Nikki, thanks for being willing to read something so raw and see what it will be when it’s polished. I love the reactions you send me while reading! I hope you’ll always be there to read for me, it wouldn’t be the same without you. When I look at you I see unicorns, badass unicorns.

  Melanie, I couldn’t keep my head on straight without you!

  To Stacey from Champagne Formats, I want to stare at my books all day after you make them so gorgeous! Your creativity and ability to see my vision is amazing and I adore you for it. Can you put a little sparkly heart right here? Haha!

  For my Cupcakes, stay calm and eat unicorn cupcakes.

  To all of the bloggers out there, big or small, you pave the road to the Emerald City.

  To all of you book nerds out there, nobody gets it like we do. Those people are real damn it!

  I’m a thirty-four year old self-proclaimed book nerd. Married to my husband for twelve years, we enjoy spending time with our two lovely children. Writing is a newly acquired fun hobby for me that has now turned into a livelihood over the past year. In the past, I’ve enjoyed the role as a reader. However, I have learned I absolutely love taking on the creative role as the writer. Something about determining how the story will play out intrigues me to no end.

  This writing experience has been a blast and I’ve met some really fabulous people along the way. I hope my readers enjoy reading my stories as much as I do writing them. I look forward to connecting with you all!

  Join K Webster’s newsletter to receive a couple of updates a month on new releases and exclusive content. To join, all you need to do is go here.







  I’m a lover of all things books and have a
lways had a passion for writing. Since I am a sappy romantic, I fell easily into writing romance. I love a good HEA! I’m a huge baseball fan, a blogger, and obsessive reader.

  My husband is my biggest supporter and he’s incredibly patient and understanding about the people is my head who are fighting with him for my attention.

  I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoyed writing them!

  Join Elle Christensen’s newsletter to receive a couple of updates a month on new releases and exclusive content. To join, all you need to do is go here.













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