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Wilde Horses

Page 4

by Jannine Gallant

  At least he had his emotions under control again, along with his travel plans. He dumped the last of his breakfast in the trash then left the bus. Over in the corral, Eden had placed a saddle and bridle on the big Appaloosa. With a lead rope attached, she walked the horse in slow circles. Every now and then, the low drone of her voice carried to him on the breeze. Apparently she was doing her best to calm the beast.

  “He looks as docile as the old pony I had as a kid,” he called out as he approached.

  Eden glanced over and smiled when he stopped beside her pair of border collies and rested his forearms on the fence rail. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  Blake studied the stallion for a long moment. Was there a nefarious gleam in the horse’s eyes as the animal returned his stare, or was it just his imagination? “Maybe I should have stuffed a pillow in my jeans to make the landing a little softer.”

  Her rich laugh filled some of the empty space in his chest. “That, I would like to see. It would have made a great companion photo to the one of you mucking out stalls in the barn.”

  “Don’t count your chickens yet, smarty. I might just be a better rider than you think.”

  She led the horse toward the fence, and it shied away with a snort. “You can still back out of the bet. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  He grimaced. “Far too late for that.”

  Her brows lowered beneath a tan cowboy hat. “Excuse me?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll ride the horse. Fighting a battle I at least stand a chance of winning will be a refreshing change.”

  She gave him another look but didn’t respond until he lifted the latch on the gate and entered the corral. “I’ll hold Apollo until you get in the saddle. After you land on the ground, Cookie and Cracker will herd him away to make sure he doesn’t kick you in the head.”

  Blake rolled his eyes. “Gee, thanks.”

  When the side door to the barn opened, he glanced over as one of the younger hands he’d seen around the ranch strolled out then stopped a short distance away. A grin spread across his face as he studied Blake.

  “Need any help, Eden?”

  Her eyes sparkled. “Hey, Roman. Blake plans to ride Apollo. You can time him for me, if you don’t mind. Once he hits the dirt, I’ll be too busy to check my watch.”

  “Will do.”

  Blake gritted his teeth as a couple of the set grips along with one of the bit part actors hurried over from the food truck. On the other side of the corral, Eden’s grandpa limped down the slope from his cabin.

  Great, now he had an audience. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Whenever you’re ready.” She held tight to the bit as the horse shifted. “I’ve been on him a few times, but he’s nowhere near saddle-broken yet.”

  Without responding, he slipped one foot into the stirrup and swung his leg over the Appaloosa’s broad back. The horse snorted as he gripped the reins. The second Eden released her hold and jumped away, the big horse reared. Clamping his legs around the stallion’s heaving sides, Blake held on just as tightly as he’d cradled Josie the night she’d slipped away from him. Blood had matted her hair and soaked into his shirt, but he hadn’t been able to get her to open her eyes…

  Apollo spun and ran, kicking out as he galloped across the corral. Blake clung like a T-shirt shrunk in the wash, moving with the big animal as he tried to bring him under control. The Appaloosa was having none of it. He reared again and aimed toward the fence to brush him off. When Blake hit the wooden rail, his grip loosened, and a mighty kick sent him flying through the air. He hit the ground with enough force to knock the breath out of him.

  The dogs’ excited barking rang in his ears as he fought to drag air into his lungs. When he opened his eyes, Eden bent over him.

  She reached out to touch the side of his face. “You okay?”

  “Yep. Give me a moment.” He took a couple more jagged breaths then struggled to sit up. “Still alive and kicking, though maybe not as hard as that damn horse.”

  She smiled. “Nothing’s broken, I hope?”

  “I don’t think so. Wow, I haven’t taken a fall that hard since I tumbled out of a tree when I was ten, and I’ve gotten some serious bruises doing my own stunts.”

  “I warned you. Do you need help getting to your feet?”

  “Maybe. Talk about role reversal. Didn’t we just do this, but you were the one lying in the dirt?”

  She put an arm around him to help him up off the rock-hard ground. “You should have been smart enough to learn from my experience.”

  “You’d think.” Not that he minded his current position with one of her soft breasts tucked against his side. When she stepped away, almost every inch of his body began to throb…and not in a good way. He groaned. “God, I really am an idiot.”

  Blue eyes flashed with concern. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  He nodded. “Bruised but not broken. How long did I last on Apollo?”

  “I’m not sure.” She turned with him to head back toward the barn. “Hey, Roman, what was his time?”

  The young hand pushed longish blond hair out of his eyes and smiled. “Sixteen seconds. Not bad at all.”

  Blake straightened. “Seriously? Hey, I won the bet.”

  “I guess you did.”

  Jasper Wilde strolled over to meet them at the gate. “I told you he was playing you, Eden. Nice job up on that horse, young man.”

  “Thanks. I’m amazed I lasted as long as I did. I felt like a rag doll being tossed around in that saddle.”

  “Keeping loose helps you move with your mount. The last thing you want is to stiffen up.” She gave him a quick smile. “You let me know when you want that ranch tour, but right now I have to catch Apollo and get the saddle off him.”

  “I’ll help you.” The young hand, Roman, rested his fists on his hips. “I owe you one.”

  Eden’s brows shot up. “You do?”

  “Yep, you turned Zane down yesterday, so he’s letting me have his spare ticket to the Kent McCord concert tomorrow night.” Roman’s blue eyes narrowed. “I was pretty surprised when he told me. I thought you were a huge country music fan.”

  She grimaced. “I am. I’d kill to see Kent McCord, but going to Billings with Zane…” She let out a sigh. “Well, it wouldn’t have worked out.”

  “Your loss is my gain.” Roman stepped back. “I’ll go round up Apollo for you.”


  When Eden turned, Blake laid a hand on her arm. “Kent is a friend of mine. If you want to see him perform, I could probably set something up. He has a lot of stops on this tour.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Sure. I’ll give him a call.”

  “Wow, thanks. Billings is probably the nearest city he’ll play, but I have to double for Kara in a scene tomorrow afternoon, and Zane…” She broke off. “Maybe if I didn’t have to travel too far I could manage to get away.”

  “I’ll see where he’s scheduled to go next.”

  “That’s really nice of you.”

  Blake glanced at his watch. “Thanks to your horse, I’m filthy. I’d better go shower again and change or I’ll be late for my call. See you later, Eden.” With a nod to her grandpa, he headed back toward the encampment of buses and motorhomes.

  Blake had cleaned up and dressed in his costume before it occurred to him he’d sloughed off the morning’s depression along with the dirt. Though he’d always miss Josie and regret her senseless loss, he couldn’t let himself sink back into melancholy and guilt. He’d put those emotions behind him long ago, and Josie wouldn’t want him to wallow in despair a second time.

  Armed with more positive thoughts, he headed toward Jasper’s small cabin, which would be the backdrop for the scene they were filming. While he waited for his first big, on-screen kiss with Kara, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts to call Kent. He’d met the country star years ago at a
charity event in Hollywood, and the two had found they had a lot in common. A friendship formed, despite the fact they rarely ran into each other. Theirs wasn’t the only relationship he’d neglected because of work. It’d been nearly a year since he’d visited his sister and nephews. As for dating, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen the same woman for longer than a few weeks. Maybe he needed to slow down the pace of his career and enjoy life more.

  With a sigh, he tapped the screen to call Kent’s cell and was amazed when the man actually answered.

  “Hey, buddy. How’s life been treating you?”

  Blake thought about telling the truth for two whole seconds before giving the traditional response. “Just fine. Actually, I’m not too far from you right now. I’m on location in Wyoming and heard you have a show in Montana tomorrow night.”

  “In Billings. Can you come? Do you want tickets?”

  “I can’t make it tomorrow, but I was wondering where else you’ll be performing. I met a woman who’s a big fan, and—”

  Kent’s deep chuckle filled his ear. “You must be losing your touch if you have to use me to get a date.”

  “It’s not like that.” He paused to run a hand over the back of his neck as a vision of Eden’s bright blue eyes flashed through his mind. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind taking this lady out. She has a lot of spirit, but I get the impression she’s not interested. Still…”

  “We head down to Cheyenne on Sunday, and then I have a show in Boise, Idaho Tuesday night before flying up to Seattle. Will any of those stops work for you?”

  Blake turned away from the activity as the director shouted instructions to the crew setting up the scene. “You’re in Boise on Tuesday? I’ll be in Eastern Oregon for…family business that afternoon. I was planning to fly out of Boise Tuesday night, but I could change my plans to leave the next morning. If Eden wants to come with me, we could see your concert.”

  “I’ll leave front row will call tickets and backstage passes for you at the door.”

  He smiled. “What woman could turn down an offer like that? Thanks, Kent. It’ll be good to catch up.”

  “Happy to do it.”

  Blake glanced over his shoulder as John yelled his name. “I’ve got to go. They’re ready for me on set.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you and your lady Tuesday night.”

  “Thanks, again. I appreciate it.” Blake turned off his phone then shoved it in the pocket of his dungarees. Mentally changing gears, he rolled up the sleeves of his loose, homespun shirt and adjusted his hat. Ready as he’d ever be.

  He wasn’t much in the mood to film a passionate embrace with Kara. Now if Eden were doubling for her in the scene, he’d be a lot more interested. Still, he could fake enthusiasm with the best of them. He straightened his shoulders and pasted on the smile that entranced female movie-goers across the world—or so he’d been told. No one who watched the film would ever guess a piece of his heart had died today.

  Chapter 4

  Eden stood at the open window beside her mother and planted an elbow next to her grandpa’s kitchen sink to unabashedly check out the action going on behind his cabin. Cameras were trained on Blake and Kara as the two argued fiercely for at least the fifth or sixth time.

  “Cut! Goddamn it, Kara, I told you I wanted your hands fisted on your hips.” The director’s voice broke in on the heated conversation between the two stars. “Why was your right one waving in the air?”

  “Sorry, I got distracted.” Kara’s voice was high and whiny. “I don’t know what was wrong with the fourth take. Seemed like it was perfect to me.”

  “I’ll let you know when it’s perfect.”

  Eden leaned a little farther to catch a glimpse of Blake’s irritated expression and grinned. Good thing his fists weren’t supposed to be clenched, or he’d probably punch someone.

  “I’m sure we could go outside to watch instead of hiding in here behind the curtains. I doubt anyone would mind.”

  Eden glanced over at her mom and shook her head. “Then I’d feel like a rubbernecker at a car accident. This way we can be entertained with anonymity. Although if they don’t get the scene right soon, I’ll have to leave. There are a dozen things I should be doing, and gaping at movie stars isn’t on the list.”

  “I’d planned to drive into town for groceries. I came out here to see if your grandpa needed anything, but I’m not sure where he disappeared to.”

  “I’m surprised he isn’t watching the action.” When something soft brushed her leg, Eden let out a squeak then glanced down and pressed a hand to her chest. “Geez, Vic, you startled me.” Vic, short for Vicious, jumped up on the counter beside her. Eden didn’t waste her breath telling the oversized fur ball to get down. In her grandpa’s cabin, the cat was king.

  Her mom nudged her with an elbow. “Shhh, looks like they’re ready to roll again.”

  “And, action!”

  “I had no part in that raid.” Blake’s voice rose. “Honestly, Kimani, I swear to you on my wife’s grave, I didn’t know what they were planning.”

  Eden was so focused on the despair mirrored in his eyes, along with a hint of anger, she missed Kara’s response. The man was good. Blake Benedict didn’t exist anymore, only Jeremiah Tucker, the settler who’d saved a young woman fleeing for her life.

  When he gripped Kara’s arms and pulled her roughly against him to silence her protests with a kiss, Eden let out a long breath and fanned herself with one hand. “Wow.”

  “Those two have great chemistry,” her mother whispered as the kiss deepened.

  Blake backed Kara toward the rear door of the cabin, his hands wrapped in her shiny dark hair. She gripped his shoulders, head flung back as he kissed his way down the length of her neck. Passion blazed in her eyes before her lids slowly closed.

  Eden’s stomach did a funny dip and roll, kind of like the time her freshman year when she’d seen the cute new boy kissing one of the cheerleaders.

  “Cut. That was great.” The director beamed. “We’ll break for lunch then pick up with the infantry scene this afternoon.”

  Blake released Kara and stepped away. “About damn time we got it right.”

  “I guess I’m better at kissing than I am at arguing.”

  “I won’t dispute that.” He glanced over as Hayden Yarbrough approached. “See you later, Kara.”

  Eden stepped back from the sink. When the cat laid a paw on her arm and dug in his claws, she winced. “Ouch. Damn it, Vic.” Detaching herself, she moved out of reach. “I guess I’d better go work on the belt order that came in last night. At this rate, I may need to hire someone to help me.”

  “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Her mom raised a brow. “You’re turning a hobby into a business.”

  “I suppose so, though I don’t have much time for sleep anymore. Roman expressed an interest in learning to tool leather. Any chance I can take him away from his ranch work for a couple of hours each day?”

  “You’d have to talk to Zane about his schedule.”

  Eden nodded and headed toward the door. “I’ll do that.”

  “If you see your grandfather, tell him to call my cell if he wants me to pick up anything for him in town.”

  “Sure.” Leaving the cabin, she hurried toward the barn. Her steps slowed when Blake broke off a conversation with one of the cameramen to head in her direction.

  He waved a hand. “Hey, Eden.”

  She stopped and waited for him to catch up. “That was quite a scene.”

  Humor registered in his blue eyes. “You saw us, did you?”

  Her cheeks heated. “I happened to be over at my grandpa’s cabin. Hard to believe someone pays you to kiss beautiful women.”

  “You’d think it’d be more fun than it actually is. Something about having a couple dozen people staring at you takes the enjoyment out of it.”

  “There is that.” She drew one boot through the dirt before glancing up.
“Uh, did you need something?”

  “Just to tell you I spoke to Kent McCord. He’s playing in Boise on Tuesday night.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “That’s a heck of a long drive to go to a concert.”

  “True, but I was already planning to fly into Boise early that morning on the studio’s jet. I have to go home for a memorial service near there.” His voice deepened. “Having company on the flight would take my mind off of…everything.”

  Pity filled her at the emptiness in his eyes. “I’m sorry for your loss. Was it a relative?”

  “A good friend.” He let out a breath. “Anyway, Kent said he’ll leave front row tickets and backstage passes for us at the door. We’d spend the night in Boise then fly back to Cody in the morning. You’d only be gone a little over twenty-four hours.”

  An overnight trip. She’d turned down Zane for the very same reason, but unlike their ranch foreman, Blake wouldn’t expect anything from her other than friendly companionship. Will he? She shook her head. They’d only just met, and despite her preconceived ideas about his character, he seemed like a decent guy.

  He frowned. “Is that a no?”


  “You shook your head.”

  “Oh, no, I was just thinking.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “Backstage passes?”

  “You bet. Kent’s a great guy, although maybe I should be insulted.” The lingering sadness in his eyes disappeared when he smiled. “You didn’t show any sign of being starstruck over me.”

  “I was…a little, but I’m good at hiding my feelings. Don’t worry. I won’t throw myself on your buddy. I have more self-control than that.”

  His smile broadened. “He probably wouldn’t mind too much if you did, but his girlfriend might. Uh, does that mean you want to go?”

  “Your offer is pretty darn tempting.” She let out a gusty breath then nodded. “I’d love to go. Thank you for taking the trouble to get those tickets. Should I book myself a hotel room?”


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