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The Gate - An Ancient Connection

Page 22

by B. N. Crandell

  “I have numerous children, Gerard and I have watched many die in my time.”

  The cold and honest sounding answer had Gerard scratching his head. The woman looked no older than thirty at the most. How could she possibly have had numerous children and seen many of them die in that time? Then a thought came to him as a serving woman filled Sylestra’s bowl with soup.

  “You are counting your subjects as your children? That is not the same thing as a child of the blood.” Gerard spooned some soup into his mouth and was surprised at how tasty it was. He didn’t recognise the flavour of the meat, but that didn’t surprise him. This world had few of the animals like that of his own world.

  “No, I refer to children of my own womb. I am infinitely older than I appear.” Now Gerard was very confused. It simply wasn’t possible. She surely must be lying.

  “The point is, I can’t just forget about my son. I have to get back to him and if you truly are no enemy, you will let me do so.” Gerard continued to slurp down his soup. The serving women held up a bottle of wine for him and he nodded emphatically.

  “What if I could bring your son to you? Would you change your mind then?”

  The offer put Gerard back on his heels. One thing he was dreading about returning to his home world was the fact that his wife and daughter would not be waiting there for him. His house, if it had not been sold, would seem empty and full of memories of what he had lost. Yes he would have his son, but would either of them be able to resume the life they once had?

  “I know nothing about you. I know not your values or what drives you. All I have heard of the Ta’zu is horrible and despicable,” said Gerard finally.

  “You have been told bad things about us from our enemies?” Sylestra laughed a loud mocking laugh. “I’m sure if I was to enquire about your nation from your enemies I would hear some very bad things. We Ta’zu have deceived our enemies with crafty illusions and false tales to breed fear into them and we have succeeded in preventing them from invading our lands for many years as a result.”

  Gerard didn’t know what to think now. He took a sip of his wine to steady himself. It made sense to him that the Ta’zu’s enemy would speak poorly of them and if she was speaking the truth about crafty illusions and deceptions than perhaps the Ta’zu were not so bad after all. He had been treated much better here so far than he was ever treated among the Black Skull and it was the Black Skull that had killed his family and many of their soldiers, not the Ta’zu.

  “Until I learn more of your culture I cannot give you an honest answer,” Gerard said finally.

  “So be it. Now let’s just enjoy our meal and each other’s company and find out more about each other.”

  Gerard was all for that as his head ached from confusion.

  * * *

  Duke Angus looked up nonchalantly as Pilk entered the room, bowed his head and walked over and took a seat.

  “So what news from the academy?” asked Duke Angus as he shifted some papers to the side.

  “Grand Master Rotager is cooperating although reluctantly. I have a list of five wizards who will definitely help and twenty or so that will consider it,” replied Pilk somewhat pleased with his efforts.

  “Well they had better consider it quickly,” said Duke Angus firmly, “I want the Gate closed by the end of the week.”

  “But that…that’s like four days,” said Pilk trying to remember which day it was. “Will General Krak’too be ready by then?”

  “He is just as anxious to see it closed as we are. It appears as though this supreme mistress has her heart set on controlling the Gate. She has attacked the Black Skull and captured a city on the border.”

  “Oh dear,” said Pilk, his mind swirling with the consequences of allowing her to take control of the Gate. “Oh deary me. That is ill news indeed. I will return to the academy first thing tomorrow and seek more support.” Pilk lowered his head.

  “Do you have any idea how many wizards you will need?” asked Duke Angus leaning forward.

  “The more the better, but Great Shaman O’tukka would likely have more of a clue than me — he created it after all,” said Pilk raising his head once more.

  “Then I want you to consult with him first thing in the morning. If he is not at the fort, he’ll be at Heperi.”

  “Heperi?” asked Pilk in surprise. “Why would he be there?”

  “The orcs have taken it and are using it as their new forward post. The Raziyans appear to be mustering a force to take it back. General Krak’too has devised a plan to take advantage of the situation which is heavily reliant on our preparedness and cooperation.”

  The duke’s comment aroused Pilk’s curiosity. “Please, do tell,” said Master Pilk in response.

  * * *

  Gerard couldn’t fit another mouthful in. After the soup he had scoffed down a large plate of meat from an animal called a Darz which he was told was a delicacy because of how hard it was to hunt and kill. Once Sylestra described the animal he realised at once that it was the creatures that attacked them two days ago and he immediately appreciated why it was a rare meat

  The gravy-like sauce on top of the meat served to enhance the flavour and had him savouring every bite. The spicy pasta dish made him drink more of the wine to put out the flames in his mouth, but he continued to eat it nevertheless. He didn’t recognise any of the vegetables either, but they were masterfully prepared and flavoured.

  After a brief rest to allow the food to settle the dessert arrived. Red gelatinous pyramids with sour cream at their centre, surrounded by caramelised sweet tasting fruits. Gerard ate it slowly, wanting to make the most of it.

  The wine made him feel warm and cosy as he stretched back in his chair and folded his arms behind his head. Sylestra smiled a sweet smile at him which made him feel relaxed in her presence and had him once again thinking that the Black Skull were well deceived by the Ta’zu.

  “Am I to return to the dungeons looking like this?” asked Gerard, “because that would be high torture indeed.”

  Sylestra chuckled pleasantly. “No, you will be shown to a more luxurious room soon.”

  “More luxurious than the dungeon? I could think of no such place,” said Gerard.

  Once again the supreme mistress chuckled. Gerard felt more content than he had in well over a month since he was first captured.

  “We will spar again tomorrow Gerard, so I hope you will fight better after you are well rested. I will have a clothier brought to you first thing in the morning,” said Sylestra slowly and delicately rising to her feet.

  “I won’t take it so easy on you tomorrow, my lady.” Gerard grinned. He, too, rose to his feet.

  “You may remain seated. I will have an escort come and collect you shortly,” said Sylestra placing one hand on his shoulder. Gerard sat back down as she walked to the door.

  “Well I bid you goodnight, my lady,” said Gerard turning his neck awkwardly to face her.

  “Indeed, I will see you soon.” Sylestra left the room, closing the door behind her leaving Gerard to contemplate her last words.

  He watched the serving women come and go as they cleared away the table until once again he was totally alone in the room. He contemplated an escape attempt, but knew that he would not likely make it very far. Just as he was about to rise to his feet to wander about the room, the door opened, two orcs walked in and stood beside him until he rose.

  He walked along the quiet, dimly lit corridors with an orc either side of him, glad that they had not handled him in any way. Finally they arrived at the end of a short corridor where exquisitely carved wooden doors with crystal door knobs stood. An orc stepped forward and opened the two doors wide and stepped to the side, beckoning Gerard to enter.

  Gerard was overawed. The immense bedroom housed a large, elaborate four-poster bed in its centre. Gerard could lie crosswise over the bed and still not touch both sides and he stood at a massive six foot seven. The bed coverings made from a deep red silk were surrounded by velvet cu
rtains coloured with a tasteful mix of deep red and royal blue which had been pulled back and tied to the posts.

  The doors closed tight behind him while Gerard continued to stare around the room which would have been close to the size of his entire house. The furnishings had been constructed using the same dark stained, polished timber. The thick red drapes remained closed over the large bay window on the far side. Candles burnt brightly from tall, elegant candelabra strategically placed around the room, fighting off the darkness.

  Gerard took a few steps forward on the thick soft carpet before he smelt the perfume scent of the room. He began to notice things like full length mirrors, jewellery boxes, vases with fresh flowers; this was no guest room.

  His suspicion was soon confirmed as one of the doors leading off from the room opened and Sylestra materialised. She wore a shiny, royal blue night shift that clung tightly to her upper body but flowed loosely to the floor. Hip high splits on either side showed off her shapely legs as she seductively approached him. Thin straps held up the low hanging neckline, tentatively revealing ample cleavage. Patches of black lace were strategically placed to tease and excite.

  “Did I not promise you a more luxurious room?” said Sylestra in a husky voice.

  “While I’m flattered, my lady, I cannot share your bed. My heart belongs to another,” stuttered Gerard as Sylestra laid her hands on his chest and looked up at him pouting.

  “Your wife is dead and a world away Gerard. I am alive and standing before you.” Sylestra spoke almost in a whisper.

  “My wife has been dead for just over six weeks now. My grief is still very heavy and I’m not ready to move on,” said Gerard firmly, taking a step back. Sylestra followed him and put her mouth close to his ear and whispered words Gerard could not understand. He was about to ask her to repeat herself before a blissful calm came over him. His vision swam and he couldn’t focus his mind. He began to sway and could see Sylestra’s mouth moving but couldn’t make out any words.

  He vaguely felt a grip on his hands and looked down to see his arms raise as Sylestra slowly led him forward. His hearing was muffled aside from the loud beating of his heart which quickened its pace. He felt strangely like he was floating across the room toward the bed.

  “I think you should lie down, perhaps you had a little too much wine,” he heard Sylestra say as his hearing began to clear. He couldn’t argue with her; he felt unsteady on his feet and was sure he would fall if he remained standing, so he let Sylestra turn him around and lower him to the bed. She helped him to lie back gently and even so the room began to spin around him.

  He closed his eyes but that made it worse and so he quickly opened them again as Sylestra slid him further along the silky bed covers. As he steadied himself, he felt Sylestra remove his shoes and then her face appeared in front of his eyes as she straddled him.

  His pulse quickened more.

  He let his gaze drop down her body and a rush of excitement ran through him. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands in underneath it. Gerard’s entire body reacted and he lost control. Sylestra moved back and slowly undid the buttons on his pants. Gerard tensed slightly before he relaxed again. Gently she removed his pants and dropped them to the floor. As she sidled back up and came back into view, she dropped the shoulder straps on her night shift and let it fall down her body. Gerard became fully aroused and fell into a state of bliss.

  Gathering Wizards

  Pilk awoke early and hurried to the orc fort in search of Great Shaman O’tukka. There he was informed that the shaman was in Heperi. With a loud sigh Pilk set out for the city using his magic to speed along his travels whenever he had a long range of sight.

  It had been many years since Pilk had set foot in Heperi as the bordering nation had remained hostile for some time. He quickly identified the most recent works which the orcs were still working on — a tall barricade.

  The orcs noticed his approach and stopped working. Pilk spread his arms nonthreateningly and eventually an orc started walking toward him.

  “I seek Grand Master O’tukka,” said Pilk in the orc tongue as he neared. The orc looked him up and down and smiled a mocking smile. Pilk held his nerve and stared the orc in the eye. His smile gradually faded.

  “Follow me, human,” said the orc gruffly. The orc turned, started walking to the town and Pilk followed a few paces behind. He was led to the main street and followed it to the western edge. Pilk noticed orcs working everywhere and realised that the general must have the majority of his force here already. They were busy building fall back barricades, modifying taller buildings into towers and setting cunning traps. The orcs were turning Heperi into a fort.

  The western edge of the town had the most work done to it. The barricade stretched the width of the town, buildings had been entirely converted and traps were being dug and set on the approach to the town. Overseeing the work and barking out orders was General Krak’too and his shaman stood next to him.

  O’tukka turned to regard him with a stoic expression. Noticing the shaman’s attention diverted from the works, General Krak’too also faced him. Pilk suddenly felt nervous. He was surrounded by orcs which up until three days ago were fierce enemies. If they had been wrong about the intentions of these orcs he could well be walking into a trap.

  “Welcome Master Pilk to our new city,” said Krak’too pleasantly, putting Master Pilk’s mind at ease somewhat.

  “Thank you, General Krak’too. I come to seek counsel with Great Shaman O’tukka.” Pilk halted a few paces in front of the orcs as his escort turned to leave at the general’s gesture.

  “You two have much to discuss I’m sure.” Then turning to the shaman, General Krak’too said, “Why don’t you take Master Pilk to your new office where you can speak in private.” O’tukka bowed his head and gestured for Master Pilk to follow him.

  Pilk immediately recognised the structure they were heading towards as the City Hall; a three-storey high square building constructed from light grey stone with three towering spires in its façade, the centre one housing a large brass bell at its peak. The solid timber doors were atop a wide but short set of steps. Great stained windows ran the full height above these doors.

  The great shaman’s new office was on the top storey of the City Hall, just across from the mayor’s office which Pilk assumed to now be the office of General Krak’too. O’tukka sat down and made himself comfortable behind a small desk. Pilk sat in a chair positioned in front of it. An awkward silence ensued as the two magic users stared at each other.

  “I’d like some information about the Gate,” said Pilk finally.

  “What sort of information?” asked the great shaman in his usual shrill voice.

  “As much as you can offer me, but in particular your best estimate on how many wizards we’ll need to close it down,” replied Pilk.

  “It was constructed by me and thirty-one other of the most powerful shamans among the Black Skull. Power has been added to it continuously each day since it’s forming in excess to the power being exhausted by its use.”

  Pilk sunk a little in his chair when he considered that the Gate was formed near to seven weeks ago. O’tukka obviously noted his concern as he said, “That’s right Master Pilk. For seven weeks the Gate has been growing in power. If you were to use one extra wizard for each day of its existence you would be looking at close to fifty extra magic users bringing the total to eighty-two. I would say that would be the minimum amount you should be seeking in order to close it as fast as possible. Even still, it’d likely take a few hours to deconstruct it.”

  “We can march an army through it and back again to help weaken it,” exclaimed Pilk after giving it some thought. “That would help our cause.”

  “So it would, but how long do you think it’d take to march an army through and back again?” asked O’tukka.

  “Yes indeed it would take some time, but the wizards can be working magic at the same time so it would help to speed the process.”

“Agreed. So how many wizards have you got so far?” O’tukka cast a curious glance at Master Pilk.

  “We have ten wizards in Arthea and three nearby willing to help including my mentor, plus I have another five from the academy and then there’s you. So a total of nineteen so far, but I am returning to the academy today in the hopes of getting many more.”

  “It would take days to collapse the Gate with so few, so I hope for all our sakes you find many more today.” The great shaman did not look impressed.

  Realising how far short he currently was and the limited time available to him, Pilk could understand why.

  * * *

  Gerard rolled over. He was a little groggy and confused. As his senses began to return he realised he was in a comfortable bed with silk sheets and covers. It took him a moment to notice that he was completely naked. His head throbbed. His sense of smell returned and the floral aroma had him wide awake in a fury. He looked about the bed but there was no one else in it. He sat up suddenly and the room spun about him and his vision narrowed.

  As he recovered he let his eyes wander around the large bedroom but still no one was in sight. The drapes were closed tight and the room was still relatively dark. He glanced around for some clothes but could see none. Memories of last night came flooding back to him; the treatment he received at the baths along with the comment from the woman about him being Sylestra’s partner now had him thinking. He had taken it to mean that he was to be her sparring partner and not her sexual partner.

  He remembered the delightful meal and drinking more wine than he intended as a result of the spicy pasta — but had he drunk enough to lose his senses so? He didn’t think he had. Then he had been delivered to Sylestra’s bedroom. His memory was vaguer here but he was sure that he had refused her advances and yet he was now naked in her bed. How had it happened? He strained his mind trying to remember but it wasn’t coming back to him.


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