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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 4

by Jessie Courts

  Luc shrugged his shoulders but didn’t loosen his hold on her. “They all wanted to go clubbing again and I didn’t feel like it. Clearly you didn’t hear me come in. What were you doing anyway?”

  Luc tried to keep his tone light but he came off a bit terse due to the predicament he was currently enduring. He thought he might possibly explode if Rachel didn’t stop wriggling around on him. The feel of her breasts squashed against his chest was driving him insane and he wanted nothing more than to bury his head between them and breathe in her delicious mix of perfume and arousal. Luc knew he had to go slow or he would scare her off and although it would kill him because all he could think about was sinking his rock hard cock between her thighs and pounding her until they both came over and over, he dipped his head forward and spoke softly in her ear.

  “Rachel – look at me.”

  Luc’s husky tone washed over her; his warm breath tickling her ear, and she felt helpless to do anything but meet his gaze. Oh lord she was in trouble. The moon shining through the windows provided enough light to see that Luc’s expression was pure heat and his already blue eyes had darkened with desire and she just knew she wouldn’t be able to refuse this boy anything. Surrendering to the inevitable Rachel had just about decided to sink willingly into Luc’s inviting embrace when she noticed something worrying, as a steady trickle of blood made its way down Luc’s nose from a cut on his forehead.

  “Luc you’re bleeding – get up so I can check you out. “ She grabbed his hand to help pull him up as his mouth curled up adoringly on one side in a cheeky grin.

  “Rachel, you can check me out anytime…” he purred sexily.

  “Don’t be an idiot.” She admonished a bit too harshly but she was fast finding herself in a potential situation spiraling out of her control.

  Flicking the lights on, Rachel pushed Luc on to a kitchen chair and busied herself with the first aid box she kept handy. Luc sat with his legs apart and his hands resting on his knees not speaking but following her every movement with those smouldering eyes. His leather jacket lay sprawled on the table leaving his upper body clad in one of his favourite white V-necked t-shirts. Rachel idly wondered if he possessed anything else but had to confess they looked damn fine on him. This time Rachel noticed the tail of a black tattoo poking out from under the sleeve of his right arm and it made her hungry to know what the rest of it looked like. Standing there staring at it she rolled her bottom lip through her teeth completely unaware of the effect this small gesture was having on Luc.

  “She is so fucking sexy,” thought Luc and sighed as his cock twitched painfully against the crotch of his jeans as she moved in nearer.

  Rachel, in true nurse mode positioned herself between his legs so she could reach the gash on his forehead. Heat flooded her cheeks as she brushed against the undeniable bulge in Luc’s jeans and she tried hard to pretend she hadn’t felt or seen it. She was slightly embarrassed when she realised her tits were level with his face – but there was little she could do about that if she was to fix his cut and she didn’t hear him complaining. Rachel cupped his chin and began by gently washing away the blood, which by now had trailed down the side of his face and on to his collar staining the fabric.

  “Oh Luc, your t-shirt is all bloody. I’m so sorry. I’m such a dope – what was I thinking?”

  “That’s ok Rachel, It doesn’t hurt and the t-shirt thing is easily rectified.” As he spoke he reached for the back of his neck and swiftly removed the offending item of clothing.

  “Holy shit” breathed Rachel as she took in the sight of his beautiful upper body and the stunning tattoo she had wondered about earlier. It was tribal in design and covered his right shoulder running down across his pec and upper arm. It was a swirl of black patterns and Rachel was surprised at how sexy it looked on him. She had to physically stop herself from tracing her fingers over the inked artwork.

  Luc was breathing hard and it made the dips and ridges of his stomach muscles ripple enticingly. Rachel had the insane urge to kneel down and trace her tongue lazily around them desperate for a taste of his golden skin. Her gaze kept returning to the dark blond hairs of his happy trail and her mouth watered in anticipation of where that led. Dragging her eyes up and across the map of his chest made her stomach flutter in response and she shook her head in wonder at the visceral effect Luc was having on her. Rachel suspected the many months closeting herself away from the rest of the world had played havoc with her libido, but she acknowledged guiltily that Nate had never made her feel quite so needy for a good hard fuck. Luc however, was; and the expression on his absurdly handsome face left her in no doubt that he would be a willing participant.

  Luc was on the verge of losing it big time; his whole body was on fire. In all his experience no one had ever turned him on quite like Rachel was doing right now. He wasn’t sure whether he was feeling lightheaded from his knock, or the fact that she was his friends’ Mum, or indeed old enough to be his own mother, but the inappropriate situation he now found himself in was making him harder than he had ever been. Rachel was beautiful with a figure to die for but he suspected it was her vulnerability that appealed to him the most. Luc was by nature a kind man always trying to make people feel good about themselves, and although this situation was a touch extreme he really wanted to make Rachel feel good about herself.

  “Rachel” he said gruffly. “I want to make love to you. I want to make you feel good in a million different ways. I want to feel you come around me and I want to taste you and make you scream my name while I’m doing that.”

  As he held her gaze, Luc saw Rachel’s eyes widen in shock but she recovered quickly shaking her head. “Luc” she whimpered, “everything about this is wrong. I look at you and want all those things but then Nate appears in my head and I feel like I am betraying him. And don’t even get me started on the twins – what would they think?”

  “I can tell you the twins won’t find out – not from me anyway. And as for Nate – I’m not trying to take his place in your heart. I refuse to believe he would deny you this because you are alive and he is no longer able to do this for you. And because he loved you he would want you to be happy. And you want this Rachel, I can see it in the way you look at me, and I can imagine how wet you are for me right now.”

  Rachel was in torment with her head and heart telling her one thing while her body was happily reaching out for Luc with every fibre of her being. Luc was hot – his body was ridiculous and his mix of kind and crude words made her crazy horny – but not only that, they made sense too. What was she holding back for?

  As he ran his fingers through his hair brushing his fringe off his face, teasing her with those chiseled features and bottomless blue eyes; Rachel was all done in fighting with herself. Melting into him she held his head in her hands and covered his mouth with hers. The impact of his full soft lips on hers made her breath hitch in her chest. She felt him smile against her and his hands go round her waist pulling her impossibly closer. Luc flicked his tongue along the seam of her lips tempting her to open her mouth and let him in.

  Rachel gasped and Luc seized the opportunity to suck on her lower lip making her squirm and when she felt his tongue dip into her mouth Rachel sighed with pleasure. She would allow herself this night to enjoy and be free without worrying about betrayal and children or cougars or any of the reasons she shouldn’t be doing this.

  Something that felt so good and so perfect could not be wrong, and when the hell was anyone like Luc ever going to come along again!


  Luc was beyond excited. His whole body was taut with the effort of holding back – he knew if he unleashed the full force of his desire for her, it would frighten Rachel off. He wanted inside of her too badly to let his impatience get the better of him. Reluctantly, he broke away from her sweet mouth and stood up. Slipping her small hand into his much larger one he gently pulled her along behind him up the stairs to his room. He correctly deduced that she wasn’t going to be ready to
let him into her marital bed right now and he was in no mood to try and compete with Rachel’s memories of Nate. Luc wanted to be the one she was fully focused on, not her dead husband.

  Leaning back against the closed door to his room, he placed his hands either side of her face and tipped Rachel’s head so she was looking directly up at him. He had something to say to her and required her full focus. “You’re driving me fucking crazy Rachel. I’ve been hard for you since I got here – please tell me you want this, ‘cos I really don’t think I’m going to be able to stop once I get going.”

  Rachel nodded as best she could with her face cupped by Luc’s warm hands.

  Shaking his head at her, Luc demanded, “I need to hear you say it Rachel.”

  Under the intensity of his stare Rachel’s stomach rolled with nerves, but her body was already tingling from his touch. There was no way she was chickening out now. “I want you Luc” she told him. “I want to feel you in me and on me and all over me. Do it – please just fucking do it already.”

  Apparently that was all Luc needed. Pulling her closer Luc bent down and nuzzled into Rachel’s neck. “You are so fucking hot” he growled at her as he licked and nipped up and down her throat causing her legs to buckle and her sex to hum. His fingers were lazily rubbing up and down her back and she wanted to feel them on her skin. God she was so turned on and unbelievably wet for him, Rachel wasn’t sure how long she would last.

  “More Luc” she pleaded, no longer worried about anything but feeling his hands on her and in her and around her nakedness. Luc pulled her top off over her head causing her hair to cascade down her back. He grabbed a handful of the silky locks pulling her head back to get better access to her throat. Pushing her backwards on to the large guest bed still mussed from this morning, Luc began his exploration of Rachel’s body.

  “You are so beautiful Rachel. Feel what you do to me.” Luc grabbed Rachel’s hand and rubbed along the crotch of his jeans. If she was ever worried that he found her attractive, the huge bulge now filling her hand left no room for doubt.

  “God he’s massive” thought Rachel with a shudder – it made her wonder if he would fit. Nate was not small in that department – but Luc was clearly well endowed. Seeing her look of disbelief, Luc growled softly into her ear – his hot breath paving the way for his dirty words.

  “I promise you it will feel so good to have me fill you up – I’m going to fuck you hard and deep.”

  “Wwwwait,” stammered Rachel as she put a hand either side of his face and pushed his head up so he was looking her in the eye. “It’s been a while sweet boy – I’m not sure……….”

  Taking hold of her hands and moving his body down against hers she felt his murmur against her skin,

  “Oh don’t worry Mrs Renton, or should I say Robinson since you still seem to think we are doing something wrong here; you will be more than ready for me. I’m going to make sure your pussy is so wet and slick you’ll take me in easy. ” Feeling her juices start to flow in reaction to Luc’s dirty words, Rachel closed her eyes; let out a deep sigh and braced herself.

  Without warning Luc positioned himself so that his mouth met Rachel’s in a hungry kiss. He forced his tongue into her mouth in a deep exploration that left her stomach in knots and her pussy aching for his cock. With a jerk of his glorious hips Rachel found herself flat on her back with Luc over her. His mouth devoured hers leaving her panting as his tongue slid along her teeth and around her mouth; he nipped her bottom lip gently between his teeth then thrust his tongue back and forwards into her mouth like he was fucking her. Now and then deep sexy growls came from Luc vibrating along her throat to the very core of her and as Rachel felt herself coming back to life under his clever touch – she wanted more. Her hips rocked lightly to meet his hardness and Luc hissed in response.

  “Clothes off now!” he demanded as he lifted himself out of her embrace and began to unbuckle his belt. Rachel kicked off her sweatpants off revealing a matching thong to her lacy white bra. Luc’s eyes got wide and he muttered “Fuck!” as he yanked his jeans off, “that’s not what I was expecting.”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her and Rachel’s heart soared in response to his hungry gaze. She watched in awe as he lightly stroked himself never letting his eyes waver from hers and she felt her desire dampen her thong and pool between her legs.

  “I want you in me Luc – I need to feel you, please” Rachel gestured for him to come closer by teasing the straps of her bra down revealing the smooth olive skin of the tops of her breasts. The nipples pebbled beneath the lacy fabric straining to be free and she yearned for Luc to touch them but he still hadn’t moved towards her. Hoping to get a swift reaction she boldly flicked a finger over the taut bud of her clitoris repeatedly causing her to moan and writhe under her own touch. The thought of Luc looking down at her, stroking his cock in rhythm with her own self pleasure made Rachel even wetter and she whimpered in frustration – there was no way she would have been brave enough to get herself off in front of him, but apparently, Luc took her whimper as a signal to finally bloody well join in, and he lay himself over her covering her much smaller frame with his hard, warm body. Sighing with relief, Rachel looped her arms around his neck and pulled him forward for another delicious taste of his mouth.

  “God Luc you’re killing me. Don’t keep me waiting - it’s been so long…”

  “Ssh Mrs R; be patient.”

  Rachel rubbed the tip of Luc’s cock encouragingly against her thigh. A bead of pre-come had moistened the head and it slid nicely up and down her leg.

  “Shit…” Luc bit down on his bottom lip as he threw his head back. “Now who’s killing who?”

  But if Rachel thought this would make him relent and finally start to fuck her she was very much mistaken. Reaching round her back for the clasp of her bra, Luc expertly rid her of it in no time at all. Lifting the lacy lingerie to his face he breathed in deep before taking both of her wrists in his left hand and pinning them above her head. He kissed her deeply humming his satisfaction and causing Rachel to shiver in anticipation. This was a man who knew his way around a woman’s body; he had confidence and skill and the instinct to know when to speed up and when to savour the moment.

  Luc took his beautiful lips away from Rachel’s mouth leaving her craving for them back again instantly, but then clamped them around her left nipple laving the hard nub with his silken tongue, while his free hand played with her other breast. Rachel’s moans filled the room and she arched her back to push herself closer to him. His mouth released the swollen tip and she saw his glorious blond head bent low on her stomach as he delivered licks and nips on his journey down her body. His free hand continued playing with her nipples, alternately rubbing and pinching, driving her crazy. Rachel bucked and moaned against him as he continued his torturous play, not wanting him to stop but needing him to go faster.

  When he took the waistband of her knickers in between his teeth and dragged them down her legs Rachel actually stopped breathing. Luc was off the end of the bed now on his knees and even though Rachel knew what was coming next she still shrieked as he grabbed her behind her knees and pulled her down to meet him.

  The boy looked at her as if all his Christmases had come at once. “I can smell how much you want me Rachel...” He parted her legs leaving her wide open to him. “I can see how wet you are for me.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes and accepted that with youth there is no modesty just as Luc dipped his head and flicked her clit with the tip off his tongue. Sparks literally flew about her head as a loud “Ohhhhhhh” escaped her lips. Fisting the sheets either side of her Rachel fought for control as Luc lifted her legs over his shoulders and let his smart mouth get to work on her.

  Panting for air, Rachel bucked against him as he delved his tongue through her slick folds sucking her clit and making her writhe in pleasure she thought she had lost along with Nate. Truth be told, as fine a lover as her husband had been, Rachel had never ever experienced such raw n
eed as this. Luc was indeed a master at his craft – using his long hard tongue over her clit making her scream his name with abandon.

  Rachel was begging now - she could feel her orgasm gather momentum as Luc lapped away using two long fingers to fuck her. Colours danced around her head as the rush of her orgasm threatened to overwhelm her and finally Rachel came so hard she thought she might pass out with sheer pleasure. Luc continued to rub his thumb in little circles over her now sensitive nub sending little shockwaves of pleasure up and down her body making her quiver in his arms.

  “You are so beautiful when you come” he rasped. “It’s s good look on you Mrs R!” he laughed.

  Rachel giggled and opened her eyes to see that Luc had collapsed by the side of her – his face glistening with her cum and his cock was still hard for her. She had never seen anything so mind blowingly sexy in all her life and it made her instantly desperate for him to be inside of her. Loving that he had released her inhibitions and made her feel fucking fantastic, Rachel was eager to repay the compliment.


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