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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 9

by Jessie Courts

  Luc’s eyes widened even more in response to the torrent of shocking words pouring out of the lushest set of lips he had ever kissed.

  “Crystal fucking clear Mrs R” he croaked as he plunged his tongue into her mouth pumping it like she wanted his cock to pump into her pussy and she grabbed the base of his shaft mimicking his actions. Rachel felt his knees give slightly and she smiled into his mouth glad that her bold words had unleashed any restraint remaining in Luc. In one swift movement she felt his powerful biceps flex around her as he placed his hands under her bottom and lifted her up to his waist. Sending a silent prayer of thanks to god for gifting her with the exquisite man boy god that was Luc Vincent, Rachel sighed deeply with pleasure.

  Gripping him with her legs she finally eased herself down on to his thick shaft and they both sighed in unison at the pure joy it brought both of them. Grabbing his broad shoulders and holding on for what she was sure was going to be the ride of her life at long fucking last, Rachel shrieked as she felt Luc suddenly slip in the soapy shower. Time slowed and Luc grunted in the face of impending disaster as they tumbled together landing In an inelegant tangling of limbs and body parts. Rachel once again found herself lying on top of Luc this time on the stone floor with the water pounding on to them.

  Pausing to check he was alright Rachel had the uncontrollable urge to laugh at the ludicrous position they had ended up in and her infectious giggling soon had Luc joining in with his big body shaking in hysterics until he heard a loud “ooh” puff out of Rachel’s kiss swollen mouth. It only took him a second to realise why; in all the chaos of their fall, Luc was still balls deep inside of Rachel and his body rocking with laughter was creating quite a marvellous rhythm between them.

  “Oh god Luc…don’t stop laughing!”

  Grasping Rachel’s hips to keep her locked into position on top of him, Luc nudged them both completely out of the shower away from the spray of the now freezing cold water. Rachel loved the way his muscles bunched with the effort under her and groaned over the sexy way his shoulders and abs tensed. His skin had a slightly golden glow and the blond hair on his chest and stomach had darkened due to being wet. Following the trail downwards, Rachel was mesmerised at the erotic sight of where their bodies joined. Luc raised his butt off the stone floor making Rachel jerk separating them slightly to give her a better view of Luc’s cock sliding out of her and then slowly back in. He repeated this maddeningly slowly lifting her almost off him then lowering her down driving himself deep into her; Placing her hands flat against his hard chest panting with the effort of chasing her elusive climax, Rachel squeezed her eyes shut and tried to buck against him.

  “Look at me Rachel – open your eyes babe.”

  Her eyelids fluttered open and she met Luc’s searing expression. “You look so fucking hot right now ” he growled at her, his blue eyes darkening with desire. Rachel grunted at him pounding her fists against his chest, “I. Need. To. Come.” She barked at him her whole body tensed on the brink of climax, “holy shit Luc, please…”

  Hearing her beg sent Luc wild. If it was possible for his cock to swell even harder it did so now and Rachel could feel him filling her to the hilt with each thrust, over and over until she came hard screaming Luc’s name. Sparks of light ignited behind her eyelids and fire burned deep in her belly as the world exploded in delicious streaks of pulsing sensation. Sensing Luc was nearly there too Rachel dug her nails into his back making him hiss as he continued to grind into her. His face was a mask of concentration and the cords of his neck muscles strained as he reached for his own frantic release.

  “So close” he chanted over and over as his hips continued to thrust. Staggered at his stamina but wanting to see what Luc looked like as he came, Rachel clenched her pussy walls and pushed out against him. Luc’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he arched off the floor roaring “fuck yeah!” as his climax rocked through him.

  Exhausted, Rachel slumped forward so they were chest to chest .“Oh my fucking God Luc” Rachel murmured into his neck, “that was fucking epic.”

  Swiping her wet hair away from his face he croaked, “Jesus; you say fuck a lot!”

  “I think it’s a new thing – I’m pretty sure I never used this much profanity before you came along.” Rachel jabbed Luc in the chest for added effect.

  “In that case, I take all the credit for your loss of control of the English language, Mrs Renton. Right now though I’m losing all the feeling in my limbs. I need to get off this bloody floor.”

  He gave her bare bum a quick slap and slid her off to the side. Grabbing a huge fluffy towel from the rail he picked her up and wrapped them both in it then he shuffled them over to the chaise longue. Nestling her in between his legs with her head on his chest, Rachel hummed with pleasure.

  “You’re a beautiful boy Luc,” Rachel told him softly “the look on your face when you come is so erotic. Actually, you look bloody gorgeous all the time. Today in your suit you were simply devastating; so handsome all spruced up. But just now all raw power and sweaty, you were magnificent.” Rachel was a little surprised at her honest declaration, but if losing Nate had taught her anything, it was not to hold back telling those she cared about how she felt.

  “I’m man candy!” laughed Luc as he bent his head so he could kiss her on the mouth. He couldn’t deny he was flattered by Rachel’s compliments and it boosted his already over inflated ego. There was definitely an advantage to being with an older woman who was confident to express her feelings as opposed to girls his own age who were generally more selfish.

  “Rachel – seriously, I’m flattered. And honoured. But you have to know how much you turn me on. In public you are all prim and proper but get you naked and oh my god, I’ve unleashed a sex monster.”

  They chuckled together and Rachel nodded in agreement. The boy had definitely quashed her inhibitions and she was fast discovering how fucking amazing that could be.

  They chatted comfortably for a while; Rachel could feel Luc’s husky voice gently soothing and relaxing her and soon enough they were both breathing in sync lulling each other to sleep.


  Luc woke from his doze nicely rested. He was sprawled comfortably on the chaise longue loosely covered by the towel but on his own. He could hear Rachel in the adjoining bedroom drying her hair and he guessed that as the bathroom was still quite humid they hadn’t been asleep for very long.

  He cast his mind back over the past 24 hours closing his eyes to better capture the images of Rachel in action. He was instantly hard but conceded another fuck fest with the mother of his two best friends was unlikely to happen again in such a short space of time. Rachel had clearly found her feet where sex was concerned, but he didn’t want to frighten her away by acting too keen, even though his 22-year-old body was more than ready to go again. He contented himself with a light rub over the towel enjoying the friction of the thick terry cloth against his sensitised cock and returned to his thoughts.

  Luc had slept with plenty of gorgeous girls in his time but Rachel was by far the most experienced and downright sexy of them all. There was no denying that the inappropriateness of the situation held a certain appeal and undoubtedly added to the excitement of being with her but Luc was not into playing games with the emotions of the important people in his life, and he would do everything within his power not to hurt Lucy and Jess. He was also well aware that he was the first man Rachel had been with since Nate died and as much as he was enjoying being her rebound guy, Luc was not in the market for a relationship. He was ambitious and intent on making a success of himself, which meant devoting most of his free time to studying.

  Luc had already been offered an internship with a big city firm of accountants following a bout of work experience last summer – he needed a first in his economics degree to secure his future and he was determined not to be distracted from his goal. This job would be the first step of his career in city finance; he wanted to learn as much as he could then hopefully move o
n to investment banking. Once he returned to uni after this Easter break, he would have to focus solely on studying; he didn’t want any emotional issues distracting him. The trouble was, Luc thought to himself uneasily, he wasn’t sure who he would need to convince; Rachel or himself. Feeling a little bit agitated by the turn of his ponderings, Luc’s hard on had subsided and he brought his hands up to cradle the back of his head as he mused on.


  Rachel finished blow-drying her hair and popped her head round the bathroom door to see what Luc was up to. She was half hoping to catch him in the act of something lewd but her mild disappointment soon turned to concern at his knitted brow and thoughtful expression.

  “Luc?” she questioned softly, afraid she might be interrupting some intense thought process, “are you alright sweetie?”

  “Hmm?” he answered clearing his worried expression and beaming at her causing his dimples to deepen and his sapphire blue eyes to sparkle. Luc unfolded himself from the chaise longue letting his towel drop to the floor and strolled unashamedly naked over to the sink unit to retrieve his hurriedly discarded jeans.

  Rachel watched him appreciating the movement of his muscles under his golden skin as he made himself decent. When he turned to face her she made a show of comically swooning against the doorpost and he grinned at her some more.

  “See something you like Rachel?” he teased.

  “You are too gorgeous young man and don’t you know it!” she laughed as Luc made to grab her and chased back into her bedroom. Grabbing her by the waist he flipped her around and kissed her deeply.

  “You taste so delicious but as tempted as I am to hear you scream my name again today it will have to wait – I have to catch up with some revision.”

  He nuzzled into her throat and licked along her neck gratified to hear little pants escape her lips then he let her down easy on to the bed, gave her a leaving peck on her forehead and swaggered out the door. Rachel threw herself back on the bed with a loud “huff” but couldn’t stop a big smile escaping as she did so.

  “Fucking brat!” she shouted after him hearing a deep chuckle in response.

  “Fishwife!” he called back as she heard his bedroom door click shut after him.


  The next morning, Rachel busied herself around the house catching up on a few chores. Luc was studying in his room and she was in the garage where the washer and dryer lived loading in a white wash. It was taking her a lot longer than it should as she kept getting distracted every time she came across an item belonging to Luc. He had an endless supply of white t-shirts, sports socks and white boxers briefs; mostly Calvin Klein; some David Beckham at H&M. Rachel chuckled to herself that both brands would boost their sales if their marketing people could see Luc Vincent wearing their products. She allowed herself a moment to contemplate Luc’s perfect butt on a billboard encased in soft white cotton.

  Sighing at such an uplifting vision, Rachel’s attention shifted to Nate’s weights sitting unused in the corner of the garage behind her car. “Hmmm” she thought to herself, a naughty idea brewing, “I wonder if Luc would like to work out with them?” She really hoped he’d take her up on the offer just so she got to watch!

  Knocking gently, Rachel tentatively turned the handle and opened the door to Luc’s bedroom.

  “I come bearing food,” she announced.

  Luc was slouching over the desk facing the wall wearing a marl grey vest top with his old jeans. His feet were bare. He looked up from his books and twisted his body round to face her and she noticed the only other thing he was wearing was a pair of black-framed reading glasses.

  “Wow – you look hot in specs!” she exclaimed, “very studious and a little bit nerdy.”

  “Nerdy!” spluttered Luc. “I don’t think so Rach. Anyway – what have you got there?” he asked gesturing with his chin towards the tray she was holding.

  “Just a snack for you. Thought you might need an energy boost.” Rachel placed the tray with some cheese and tomato sandwiches, salt and vinegar crisps, a banana and can of coke on the desk in front of him.

  “Oooh looks delicious, ta.” He said as he tucked in merrily to the sandwiches. Flicking the tab on the can Luc gulped down a huge swig of coke hypnotising Rachel with the things his throat was doing in order to swallow.

  Letting out a huge fizzy burp, Rachel screwed her face up.

  “Ugh, Luc Vincent that was fucking gross.”

  “Ugh, Mrs Renton, that was fucking rude!” Raising one blond eyebrow at her, Luc grinned widely unleashing the dimple effect melting Rachel on the spot.

  “Oh lord – I’m regressing…” She shook her head at him and motioned to leave, but Luc was quick to stop her snaking an arm around her waist and tugging her down to his lap. Nuzzling her neck, he whispered, “Are you dessert?”

  “No silly,” she laughed at him, “that’s what the banana is for.”

  Freezing at her words, Luc whipped his head up to look her in the eye. “What did you just say?”

  “What? I said the banana….oh no; that’s not what I meant. Luc, oh my god, no - it’s just fruit.”

  Luc’s whole body convulsed as he roared with laughter and released his grip on Rachel so he could clutch at his own stomach. Tears seeped out of his eyes and he just couldn’t stop.

  “It’s just fruit!’ he mimicked over and over breathlessly. She began swatting his shoulder to make him stop but he couldn’t seem to calm down.

  “I’m bloody dying...” he choked out between bubbles of hysterics. Rachel stood up quickly from off his lap having had enough of being the source of his never-ending amusement. Unfortunately, she managed to nudge him a little too hard in the balls by accident, which made Luc jerk and slide off the side of his chair landing with a grunt to the floor.

  Standing over him and giving him a swift kick in the thigh just so she could hear that sexy grunt sound again, Rachel snapped at the writhing blond hunk at her feet, “serves you right banana boy. Finish up that food and bring the tray down to the kitchen – I have something I want to show you.”

  Luc followed her exit with his eyes then totally cracked up again much to Rachel’s irritation. “God he can be bloody childish” she thought as she stomped off downstairs “I suppose that’s what you get for shagging a 22 year old.” Knowing that it was so totally worth it however, a naughty grin spread across her face in deep satisfaction.


  She was sitting at the kitchen table reading the news on her iPad when Luc appeared, tray in hand.

  “Here” he stated at Rachel’s head.

  “Sink” she stated back without looking at him.

  “No, Rach; as in I’m here.” Luc continued.

  “Oh sorry, she glanced up looking mildly irritated “I’m a little crap at the one word sentence game.”

  “Sorry, Mum.” Rachel gasped and she shot him a look of pure disdain. “Shit, sorry that was uncalled for…” Luc apologised not wanting the situation to get out of hand because of his immature behaviour. He was enjoying getting it on with Rachel; she was amazing and interesting and still a little bit vulnerable which made him feel protective towards her. Wandering back to the kitchen table after dumping his plate in the sink, he felt like a total brat and wondered how to get back in her good books, and fast.

  “So, what did you want to show me then?” he asked cocking his head at her with a pouty expression that never failed to make girls fall lovingly and willingly into his arms.

  Rachel stared at his gorgeous features arranging themselves in what she suspected to be a ‘killer’ move. He did indeed look totally adorable, but she wasn’t falling for his crap just yet.

  “Does that puppy dog expression usually work well for you Luc?” she asked him in a voice laced with indifference.

  His eyes widened and his brow furrowed. “Er, yes actually” he scowled back.

  “You may want to re-think that for the future” she told him looking a little bored.

p; Placing his hands on his hips Luc stood in front of Rachel patiently waiting for her to make the next move. Rachel’s eyes roved over his body – he was truly divine; from his long strong legs to his beautifully defined upper body and achingly handsome face. What was she doing ticking him off, she was bloody lucky he even gave her the time of day when he could have practically anyone he wanted. Jolting her back to reality however, was the ding alert of her iPhone. Swiping the screen to get to the message she read one from Jess advising they were having a ‘super fab’ time in Brighton with two of their friends, Leo and George and would definitely be away for the night but back tomorrow. Rachel tapped back a reply reminding Jess that she and her sister did have exams to study for and to have a safe journey back, but to make sure they did indeed come back tomorrow. She was still the parent after all.


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