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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 13

by Jessie Courts

  By the time Luc re-joined his friends, Rachel had grabbed the mike and was belting out “I will survive” with Lucy, George and Leo. Scowling like a child denied his favourite toy he plonked down next to Jess on the couch in a huff.

  “She’s so annoying Luc; just tell her to move on and forget about her.”

  Yanking his head round to face her he must have looked puzzled and terribly scared Lucy had discovered the truth about his relationship with her mother.

  “Duh, Chloe?” she continued, “honestly, dude, what’s got into you lately?”

  Sinking back into the couch in relief, Luc was completely sure his world had just got a lot more complicated. The intensity of his feelings for Rachel was beyond anything he had ever experienced and although he knew he had to get a hold of himself, he really didn’t want to. Luc knew going into this ‘thing’ they had that Rachel was off limits as far as a serious relationship was concerned which should have been the perfect scenario for him; he hadn’t banked on actually falling for her.


  Rachel was having a marvellous time on the karaoke machine. Her singing voice was not the best but she had volume and belting out number after number was proving to be quite cathartic, still every so often she looked over to see what Luc was up to. He appeared a little deflated at the lack of attention she was paying him but what did he expect when they were in company. Quite frankly, the boy baffled her right now – he acted like he couldn’t get enough of her then he ditched her and disappeared for a quickie with supermodel Barbie at the first opportunity. Then when she got a bit of attention herself he went off on a mad one like a jealous lover.

  Her stomach flipped at the thought and a loud “oh shit” punctuated the lyrics of Westlife’s ‘Flying Without Wings.’ Luc’s brows knitted together and he looked at her questioningly. Rachel gulped at the realisation that Luc was currently minus his girlfriend and focused solely on her. Grabbing Lucy she enquired about the vaguely familiar girl candy she’d seen attached to Luc earlier.

  “Oh god – creepy Chloe. Don’t you remember her? She was Jess’s friend from school – clingy much! Anyway – she was stalking Luc for a bit last year but he wasn’t interested mainly due to her being a sick psycho junkie. He just sent her home in a cab thank god….”

  Rachel groaned inwardly; she could feel trouble brewing if her instincts were correct and she needed to stop it now. As much as Rachel loved being the recipient of Luc’s unbridled youth fuelled passion fest; emotional attachment was definitely not on the agenda.

  “George darling – I need more vodka!” She hurriedly dispatched the excitable young man to get her another drink deciding oblivion might just be the best option tonight.

  Luc felt sick. He was riding an emotional roller coaster right now and he desperately wanted to get off. How could he have been so stupid to let his feelings creep into what was meant to be a bit of harmless fun? The whole damsel in distress scenario played on his heart strings and like an idiot he thought he could offer sex as a remedy for Rachel’s heart ache. After all, fucking was his most accomplished skill at the grand old age of 22. Dropping his head in his hands he closed his eyes and concentrated on finding a happy place for the sake of appearances.

  “Hey Luc baby! Why so sad?”

  A bottle of Jack landed on the table in front of him with a challenging thump. Reaching for it he thanked George who winked at him and placed his hand over Luc’s. “Anytime lover boy – and you look like you need a little pick me up!” he laughed as he skipped over to Rachel handing her another vodka, to join in the singing. The song in question was “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers and Luc just grunted at the irony. Necking the bottle the amber liquid burned his throat and warmed his stomach.

  “Oh Jack – how I love you” he grumbled and attempted to drink himself numb.

  “Whoa there beautiful” cried Leo returning to their table, as he grappled the bottle away from Luc.

  “What the fuck” shouted Luc as he swatted the air in front of him trying to get Jack back.

  “You need to slow down a bit Mr Blue Eyes and come dance instead.”

  Dragging Luc up from his chair, which was no easy feat considering Leo was a good foot shorter and a good deal lighter and Luc was now exceedingly pissed, they weaved their way on to the small pub dance floor. Jess and Lucy relieved Leo of their friend and propped Luc up between them with his long arms swung over their shoulders. Luc loved to dance and they knew he would be ok once the music penetrated his drunken haze. Soon enough he was caught up in the rhythm and having a lot of fun making his body move to the beat. He couldn’t even remember what it was he was drinking to forget and he let himself go with the flow dancing with the twins and George and Leo.

  Rachel was all sung out and she flopped wearily onto a chair by their table grabbing a bottle of water to soothe her parched throat. She enjoyed watching her babies go for it on the dance floor - it looked like they were having a good time and she was really glad they had convinced her to join them this evening. She sniggered at a very inebriated Luc lolloping around after them totally oblivious to the hero worship from George and Leo who seemed to want to touch Luc a lot. She raised an eyebrow at a crowd of young men who made a circle around Lucy and Jess encouraging some outrageously suggestive moves that shocked her a little bit. Well, she reasoned, Luc was pretty much the same age and his moves were nothing if not shocking.

  All the other friends had disappeared off – some to smoke; others had left and the rest of them were dancing leaving Rachel by herself. It was warm in the pub and she was feeling a touch sticky so she poured a little of the cool water over her neck and down her cleavage to freshen up a bit.

  “Wet for me again Mrs R?” slurred Luc into her ear from behind her making her jump. She could feel his hot whiskey breath on her face and her nipples puckered at his close proximity but she didn’t want to encourage a pda from her extremely pissed man boy god, so she placed her hands on his chest and pushed hard to get him away from her.

  “Ha!” he snorted at her not having moved an inch backward but rather took hold of her hands and pulled her into him.

  “Luc – get off me before someone sees!” shrieked Rachel.

  “And we wouldn’t want that now; oh no” he finished off her sentence nuzzling into her neck.

  “God, what’s wrong with you?” Rachel asked as she attempted to remove his hands from around her waist, “bloody hell Luc get off!” And with that she stood up abruptly leaving Luc to slump forward hitting the floor face down.

  “Again with the fucking floor” he yelled at her slamming his fist into the hard wood as he scrambled to get his arms and legs to coordinate long enough to get up.

  “Don’t be such a child!” Rachel screamed back at him as she grabbed her coat and stormed off.


  “What the bloody hell were you thinking?” Rachel realised she was talking to herself but between the effects of the alcohol and her fury at Luc, she couldn’t have cared less. All she wanted now was her bed.

  Rummaging through her bag for her phone to text Jess she was going home and then to call a cab, Rachel perched herself on a picnic bench on the front lawn of the pub. She was in a foul mood; her evening ruined by Luc’s infantile need to stake some kind of claim on her. So much for no strings sex but she blamed herself as much as anything. Luc was so young and she had a lifetime on him – but he made her feel so good she selfishly didn’t want their affair to end yet. More than that though, Rachel didn’t want to hurt him. She knew she couldn’t reciprocate the deeper feelings Luc was battling with – maybe it was time to end it.

  “Well, well – all on your own darlin” Rachel groaned at the unwelcome return of Titty man. She really was not interested in any attention from him – he was gross. She must have been really tipsy earlier to have led him on.

  “Just waiting for my lift home – should be here any sec.” She gave him a tight smile and rose from the bench seat to go back inside the pub. But
the man was quicker than her this time. Gripping her shoulders too tight for comfort he pushed her back down.

  “Oh no you don’t. I believe we have some unfinished business now that your son isn’t around to rescue you.”

  “Son? I don’t have a son…” she blurted in confusion. When it dawned on her that he was referring to Luc, Rachel could feel the heat rise in her face.

  “No son eh? What then – pay him by the hour do you?” As Rachel struggled to get away Titty man thrust his face up close and jibed, “Old slag like you can’t get a date unless you have to pay for it – frigid bitch – no worries, I’ll treat you to a freebie.”

  Yanking her head back by a fistful of hair Rachel was subjected to a blast of his foul beer breath but she was absolutely furious and before he could shove his revolting tongue down her throat she grabbed his crotch and squeezed his balls with all her might. Jerking in pain, Titty man released his grip on Rachel enabling her to leap up, and knee him in the groin leaving him rolling around on the grass lawn in agony.

  Rachel dashed back into the pub to find the girls and slammed straight into a solid wall of male heading towards the door.

  “Ooof” wheezed Rachel stumbling right into Luc’s embrace.

  “Hey Rach – couldn’t leave me huh?” Clutching Luc’s biceps Rachel felt all the adrenaline leave her in one fell swoop and her legs buckled.

  “Whoa baby what’s wrong?” probed Luc looking worried and suddenly a lot more sober. Looping an arm securely round her waist, Luc started to walk Rachel back out the door.

  “No, no – not that way.” But it was too late; Luc had spotted her assailant on his knees trying to stand up by the picnic bench she had hastily vacated.

  “Oh no” cursed Rachel under her breath, “shits going to really hit the fan now.” Beside her she felt Luc’s body stiffen and tense.

  “Did he touch you?” Luc asked, his voice low and completely steady now. The menacing edge to his tone warned Rachel that something bad was about to go down.

  “Please Luc, just take me home.” She begged tugging on his arm, but Luc was on a mission now. Walking them towards the figure on the lawn he asked again.

  “Did. He. Touch. You?” Luc stopped and held on to Rachel tightly. He’d turned to face her and his whole body was rigid with anger. Her lover was seething mad; a side to Luc that Rachel had only had a small glimpse of earlier in the evening. He wasn’t a man to lose his temper easily and Rachel was worried about what he would do. The last thing she wanted was for Luc to get into trouble on her account, but just then Titty man, clearly on a mission to end his life, spat at her.

  “You cunt! Couldn’t handle a real man if you tried…”

  Luc spun around, “oh no –you did not just say that” and with a yell closed the space between him and the idiot still sprawled in the grass. Looming over him, primed for action, Luc looked like a warrior about to destroy his enemy. Rachel observed everything like it was in slow motion – she saw Luc bunch a huge fist by his side; draw back his arm and then pummel the bloke in the face; hard and fast. Titty man went down in one and was out for the count minus several teeth.

  Breathing hard and shaking his fist to dissipate the momentary pain, Luc stalked back to her; grabbed her wrist and literally dragged her into the nearby bushes. Rachel was by this stage panting for her mighty hero boy man god – she was so turned on partly due to the incessant rubbing of the nub of fabric at her clit but mostly down to all that raw power vibrating through Luc’s body.

  “Either you want me or you don’t Rachel,” he told her through gritted teeth. “Don’t tease me now, make up your fucking mind.”

  Taking in the drool worthy sight of Luc all riled up and hard for her was hot. Bunching her fists in his shirt she yanked him roughly against her. Even in her sky highs she had to stand on tiptoes to reach his delicious mouth. Plunging her tongue deep she twirled it with his as she melted into him. Rachel urgently wanted to show him how grateful she was that he had defended her despite her daft behaviour. Pulling back from him she lost herself momentarily in those baby blue eyes; the pupils dilated with his desire for her. She could feel him rock hard against her stomach and without over thinking what she was about to do she swiftly undid his belt and reached in to free his cock. Grabbing him by the base off his shaft she sighed deeply and lowered her mouth around him.

  “Holy shit!” gasped Luc. His hands fell to Rachel’s head as he steadied himself fighting the immediate inclination to thrust his cock as far down her throat as she could take it. Looking down he nearly exploded on the spot at the sight of Rachel on her knees; her head bobbing as she worked her mouth up and down the length of him. She swirled her tongue around the shaft and flicked the tip of over his sensitive head sucking the gleaming pre-cum off him. She left him for a moment taking a few seconds to gaze up at him licking her lips in the process.

  “You are so fucking sexy Mrs R. “He growled and then he placed one hand around the back of her head and urged her back to his aching cock.

  Rachel took in the glorious view of her mighty man boy god with his head thrown back in ecstasy and it spurred her on to finish him off. He tasted so good and she wanted to make him come in her mouth so she could lap up every last drop of him. Rachel started to hum lightly as she swallowed him further and licked him harder. She reached up between his thick thighs to stroke his balls in time with her sucking and he let out a low sexy moan.

  “Oh God baby. Yeah – just like that….” Luc was rocking his hips into her mouth as Rachel lapped at the underside of his cock teasing her way up the length of him with little licks and nips, loving the way he jerked and sighed and hissed his pleasure. Teasing the bundle of nerves just at the crest of his penis, Rachel took a deep breath in through her nose and swallowed him as far as she could go without gagging.

  “I’m gonna come. Don’t stop…gonna come…” Luc was babbling as he ran his fingers through her silky straight hair and fucked her mouth.

  Feeling him start to tremble around her as his balls tightened in anticipation of his climax Rachel worked him harder and deeper until he exploded into her mouth grasping her head as he bucked wildly.

  “Jesus, fuck….oh my god Rachel……” It took him a moment but Luc finally calmed enough to lift her up his body, then he proceeded to plant kisses all over her face and neck mumbling ‘thank you god’ over and over again.

  “Luc, baby boy; take me home now.” Rachel whispered urgently in his ear.

  “Give me a minute,” stammered Luc, his chest heaving as he tried to control his breathing. His head was reeling as all his fantasies had just manifested in Rachelvision – the 3D version. Never in his wildest dreams, despite what he was fantasising about earlier that evening, did Luc think he would actually get to experience Rachel on her knees working him to the most explosive orgasm he had ever experienced.

  “Come, Mrs R. Let’s sit while I call us a cab.” Rachel sighed and resigned herself to the fact that he would never stop calling her that. He held out his hand to her and led her back to the picnic tables.

  “I’m just going to text Jess and Lucy and let them know we’ve left. I can’t be arsed to fight my way through the pub again and I’m definitely not leaving you here alone.”

  Rachel snuggled into his side and he slung an arm around her shoulders while he set about the task in hand. She started to feel a little bit sleepy and yawned into his warm chest. Placing her hand on his thigh she dozed off to the low tones of Luc speaking to the cab company.

  “Mum, Mum…Mum?”

  Rachel woke startled by Jess calling her. Disorientated she bolted upright and the top of her head hit Luc’s chin full force causing him to jerk in reaction and tip backwards off the bench. Realising she had been lying in his lap, Rachel was not surprised Jess sounded a bit perturbed. Luc meanwhile was once again sprawled out on the ground beneath her.

  “No fucking way!” he shouted.

  “What’s going on?” asked Lucy as she emerged from the pub to join h
er sister.

  “Mum was asleep in Luc’s lap!” shrieked Jess.

  “Oh my god that’s not right Mum” she turned to Rachel, “how on earth?”

  “Fuck fuck fuck!” growled Luc now on all fours getting himself up. Shaking his head looking ever so slightly mad, Rachel couldn’t help giggle at the scene unfolding in front of her. If the twins had been a few minutes earlier, she was sure they would be beating the hell out of their friend rather than look at him questioningly.

  “She’s pissed” he snarled in Rachel’s direction blurting the first thing that sounded as if it could be a viable excuse. Rachel hiccupped for greater effect.

  “I was calling for a cab to take her home when she passed out on me. She’s your mother – I couldn’t just leave her! Didn’t you get my text?” Luc rubbed his chin repeatedly. “And I bit my fucking tongue – it bloody hurts.”


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