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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 16

by Jessie Courts

  After about 20 minutes Luc stirred. Without opening his eyes he stretched and yawned, grunting a bit as he flipped over to his back. He settled his arms by his side with one leg straight and the other bent at the knee. Rachel noted his gorgeous face was covered with fine blond stubble and she had an urgent desire to feel that hair scraping along her inner thighs. Movement caught her attention and she grinned at the twisted bed sheets tenting over an obvious erection. Luc rubbed himself through the cotton fabric and moaned lightly at his own touch.

  “I hope you are thinking about me Luc” Rachel thought to herself, inexplicably jealous that he may be dreaming about another girl – that Chloe perhaps. However, a mumbled “Rach” escaped from Luc’s mouth and hearing this shot a spark of electricity right to her sex causing her clit to throb at the husky sound of her name. Luc’s hand action grew more urgent and Rachel thought it may well be possible just watching him would make her come on the spot and she groaned loudly. Luc’s eyes flew open at the sound and she was treated to those baby blues zoning in on her writhing in the armchair.

  Never one to have shown modesty up until now, Luc did not immediately stop pleasuring himself just because he had an audience. His sinful mouth turned up at the corners once he spotted Rachel and without breaking eye contact he gathered up the sheet and tossed it to the floor giving him full access to his own body. Rachel sat mesmerised by the languid movements of his hands. One stroked his rock hard shaft from base to tip while the other cupped and tugged his balls. Being under such close scrutiny was turning Luc on more than he thought possible, and Rachel spotted the tell tell gleam of pre cum leaking from the tip of his cock; a sure sign he was close to climaxing. She squirmed in the chair – watching Luc do this to himself was indecently erotic and she could feel her thong dampen as her body responded to the scene in front of her.

  Luc was in heaven – he wasn’t quite sure if he was indeed awake or if it was a fantastic dream starring his own hot woman. Rachel looked so goddamned sexy sitting there watching him. Her cheeks were flushed and he could see her fantastic tits rising and falling as she fought to control her breathing. Her nipples were hard as pebbles clearly visible underneath her top.

  “Rachel,” Luc rasped in a voice still thick with sleep. “Do you like watching me wank, knowing it’s you who makes me so fucking hard?” Rachel’s chest heaved in response and she moaned at his dirty words.

  “Does it make you wet to watch me stroke myself imagining I was in your pretty little mouth with your lips around my cock?” Rachel dragged her eyes away from Luc’s intense gaze to watch as he fisted his cock making it swell even further. God he was so close to coming she didn’t know how he could control himself.

  “Oh Rachel; oh yeah…….I’m so close” rasped Luc pumping furiously away at his swollen cock. Rachel was so excited at this point she couldn’t stop herself as she leapt up off the armchair; knocked his hand away and went down on him as far as she could without gagging, dragging her tongue up and around him as he bucked off the mattress. Humming her pleasure sent vibrations from his balls to the tip of his shaft making him writhe under her wet caresses, striving to reach his climax.

  “Suck me Rachel. Suck me baby!” he hissed at her wrapping his hands in her silky hair as he thrust into her mouth. Rachel swallowed as deep as she could get him licking him and scraping her teeth gently along the length of him until he exploded filling her mouth with his seed. Swallowing every last drop as she eased him down, Rachel licked her lips and grinned at him. She sighed and kissed his abs, laying her head on his stomach.

  “Holy fuck – that was a bloody fabulous way to wake up!” Luc chuckled to the top of Rachel’s head. Staying in place, not daring to look him in the eye knowing what she was about to say would ultimately hurt; Rachel took a deep breath and began.

  “You are so beautiful Luc - it feels strange to use that word about a man – but I just want to touch you all the time when I see you. You’re like a drug that I can’t get enough of and I can’t have that in my life right now. There is too much to be done. I have to face this Joe Mason at Nate’s firm and I need to be focused entirely on that, not worried about when I’ll be seeing you next, or how this is affecting you.”

  She could feel Luc’s body stiffen but she couldn’t cave in now – she had to finish. Gathering strength she sat up and looked down at his precious face. She nearly faltered as his baby blues grew shiny as the impact of her words hit him. Rachel stroked his cheek affectionately and drew the pads of her thumbs over his soft lips.

  “Baby you have been so wonderful to me. I thank God and the Twins for bringing you to me when I didn’t even know how much I needed you. But I can’t be the one to distract you from your future – I won’t have that guilt on my shoulders. Last night you told me you have to go and I agree but I need to be very clear and make sure you understand that once you leave it’s totally over between us.”

  Luc parted his lips to speak but Rachel placed a hand over his mouth to prevent him from doing so. Shaking her head at him she went on.

  “Luc, my beautiful boy on the outside and the inside; in your heart you know this wonderful affair has run its course. Do fantastically in your exams; move to the City and find a stunning girl who will love you and have your babies. You deserve nothing less.”

  Rachel watched as Luc absorbed what she’d said. His eyes had deepened in colour and glistened with sadness. A lone tear escaped the corner of his right eye as he slowly nodded in recognition of her words. Rachel gently wiped his tear away and he turned his face to her palm closing his eyes as he breathed in the scent of her.

  In a voice thick with emotion Luc responded, “Rachel, my Mrs R, you don’t have to thank me - for the love of god you’re the best sex I ever had. But more than that, I have really enjoyed getting to know you. You are the beautiful one here and you’ll also meet someone to love the new you. Nate was so lucky to have had you for so long; so bloody lucky.”

  With a deep sigh Luc placed his hand on the back of Rachel’s neck and pulled her up for a long, loving, last kiss.

  Releasing Rachel from his mouth – Luc sniffed and laid his forehead on her shoulder briefly before letting her go. He shifted off the bed heading to the bathroom.

  “I’ll pack my stuff and go today. If I don’t; I won’t.”

  He cast her a parting look over his shoulder reminding her of the first time she saw him do that in her kitchen just a few short weeks ago. It melted her heart then and even more so now. With a heavy heart she drunk in the last she would see of his magnificent nakedness as he kicked the loo door shut behind him.


  Rachel snuck out of Luc’s room and popped to her own bathroom to clean herself up. Her headache had abated reasonably well enough to contemplate breakfast and she wanted to be busy for a while so she wouldn’t think of the consequences of Luc leaving. Down in the kitchen she prepared eggs, bacon, toast, beans – a hearty meal for the boy to feast on before he left. The radio was playing quietly through the speaker vent things Nate had installed and she had set it to an easy listening station to further soothe her aching head. One of her favourite songs came on and she sang softly along with it; the irony of the words affecting her more than she cared to admit. Janis Joplin’s incredible rendition of ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ inevitably made her thoughts return to Luc and her voice hitched slightly as a wave of loss passed over her. It was a feeling she was well used to and the pain lodged itself in her chest back where it was before Luc. Rachel chided herself for being so dramatic – Luc leaving was in no way comparable with the horror of Nate’s untimely death, but both had been life changing experiences and deserved her recognition as such.

  “Smells delicious, Rach.”

  Luc’s comments made Rachel jump and brought her back to the task in hand. Smiling to face him her heart lurched in the usual way when she was greeted with the vision that was the boy man god. Leaning up against the doorway to the kitchen with his arms crossed over his chest, he looke
d devastating in his faded low riding jeans and trademark tight white t-shirt, the sleeves of which were hugging his biceps in a truly tantalising way. His hair was still wet from the shower and pushed back off his face, which only heightened the chiselled cheekbones and twinkling baby blues. Rachel noticed he hadn’t bothered to shave leaving him looking sexier than ever.

  “See something you like Mrs R?” Luc smirked at Rachel who was openly drooling at him.

  “Oh Mr Vincent; I like very much!” she laughed back at him and proceeded to plate up his breakfast. Clearly his mood had improved from earlier – or at least he was making an effort not to appear so melancholy around her now.

  “Did you make enough for us?” asked Jess bounding into the kitchen dragging a reluctant Lucy behind her.

  “Ugh, not for me, I don’t know how you can eat all that crap!” Lucy moaned looking at Luc’s plate piled high with the fry up Rachel had cooked him. Raising her eyebrows and tutting, Rachel told Lucy, “Help yourself to something else then darling; there’s fruit; cereal; toast whatever… Jess, I take it you’re up for eggs and stuff?”

  “Hmm yes please Mummy” she replied sliding in close to Luc bumping his shoulder for his full and undivided attention.

  “Lulu; you like you’re ready to go out somewhere. Where you going babe?” Luc didn’t bother turning to face Jess not wanting to take a break from stuffing his face; he merely grunted, “Home.” Lucy, who was pouring herself some Special K, paused mid-way and frowned at him.

  “Why? I thought the plan was to head back to uni together on Thursday? What’s up?”

  Luc shifted in his seat under the interrogation of his closest friends. He knew it would have to be a really good excuse or they would keep nagging him to stay.

  “My parents want me to check on the house and I have to go see my grandparents. I’ve been a bit selfish not going sooner to be honest and I feel really bad about it.”

  Jess cocked her head at him, “Since when do you have grandparents?”

  Luc chewed his lip contemplating what to say next when Lucy cut in, “Oh my god it’s a girl, I know it. I told you he couldn’t go this long without getting laid. I hope it’s not that bloody Chloe bird.”

  Luc laughed at his friend, she was too adorable especially when she spoke like that in her posh accent. Luc just shook his head, his lips twitching in amusement.

  “Yeah babe you got me, and no it’s not Chlo. That chapter is well and truly closed.”

  Swiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Jess threw a napkin at him before she leapt into his lap; placed her arms around his neck and covered him with kisses.

  “Lulu; such a naughty boy.” She laughed as he pushed her off tickling her until she screamed for mercy.

  Lucy jumped in to rescue her sister and landed on Luc’s back trying to pull him off her. With a roar he stood up and grabbed her legs and ran off into the hall with her hands fisted into his hair shrieking to be put down. Jess was just catching her breath from the tickling and Rachel was gasping for air from the hysterics brought on by the antics of the young folk in her house when a loud thud came from the hallway; exchanging worried glances they both went running out to see what happened. There sprawled on his back on her hard wooden hall floor lay Luc obviously winded.

  The three women stood around him in silence, then Lucy threw back her head and whooped.

  “On the floor again Luc? Oh my god that’s too funny………”

  “Sssh” said Jess smacking her sister on the arm to get her to be quiet, “I think he’s trying to say something…..”

  Three heads leaned closer to Luc’s red wheezy one and waited with bated breath but he was still too quiet so they leaned in further, then with lightening speed Luc reared up and grabbed the Renton women in his arms for a fierce bear hug.

  “Ha! I love being on the floor if I have you three fawning over me….” His deep booming laughter resonated around the house as he twirled them round. Jess, Lucy and Rachel laughed right along with him as they retreated back to the kitchen to finish off their breakfast.

  Seated back down Luc raised his mug to his lips while his eyes sought out Rachel’s. Making sure the twins couldn’t see, he winked at her before taking a long swallow of coffee and Rachel felt a little heat rise in her cheeks at the intimate gesture. She dipped her head with a huge smile and busied herself back at the frying pan for Jess.


  Luc left quietly later that morning with no fuss. He’d managed to get Rachel alone in her bedroom for a few moments before arousing the suspicion of either of the twins. He felt that some kind of closure was necessary for her although he would have been very willing to keep their relationship open; he correctly surmised Rachel was not looking for a casual fuck buddy, but he hoped he could be her friend. They were both embarking on their future all be it at different stages of their lives and Luc looked forward to hearing of Rachel’s successful return to work. He reckoned she was going to shake things up a bit there that’s for sure and was a little bit proud of himself for his contribution in boosting her confidence and bringing her back to life – even if it had meant finding himself flat on his back on the floor a few times.

  He would definitely miss the sex that was for sure. Luc had had all types of women and Rachel was certainly not the only older woman he’d shagged, but the sparkle between them had been electric and she had certainly been a willing partner in their mutual appreciation society. These past three weeks had been a sexual adventure for both of them with a mix of gentle, hard and sinful in all the right measures. He’d thought he’d known fucking but Rachel was something special; not just her awesome tits; lush body; her silken hair; the way she smelled and tasted and most of all her willingness to let him show her all his tricks, but the emotional connection was a new experience for Luc and he realised now how much better it felt with that in the mix.

  Rachel sat on the stool at her dressing table and applied moisturiser to her hands. It was a move designed to keep her occupied while her heart thumped at the prospect of Luc going. Part of her was desperate for him to stay but the more realistic side conceded it was the attention and security she craved and it would be selfish of her to string Luc along anymore. She could see he was developing feelings for her even if he tried to deny it to himself – it just wasn’t the way their time together was meant to develop. Rachel would cherish the memories of every moment of joy this boy had given her; Luc had devoted himself to her pleasure and Rachel once again felt truly blessed he had come into her life when she needed him the most.

  “Baby boy” she whispered at him stilling her hands on her lap. He was casually perched on the edge of her dressing table with his hands in his pockets his ankles crossed. Rachel committed to memory the way the worn denim hugged his thighs and stretched tight over his crotch. His signature white v-necked T-shirt clung to his abs and chest reminding her of the dips and ridges that lay beneath the cotton. And finally his face – Luc’s beautiful chiselled features; baby blue eyes and floppy mass of blond hair. For the millionth time Rachel was knocked sideways at the pure blissful aesthetics of the man that stood before her and as he smiled at her she actually whimpered at the appearance of his sexy dimples covered in the stubble she knew felt so good against her skin.

  Luc pushed himself away from his perch and came and squatted behind Rachel so their heads were level side by side in front of her mirror. Feeling his warm chest to her back Rachel leaned into him and sighed as he wrapped his big arms around her body. His embrace was gentle and she watched in the mirror as he dipped his face into her hair and breathed in deep. Staring at their reflections, Rachel was startled to see how young Luc looked at that moment, and she knew their parting was the way it had to be.

  “Luc baby – it’s time for you to leave me. Your train……..”

  Her words caught in her throat as Luc lifted his head and met her eyes in the mirror. His baby blues had deepened in colour and glistened with sadness. His expression was sorrowful, but he d
idn’t resist when she unfolded his arms and stood up before him. Clasping his head to her abdomen Rachel whispered her thanks and deep gratitude. She told him to work hard and follow his dreams, but always to be the good and kind man she knew him to be. Rachel spoke of the girl he would meet who would love him as he deserved and of the beautiful children he and his future wife would have together. She told him she hoped they would always be friends. Rachel whispered her love for him and told him part of her heart belonged to him forever.

  Luc couldn’t bear to hear Rachel dismiss him from her life with such finality but he was incredibly grateful that she had the strength to push him away because he doubted he would actually have been able to leave otherwise. She had captivated him all his life and he was finally able to admit to himself that he loved Rachel and probably always would. Telling her however, would be cruel and selfish and he vowed not to hurt her so soon after losing Nate - she didn’t deserve that. Rachel had never made any emotional demands of him and had never promised him more than these few weeks; she wasn’t to blame for the way he was feeling now. His heart was sore and Luc suspected it would take him some time to heal but she would never know it.


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