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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 20

by Jessie Courts

  “Oh no; that’s very bad. Very. Bad. Rachel what have you done?” Literally in a tailspin Rachel cheeks flooded with colour and she felt very light headed suddenly. Grabbing her phone she called Lucy.

  “Mum – it’s early what’s up?”

  “Is Jess with you?”

  “Mum you sound a bit odd – yeah she’s here. Wait, I’ll put you on loud speaker.”

  “Oh my god, oh my god – you cannot believe what’s just happened.” Rachel blurted out the whole story to her daughters who were intermittently snorting; crying and asking for more details. “What am I going to do?”

  “Mummy calm down!” they both cried at her.

  “Listen, Mum, honestly. You need to call Auntie Karen – she’ll know what to do.” Jess ever the sensible one dished out good advice ”But its fine. That man just had a gorgeous sweaty hot mama land on top of him – I promise you he’s not as put out as you think. Bet he’s still thinking about you too.”

  “Yeah Mum” joined in Lucy, “And we have it on good authority that you’re milf.” Both sisters creased up shrieking ‘milf’ at her down the phone.

  Rachel however, had frozen on the spot; the colour draining from her face. Her first thought was that Luc had broken his promise and told the twins about them but that made no sense, the Twins would have wiped the floor with both of them by now. Still, she felt sick.

  “What do you mean milf?” she croaked.

  “Mother I’d like to fuck!”

  “I know what it bloody means” Rachel barked at the phone.

  “Colin, Mum – you remember him from the pub. He said he’d give you one any day.”

  Rachel sagged in relief. So much drama in one short morning had drained her will to live. Calling the twins had seemed like a good idea at the time but now she was rather regretting it. It was time to end the call before they drove her anymore nuts.

  “I have to go to work. Have a good day baby girls. Say hi to Luc for me.”

  “You can say that yourself, Mum, he’s here too.”

  Rachel sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose to ease some of the tension building in her brain. “Great” thought Rachel, “this is the day that just keeps on giving.”

  “Err, hi Mrs Renton.”

  “Hello Luc. Well, this isn’t awkward at all now is it? I’m sorry you had to hear all that. Girls that was cruel.” More sniggering littered the airways. Rachel sighed resignedly. “Kids – I really do have to go and see if I can salvage the day. Good luck with your exams. Love you madly.” And she ended the call.

  Rachel twisted the chair round to face the imposing view of the City. So many thoughts clouded her brain she needed a moment to sort them and decide what to deal with first. Joe Mason, oh god, how was she ever going to face him? The only good thing is that he didn’t know who she was and that element of surprise might just work to her advantage.

  Luc, however, deserved more consideration and at precisely the moment she thought of him a message caused her IPhone to vibrate in her hand. Glancing at the screen she wasn’t surprised to see it was from the boy himself. What she couldn’t predict however was his one word message in big shouty capitals


  Rachel grinned at Luc’s message; he really was quite amusing. However, she had a Board Meeting to prepare for which was now going to be possibly the most awkward situation she had ever found herself in. How she was going to face Joe Mason following this morning’s disastrous events, she had no clue. One thing she was sure of though was that nothing could get in the way of her end goal. Genesis was not going to be terminated because of her idiotic behaviour. She wiped away the remaining traces of coffee from her PC, keyboard and desk and with renewed determination, started on her presentation.


  Saturday really was the most depressing day when you are on your own Rachel discovered when she found herself once again at her kitchen table alone. Tomorrow she was joining her friends for Sunday lunch at Karen and Rory’s house, but today no one was around; the twins were still at uni, and she had completed all her chores. Having worked like a woman on a mission until late last night, she didn’t even need to go over her presentation again.

  The day stretched long and boring ahead. It was tempting to give in to the urge to go back to bed but Rachel gave herself a little pep talk and took herself off to the West End for a splurge in Selfridges. As it was the weekend and no congestion charge applied, she took her car toying with the idea of stopping in at the gym before she came home.

  Rachel loved her little BMW and as it was a nice day let the roof down. London Town was a great place to be in the sunshine and she counted herself lucky to be a native. The hustle and bustle of a busy Saturday afternoon left no room for melancholy and Rachel brightened at the prospect of a treat or two at her very favourite place to shop.

  She parked in Selfridges’ car park and had the car valeted while she was shopping. It was a good opportunity to look for something for Joe’s Welcome Do. Angela was busy organising a cocktail party to be held in the office boardroom next Saturday night and all staff and top clients were invited. Rachel had been looking forward to it until the rather unfortunate incident where she found herself lying on top of her new boss in a rather uncompromising position. Rachel groaned like she did every time that delightful recollection invaded her thoughts. It didn’t help that her body remembered the experience in an entirely opposing way to her brain, getting all warm and fuzzy in the wrong places, while her head beat itself up over it.

  Looking around the Ladies fashion floor; a place she knew and loved; she wasn’t really inspired by anything but she did find a killer Armani dress and jacket that was perfect for Monday’s meeting and hopefully for appearing in court in the future. Although power dressing was such an 80’s thing there was no denying that the right clothes went a long way to creating a good first impression.

  “Ha” thought Rachel, “I think that ship’s sailed!” Nevertheless, she still wanted to suit up so that when her CEO realised who she was, and she had no doubt that would be a fascinating ‘eureka’ moment – he would actually take her seriously.

  Trotting back to her car, quite satisfied with her purchases, Rachel placed the bright yellow bags in the boot of her now gleaming vehicle. When Luc had seen it in her garage he had teased her that a sporty BMW convertible was hardly an appropriate driving choice for someone set on helping the under privileged. However, Rachel had always loved cars and the brighter, shinier and speedier the better. She would give up anything but her car and didn’t feel the need to justify it to anyone.

  Sliding into the cool leather seat, Rachel’s mind slipped back to the memory of Luc in her garage and by the time she got to the gym she was incredibly horny. The images of his hot body on the weights bench flashing through her mind had got her wet and needy and whilst Rachel was eternally grateful for the amazing sexual awakening Luc had brought out in her; it didn’t help that there was no one but her trusty vibrator to alleviate her newly discovered desire for frequent, explosive, orgasmic sex. She sighed leaning her head on the steering wheel, wondering how the hell her social life was ever going to move forward if all she was doing was hiding in the gym on a Saturday night.

  The club was pretty much deserted now it was early evening – why wouldn’t it be? Most normal people were at home getting ready to go out or snuggling up together watching TV. Half an hour on the treadmill did nothing to quell Rachel’s desire; no one else came in to distract her and she was getting a bit bored of her own company. Watching herself run wasn’t nearly as much fun as watching Joe. Well that was before she knew who he was of course. She was seriously wound up; grabbing a white fluffy towel from the changing room, she decided that the steam room would be a good remedy for de-stressing. She could literally sweat her feelings out!

  Rachel loved the steam room. She couldn’t abide the dry heat of a sauna but there was something quite liberating about sweating out your toxins. Pushing open the glass door she was i
nstantly enveloped by the steamy, damp atmosphere. It was very cloying and it took a moment for her breathing to regulate in the intense heat. The quiet was a welcome retreat from the mess that was her current existence and Rachel sighed in bliss as she lay down on the wet tiled bench seat.

  “Phew” she breathed as her body reacted to the temperature in the dark room. Rachel let her towel drop; naked underneath but having passed no one the whole time she had been running, it was safe to assume she was on her own. What other loser would be here now anyway she assured herself? Sweating profusely, Rachel tried to relax enough to close her eyes and concentrate on anything but her aching nipples and throbbing clit. Picturing exotic beaches and calm seas seemed like a good place to start and she really made an effort not to think about how the last time she was lying on tiles was on her bathroom with Luc inside of her.

  The image of them entangled on her bathroom floor having literally fallen out of the shower stall embedded itself on the insides of her eyelids. The memory of Luc’s long body cushioning her against their fall, and his big hands holding her steady as she rocked on top of him taking him so deep she could feel every delicious inch of his cock impaling her until she came hard around him, did very little to quell the rising desire she’d been trying to fight all day.

  She groaned and shifted on the bench willing her mind to clear but the heat inside of her was just as intense as the steamy warmth surrounding her. She squeezed her legs together trying to alleviate the steady throbbing at the apex of her thighs, but she was slick with sweat and she couldn’t apply enough pressure. “Oh god” she moaned drawing the sound out as her frustration got the better of her. Every nerve in her body was screaming for release and Rachel gave in to the need to touch herself.

  Moving the flat of her palms over her sensitive breasts flickers of pleasure shot through her body and she writhed in response. Daringly dropping her knees open Rachel trailed a finger over her mound and into the wet depths of her sex.

  Moaning, she adjusted her position slightly and proceeded to slip a finger into her pussy whilst using the flat of her thumb to nudge the knot of nerves in her clitoris. “Feels so good” Rachel whimpered feeling her pleasure starting to hum deep in her pussy hardening her nipples and curling in her stomach. Welcoming her ensuing release, Rachel arched her back giving her better access to add another finger to rock against. So close to climax it took Rachel a moment to react to the movement from the other side of the steam room which was subsequently followed by a deep cough.

  “What the fuck?” she yelped grabbing for her towel to make a frantic escape. Leaping from the tiled bench, Rachel groped for the door handle only to feel a huge body come up behind her pressing into the glass. She hissed loudly at the cold against her sensitive nipples and shivered against the length of male heat keeping her locked into place. She wasn’t sure if she was mortified or terrified, but one thing she couldn’t deny was that she was definitely still turned on.

  “That was so fucking hot darlin’ – I think you need some help.” Rachel stopped breathing and started shaking. The man behind her buried his head into the crook of her neck and nibbled on the sensitive skin there. His full beard was damp from the steam room but felt shockingly sinful against her throat. By rights, Rachel should have been screaming for help trying to make her escape but shit that felt good.

  “Who would know? Can I really do this? Am I this person?” she asked herself leaning back into the man’s chest. “God he’s massive, and clearly built like a brick shit house.” Thought Rachel lost in the divine feel of all slick skin covering hers. “And his voice is so deep and sexy sounding in that American accent. Wait; oh no; oh no….”

  Panting to catch her breath Rachel looked over her shoulder truly terrified now. Not because she was scared for her safety; strangely she felt no fear, but because she had a horrible notion that she would recognise the man behind her. Closing her eyes to give herself a moment of breathing space, she twisted her body round to face the enemy. Still clutching the towel close, she placed one hand flat against his chest to keep him at bay. Rachel seriously doubted there was very little she could do to stop him if her really wanted to touch her; he felt like a brick wall. Taking a deep breath she reluctantly opened her eyes and was gifted with the most marvellous view of Joe bloody Mason gloriously naked except for a small towel hanging precariously low on his hips.

  His face was crinkled into a devilish smile and he literally dripped with sex appeal. “Just say no and I’ll back off” he drawled at her clearly confident she would fall straight into his arms.

  “No!” croaked Rachel.

  “What?” Joe looked genuinely confused, “No? Really no? It didn’t look like ‘no’ a minute ago sweetheart.”

  “I didn’t know you were there…” Rachel spat at him. Joe bent his head to look her right in the eyes; his a mix of lust and disbelief, but something in her expression must have convinced him and Rachel saw the minute he realised she was telling the truth; his grey eyes went wide as saucers and he shot backwards as if he’d been burned, swearing profusely.

  “Holy fuck!” he shouted at her, “I thought you were putting on that little show for my benefit.” His lips actually curled upwards as he cocked his head at Rachel. “Well hell – no point in putting all that wet to waste honey. My offer still stands.” Rachel’s jaw dropped open at the man’s arrogance even if his crude suggestion only made her wetter. The man was bloody sexy as anything but HE WAS HER BOSS and right now he had lifted one finger to her chin and pushed it up. Running his thumb over her closed mouth he moved towards her like a predator circling it’s prey, and Rachel was tempted to let things run their course but the repercussions were already going to be horrendous without the added complication of an anonymous fuck that was only anonymous to one of the people involved. Time to end this farce Rachel conceded.

  “No means no!” she screeched at him pushing him away as she dashed out of the steam to the safety of the Ladies Changing Room. Hastily throwing on her clothes, Rachel was frantic to get out of there in case he reappeared. Talk about a compromising situation – she could have been sleeping with the boss before he even found out she was working for him. Rachel spent the rest of the night freaking out about meeting him formally on Monday morning.

  Sunday morning and Rachel woke with a tight chest. The old saying that everything feels better in the morning turned out to be a crock of shit because she felt like crap. Every time her mind drifted back to fun times at the gym with your boss who doesn’t know he’s your boss, she broke into a cold sweat. Rachel actually felt like crying with frustration – if he refused to consider Genesis as a viable new business prospect because of her stupid actions, she would never forgive herself for letting Nate down and destroying his dream before it even got started. Then there were all the people who would lose out on the benefits of the pro bono scheme. Rachel relentlessly tormented herself until it was time to get ready for lunch.


  “What’s up happiness?” Rory asked a thoroughly pissed off looking Rachel as he handed her a glass of red wine.

  “Hmm, that’s delicious, thank you. What year is it?”

  “So, nice deflection Rach, but seriously, what’s wrong?”

  Rory bumped shoulders with her to keep her attention. He was one of Nate’s oldest friends and once he was hooked up with Karen and Nate with Rachel, the four of them became thick as thieves. Many enjoyable family holidays were spent together and Rachel trusted both of them implicitly; but would they empathise with this new version of her former self. Karen was cool and trendy and totally extrovert, but understanding why her friend was masturbating in a public place might be a stretch even for her.

  Rachel made an executive decision not to share her mishaps just yet. She couldn’t risk losing them again after neglecting them for so long and so she told her friends something easier to comprehend.

  “Just missing Nate being here. He loved you guys so much.” She pasted a wistful expression on her fa
ce matching theirs and braced herself for the group hug heading her way.

  “Oh Rach – we miss him too. Can you bear to have a little reminiscing pity party?” Karen asked her with a pouty mouth.

  “Let’s do it. Let’s get drunk and talk about Nate!’ Rachel conceded that as torturous as it would be, it was a most suitable punishment for behaving like a sex deprived loser, although she couldn’t actually imagine feeling any worse than she did already.


  A few hours later, Rachel was in her bedroom preparing her clothes for the morning. Talking about Nate had actually been surprisingly cathartic as it linked into numerous mad stories about crazy events of the past. Rather than crying her way through the afternoon the three of them laughed most of the time and Rachel was a lot calmer now.

  She admired the Armani dress and jacket hanging on her wardrobe door. It was a beautiful light grey colour designed to flatter and enhance the female form. The dress was fitted to the knee with a round neck and cap sleeves; the jacket sat on her waist with a single button to keep it done up and was also cut to hug her curves. When she had tried it on in the store she appreciated the way it looked both sophisticated and sexy. It was business like without losing a feminine style and accentuated her figure in a more than flattering way. Choosing a pair of Prada heels in black to match, Rachel then picked out her underwear including natural colour stockings. Whilst she was in Selfridges she had splashed out on a new range of lingerie and a tiny thong with matching suspender belt and demi bra was now laid out ready for the next day. She smirked at the outfit which she had originally bought to create the right first impression for meeting with Joe Mason; fat chance of that happening now, but if nothing else was achieved tomorrow, at least she would look bloody gorgeous.


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