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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 28

by Jessie Courts

  “Well?” Rachel’s thoughts were interrupted with a one-word question from the man himself.

  “Let’s just head back to work. Please, Joe.” Rachel was scared she wouldn’t be able to resist him and that would be so wrong on so many levels. She moaned with regret; she was sure that fucking Joe would have been a rapturous experience.


  Rachel was surprised and a tiny bit peeved that he had acquiesced so easily, but she hadn’t anticipated his next statement.

  “We’ll go out later instead.”

  Rachel huffed. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re my boss; I’m not your type; oh, and you hate me.”

  Joe rolled his eyes. “In fact I have a great idea – let’s go to the gym after work.”

  “Oh my god you are the most infuriating man – you haven’t heard a word I’ve said!”

  “Hmm – we’re here. I need to go park the car; jump out and I’ll see you later.” Joe held her gaze for longer than was necessary his grey eyes sparkling with untold promise. Rachel opened the door to do as she was told but Joe leaned across her slamming it back closed.

  “On second thoughts, you’re coming with me.” He rested his left hand on her thigh as he deftly manoeuvred the Range Rover into the underground car park beneath their office building. Rachel was rigid in her seat unprepared for Joe’s next move. Parking in his designated spot, Joe unbuckled his seat belt and twisted his body to Rachel. Cupping her chin in his hand he turned her face towards his.

  “I don’t hate you.” And then he was kissing her again. Hard.

  Rachel literally melted in her seat. He wasn’t touching her except with his lips and yet her entire body was lit up like a rocket. His tongue was slowly fucking her mouth and his growls of pleasure vibrated right down to her soaking wet pussy. Rachel squirmed in her seat trying to alleviate some of the pressure between her legs but still he didn’t touch her. Her nipples were rock hard inside her bra and her breasts ached to be stroked.

  “Joe,” she gasped. ‘I can’t breathe!” She pushed both hands against his chest. Joe pulled back, his stare as intense as it ever was. His eyes had darkened to steely graphite and his lips were wet. Rachel ran her thumb across his bottom lip and then brushed her fingers through his beard. Joe closed his eyes; his long thick lashes almost brushing his cheeks.

  “Bloody hell – I’d kill for eyelashes like yours.” His eyes flew open and a frown appeared on his rather spectacular forehead where his dark hair parted.

  “And that’s all you have to say?” Joe caressed her cheek with the outside of his fingers, but Rachel grabbed his hand and placed it on the console between them.

  “For now. See you later boss” she called over her shoulder as she slid from her seat down to the ground. Her departing glimpse was of Joe with his head resting on the back of his seat staring out the windscreen at the wall gripping the steering wheel rather more tightly than was necessary in a stationery vehicle.


  The afternoon dragged slowly but Rachel was reluctant for the end of the day to arrive too quickly. She had no clue as to the reason Joe thought another trip to the gym would be a good idea considering the last two times they were there together had ended in disaster. But she suspected he had more than just a run planned. She had to admit she was quite keen to see him in his work out attire and was hoping there would be lycra on some part of his body for her to drool over.

  6pm on the dot there was a light tap on her door, and without waiting for a response, Joe entered her office.

  “Ready” he smiled at her. Uh oh, Joe was being too nice; he was definitely up to something.

  “Hmm, just finishing up here, won’t be a minute.” She didn’t even look up from her computer and she could feel the irritation rolling off him in waves. She was a bit crazy winding Joe Mason up on purpose, but she couldn’t resist pushing a few of his buttons.

  From the corner of her eye she caught a swift blur of movement as Joe reached down to the wall by the side of her desk and unplugged her PC.

  “Now you’re ready.” Joe stood facing her with his hands in his trouser pockets and a smug grin on his face. Rachel scowled at him and chucked a ball of elastic bands at his head, which he deftly caught, and placed back on her desk with a huff.

  “Nice reflexes.” She huffed sarcastically.

  “Football quarter back.”

  “Walking cliché.”

  Joe groaned and took a step forward.

  “Ok, ok, I’m coming.” Rachel grabbed her handbag and sports holdall from under her desk and joined Joe. He took her sports bag from her; held the door open and motioned for her to lead the way.

  It was Friday night and pretty much everyone had left for the weekend. The office was eerily quiet but Rachel was a bit relieved no one was around as it might have been hard to explain why she was leaving with Joe. “Oh my god, I’m leaving with Joe!” She couldn’t deny she was a tiny bit excited and if the butterflies in her tummy were anything to go by, nervous too.


  Rachel was quite jazzed for a run now she was actually here. She thought it was a bit empty even for a Friday evening but supposed people just wanted to get home for the weekend. Joe was already on the treadmill and she took a moment at the door to appreciate his magnificent form unnoticed. He was wearing a grey cotton vest and black running shorts. The vest showcased his amazing upper body already coated in a sheen of sweat. His arse in the shorts was mouth wateringly hot and his sturdy thighs, powerful under the tight lycra. Rachel’s whole body tingled in response to the visual feast that was Joe Mason. He had the physique of a warrior and the tautness of a man ten years younger. He’d referred to being a football player and she supposed he was quite formidable on the pitch especially in all that monstrous gear American players had to wear.

  Joe could sense Rachel the minute she’d entered the room. He had already established a steady pace but keeping focused was proving to be extremely difficult once she’d hopped on the machine to his right. Like him she favoured lycra bottoms; hers were skin tight leggings in black that hugged her luscious curves perfectly. She wore a pink tight cotton t-shirt that left little to the imagination especially when she started bobbing up and down getting into her stride.

  “This is nice.” Rachel commented, hoping to break the ice a little bit. Her voice was a little puffy from the exertion of her pace.

  “I don’t usually chat when I’m running,” Joe replied not sounding breathless in the least. He then proceeded to increase his speed.

  “Show off” Rachel murmured, speeding up her own machine. Joe glanced at her and one side of his mouth twitched in amusement, but he didn’t say anything.

  Twenty minutes later, Rachel was in serious trouble. She’d reached her limit but Joe was effortlessly pounding away beside her. She didn’t want to give in and appear weak but she knew she couldn’t continue for much longer. To be honest it was getting a bit boring now and she wondered why Joe had insisted on coming to the gym together if all he was going to do was ignore her. Well, maybe he needed distracting. Grabbing her small towel from the handlebars of her treadmill, Rachel wiped her face, then the back of her neck thrusting her boobs out a little, then between her cleavage.

  “Stop that” Joe’s deep voice, decidedly a little breathy now, commanded from the side of her.

  “Why, Joe, I don’t know what you mean” Rachel panted back at him.

  Joe adjusted the controls of his treadmill so he slowed right down, then stopped. He watched her for a moment looking anything but amused, then started stretching off. Rachel’s step faltered as she took in the sight of his muscles bulging as he worked himself down from his run. He was actually breath taking and totally distracting and Rachel realised he was throwing her tactics back in her face. It worked because she stumbled again and went flying off the back of the treadmill at quite a speed. Luckily for her, Joe’s quarterback reflexes kicked in and she landed in his strong arms instead of arse over tit as
she feared.

  “Oh gosh, thanks but euww, you’re a bit sweaty Joe,” Rachel complained.

  “Firstly, you’re welcome considering the last time you left me to fall flat on my ass.”


  “Whatever. And secondly, I’d say not nearly sweaty enough.”


  “I think it’s time to hit the steam room, don’t you.”


  “Oh, indeed. Go get changed and I’ll meet you in there.” He actually splayed his hand across her bum and pushed her towards the door. Rachel was speechless and totally turned on at the prospect of hopefully seeing Joe in just a towel.

  The steam room featured big in Rachel’s memories, dreams and most recent fantasies. The prospect of them becoming a reality was daunting but thrilling. Joe was clearly interested in her and she was flattered, but she also lusted after him badly and at this stage in her life was ready to take what she wanted. No longer bound by marriage; restraints of motherhood, or inexperience, Rachel was determined to live life to the full and this included getting sweaty with Joe.

  Approaching the steam room with her fluffy white towel covering her modesty, Rachel observed the gym was empty of other members. Even the reception area was dark and devoid of activity and it dawned on her that they were more than likely the only ones still here. Rachel shuddered at the prospect of being all alone with Joe. Taking a deep breath she pushed open the door to the steam room and was once again engulfed in heavenly heat. The lights were low and soft mood music filtered through the sound system.

  “Rachel” Joe’s voice welcomed her and as the air cleared she could see the shape of him sprawled along the back marble bench seat. “Come join me.”

  Making her way unhurriedly towards him through the steamy fog, Joe’s pulse quickened at the sight of her. Rachel looked like a Grecian goddess with her hair in a high messy pony and a small white towel wrapped round her tits reaching the top of her thighs. He was praying to god that she was naked underneath or he was going to be sorely disappointed. He was having a hard time reading Rachel; one minute she was pushing him away and the next flirty and sassy. Well, soon he’d find out because there was no fucking way they were going to be nearly naked in a steam room without something rude happening.

  “Hi” Rachel greeted him unable to formulate anything more cohesive as the reality of Flesh and Blood Joe was a million times more devastating than the Joe of her dreams. She had to make this happen or she’d regret it every single day she had to see him from now on. “Carpe Diem, Rachel,” she silently encouraged as she dropped her towel.

  “Holy shit” hissed Joe. Now he definitely knew she was interested in him that was for sure. Reaching forward, Joe grabbed Rachel’s wrists and pulled her on to his lap. He clamped his mouth down on hers relishing the feel of her soft pouty lips. Her tongue flicked out to meet his and he groaned and hardened simultaneously. Rachel’s hands moved from gripping his massive shoulders to fisting in his hair pulling him in closer, deepening their kiss. Joe was lost in sensation and teetering on the edge of control.

  “Rachel, baby, slow down” his husky tones begged.


  “Let me look at you sweetheart.”

  Rachel released her hands from Joe’s hair and she noticed him wince slightly. She was secretly thrilled that she had brought him to this state so quickly; he was clearly fighting to maintain his composure, but she knew if she let him have his moment, he would go back to being stoic and uptight and not nearly as endearing as the messy man in front of her right now.

  “How can you see anything through the steam Joe. Touching is so much easier. Here….” Rachel took his hands and placed them on her breasts. Joe groaned again. It was a low sexy sound that caused her nipples to harden against his palms. Covering his hands with her own she showed him how she liked to be touched arching her back into his caress. Joe was a quick learner and Rachel was soon moaning as he cupped and squeezed her breasts rolling the sensitive nipples through his fingers.

  Dropping off his lap, Rachel stood facing him so he could reach her tits with his mouth. The man’s skills with his tongue were extraordinary and she was soon begging for more. Without warning Joe slid a finger into her pussy causing her to jerk against his hand.

  “So fucking wet for me, Rachel. That’s hot baby.”

  “Don’t stop Joe, please don’t stop now.”

  “Tell me what you like sweetheart.”

  “Jesus – now you want to talk?”

  Joe laughed.

  “Well then. Shit Joe, if it’s not too much to fucking ask could you just, you know…make me come!”

  “You have a filthy mouth woman!”

  “Not. The. First. Person. To. Tell. me. “ Rachel agreed straining against Joe’s fingers criss crossing inside her. She grabbed his head again as his mouth alternated between her swollen nipples. The sensation was too much combined with the heat in the room and Rachel could feel herself shattering under his relentless attention.

  “Joe, oh god, Joe!” Rachel hips bucked against his hand as his fingers filled her and his thumb kneaded her swollen clit. He hit all the right nerve endings at the same time and she came hard and fast and loudly. Slumping against him, Rachel sighed into his neck. “Bloody brilliant mate” she mumbled. Her whole body hummed as a low rumble from Joe caused a delicious vibration between them.

  “Hot” he stated.

  “Why thank you” Rachel replied.

  “Er, not what I meant. It’s goddamn hot in here. We need to shower.” Joe stood up holding Rachel in his arms and carried her into the Men’s changing rooms. Without letting her go he switched on the water in one of the cubicles silently waiting for the temperature to heat up. Rachel felt him tug at the towel around his waist and heard it fall to the floor but his hold on her was too tight for her to take a peek.

  “Stop wriggling Rachel.”

  “Put me down then Joe” she purred seductively at him, “all the way down” she teased.

  Rachel felt Joe’s chest stiffen as he contemplated the meaning of her words. He dropped the arm holding her lower half whilst steadying her by keeping her upper body in his embrace. Rachel felt Joe’s rock hard erection against her stomach and she pushed into him.

  Joe sucked in a breath at the sensation of his cock against Rachel’s skin. She was certainly not shy and he didn’t know why he was surprised, she wasn’t a kid and had been married for a long time. Nate was a lucky man. He wondered briefly if there had been anyone else for Rachel since being with her husband but decided he really didn’t like that prospect and shut down that trail of thought quickly before he got too worked up. His legs buckled as Rachel encased his cock in her hand. She snorted.

  “Something to say?” he asked her.

  “Everything about you is fucking huge Joe; your stature; your personality; your wallet, and of course what I have in my hand.”

  “And this is a problem for you?” Joe enquired, slightly thrown off balance as to Rachel’s observations concerning his junk.

  “Not especially – I was just wondering how I was going to fit you into my mouth.” Rachel sank to her knees and holding the base of his iron shaft steady, wrapped her lips around the tip of his penis.

  “Fuuuuuck” Joe yelled as his hands fell to Rachel’s head. He could feel her smile around him but was too far gone to hold back now. Rachel licked him from tip to base on the underside of his cock, stroking his balls with one hand while the other rested on his thigh. Joe was moaning and growling as she teased him and played with him. She swirled her tongue around the sensitive head feeling him swell as she took him deep into her throat. He tasted salty and smelled musky and the combination made her wet and hot all over again. She loved that Joe was coming undone at her touch and she hummed her pleasure as her head bobbed up and down under his hands.

  The vibrations shot through him as Rachel continued to hum using her impressive skills to bring him to the brink. He could feel the familiar tingl
e at the base of his spine signalling his climax was close; his balls tightened in anticipation and he momentarily wondered if she would let him come in her mouth. Joe looked down at Rachel and the sight of her blowing him was one of the most erotic things he had ever witnessed. And then she was swallowing and humming and licking and there wasn’t a fucking thing he could do to stop the explosive orgasm that ripped through him.

  “Yeah…” Joe roared as he lifted Rachel up back into his arms and kissed her long and hard. Tasting himself on her nearly did him in but he managed to keep it together enough to walk them both into the shower.


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